There is only one party that holds Power - the Uniparty. A Corporate Oligarchy with global yearnings and shifting alliances, it serves not the People, but its own Power. Those who oppose the Uniparty are deemed illegitimate and illegal, and will be set for persecution and destruction...

that is how you will know who is on the side of the people.

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THERE ARE more of us than them so we hold power BUT so many ARE BLIND to the implications of that very power. If we take it in numbers to large to ignore deal with etc.; will some need to be willing to be jailed, maimed ostracized etc even die? I believe so. I am one willing to die for the happiness and well being of not just mine, but you and yours. I hope that day comes in it’s least violent response but hold no idealized vision that it will.

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We are a Kleptocorporate multinational monopoly owned no longer sovereign entity. A flailing technocracy, sold out for decades by our “ trusted elected representatives”.

Very few understand the difference between capitalism and global corporatism, technology and technocracy, fair trade and free trade, a sovereign republic with democratically elected government vs a democracy with an unelected bureaucracy outnumbering the electorate, far more powerful and beholden to foreign and special interests. We are powerless and voiceless. Welcome to the Transhumanist Fourth Reich Great Reset NWO. Where are our so called “ protectors”? Dialing for dollars.

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Well said! EXCEPT Not outnumbered and powerless THERE are more of us than them... when the epiphany FINALLY happens I pray it’s not too late to prevent mass murder mayhem and destruction...

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Jan 8, 2023·edited Jan 8, 2023

I can't believe people think of Stoller as one of the good guys. Threat of anti-trust action is the biggest stick government has to compel big tech censorship. He may be unaware, but Stoller is one of the attack dogs.

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So you are claiming that because of the specific problem of gov't control of social media, anti-trust actions are a bad thing overall? Straw-man argument.

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Anti-trust power in the hands of a huge megalomaniac government is a bad thing, because it gives that government (already the biggest monopoly) even more power. Not a "straw-man argument" at all.

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At this point the 'megalomaniac government' is bought and paid for by megalomaniac consolidated corporate wealth and so there is nobody, not even the MIA Bernie Sanders or unrecognizable E. Warren or the fake "Squad", to wield anti-trust powers. Apparently everybody has been conveniently distracted by culture wars.

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Wow. She's sending performative complaint letters, the first one over a year ago to Amazon's CEO. Toothless gestures nibbling at the farthest edges of corporate malfeasance.

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Russia's security concerns and explicitly stated "red lines" have been completely ignored by the US War party and its corporate (de facto, state) media stenographers. US State Dept. “didn't notice” that capitalist Russia has not been Communist for 30+ years.

Of course, the Russia-gate hoax is a huge factor – SAME lying team is in power. A solution -- any discussion on why proxy war against capitalist and democratic Russia must be totally suppressed

We do live in CONTINUUM: FBI and Edgar Hoover’s crimes and surveillance === CIA-FBI and St. Obama, Biden, Clapper, Brennan, Hayden, Mitch McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer === SAME despicable fascist anti-American monstrosities.

And -- a “puzzling and completely irrational” DNC/media/security state propaganda. BUT -- there is a VERY rational reason for that: We are dealing with BIG Lie(s) – Russia-gate immense hoax is directly connected with support for Nazi-dominated US-puppet government of Ukraine.

ANY, even a most rudimentary, public discussion would unravel the lie(s) -- total censorship and prompt defamation of perceived opponents are the ONLY choice for the immensely corrupt Deep State cabal.

A sad thing is that GOP lunatics are equally repulsive and dangerous (a la McConnell, Mark Rubio, Lindsey Graham, Mike Pompeo, Bolton -- happily grunting together while feeding at same donor troughs.

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Well stated ! Pat Moynihan passionately warned of expanding NATO beyond reunified Germany. The provocation would threaten a weakened, territorially diminished Russia to seek alliances with Iran and anti-western entities to protect itself. Russia, though less formidable was still a proud culture and retained an enormous nuclear arsenal. If our word meant little to nothing, why should we expect Russia to comply?

Moynihan was among the first calling to abolish the CIA and a few years later, the UN as well.He was right, Welch was right, Goldwater was right, Scoop Jackson was right.

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And -- we had three (3) state coups in the US in our life time...

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Boris, I’ve lost all trust in government. The corruption and sellout is so vast , toxic and metastatic one has to be selectively ignorant to not see it. Or feel it. Viscerally.

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Hence - stand with Russia -- it fights for all of us...

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Well that's a huge inferential leap if I ever saw one. The US system may be far from perfect, but I'll take it any day over Russia's dictatorial kleptocracy. And I say this as a critic of our role in Ukraine.

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Speaking about kleptocracy -- see US Congress...


BRAVO “Censored News” – for using correct term for a photo of Biden's Digital Director Rob Flaherty:

“ This, ladies and gentlemen, is what a modern fascist looks like: Rob Flaherty. “

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Jeff Norman Asks Elon Musk and Twitter Files Reporters a Fair Question – please post further

(while standing in front of sign saying “Don’t even think about parking here” – pls., post on Twitter)


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You’ve GOT to be kidding or a TROLL BOT🙄😜

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Neither -- and I am not of Russian origin and (unfortunately) don’t speak Russian.

I just firmly believe, basing on facts, that capitalist Russia is on the right side of history.

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As time goes by [starting next Monday] it'll become clear the "concessions" won by the "holdout patriots" are completely illusory.... last week was "sound and fury signifying nothing." No one will be held accountable for intelligence community abuses and the debt ceiling will be increased. Sure, there'll be some fun twists and turns along the way....but the bottom line is the uniparty marches on.

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It's pretty clear that continuing this deliberation is a literal insurrection, the gravest existential threat to the lives of every American since the 1/6/21 genocide.

The National Guard must be dispatched immediately and martial law declared until this threat to democracy has been crushed.

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I would only suggest a correction for the second paragraph of your fine comment:

"The National Guard must be dispatched retroactively … ."

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Corrections threaten democracy with their imperialist prescriptions of white language.

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Rep. Ralph Norman said something similar at the time (see "marshall law" at Marshall's scoop) -- so while being one of the politicians this week who favored "continuing this deliberation" isn't bad by any means, rebelling against the Speaker-to-be is far from enough to make a politician trustworthy.

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I'm basically a political mastermind.

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At least give me two of those, my dog.

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Someone in my family complains about that when she tells me jokes -- I have only one "ha". And it feels insincere to go back and add more "ha"s. It flashes and it's gone. I did read your profile self-description to appreciate you better, so you can cheer up and stop taking this stuff with me so seriously.

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I especially like the part at the end where you completely misrepresent my behavior.

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I'd love to read this article but the world has been plunged into unending darkness because the House was unable to work for almost a whole week. These truly are the End Times.

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Did you forget the /s?

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I hoped I wouldn't need one. ;)

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"Our Constitution, thankfully, has lots of protections to prevent either of these groups, whether it's people on the right or the left, from violating our rights. So, we built this Constitution with minority protections, but we have generally a majoritarian system, and everyone is allowed to participate and present their views. And if people don't like it, they don't vote for it. That's the way it's supposed to work.": Right you are, Mr. Amash. Unfortunately, the "group" on the left has decided that it is their duty to violate the rights of anyone who disagrees with them . . . and, so far, this group of self-appointed 'elites' is getting away with it. As in the McCarthy years, when the right abused its powers, so too it is now up to our Judicial branch of our government to reign in this unconstitutional and destructive behavior of the left.

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And if they don't have the votes (or don't want votes on record), just write an EO -- like the one that mandates jabs that don't stop transmission.

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This was great Matt, very informative about how the House works and why so many Americans are frustrated about the DC establishment control over the purse.

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"Have you ever noticed how often you hear that even temporary failure to snap into line and heed the orders of establishment decrees creates grave dangers for America?"

There are two sick actors here:

One - A paid "Uniparty Propagandist"

Two - Someone that has "Uniparty Propaganda Sickness"

And then there are people not so sick of these things, but programmed into a high-compliance mode.

Thank the education system for this last one. I have two Millennial sons that work for me. I have decades of experience navigating government regulations. We sit down to discuss some regulatory hurdle and my creative ideas to actually run a successful business that they regulations seem designed to prevent, and my two sons resist. They are lit up on compliance risk. The poor kids were effectively abused by their K-12 experience to march in line with the collective. They are irrationally fearful that something bad will happen if we step out of line one inch.

I have a lot of work to do before I pass.

The reason that the kids supported the 2 years of "we will resit" marches and 18 months of violent protesting and yet think Jan-6 was an atrocity and "insurrection" is that, to them, thanks to their previous K-12 programming and the work of the Uniparty Propagandists, the former was popular and sanctioned compliance and the latter was not.

See how that works?

That is also why the Uniparty was so committed to take out Trump... a true populist President. Because the work done by the Uniparty to program young voters into compliance mode was at risk of a 100% turn toward Trump-compliance.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I think these 20 House GOP members are heroes... possible greater than were the founding fathers. Because they are the first to take a needed stand against the Uniparty. But it will not be enough. It will not really help until and unless we have more independent journalists breaking out of the Uniparty control and writing the truth. Basically we need more Glenn Greewalds going journalism hero work.

Then the bravery of these 20 House GOP members will be not wasted.

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Sincere hopes for your offspring. I am fond of asking "What's the worst that can happen?" Now plan for that. Sad to think our youth has no desire to rock the boat, cowering in a corner.

I agree that we have great hopes that the 20 were successful in getting rules changed to allow members to return to "regular order". We often get promises but then no golden ring. Given a reluctant DoJ and a press who won't report whatever the committees find nor will the DoJ act. OTOH, they can make a lot of officials uneasy and might force confessions. We are seeing some evidence that alternate media does affect a few of us, so there is some hope of truth getting out.

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I note only that none of the people that Epstein allegedly trafficked underaged girls to has been convicted, indicted, arrested or even questioned.

This comment is more apropos than it may seem at first.

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BRAVO “Censored News” – for using correct term for a photo of Biden's Digital Director Rob Flaherty:

“ This, ladies and gentlemen, is what a modern fascist looks like: Rob Flaherty. “

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Maybe with the small number of courageous politicians finally in power, willing to stand up to the establishment things will start in the right direction. Add to this the public prayer on the NFL fields and TV commentators following the tragic on field heart attack Damar suffered (likely vaccine induced), and we may just have hope again in the country. A restoration to original values for America could really be a game changer.

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"It sees those outside the closed circle of the nation-state or the ethnic or religious group as contaminants who must be physically purged" (Hedges) ,=covid vaccine

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Yeah good. They're calling a roughly 10% reduction in DOD spending a victory. LMAO. I'm sure there will be an override on that any moment. Everybody still mostly sending their hapless children to government schools, voting, paying taxes, watching TV, getting fat, consuming crap, what the hell, think I'll watch tv and eat some ice cream.

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Democracy only works with a competent people. We have cultivated several generations of incompetents. You can't have a functional democratic society when half of that society is too ignorant to participate, and half of the rest are too corrupt to allow participation, and the rest are too weak to overcome it. The eventual solution is correcting the failures of the education system that produced this disaster. But that won't happen peacefully.

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"You can't have a functional democratic society when half of that society is too---uneducated---to participate..."

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Not uneducated, but miseducated. Many of them have impressive academic credentials. It demonstrates the failure of the education system. Education malpractice.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

Guess it depends on which level of education you're talking about. K-12, uneducated; higher ed, miseducated. Either one makes the point, I think, but "ignorant" is too subjective, pejorative, and elitist for me.

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Everyone is ignorant to some degree about most things. It's not elitist to recognize that some are more ignorant than others. Self styled elitists like to claim others are ignorant if they don't know the things they think they know. Their flaw, and their eventual failure, is they don't really know much that is useful outside their safe spaces. And they know for sure so much that just ain't so. Real wisdom doesn't come from knowing a lot, but from knowing a lot that's useful. Schools these days teach a lot that isn't useful, and a lot that just ain't so. And they give nice certificates and ceremonies for those who learned them. That produces a society of functional incompetents, doomed to fail. As we have seen...

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Cannot get locals to accept that I am already subscribed??? No place to use a sign in on the Apple app

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Right now I'm worrying if Glenn will be safe with this coup going on in Brazil. If this is a foreign regime change thing going on, I wouldn't expect it would be a safe time for Glenn either. 

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Wow. Phenomenal read. Now I know why John Boehner was crying saying goodbye to Nancy Pelosi.

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