My God, that criticism against Lorenz to start off the article was so deserved. Glad you took her and her crocodile tears down a peg.

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It was spot on, as was the synopsis of Hilary Clinton’s disingenuous and self-serving victimization campaign.

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If she was not Bill Clinton's Wife, she would be chasing ambulances from some cheesy lawyer's office.

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Marrying him, or any suitable up-and-coming (pun intended) confidence man, was part of her power-mongering scheme from day one.

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I believe that. That one chance she had to make it bid she was caught lying, back in the Nixon years. by the way, liked the pun.

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Yeah, she got kicked off the Watergate prosecution team, I think, for some kind of malfeasance. Maybe you know, M. Bert, but at this point, I don't really care to know! What I can't figure out is why she has any followers at all. Could she actually still matter in the least?

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Was in shock at how many so called Dem progressives black voters, just rolled over and barked on command by those in control of Dem Party and Clinton campaign. The woman is a die hard war hawk. A killer at heart. 2002 vote for the Iraq resolution, Libya, Syria...A die hard war hawk.

The multi million dollar making corporate main stream media host including Maddow, Nicole "loves torture" Wallace, Hayes, Reid, O'Donnell NEVER EVER brought up her war history. Nothing mentioned, as if her push for "unprovoked" wars never happened.

A woman and a Dem is all it took to get their support.

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She lied in that incident and that is why it matters now because she is still a liar, it shows a pattern. The way she gets away with it now is because people are not watching these people close enough, just like the weren't back then. If they knew her history, she would not be relevant today. JMHO

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I hate her, she is a terrible person and I hate her politics. But if we are being 100% honest, if she was a man she would have been President 2x. Its pretty clear Billy boy was the pretty face and she was the brains of the family.

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Brains? More like braun. She is a Fascist, and she only appeals to Fascists-at-heart. Deplorables are her/their Jews.

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Bill was a Rhodes Scholar but Hillary was the clever one of the the pair, lever is not always smart.😉

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gak, It was spot on. Glenn's typical laser-like focus here is so penetrating and reveling I feel dirty just reading about it.

I loath this stuff. And consider it below Glenn's dignity for pointing it out to me. In this case, ignorance was bliss.

Oh, I understand it - another young promising media star has fallen 'victim' of her own success! (imo, most people can handle some adversity, but few can endure that kind of 'success'.)

But if Glenn thinks tender young Ms Lorenz and the Tick Tock kids are a blight on the prestige and integrity of the NYT and WaPo, he should read the mind mind-boggling front page 'coverage' on the Ukraine war. It makes the war on terror look like a picnic. Worse than Hitler.

I need a shower.

*re Whine. don't have any 'social media' horror stories to share, but I am more 'marginalized' than Ms Lorenz and Glenn put together; I was born a poor black man, demoted to ignorant Hillbilly, took up Irish dirt farming, slipped across the border with Poncho & Lefty and my grandma was half Cherokee .. . I've Got It All.

#Snowden for President 2024

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Glenn's future replies should include something along the following lines. "If my criticism of Ms. Lorenz somehow was unfounded or crossed a line, you would now be discussing your concerns with what I said, which would be fair to do. But for now I must assume you have no valid concern along those lines, because you're not complaining about what I said, you're merely complaining that I said it."

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I think Lorenz realized that her elitist bubble was going to burst when Sanders became the only leftist who would speak up for the middle and lower classes. The Democrat party went from supposedly representing the downtrodden, to representing and promoting the rich, and the very rich. Her privileged elitist status was being threatened by a very popular Sanders coalition. And that’s why the DNC had to destroy him, and frankly it helped Trump win.

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Team D would prefer to lose to Trump than win with a genuine reformer.

That said, even if a Sanders were to win the presidency, he would not be allowed to govern.

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Bernie Sanders may have "spoken up" for the working class, but talk is cheap and I don't think he was ever sincere.

He threw his full support behind Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden without even trying to get anything in return. When it matters, you can always count on "independent" Bernie to do what he's told and fall into lockstep with the Democratic party leadership.

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right? The dude demonized the political elite then supported two lifelong political elites from his own 40 year career with a record of 3 bills and two were naming post offices.

these people are all fucking talk 100%

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I am far from a Sanders cultist. I don't know whether he was sincere or not and don't really care. I care about results.

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Bernie Sanders was NEVER AN ACTUAL CANDIDATE!!!!

HRC had a deal in 2016 and in 2020 its pretty obvious Biden had the same deal

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That is quite true, yet it would have been interesting to see some of the powers that be scrambling for a little while

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Somewhat like they did with Trump.

Or Carter, a generation before.

Maybe the specifics would have been different, but the method would be the same.

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Keep the truth coming and thank God for real journalists

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Three big truths still need uncovering...the origin of Covid, the origin of Russiagate and the role of the swamp rats in 1/6. Should the truth of any of those come out, combined with the revelation about the laptop from hell, I see a domino effect occurring where nobody but DNC coolaid drinkers would believe anything the government says.

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let's hope so!

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We the people need to demand a few major changes.

The first major change should be that the moment you are employed by taxpayers you are "under oath".

The second major change is to remove qualified immunity for laws that are found to be illegal in court. Its disgusting to watch things like DACA or AB979 be in place for YEARS and have had actual voter-paid lawyers looking at these laws, then they get struck down for being illegal, and voters 1. still got the fucking bill and 2. still had to deal with the illegal law while 3. the politicians got 0 negatives and 0 costs.


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...all dozen or so of them...

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Once you understand that the concerns you describe are *class* concerns, that is, the concerns of the Professional Managerial Class, everything makes sense.

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The video clip from NBC announces that the White House is making April, National Sexual Assault and Prevention Month, and then goes on to reference a new study which is looking into the issue of online verbal sexual assaults of female journalists, references Greenwald and Tucker Carlson only, not unusual since they are people the democrats, and their NBC backers don't like very much. That clip is an assault on both of them, and their star witness is Lorenz who doesn't reference them by name for her psychological pain, since she doesn't have to, it's already been done. Her phony PTSD story makes a mockery of that psychological disorder.

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It's more than that. It's a scream of frustration that Greenwald's independence--and his success at it--are leading the way to undoing the cloistered protectionism of yesterday's press.

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Well said.

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Apr 2, 2022Edited
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I see myself as liberal, although today's so called liberal is difficult for me to understand, since they take a dogmatic stance on any given issue, and take it to an extreme which comes across as a kind of fanaticism, or orthodoxy. Greenwald to me is what liberals use to be, therefore he feels comfortable going on the Tucker Carlson show, and so "liberals" condemn him for that. They wouldn't let me delete the first part.

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Fran, they are not Liberals like Greenwald, Dershowitz, John and Bobby Kennedy etc. They call themselves that, but they are not. They are Marxists (actually more like Stalinists) trying to pass themselves off as Liberals. Notice how true Liberals are treated the same as Conservatives. Phrases like "work hard" , "freedom of speech" etc are maligned as being racist or some other goofy label.

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Nailed it.

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'...That clip is an assault on both of them, and their star witness is Lorenz who doesn't reference them by name for her psychological pain, since she doesn't have to, it's already been done. Her phony PTSD story makes a mockery of that psychological disorder.'

What I've long noticed is that as a rule people who have suffered serious injury don't shoot their mouths off about it.

Ever seen a wounded animal? They're quiet. They don't want to draw attention to themselves. And indeed, actual Holocaust survivors, rape victims, survivors of child abuse, etc, etc generally prefer not to talk about it.

So disproportionately, the 'suffering' people parade in public tends to be at worst manageable suffering. Real pain, most people don't discuss. Not in TV interviews.

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I have to cut back on certain foods for medical reasons, as in, my doctor told me, “Keep X out of your pie hole.” I never mention this fact but simply choose things I can eat without announcing it.

Today I was at Whole Foods looking for whipping cream. There was cream made out of oats, rice, soy, yogurt, kefir, almonds, pecans, yeast, other things I’d never heard of, all no doubt produced through some bizarre chemical stripping process. No cream from fucking cows, though. Who wants milk from cows? How does that show you’re special?

Let’s call a spade a spade. Anyone who can’t even eat without having fifty options for whipping cream that are not made from cream is fucking nuts. The entire Whole Foods class is mentally unwell. They’re functionally infants, they demand to be indulged like infants, and it’s only their economic power that lets them make those demands.

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Eat a variety of foods in moderation that have been processed as little as possible. Works for me!

Other than having COVID today, I am perfectly fine!

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Beautifully put, Sevender.

I have given up trying to find real live heavy cream I can make Skyr from; cream unscorched by Ultrapastuerization, and untainted by the repulsive “plant snots” of carrageenan and guar gum.

F the nanny state.

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You're right on, and I know from personal experience, since I suffered from PTSD and one of the reason's I feel furious at her for using it to attack others.

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Quite well said. In my life I've been part of death which I simply block out. It's there but only in my drunken worse with certain friends does it show. My late wide was wise enough to allow it to stay put. She saw it once but never pressed. Hard even to write it now as it reemerges from 50 years ago. I suspect most of us have had things happen that we can suppress. No point to it, many more important things to deal with in life.

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Also remember that within the last month or so they have accused Carlson of being Putin's puppet, or a cheerleader for Putin in the the war in Ukraine. I've seen articles and heard many people condemn Greenwald for going on his show, or just going on FOX, and most of these people I know watch MSNBC and they don't see the hypocrisy of what they are saying.

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I think Taylor’s script was written

with Psaki as cover for a new crackdown on speech.

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Of course. Totalitarian finance is on the job 24/7.

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That was an interesting trick they pulled. The introduction did say sexual harassment, didn’t it. So that seed was planted. But the two people they interviewed never mentioned specific sexual harassment. They talked about online criticism being a form of violence, but not sexual violence. So, in the viewer’s mind, the two get incorporated together. Criticism is harassment, criticism is sexual harassment if directed at marginalized groups.

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Everything was within the context of Biden, a down in the dumps democrat in need of kiss ass journalists, making April National Sexual Assault and Prevention Month. Although they referenced a study that was supposedly all inclusive of the types of harassment they claim female journalist's are victim to, the focus was the affect Carson and Greenwald had on the life of Taylor Lorenz. She came away the pitiful victim, not only of sexual attacks, but attacks that put her and her family's life at risk, which precipitated her PTSD which most associate with combat vets, and Carlson and Greenwald were the perps. It appears their purpose was not to inform the public about verbal assaults on female journalists, but an attack piece on Carlson and Greenwald.

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Two words regarding Biden and Sexual Harassment Month: "Tara Reade".

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or, his daughter...

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Evidence in my mind of perfidy and dissemination of the vilest propaganda.

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Should we expect charges under the latest hate crime bill?

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I despise the term "hate crime", and I think that any rational person should permanently excise it from his or her vocabulary. Aside from a very small number of the truly clinically insane, how often does one person assault or murder another out of affection?

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100% agree!

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It only makes sense if enough people are brainwashed by their garbage and or too cowardly to do anything about it, which sadly seems to be the case.

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Glenn’s article will reach 50,000 people, NBC news reaches 50 million people.

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Only if you believe big media metrics. I know no one under the age of 60 who listens to broadcast or cable news. Big Media influence is a Potemkin Village, erected to fool only themselves...

but the peasants know. Burn it down.

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Oh boy I hope you’re right. Where can I sign up to burn it down? I’m available anytime anywhere, Will work for free.

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Start now. Cut the Cable. Block ads. Use Brave. Load Linux. Don't feed the Beast...

If we don't play, they can't win.

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I’ve got one of those old zippo lighters and I can bring sandwiches, let’s go.

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Done, done and don't use computers anymore

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I agree, but when people do turn on the news their choices are mainstream networks. All corporately owned and full of sh*t.

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When he goes on Carlson's show, that 50,000 becomes 5 million. People who talk to friends and family about Glenn's revelations can increase that to 25 million.

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And that's the shame of our media. Glenn on Tucker draws an audience. Maybe some will chose to read here. I know I said a dirty word read - TL/DR is real.

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NBC-2 Million people

Joe Rogan -11 Million people

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When I say nbc I really mean all of msm, they are all on the same page

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ok, so 2.25 million...

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"...reaches 50 million people."

Like toilet paper reaches 330,000,000 people in the US every day.

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Meet the new boss same as the old boss.

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Great point!! They push race, race, race and hope no one notices all the class bigotry. I once actually a white homeless guy about white privilege and he actually laughed. They want to spend trillions on climate, yet poverty is ignored.

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Chris Hedges teaches us thusly: the elites will gladly discuss racism, sexism, all sorts of isms. They will not discuss class.

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That doesn't explain its continued MARKET success.

Edit: Sorry, peeps, I meant to put market in sarcasm quotes, not caps! Iow, we don't have a free market in media outlets right now.

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In what world is media a market success right now? :) Far as I can see, the rich are simply buying up the press so the press doesn't write bad articles about them.

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They are a success in the sense that they push an agenda which people seem to buy. How many people have you talked to who see both sides of the issue in Ukraine?

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I've wondered why Big Pharma spends so much on advertising products that consumers cannot go out and buy. Now I think the purpose is to funnel money to state media. Ratings don't matter - they are not relying on the ads to sell product. The state medical complex does that.

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I think we need to return to the prohibition of advertising of pharmaceuticals.

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Brought to you by Pfizer!

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I'm just refering to the fact that CNN, etc., even exist by now. If mass media were truly market driven, they wouldn't. But, I guess airport screen contracts ARE a market demand. Similarly, your example of the rich constitutes a niche market demand, I suppose, so there is THAT connection to "class conflict."

It strikes me as a similar situation to the existence of General Motors. It SHOULDn't exist but for NON-market intervention.

More generally, I have an inherent philosophical adverse reaction to blaming ANYTHING on the archaic, over-used, mis-used concept of "class conflict." I think it a non-issue in today's world, even in non-Capitalist societies.

Maybe I'm wrong, and maybe I'm just a simpleton, but to me there exists the State and the individual (to include the individual's personal commune, i.e. their family/friends/acquaintances, to some extent), but NOT "classes," a concept only mis-used by Statists to further Statism.

We should ignore and downplay ALL references to "classes."

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They are propped up by their own money, big Corporate shush funds and government grants. Why did Jeff Bezos buy the Washington Post? Who owns the Atlantic? Why is CNN even on the Air?

The Answer is Money - not Viewers.

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Corporate slush funds (I like your "shush" funds; that works, too!) cannot be large enough to drive long-term market demand. Think about it.

Likewise, private wealth. There isn't enough of it compared to the massive wealth held by Capitalism's beautiful "middle classes." (That's why "taxing the rich" NEVER works as a State funding mechanism.)

Capitalism (true, not crony) has spread so much wealth that a complacency has been bred. The ever-growing State has taken advantage and has reached critical mass. The free market (not just media, but others, notably healthcare/healthcare-insurance) has stopped responding to the relatively decreasing aggregate PRIVATE demand, and is now responding to aggregate State demand. I.e., it is no longer free. It is forced, by a non-sentient, self-propagating leviathan.

Iow, there are no longer ANY individuals to blame. Mindless Socialism/Statism has taken over.

No Jeff Bezos, no mere corporation, has the power to force you to trade-with/enrich them. Only the State does.

Wealth is not the problem. Complacency is.

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CNN's airport contract is up as of this March 31.


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Anna...finally, good news from cnn

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They are solely a creation if cable contracts, which need to fill airtime and slots in costly ‘packages’. Someday this will be dis- aggregated and we will see it fall.

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Apr 2, 2022
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"empty retail units" - At best a tax shelter awaiting a higher offer on the property.

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I just realized I meant to put sarcasm quotes around market, not use caps! Sorry, M. Sim; you must have thought, "Boy, HE's changed!"

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Taylor Lorenz is a horrible human being - I’ve seen her articles where she takes down young girls and is not a champion for women or anyone, but herself. Thank you for calling out her crocodile tears and pathetic victim statement. As a woman, I am disgusted by her vitriolic hack journalism that makes women journalists look catty and petty. She’s got nothing on you or Julian Assange.

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I suspect it is a classic example of narcissistic resentment. A middle aged women sees young attractive girls getting attention on TikTok and experiences resentment at their success. All narcissistic bullies are cowards; and she sees that these girls are vulnerable and therefor goes after them. Also, she knows that the corporations she works for will support her bullying.

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Sadly, nobody on twitter replied to her by asking "Is someone having an emorgency?"

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Hell, she's got nothing on Chuck Todd, for that matter, and he doesn't do anything of significance.

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Todd will be fired soon enough, he replaced David Gregory and he will get his comeuppance

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Hope's spring's eternal.

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His replacement will be just as bad (as you know) but the schadenfreude would be absolutely delicious.

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I'm so tired of looking at him and his fringe Herman Munster bangs.

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Great, you must have Fred Gwynne spinning in his grave now...

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Christye please read Glen‘s last paragraph he speculated that her tears are real. Privileged little brat faced with adversity tears.

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I think he just wanted to cover himself, if she was genuine and really hurting. She wasn't.

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I think his point is, she’s such a snowflake she can’t handle a little criticism. Hence, real tears.

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Apr 2, 2022
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She's a "journalist" not a "reporter" big difference. 12 year olds keep journals.

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To coin a much overused phrase, you just can't make this shit up. Lorenz, Todd, WaPo and the Times can all go eff themselves. Another brilliant piece by Glenn, I'm just sorry I didn't start reading his stuff long before Substack!

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This is all beyond insane, and I too am sorry I only subscribed around two months ago.

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I've known about Glenn for years but am ashamed to admit I myself only subscribed 2 months ago, though I hope you will enjoy my story of why I chose to become a paying subscriber.

I clicked on a NYT article, I don't even remember what about, and the paywall appeared with a message like "real journalism costs money. For only $5 a month you can support credible sources like NYT. Do you support REAL journalism?" I thought, "yes I do support REAL journalism, and it's about time I do chip in for it". So I closed out the NYT page, came over to this substack, and made my subscription payment.

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I've never been a paid subscriber to anything before. Perhaps it's because I'm frugal, perhaps it's because I don't want that much of a digital trail due to libertarian leanings or a combination of the two.

As for the NYT...I remember someone's posting on a site like RCP over a decade ago, the posting being "I wouldn't even let my dog shit on the NYT."

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Same here, and it is your "combination" for me (although I have in the past made a very small number of anonymous contributions to support sites with a mission of which I approve). Re NYT, et al, I do find it instructive to glean at least an overview of what kind of horseshit those assclowns expect me to believe.

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Good choice to subscribe to Glenn. Not to dissuade anyone else from making the same decision, but just fwiw: many (but not all) paywalls of that kind can be circumvented by disabling Javascript and/or the discrete use of browser Reader View.

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Good for you, I am also a subscriber, and have long been disgusted with the NYT, once my staple source of news. A long time ago, admittedly ... I think I woke up around the beginning of this century.

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"I've come down from the upper class to mend your rotten ways. My father was a man of power whom everyone obeyed. Your bread and water is going cold, your hair is short and neat. I'll judge you all and make damn sure that no one judges me." - Jethro Tull.

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Hmmm.... I was sure that was Liz Cheney.

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Fantastic 😉

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It was. She plagiarized, but in her stupid-ness was ernest to JT's satire.

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OK Arlo wins - Jethro Tull quote!

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In today's world victimhood is a best seller, I can't count the number of women who proclaimed it during the Trump years, identifying him as their abuser. In the past women were victimized on many levels and America remained silent. You can reference the woman's movement going back many, many decades, but it's only been in recent times, within the last 4 decades, that something has been done about it, other then lip service. True of child abust as well.

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She missed out on awards season. All this CIA and corporate media collusion should have its own Pravda awards ceremony. They're so desperate to make this about 'harm' and 'abuse' that requires protection and 'safe spaces' online, all just another excuse for the establishment collusion of Big Tech and the regime to censor, exclude, blacklist, ban etc. But remember, it's Russia that's evil.

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If only someone had the money and courage to organize such awards.

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“At most, Lorenz has probably angered several teenagers on TikTok while Chuck Todd does not even do that. Thus, the worst they have ever faced for their trivial, power-serving gossip masquerading as “reporting” are mean tweets, so of course they want to elevate those as the gravest moral crime, as the height of trauma. Only then can they center themselves and feel important.”


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Narcissism 101.

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JC, that one made me chuckle

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Keep grinding them to dust Glenn!

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Glenn is a pitbull

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Apr 2, 2022Edited
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Check out the Matt Taibbi substack its number one

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We all have to do our part, and demand our representatives in congress do the same. To have even 10% of the elected representatives come out and call people like Lorenz 'glass cannons', 'cowardly bullies' and 'unremarkable humans' consistently would be a very welcome breath of fresh air.

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Part of doing our part is to turn off the TV. Without an audience of hypnotized proles they would go broke and go away. Do not feed the beast!

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Yes, turn it ALL off. Just like voters give us bad leaders, audiences give us bad media.

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I watch Carlson's show and follow Greenwald's columns here. Aside from looking at RCP for additional stories, I neither watch any other channels or shows, nor subscribe to any publications....with the exception of checking CNN and MSNBC when Trump won in 2016 and during the Virginia Governor's race to see the legacy press go into meltdown mode.

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The only think my TV is used for (connected to DISH Network) is to record movies (mostly older stuff from TCM) and an occasional documentary for later viewing.

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Anyone can notice that all the invented criticisms of Glenn are logical fallacies...red herrings, ad hominem and the list goes on. These pampered propagandists and their followers have no arguments, and must submit to establishment power for acceptance and to keep/obtain wealth/privilege. Anyone who questions the evil, warmongering, racist, homophobic establishment gets hit with the logical fallacy storm. I have always observed many establishment Democrat mainstream types are the real facists, which is evidenced by the threats Greenwald receives. Maybe this sums up their worship and support of Neo Nazis in Ukraine.

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This is all very typical of the left. When you can't support an argument with facts, simply claim one of the following to end the debate quickly: harassment, racism or anti-trans. If all three can be thrown at once, even better. The usefulness of this method is, by claiming to not be one of those things, you have proven you ARE one of those things. Brilliant.

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Corporate clowns are hardly the left. Centrist Democrats and RINOs are the same kettle of fish. GUESS who controls the loot.

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Call 'em what you want. There's no disputing that the woke/progressive toxicity originated in the Alt-Left universe of grievance, identity politics, and racism. That some corporations have embraced these toxic POVs for business/profit reasons doesn't alter that. Ultimately, it has all laid bare a CLASS conflict that has existed all along: the 10% (Oligarchs, and their Clerisy) and the 90% (everybody else).

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It’s only “brilliant” to people who can’t think for themselves. If the masses turn away, it will all turn to dust, because there’s nothing there. IF.

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Imagine how much it cost to educate Taylor Lorenz, swiss boarding school, university of Colorado Boulder. All this to produce someone who's sole contribution to society is "reporting" about useless shit that happens on Twitter.

She's really the perfect example of the sort of class issues America has. People out there working and trying to figure out how to pay for child care, rent, etc. But here we are, the news is reporting on some mean tweets this person is getting over some inane nonsense that happened online. Clown world.

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Parents who send their kids to Swiss boarding school don't love their kids. They want to be as far away from them as possible. That's the PTSD Lorenz should investigate.

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Award for best comment of the day (even better than mine lol!)

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There is a difference between education and knowledge. Take Lincoln for example, largely self taught. He was smarter than many of his college educated peers, and even nowadays would be smarter than most of the urban elite. They may have college degrees, but they have not learned anything.

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Hence the genius reply I heard the Dean of the Yale School of Art make to a stupid comment once made in his class. He said, "You clearly have been educated beyond your intelligence."

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I also ask like does the media just not realize or are they doing this on purpose?

It must be on purpose, but it seems just insane to me. All of the things like this and all of the crap that happens in the capital, it all reeks of "let them eat cake".

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it is solipsism. it never even dawns on them that there are other valid arguments.

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It's nonsense is what it is. I wouldn't piss on Taylor Lorenz if she was on fire. She's a societal net negative as far as I'm concerned.

But yes thank you, solipsism is a good word for this type of media circle jerking.

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Another in the parade of real smart observations by Glenn Greenwald. The only thing missing is an in-depth analysis of the psychology of the modern bully: terrified of being counter attacked they've come up with an all purpose defense --- opinions other than theirs are, a-priori, calls for violence and brutality. Hillary can't exactly be credited with inventing this approach --but she perfected it. Every critique of her bullshit is a call for harm to her person. Naturally this approach ends what we used to call The Dialectic. That's what it's meant to do. The good news is reasonable folks have had a belly full of this crap and are flocking to people like Glenn to hear 'the other side."

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Yes, how dare the miasmic throngs of the unlettered and unwashed stop groveling at the perfectly-pedicured feet of our overeducated, overprivileged media Elites. Who the hell are you to question Chelsea Clinton (aka: The Undisputed Empress of Griftistan) err, sorry! I mean Taylor Lorenz. She graduated from top-tier universities. She's better than you in every possible way, you Trump/Bernie-supporting naïf! What the hell have you ever done with your life, loser? Unless you watch MSNBC, you are incapable of forming thoughts or opinions on your own. And stop brining up Hillary's record...you misogynistic, sexist pig!

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Lorenz is a spoiled brat. She attended an elite summer camp with my daughter and they were cabin mates, and manipulated or tried to manipulate every girl in that cabin. Looks like she has not matured and social media is her new cabin. I don't participate much social media and didn't realize the disgusting ecosystem that these political operatives seem to dominate. What a cesspool. Thank you Glenn for your calling this out for what it is.

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Is there some sort of alternative universe these people live in that only interacts with reality at certain specified points in time? I'm having difficulty believing what I am reading/seeing with these people.

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It seems there is. This seems to summarize it (I did not write it but found it highly illuminating):


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Thank you for the link to that very interesting article. He makes a valid point about the real divide that's opened up in the country. I recently moved from Austin to a rural area and the difference in the people and how they view the world is spot on. The most chilling prediction : "Control over digital financial assets is essentially the ultimate leverage now available to the Virtuals." We have been warned, haven't we?

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Great article that captures my experience with work during the covid pandemic. I work at a chemical company. In early 2020 all the "virtuals", management, HR, etc were sent with their laptops to work from home while all of us "physicals", those of us on the production lines, in the quality control labs, driving the trucks, etc never missed a day at the physical location of our jobs. The "virtuals" who deal in their abstract information were initially terrified that in the absence of their enlightened leadership us lowly "physicals" would be screwing up left and right. Quite the opposite happened. Without the constant intrusion of pointless meetings to discuss whatever asinine new policy corporate was rolling out and vice presidents trying to micromanage facilities they only visit once a quarter, things ran much more smoothly. Management proved to us that if anything they are a hindrance to getting the real work done as the company posted record profits.

Of course the message they ran with was "We are so great at our jobs we we're able to manage a crisis entirely remotely, so let's cut ourselves huge bonus checks and stay at home as much as we can in the future".

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It is a brilliant piece which succeeds in explaining the political realignment which has been going on for the past decade or so where all others fail. That article explains the urban/rural, generational and occupational divide we currently live in. It also explains the arrogance and elitism of the DNC types.

The 'virtuals' are lost in a theoretical world where people aren't truly people due to being on the other side of a computer screen. This explains their rejection of religion and replacement of it with wokeness. They also continue the psychology and sociology concept of group-think for decision making. Combined with their wealth, degrees and belief in their woke cult, causes them to stomp on all dissent. It also explains why the greater threat to red states is the growth of their cities, not locusts moving there from blue states because they no longer can afford to live there.

As for that experience, I sadly can't say I'm surprised. The virtuals let their egos go to their brains and think they are the only ones who know how to make anything work. They have intellect but neither wisdom nor foresight, and intellect without wisdom is worthless, and anything without foresight is doomed to fail.

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Folks, NS Lyons is a Genius, you can read him on substack:”The Upheaval “


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