I found this to be a really heartbreaking exchange to read. It is an all-too-familiar example of how media-generated moral panic (particularly from "liberal" legacy networks and Silicon Valley) contaminates communication in irrevocable ways. The beautiful complexity that comprise friends and family members gets reduced to binary labels such as "ally" or "enemy". It's a devasting result of the divide and conquer strategy that has been dialed up to unbearable levels since Trump took office. Many of us know personally what it's like to be on the receiving end of a close friend or family member's rage, because we're insufficiently upset, or have a different opinion, about a hot topic in a news cycle.

I have tremendous empathy and appreciation for everything Chelsea endured, which makes it even more tragic to see a pillar of moral courage denouncing someone for not obeying the dictates of the monoculture.

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I don't normally bandy this about - but I know Glenn personally, I knew his mother, she was a very good friend. Glenn Greenwald, whatever might think about his politics, is a good man and a loyal friend. He is not a monster.

Manning said what she said, but her newfound fear and hatred for Glenn Greenwald has no basis in reality.

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This is a remarkably telling moment. Glenn Greenwald has been absolutely consistent on principle. Among the available examples, he opposed indefinite pre-trial detention under harsh circumstances for Chelsea Manning, for accused Islamist terrorism defendants, and now for January 6 defendants. He's been pro-due process, a serious critic of the national security state, and an opponent of domestic political surveillance.

To the contemporary American "left," this means Greenwald has moved right – because he's applying a principled opposition to cruelty and abuse of process to people who are identified with the right.

The important fact here is that, on matters of principle, Greenwald HAS NOT MOVED. We have a "left" now that only applies categories of identity to its analysis, without any other unifying principle: January 6 defendants should rot in pre-trial solitary detention, because suck it Trump. It's hard to watch.

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The level of ingratitude is astonishing ... this is the Left perfectly expressed. Blinkered by their moral vanity and unable to look beyond the most basic fundamental understanding of what makes a relationship. Glenn literally moved mountains for Chelsea yet her craven need to put politics before friendship is one of the worst example of human character I've ever witnessed.

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Manning does not come across as particularly hinged, and unfortunately you get to pay the price for not being an utterly tribal hack.

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Politics is the new religion. Chelsea’s friend/enemy texts are the rantings of a troubled mind.

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Without meaning to be unkind, CM sounds a bit overwrought and not exactly rational. For what it's worth, I don't think Glenn Greenwald did anything wrong. He has been a generous and supportive friend to CM, but I think she is in a bad way.

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Let's be honest: Chelsea Manning performed an heroic act of great value, but was and is a deeply troubled human. From the Lamo correspondences, to her suicide attempts, to this latest heartbreaking chapter, she presents herself as passionate but seriously untethered.

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I remember when she was arrested. The Democratic Party loyalists loved Obama unconditionally and hated Chelsea Manning. I'm sure a lot of those people are now rallying to her side because she publicly attacked you. She'll learn the hard way what happens when you lock arms with people who worship political parties. Sad. I really admired her.

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Man. CM sounds like she has some fairly high anxiety. The friends/enemies dynamic - oddly, it was "the alleged left" who kept her in prison, but she's not calling Obama a Nazi. Glenn's view of defense/industrial ("both sides of the aisle") sociopathy is a lot clearer-eyed. But CM being "afraid" of Glenn just doesn't wash - at least not rationally. That's why I think CM has anxiety issues. Her response just isn't rational. So there must be another explanation. Not an easy story here at all. My opinion: Glenn you did your very best. That's all anyone could ever expect.

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Interesting that of the communications that did come from Manning, quite a few were mercenary in nature..."I have this tweet, can you bump it on your feed for me?" (paraphrasing). And, I know it's easy to heap blame on Manning, which, I'm not trying to do. But, one can certainly understand how Glenn would/could get defensive, given the efforts made in the past, and the seeming ingratitude in the present.

Soooo many people feel like Glenn has somehow switched sides. I can't say that I've agreed with everything he's posted recently about getting out of Afghanistan. (I'm glad THAT we are, not glad HOW we are, getting out.) But, Glenn is sticking up for REAL journalistic integrity, and if that means he shows up on TC, then he shows up on TC. It's shameful that so many on the Left (and it happens on the Right, though not as frequently) take this "Us or them" mentality.

That's NOT how we used to live, though the young, in particular, don't realize this. Twitter and social media has warped so many people's sense of reality. And what's worse, is that since most of those people on social networks (that aren't famous) are anonymous, those accounts are designed to manipulate. There are people behind those accounts that act in bad faith; and there are many that are foreign actors. Accounts manned by people from other countries DESIGNED to sow dissent in free countries.

I mention the above b/c it sounds like Manning is caught up in those same online "wars" that have worked to make it so that Americans can't even talk to each other, without feeling that they are talking with "the enemy" - as if that in itself is some offensive thing. (Even if they WERE the enemy, talking with them, is what you're supposed to do. What's the alternative? *Actual* war?)

No, it's not Glenn who has changed. It's those who lament his supposed changes who have.

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Just bizarre and sad. For what it’s worth, I’m happy to observe that you’ve definitely not done anything wrong.

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I think the posters are missing the point. They, meaning the bad guys have put Chelsea up to this, trying to defame Glen in any way possible. I wonder why? No, I don't have to wonder, Glen has been pushing the narrative about our corrupt government lately and they just don't want the general public to know about it.

Keep in mind, the Main Street media is NOWHERE to be found practicing journalism anymore and besides the fact that Glen makes them look like fools, the public is starting to figure out that they really are.

It takes a brave man to publish the facts as we know them, and Glen does not let his political philosophy interupt putting forth the truth. GOD bless him.

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It really shows that these folks have built their own separate realities out of a flimsy deck of cards that is social media, likes, retweets. She even defines this as the "personal" v. "political" spheres.

Anyone that threatens their pseudo-reality is an enemy because you are attack the image they have of themselves. That is why she finds you threatening, Glenn. You have challenged, albeit unwittingly and unintentionally, her perception of reality, and that itself, she believes is a personal attack.

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🤣🤣🤣 I love how Glenn just took the entire pitcher of tea and spilled it all over the Internet. (Slow clap)

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I really hope that the brief Twitter fame was worth it to her. Really sad.

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