"Russia hate comes from the fact that Russia said stop to USA when USA was busy destroying Syria , for two reason: Russia doed not want jihadi's developping in other places, second after Lybia Russia considered USA had done enough destruction in other countries. First time USA imperalism was challenged. "
"Russia hate comes from the fact that Russia said stop to USA when USA was busy destroying Syria , for two reason: Russia doed not want jihadi's developping in other places, second after Lybia Russia considered USA had done enough destruction in other countries. First time USA imperalism was challenged. "
Exactly. It has fck all to do with whether Moscow is nice to gays or the people love Mother Russia. [eyeroll]
Your comments continue to explain nothing about why the USA media and ruling political class continues to characterize RUSSIA as a mortal enemy.
Remember, OBAMA and CLINTON wanted a Russian re-set...
The factors you cite (Syria, US imperialism, etc) may play well outside the USA, but they do nothing to explains why people in the US should perceive RUSSIA as a threat.
In my view, anti-Trump politicians (with their media acolytes) in the US leveraged anti-RUSSIA hatred because Trump expressed a rationale willingness to deal with Russia as an equal and Russia was an easy boogeyman because it is perceived as primarily WHITE, Religious, conservative, family-oriented, i.e., not diverse and inclusive.
"Russia was an easy boogeyman because it is perceived as primarily WHITE, Religious, conservative, family-oriented, i.e., not diverse and inclusive."
Uh-huh. Except all that played almost no role in the Russiagate hysteria of the last 4 years. You are free to hold an evidence-free belief, but you won't persuade those who require evidence. (And who have a clue about neoliberals, who don't care a whit about the social and religious state of the Russian population, or Russia's state repression of gay people. C'mon, they love the Saudi's fer chrissakes.
"The factors you cite (Syria, US imperialism, etc) may play well outside the USA, but they do nothing to explains why people in the US should perceive RUSSIA as a threat."
I fully understand... the Chinese have been far worse but few are complaining about them. Why? Because they don’t want to be labeled as bigots and they make a ton of money off them. Look at what happens when you call it the China virus. Russians are a target because they’re not viewed as in a disadvantaged / oppressed group. The political class / the war oarty - certainly doesn’t like them for the reasons you have stated, but if they were black skinned, it would be a much different conversation. The point is the Russians are easily made contemptible for the reasons stated. Political correctness in adversary selection..
Russia is a non factor in global economics. China on the other hand...did you know that Porsche routinely sends massive quantities of their exclusive models to China? Because, well, $$$. China, China, China has been the place to discuss...not Russia, Russia, Russia. It's kabuki theatre to distract voters from the money trough for both R and D legislators.
“ but they do nothing to explains why people in the US should perceive RUSSIA as a threat.”
I don’t think this is the case. The average American doesn’t believe a word out of these idiot’s mouths. They know the Russia narrative was all about taking out our President.
Heime Israel, your answers pretending the comments explain nothing why USA media and ruling class continues to characterize Russia as a mortal enemy: then you do not read what others have written or deny it. It has all to do with the challenge of USA imperialism by Russia. This was not the case in the period Obama -Medvedev. You also contradict yourself when you say "continues to characterize Russia as its moral enemy as you say it was not the case as Obama & Clinton wanted a Russian re-set. The direct intervention of Russia in Syria (which is by the way an old ally of Russia) against a possible jihadi take over of the country is the reason why USA has turn crazy on Russia. Before USA was still working in enclosing Russia by NATO and sanctioning it, still hoping to destroy it as a power. And there is Russia intervening in Syria . Impossible to endure for American imperialistic way of considering the world.
"Russia hate comes from the fact that Russia said stop to USA when USA was busy destroying Syria , for two reason: Russia doed not want jihadi's developping in other places, second after Lybia Russia considered USA had done enough destruction in other countries. First time USA imperalism was challenged. "
Exactly. It has fck all to do with whether Moscow is nice to gays or the people love Mother Russia. [eyeroll]
Your comments continue to explain nothing about why the USA media and ruling political class continues to characterize RUSSIA as a mortal enemy.
Remember, OBAMA and CLINTON wanted a Russian re-set...
The factors you cite (Syria, US imperialism, etc) may play well outside the USA, but they do nothing to explains why people in the US should perceive RUSSIA as a threat.
In my view, anti-Trump politicians (with their media acolytes) in the US leveraged anti-RUSSIA hatred because Trump expressed a rationale willingness to deal with Russia as an equal and Russia was an easy boogeyman because it is perceived as primarily WHITE, Religious, conservative, family-oriented, i.e., not diverse and inclusive.
"Russia was an easy boogeyman because it is perceived as primarily WHITE, Religious, conservative, family-oriented, i.e., not diverse and inclusive."
Uh-huh. Except all that played almost no role in the Russiagate hysteria of the last 4 years. You are free to hold an evidence-free belief, but you won't persuade those who require evidence. (And who have a clue about neoliberals, who don't care a whit about the social and religious state of the Russian population, or Russia's state repression of gay people. C'mon, they love the Saudi's fer chrissakes.
This is nuts:
"The factors you cite (Syria, US imperialism, etc) may play well outside the USA, but they do nothing to explains why people in the US should perceive RUSSIA as a threat."
Do you have the first clue about what cable "news" and establishment print media have been bombarding the public with for the last 4 years? Here's Greenwald on how intense and absurd it's been: https://theintercept.com/2019/01/20/beyond-buzzfeed-the-10-worst-most-embarrassing-u-s-media-failures-on-the-trumprussia-story/
I fully understand... the Chinese have been far worse but few are complaining about them. Why? Because they don’t want to be labeled as bigots and they make a ton of money off them. Look at what happens when you call it the China virus. Russians are a target because they’re not viewed as in a disadvantaged / oppressed group. The political class / the war oarty - certainly doesn’t like them for the reasons you have stated, but if they were black skinned, it would be a much different conversation. The point is the Russians are easily made contemptible for the reasons stated. Political correctness in adversary selection..
Russia is a non factor in global economics. China on the other hand...did you know that Porsche routinely sends massive quantities of their exclusive models to China? Because, well, $$$. China, China, China has been the place to discuss...not Russia, Russia, Russia. It's kabuki theatre to distract voters from the money trough for both R and D legislators.
Follow the money. Always a good strategy.
“ but they do nothing to explains why people in the US should perceive RUSSIA as a threat.”
I don’t think this is the case. The average American doesn’t believe a word out of these idiot’s mouths. They know the Russia narrative was all about taking out our President.
Heime Israel, your answers pretending the comments explain nothing why USA media and ruling class continues to characterize Russia as a mortal enemy: then you do not read what others have written or deny it. It has all to do with the challenge of USA imperialism by Russia. This was not the case in the period Obama -Medvedev. You also contradict yourself when you say "continues to characterize Russia as its moral enemy as you say it was not the case as Obama & Clinton wanted a Russian re-set. The direct intervention of Russia in Syria (which is by the way an old ally of Russia) against a possible jihadi take over of the country is the reason why USA has turn crazy on Russia. Before USA was still working in enclosing Russia by NATO and sanctioning it, still hoping to destroy it as a power. And there is Russia intervening in Syria . Impossible to endure for American imperialistic way of considering the world.