Best wishes to David for a full recovery. Best wishes, likewise, to you and your entire family as you continue to navigate this trauma. One day at a time.

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I have seen for a long time what a strong and passionate man David is. I am one of the many, many people who admire you and him, Glenn, and I hope and believe he will come through this and be back with his family. My very best to all of you.

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I've long enjoyed looking at the photos of your happy family. Thank you for opening your heart, love to us. I'm praying that David is able to come home soon to you and your boys.

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Such a beautiful, heartfelt testimony of your love for your family, and thank you for so perfectly expressing the amazing impact and fulfillment raising children provide us...through the peeks and the valleys, the love and responsibility make us grow beyond measure.

More prayers daily for David and your beautiful family coming from my family in So. California



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<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 sending love and prayers, Glenn!

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As I communicated earlier this week, David is in my prayers every day. My heart goes out to you and your family. God Bless.

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I mean he is prayed for by so many how could God not honor that?

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So moving 🙏🙏🙏 for all your family

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I have never written a comment on your substack before, though I am a long time reader. But this essay and the tragedy behind it compel me to tell you that I am praying for your husband’s health and I am grateful for the strength that you and your family have shown during this situation.

I want to share a quote with you that a friend once shared with me during some of my darkest times: “What punishments of God are not gifts”

Stay strong, Glenn

Best regards from Germany

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From Strength to Strength May We Be Strengthened.

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Appreciate this article. I hope and believe that writing this made things easier for Greenwald.

Although we already more or less knew the basics of David Miranda's health crisis, at least in broad strokes, sharing the details is meaningful. The struggle matters. In lots of ways. And I hope Greenwald continues to understand, as he does, that many people are kind of participating in giving support even if it's in trivial ways.

Greenwald's reflections at the end are valuable too. I quibbled a little with one of his past updates where he said there was "nothing evangelizing" about a Christian friend repeatedly sharing Gospel verses with him during this protracted health crisis -- it's tempting to ask "Wouldn't that, kind of inevitably, be evangelizing at least in a sense?" But there's a connection with some depth to it that isn't about promoting the specific victory of one religion or ideology.

Likewise with what Greenwald writes in the second half of today's article. His words kind of reflect some real developments in him that have been visible for many weeks in videos in his facial expression (although it's not that I really expect Greenwald to refrain from returning to the usual 😂😂😂). Along with everything else Greenwald is dealing with, he's learning to navigate some things I think, and the integrity of what he's learning inside himself matters more than the statements he's putting into words about it, although the two are connected.

I hope none of this sounds patronizing in any way, and it's not meant to be; I'm just trying to express my appreciation for what seems to be a growing experience, the kind that we humans don't have often enough. And I hope David Miranda pulls through the ups and downs. There's a kind of growth that can accompany the random-walk aspect of life. Força.

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This ordeal has made you stronger. I pray for David, you and your family. Watching your kids going through this must be very difficult.

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Oh Glenn! Forget about politics for the moment, you have such a beautiful gift for writing and your article brought me to tears!

I am BANNED from Twitter and have been for many years now, but I see every update you post about David's progress and setbacks, every post of your pics with the kids and so wish I could comment

Please don't discount the incredible value that PRAYER has. I've been praying for David EVERYDAY, twice a day when I do my daily devotionals and I know I'm not alone in the feverish prayers going up for David until he makes a FULL RECOVERY.

You're absolutely right when you say nothing is guaranteed to us, but I will speak it LOUDLY from here that David WILL come home to you, your children family and friends. He and YOU are loved by MANY and I have deep and abiding faith in that belief!

It will be such an exciting time when he comes home!

I also want to express my gratitude for YOU, Glenn. You are unbelievably strong in the face of such adversity and someone we can all look up too when facing such turbulence and pain. I am awe inspired by your strength and your ability to even function within the scope of unknowing about the future of someone you love so much. Just as you are so blessed to have David in your life by every equal measure so is he lucky to have you in his life!

Be at peace, Glenn! And feel our virtual arms around you and David today! God bless you and your beautiful family, Glenn!

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To my favorite journalist Glenn Greenwald:

Thank you for this perfect update .. Thank you for being the great human you are - for loving David and your children .. You inspire me .. I am so grateful to Tucker Carlson for introducing me to a man named Glenn Greenwald .. I have 2 daughters born in China and it was my husband also that had to be ‘encouraged’ .. what a life changing experience .. I will continue to keep the ‘love of your life’/your children’s father in my thoughts and prayers .. Will look forward to the day when David comes home to continue the work he has started ..

My Best to you always,

Charlene Lusk, Tulsa, OK, USA

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All the best to you, David and the family, Glenn.

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This is truly a wonderful tribute filled with love, respect, hope and faith. Like so many others, I am pulling for David to make it out of the ICU and then home, and for your family to be together.

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My very best wishes for a full recovery for David and to you and your family as you walk through this trying season in your lives. I have been an RN for over 40 years, most of that time spent in clinical oncology. When people ask me if it's depressing I always say "no", that it has been a gift to have had a decades-long front row seat to not only pain and suffering, but also to hope and survival, to the power of love and family, and (as you expressed) to the undeniable realities of what is and is not important in life. Thanks for sharing and here's hoping that others will read this and come to know these truths without having to go through dark times themselves. Please know that you and your family will be in my prayers (I'm one of those dinosaurs that actually DOES that!) ~ Stacy

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