This is a spectacularly brilliant political and legal analysis. I assumed Glenn's silence the last week or so meant he was working on something big, but this is far beyond anything I could have imagined. This is the finest writing and analysis I have seen in my 64 years. Glenn is a genius. A national treasure. A freedom fighter.

This is so extraordinary that I found myself pausing after every sentence to contemplate and savor. It is encyclopedic and irrefutable.

The power in Glenn Greenwald's mind and writing is incredible. We could even say that this bombshell is of nuclear magnitude.

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And will thusly be ignored by MSM. Not rebutted nor excoriated, b/c that would 'platform' his thesis.

The good news is that Legacy Media's influence on the population is at a nadir.

I wonder...how many people who voted Biden now regret their decision? I wonder how many people will be voting Republican in '22?

It's such a shitty choice before the electorate: continue to empower this faction of the ruling elite, who have been peeling away the power of the Constitution year in and out, or the Republican party, panderers to rampant capitalism and inequity.

I mean... the choice is either Tucker Carlson or Don Lemon, right?

Shit, I wish to Christ there was a 3rd alternative, but it ain't gonna happen in my lifetime (63). Instead, I see a 3rd American Revolution that will make the rivers of blood of the 2nd one (the Civil War) look like a schoolyard fistfight.

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Remember when Republicans were the party of capitalism and inequity? I used to think that way and then came the last 2 decades. Where BOTH parties have continually enriched themselves at the expense of “WE the people.” The only difference is Democrats play on emotions and have managed to escalate those emotions to a fever pitch making themselves the pied piper of the vengeful and insecure. Those who would sacrifice liberty for safety and the power of the individual for authoritarianism.

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The parties are just being more divisive because this divide and conquer stuff isn't working so well for them anymore. The real conflict is class conflict, precisely what they are trying to avoid. And i'm sounding like a Marxist. Ye gods.

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"The real conflict is class conflict, precisely what they are trying to avoid."

How can you actually think the political parties are trying to avoid class conflict?!?!

The real conflict is NOT among classes (a conflict forever ENCOURAGED by the State, and its captured party establishments).

Please stop being a Marxist. He was wrong!

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Marxist classes are those in charge, and everybody else. They don't care about your wealth, only theirs. They don't care about your identity, only theirs. Marxism is a tool to gain power. Only fools think it's a philosophy.

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Ok let's be clear here, i'm not a Marxist. I'm not an anything. These aren't colors to be worn like a gang or a jersey like a football team. Everyone had ideas. Well, some people didn't, they were just dumb. But Marx had ideas. Not all correct, but the meat of what he was getting at had a point. There is no compelling reason why wealth needs to be concentrated in a few, at the time nobles and such, while the vast majority of the population were either actual or virtual serfs, bound to their land.

Actual implementations of communism were notable for minimizing class differences - they got rid of the nobility, warlords, what have you - while creating a new ruling class, called the nomenklatura, at least in Russia. Access to this ruling class was way more egalitarian than the prior noble classes. Technically, the poorest peasant could aspire to be part of this ruling class. There was lots of corruption and nepotism, and the system was very far from perfect, but it was better than what came before it. It is not entirely clear what came after is better.

Here in the US, we have things like 'legacy' admissions to colleges. Every time I hear that word, I think 'noble class'. But it's never made to appear like you can buy your way into that golden ticket to a good corporatist life. Remember a couple years ago when all the Hollywood types were getting arrested for paying to get their kids in schools? That wasn't permitted, but legacies are.

What passes for class conflict in this country is the difference between a 28% and 35% top tax rate. An actual class conflict would involve questioning why functionally illiterate scions of old money families get into top tier schools while other high performing kids are left out. Or why it costs $$$ to get justice, so only the rich get it.

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Our biggest challenge is our inability to debate those who have placed a blind trust in our government bureaucrats ("the only EXPERTS that count") and politicians. There has never been an equal society for all, ever. We have attempted to offer equal opportunity and have made steady improvement over the past 236 years. Many fuck ups along the way and still many more to address. The current focus on only the worst while ignoring everything else and is playing to fear of a lazy public who's trust is abused. Sharing news of independent media with those you know care may be the best way to influence those who have trusted the wrong team.

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I whole-heartably withdraw my erroneous accusation, M. HBI! I should have said, "Please stop SOUNDING like a Marxist." My apologies.

I stand by my assertion that "class conflict" is a Statist diversionary tactic, and ONLY that. I subscribe to the economic freedom cry, "The best friend of the poor man is the rich man, not the State."

You are correct concerning the captured University.

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What do you mean you're not a Marxist HBI?

'If it walks like a duck'....ya know.


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You're confused about one thing. Just because you're a legacy of a college doesn't mean your kid automatically gets in. Being a legacy doesn't do anything except help admissions break a tie with another student when everything else is equal.

You said, "Remember a couple years ago when all the Hollywood types were getting arrested for paying to get their kids in schools?"

If being a legacy worked the way you say it does, there would be no scandal. The parents involved all went to REALLY good colleges so they don't need to resort to bribing coaches and fixing ACT scores if they could automatically get their kid into their alma mater.

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"Or why it costs $$$ to get justice, so only the rich get it."--HBI

That has nothing to do with 'Class' as Marx argued, it is because of the Corporatist Oligarchy, that is part of the Deep State, the National Security State...or as Eisenhower called it the 'Military Industrial Complex'.



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Yes, but he was wrong because his labor theory of value was completely wrong and because he wasn't true to his own dialectical analysis of history, foolishly thinking that somehow the working class could overthrow the last oppressive class, the capitalist bourgeoisie, failing to see that the material dialectic would simply produce a new oppressive class to displace the capitalists -- Djilas's "New Class", the commisars in the parts of the world where control of the state came under those seduced by his ideas, and the professional managerial class in the parts of the world that stayed capitalist.

If you don't think the capitalists have been displaced, consider that vast amounts of capital actually belong to the working class, at least as beneficial owners, in the form of pension plans, that many of the rich have their holdings in mutual funds or ETFs and the shares represented by these are not voted in the interests of their beneficial owners, but in the guild interests of the professional managers. If you doubt this, consider the meaning of the phrase "golden parachute", and consider whether including such a provision in a top manager's contract is actually in the interests of the shareholders.

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The golden parachute can attract top Sr exec talent to take a risk. Keep in mind that I'm speaking of the GP offered back in my day (dinosaurs still roamed the Earth LoL)

I'm talking about a few years salary if it all goes wrong. CEOs do not get rehired if it all goes wrong (for good reason)

Also good for shareholders are huge bonuses based on performance targets achieved.

That said I just can't believe the crap that goes on these days! Those huge Sr exec bonuses? Not tied to performance anymore. And the amounts are absolutely absurd, like 20 years salary and not tied to performance

Kinda seems like they're getting paid to fail....

Because they are! Why? Dunno lol 🤣

Equity demands mediocrity? Plausible

Btw, to you Kendi cult CRT Racists who might read this, I'm not talking about Race. I'm a follower of Dr MLK Jr and his color blind society, you know the philosophy that inspired millions into the civil rights

movement to make actual real systemic Racism illegal in the USA.

Kendi cult members share the Ideology of David


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An excellent analysis/perspective. Thank you, M. DNY. Sorry, nothing of substance to add. I just felt a heart was insufficient.

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Marx wasn't even alive when others were butchering his words to push their own agendas.

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I think you underestimate the degree to which those who "butcher" Marx's words have actually, knowingly or unknowingly, been influenced by his baleful ideas to the extent that "their own agendas" would not have taken the form they have without Marx.

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His words live on. Yours might not.

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I would suggest that the real conflict is people's concern that they are locked into a class, not that there is a 'class conflict'. Upward mobility due to continuing wealth creation means people have hope. Redistribution of the same pie means people are stuck, so they agitate for more of the pie. A fundamental problem with the Bernie bros and AOCs of the world, they don't want to create wealth, they want you to share yours.

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If economics were a function of real production and consumption, I’d agree. That hasn’t really been true since at least the 1970s and most egregiously in the last three decades. Right now, reserve banks across the world are actively inflating fiat currency by buying securities directly. It doesn’t even feel like an emergency measure. They just do it. We have an illusion of an economy only powered by this funny money created out of thin air. There are no real consequences, and I think AOC and the Bernie bros may have hit on what is going to bring this all crashing down. That very lack of consequences.

I’m not going to attribute real foresight to such people, but they are a symptom of the problem. If the economy is fake and gamed to never fail by constant financial tricks, then politicians can’t resist giving free stuff out forever.

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All true, unfortunately. I was talking about the philosophy behind your original post. We have certainly entered uncharted economic waters, but eventually bills have to be paid or wars have to be fought. Let's hope for the former.

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AND, that (the "funny" money) is NOT Capitalism. It is Statism, and it is only a question of time....

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Inequity is just. Any attempt to force "equity" is forever and always unfair and unjust.

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All that matters is for society to allow the individual to be free to better their lot.

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Inequity means something entirely different in Democrat fascist world. It's called CRT or anti white racism which is what Dr. Kendi promotes. It is being taught at EVERY K-12 school in the country along with pro transgenderism

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Every time the wokesters say the word equity, this is what they mean-“Equity is the forced equal outcomes, taking the worst outcome that no one would want and making sure everyone gets it” the best definition of “equity” I’ve ever heard.

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Yes. Read (or re-read) Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, published the year of my birth, 1961, and included in his Welcome to the Monkey House collection, 1968.

If I were Emperor (do NOT make me Emperor, but this would be good), I would use this short story to begin the de-programming of the woke.

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"Inequity is just."

I wish to amend that unclear statement thusly:

"Inequity is a natural result of justice."

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the GOP is not FOR inequality, they just recognize that human drive/ambition is different for people. To expect equality when work/effort differs is ludicrous.

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Steve -

I was simply repeating the original poster’s characterization of the R party.

I’m not at all a fan of “equity” my parents came here in search of the American Dream. They knew it was out of reach for them and they did not have means to help me. For THEM I worked to make that dream happen. I’m not wealthy, took 6 yrs part time study to get a degree and another 15+ years to buy my own home. Thank god my mother was alive to see it happen.

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I came from humble beginnings, I was the 1st one to graduate college in my family's history. My Dad was solidly blue collar, union member. He sacrificed to give me a shot. I ran with it.

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Ostensibly, at least.

for people like Liz "My father's name was Satan" Cheney the message is irrelevant, they are simply picking the best option for them that lets them stay in power

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Our political parties are two cheeks of the same ass and they both stink.

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One side stinks worse. Always vote for the less stinky. We don't get to choose the best, only the best available. Those who expect perfection are doomed to disappointment.

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If you go for all or nothing, you can end up with nothing most often. Rand Paul, Jim Jordan, Josh Hawley, are some good ones in my mind. Probably overlooked a few others. Cant really think of any Dems I could support. De Santis is another I like.

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Hmm... here in Missouri, we have some experience with Hawley in small government Republican circles. I first met him at a local event while he was in the primary for AG. He talked a VERY good talk then, answered off the cuff, was responsive to liberty-movement activists. I supported him then myself. That stopped once he won that primary. He very quickly became a typical politician, chasing big donors and campaign money, getting in bed with establishment GOP. He then broke his promises to us by leaving his AG term unfinished for the US Senate primary. I did not support him in that race.

That is not to say that he has not done some good things, some things I agree with-- he has-- but I neither trust him nor believe he is necessarily doing them for good reasons. He has also done very questionable things. In the end, if he thinks he doesn't HAVE to do something to win the next election, I doubt he will, and if it is a conflict between the public good (in the 18th century sense of the term, not its Progressive use) and campaign money, I am pretty darn sure which way he will go. I don't see any real difference between him and his predecessor McCaskill in that sense-- another person who did good things early on and got progressively (so to speak) worse.

Maybe I am wrong, but for my part, I would treat him with caution.

As for Rand Paul, I supported him and volunteered for his (state level) presidential primary campaign until he dropped out.

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The biggest problem in politics is getting good people to run. Your candidates don't seem interested right now, but its too soon to tell.

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This underscores the importance of vaccination. Those affected by covid - or thoughts of it - are unable to gauge the degree of stink or its hue.

Actually, the condition seems to apply to most regardless of any physical malady. It's mental.

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keep pushing the state's agenda herr jackboot

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Thats how they trick you. They had market researchers spend years analyzing what voters like and each party picks little issues here or there to identify their hard-line members.

Everything else is 'negotiable'. You know like when Tim Scott who swears he is a conservative and hates CRT has a big thing about race-specific laws on his website. Or like Big Cheeto pardoning Kwame Kilpatrick a lifer DNC corrupt fuck.

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If you dig deep enough, the truth leaks out.

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You gave two choices. Support the best candidate available, or whine about the choices and lose.

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So you tell us to perpetuate the false alternatives - and truth is, in action they aren't very different; both are the Plutocrat Party. That's why even a moderate like Taibbi supports a "3rd" party, and Greenwald denounced the Dems a long time ago.

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Doesn't matter if you like it. One of the two major parties is going to win. If you don't know which is worse, and if you don't support the better of the two, you get to live with whichever one wins. And you lose. Life doesn't often give us good choices. Success comes from making the best choice.

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At this point there are only two viable choices for the executive branch. GOP or DNC, anything else is a wasted vote. This is true of Congress as well in the main.


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I agree. My tiny optimist still lives inside my head despite what I read and hear each day.

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We can't make the world perfect, but we can make it better.

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While I agree with much of what you’ve said, I wonder whether you’ve actually watched Tucker Carlson or just incriminate him for being on a FOX cable show. You clearly don’t know anything about his worldview. Conflating him with the Main stream Republican Party or RINOS in the party is completely erroneous. And comparing and equating him to that vacuous moron Don Lemon, please!!

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Tucker Carlson is one of the most honest newsman there are in this screwed up society.


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I watch him on a regular basis and agree with you on that.

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Oct 22, 2021
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“A good narrative soundly beats even the best data” — Klaus Schwab, Davos Agenda, 2015




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What do you think of this Ms. Fritsche? Do you think the "establishment medical community" would want you to have this information?



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Oct 23, 2021
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Oct 23, 2021
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Biden’s Mad Mandate Is Ripping The Country To Shreds

Nuclear scientists dismissed. First responders booted. Doctors and nurses axed. Pilots put on leave. And Biden’s “mandate” has not even been promulgated by OSHA. The country is being ripped apart…and that may be just what they want. Meanwhile, Biden’s numbers continue an express elevator downward. What’s the end game?”


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No Mona, I am not particularly interested in Viktor Orbán.

Do you think that Joe Biden is doing a good job as the President of the United States?

Are you in favor of a global government and giving up the sovereignty of the United States?

Are you are Neo-Marxist collectivist? Or do you support the principles presented in the Declaration of Independence?


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Whoa...whoa... yes I've watched his shows! I agree w/ much of his stuff. And he's got some points of view I find repulsive (esp his latest inflation scare-mongering: tl/dr: NOBODY knows what's happening re inflation and to say otherwise is disingenuous- the data's not set yet)

I've also watched him in long form interviews on Rogan/Rubin etc etc...

He's a good shit, but he's also performative.

And I deliberately put him into the same league as Lemon b/c Matt already took Hannity and Madow for his book cover!

So, I guess you think he's kinda okay, right? :)

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“Nobody knows what’s happening with inflation and to say otherwise is disingenuous” Jim, the point is there is inflation, it’s not transitory like “the big guy” and his coterie of liars is saying. Have you been to the grocery store or gas station lately? You were doing ok until you mentioned Tucker and inflation. Now your equating him with hannity or mad cow?? Stop the gas lighting. This article by GG is perhaps his magnum opus to date.

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Inflation = endless Fed money printing.

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I agree and should have included that.

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I can't agree w/ your take (despite our agreement on Biden). My reason is that the inflation that's affecting us (try paying $6/gal for premium gas like we do in Canada, and meat at Costco up here has gone up about 30%) is specific rather than general. The world economy is still shaking out from the pandemic right now, getting its head around the fact that its endemic. We'll see where it is in a year.

If I'm wrong, oops. If you're wrong, yer a mindless ignorant creepazoid.


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Increasing prices is the definition of inflation. It's caused by government producing too much money. So, your "oops" is correct. Hope you learn from it. Many don't.

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I don't get what you are saying about Carlson at all. I have a bad feeling about you and your reason for you commenting here Jim M.


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Well, I'm more than my take on Carlson. On this topic, I'm okay that you think highly of him- after all, I'm a fan of Rogan and Breaking Points.

We both dig Greenwald, right?

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Well Mr. M,

I don't think you get it. I don't think you have really kept up with Tucker Carlson's broadcasts if you don't see him in a favorable light. Rogan is all over the place with his opinions...a tough guy and great fighter, but wishy washy in his opinions. He is not straight ahead and on the head of the nail like Carlson. Rogan is sporadic and distracted, and chatty.

Yea, we all have the right to our own opinions. No problem there. But my opinion trumps yours in my opinion...Lol.


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I guarantee everyone that Glenn will be on with Tucker this week to discuss this.

AG Garland had better reign in this 1/6 Committee’s Un-Constitutional shenanigans and quickly.

Or, maybe just let their totalitarian show go on so the whole world can see these “legislators” for who they truly are: Un-American traitors to The Constitution they all swore to “preserve, protect and to defend”.

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“AG Garland had better reign in this 1/6 Committee’s Un-Constitutional shenanigans and quickly.”

Why? What evidence do you have that leads you to believe anything will be done about it or that anyone will be held accountable?

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Exactly. We have already seen that the bureaucracy doesn't care about silly things like the Constitution. I mean, how do you just change an FBI 308 to say the opposite of what was actually said, and get away with it? Thus, sending a former cabinet member/General's life into a legal tailspin in the MSM? So far, an attorney was sentenced (suspended) and that's it. Lux et veritas? I don't think so.

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Well, there's always Russell Brand. :)

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Not for nothing, I think Brand's a UK version of Joe Rogan.

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Russell Brand is a very smart guy.


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Unfortunately with nearly all our communications being monitored by our government agencies the ability to even organize a peaceful protest without being labeled an enemy of the state looks grim. The deception currently being deployed through the partnership between our media and government means we no longer have even a semblance of an independent media we can trust to keep government power in check. Tucker is playing with fire and I hope he can hold out long enough to convince more people how dangerous the deception has become. We need a none of the above option on all elections.

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It does not matter how they vote. What matters is who counts the votes.

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Didn't Stain make that point Hugh?


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Yes, I still hear the network news, The View, and the late-night shows shoveling the "insurrectionist" meme. I heard part time musician and full time gasbag Bruce Springsteen spouting the "vote blue or there will be violent revolution" crap on Colbert Monday night.

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Tucker and Don work together. The illusion is that they are offering you a choice.

The reality is you and voters like you have picked one of these two parties for almost 200 years. We joke about things like the masonic lodges and shadow governments but how many people know all of that is true?

How many people have read about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_Due

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“Tucker and Don’t work together”, “the reality is you and voters like you have picked one of these parties for 200 years”. I’m not sure what’s worth, your equating a vacuous moron like Don lemon with Tucker Carlson or the dripping condescension or your superior intellect.

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While Tucker yells at the left and Don yells at the right the two of them are splitting the control of the country.

At some point you realize they aren't really against one another they are simply providing that illusion.

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"While Tucker yells at the left and Don yells at the right the two of them are splitting the control of the country._--Iconoclast

Impossible, Tuckers ratings are ten times higher than Don Lemon's.

Carlson has the best ratings in the nation at this point.


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You know, your name/handle is perfect. As near as I can tell your dislike or hate just about everything written here. What’s the difference between you and ANTIFA??

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Hahaha...You finally figured Iconoclast out!


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I dislike government on any side telling people how to live their lives. I dislike almost every established politician, their media allies, and almost every big corporation.

You know who I respect? People who follow the rules and succeed despite them. People who have integrity first and self second. I love conservative christians and even liberal hippies AS LONG AS THEY DONT PUSH THEIR AGENDAS ON OTHERS.

Ironically most of these people have done LSD. Coincidence? I think not.

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There are alternatives to the duopoly parties; primarily, the Greens on the left, and Libertarians on the right. But Oregon, for one, has 8 ballot-qualified parties, last time I checked. If the People's Party gets off the ground, there will be yet another - though I wish they wouldn't split the left/progressive vote before we have Ranked choice Voting.

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Nope Charles, nation wide it is only the Dems or the Republicans. or the vote is wasted.


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More choices = wins for the people. Until the shitlords figure out how to co-opt non-established candidates :(

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Ranked choice voting? Another progressive way to disrupt elections. Are you from Portland?

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Benton County, where RCV is already in effect. You're in Oregon?

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I’m far from the failed state of Oregon, geographically and politically.

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Im pretty sure I hate Oregon as much as anyone I've ever met but if we are talking failed states you can just sweep the east coast into the shitheap because all of it is trash, corrupt, and will have to die for it to ever get fixed.

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Pandering to the false alternative of the duopoly parties is giving in to the prospect of a violent "3rd revolution."

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Inequity is another word for the results of freedom and an indication of the rewards available to those with initiative and brains.

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Agree. This is a masterpiece. I read the entire thing slowly, saved it to several research files, and flipped it on social. I then gave it to my husband and told him that this was a "must read."

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When I read this article today I became a paid subscriber. I appreciate Glenn for having journalistic integrity, perhaps fact-filled articles like this one will inspire other journalists to break free from the constraints of MSM to seek the truth and report it accurately and fairly.

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He's just stubborn enough to risk his life for truth. Not many can say that. Certainly not anyone working at the NY Times these days.

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Amen. Fantastic article.

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glenn's been kicking ass since he started writing. very much a national treasure. what I like most is he doesn't pull any punches and calls bs on any person or group no matter ideology or political party.

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The problem is we need many more people like Glenn to mitigate the army of left and right wing fascists that have taken control of the government- especially in recent years. No one is safe with these totalitarians in charge and they like their power and do not want to give it up.

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This one article is worth the price of a year’s subscription. I don’t have anything to say but thank you - I’m still digesting and dealing with my feelings after finishing it.

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Absolutely agree, Sigsegv!

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I thought the same thing!

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Yep, I subscribed right after I read it. Brilliant.

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I love how the narrative requires pretending there was no unrest or violence after Trump won in 2016, pretending there was no plans for violence in case he won again, and pretending there have been no forceful occupations of legislatures for political purposes in the past. Anyone remember the Wisconsin state capital or the Kavanaugh hearings?

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I clearly remember 'NOT MY PREISIDENT!' marches on election night right after all of MSM called the election for him. First time in my life (63) I ever saw such a thing happen on election night.

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At least they didn't do much to try to change the election result to their liking.

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No. Those leftist terrorists just made sure the People couldn't have their non-politician, non-captured, non-Statist POTUS ever again.

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Uh, Jim M and I were talking about the election night protests in 2016. You may be talking about 2020, but there is no credible reason to think leftist terrorists overruled the People in either the 2016 or the 2020 election.

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Yes, "leftist terrorists" was an in-appropriate term, and I rescind it. Please substitute "the lying Clinton-Democrats with their security-state apparatchiks whose wise elitism would save the country from the Evil freedom-loving, non-captured, non-Statist Republican lay voter, one way or another".

And I know exactly what M. Jim M was talking about. I perhaps mistook your post as a snide indictment of the millions of peaceful Americans (which include the thousands of Jan.6 peaceful OUTSIDE protesters excercising their wonderful freedom) who NO LONGER TRUST THE INTEGRITY OF U.S. FEDERAL ELECTIONS.

If so, I'm sorry.

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In general, I don't have a problem with those who peacefully protested on the outside of the Capitol on Jan. 6, and I know one of them slightly.

The integrity of elections could be a lot worse and could also be better; I've tried to do some to improve it.

That said, I hope I will never be the kind of person who experiences a drastic change in how far I trust elections as a result of influences that largely trace back to one high-ranking politician's desire to maintain power.

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Two systems of justice is abhorrent

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No zip ties were brought in the Wisconsin or Kavanaugh examples.

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The zip ties were already in the Capitol according to prosecutors. The guy shouldn't have been in there or picked the zip ties up, but it is different than some sort of planning implied by bringing them himself.


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A standard false/misleading point that's circulating on the right. You act as if the zip ties were just brought by "the guy" who picked them up in the Capitol. I have been in many protests in many official buildings, and I would never be tempted to pick up zip ties in the very unlikely event that I found some lying around, nor would I expect other protesters to do so. And the idea that the zip ties were all just found lying around isn't very credible either. In particular, you are wrong in implying that there was only one "zip tie guy" who took part in January 6th; multiple participants in Jan. 6 had zip ties with them. I'm willing to face what that means.

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You are wrong Randal fucking Rose. Two people picked up bundles of zip ties, according to testimony taken by the prosecutors, both gave the same reason, they didn't want to leave them there for the cops to use to handcuff any of the protesters. Glenn Greenwald discusses this issue in one of his articles. I have never known Greenwald to get his facts wrong.

When have you been in "been in many protests in many official buildings" and how many bundles of zip ties did you see just lying around?

Now tell me why anybody should believe any of the crap you come up with here?

The first guy that had the zip ties was with his aging mother, who backed up his story of finding them on a table.

When you say "I'm willing to face what that means." ... What does that mean Rose? That these 'protesters were going to catch themselves a Vice President and hang him? Did you see the miniature "gallows"? It was a movie prop. You might have been able to hang a pussycat in that little noose, but certainly not a man.

You are trying to frame the Jan 6 event as an 'Insurrection", aren't you Rose?

You are a fucking Democrat operative aren't you. You are in the party with a jackass for their logo. You are a dissembling assbite. Aren't you?

I don't believe a word you say.


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You write about 1 (one) trespasser, and attempt to make a mountain of a mole-hill.

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No, I said it wasn't just 1 trespasser. I disagreed with Ryan S because he thought that just 1 trespasser had zip ties. There were multiple participants in the Jan. 6 uprising who had zip ties with them, not just Eric Munchel (and his mother) who Ryan S was referring to. So, although Munchel picked the zip ties up inside the Capitol (saying "Zipties. I need to get me some of them motherfuckers"), that hardly explains away the more widespread presence of zipties at the uprising. Munchel also had a taser with him. See this prosecutorial memo which was linked to in the Yahoo News story that Ryan S cited: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.tnmd.85025/gov.uscourts.tnmd.85025.8.0.pdf

And for documentation that zip ties were carried by multiple Jan. 6 participants (not just Munchel and his mother), see these photos:



Again, I'm willing to face what it means when multiple people carry zip ties (and a taser) to the place where elected officials are making their official decision about the 2020 election outcome. It is a minor attempted coup.

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Launching a coup with zipties and a taser has to be the lamest thing in all history. It makes it to be the joke that it is. Like a comedy sketch or something. Improv at the Capitol.

Besides which, all the normal arguments apply here. Taking over the Capitol has about zero implications in terms of real power. The

White House was a bit down the Mall, that would have been a better coup target, or one or more of the Executive departments. It's not a coup d'etat unless you intend to control the government.

I'm reminded of the Brumaire coup, for which I will venture an extended quote from "The Campaigns of Napoleon", Chandler:

"The events of the following day, November 10 [1799], were almost catastrophic, and responsibility for the near-débâcle lies heavily at Bonaparte’s door. The new regime wished to disguise their assumption of power under every appearance of constitutional legality, and this involved winning a favorable majority vote in both the Anciens and the Cinq-Cents. The latter presented the problem, for Jacobin elements commanded a majority of support, and the influential Bernadotte was known to be hostile to Bonaparte, but it was hoped that the influence of the President of the Council, Lucien Bonaparte, would win over sufficient waverers to defeat the Left. The day got off to a bad start, however, when it was discovered that the halls at St. Cloud were not yet ready to receive their distinguished visitors, and the ensuing delay afforded the Jacobin opposition the chance to lobby for more support and plan their moves. As soon as the halls were at last opened, a full-scale debate began, while General Bonaparte and his supporters waited with growing impatience outside. In due course this frustrating inaction proved too much for our Corsican’s patience, and, seizing the bull by the horns, he prematurely entered the building and addressed a fiery speech to each assembly in turn. He was soon shown that he could not deal with the representatives of France in the same arbitrary fashion that had served to overwhelm the sheikhs of the Cairo Divan. The Anciens received their unconstitutional tirade in stunned silence, but the Five Hundred refused to hear him out; rising from their places with shouts of “Hors la loi” some Deputies even drew daggers. They drove a disheveled General Bonaparte and his perspiring escort of grenadiers out of the hall, down the stairs and into the courtyard below.

The crisis of the revolution had suddenly arrived. The troops received their ejected leader with considerable consternation, and some of the generals visibly hesitated. Thibaudeau, an eyewitness of the scene, recorded the passing of this dangerous moment. “The first instant of stupefaction was, however, followed by tumultuous cries—the effect of Bonaparte’s address to the troops. The arrival of his brother Lucien with his energetic eloquence dissipated the last doubts and restored everybody’s determination. I then returned to the Council of Five Hundred. Instead of taking vigorous measures against Bonaparte after expelling him from the Chamber, they were losing time making vain threats, indulging in useless discussions…. Had they declared him an outlaw, Augereau and Jourdan, who were ready, and Bernadotte, who was secretly waiting for the event, would probably have been able to proclaim the decree, bring over the Consular Guard (which did not share the same feelings as the regular army) and overawe the other troops…. The outcome of the day only hung on a decree one line long or a dagger’s blow.” However, in the event, the Council’s prevarication and hesitation proved fatal. “I heard drums beating the charge and saw soldiers penetrating into the legal chamber; the onlookers disappeared in a cloud of dust, and the majority of the Representatives … hastily retired through the windows which were fortunately on a level with the garden outside.”5 And so the new regime surmounted what might have proved a fatal crisis of confidence. Later the same night, Lucien rallied a rump of the Council and rushed through the necessary legislation approving the Provisional Consulate. The Directory was gone, and practically bloodlessly. “This astonishing and salutary revolution has been made without any shock; it was urgently required,”6 wrote Lefebvre to Mortier five days later. From this time on, General Bonaparte rarely made a political mistake."

Note that Napoleon had fully armed grenadiers escorting him. Grenadiers were usually of large stature, wore bearskin caps, and were considered heavy infantry - melee troops.

My point is that I just gave you a description of a real almost failed coup. There is no comparison with 1/6. No coup attempt.

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Two guys have zip-cuffs in those photo Rose.. Munchel and his mother, and one other guy with Two zip-cuffs in his hand. That's it. Why are you exaggerating this shit when anyone can go to your link and see that you are on a hyperbole flight.

"It is a minor attempted coup."--Randal fucking Rose

A "minor" coup? What a load of bullshit Rose.

It was more likely a false flag operation by the FBI:



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Snopes and NYTimes are State-captured. Please stop believing them.

In any case, I will grant that a handful of criminals were present. How many were working for the FBI?

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Errr…using Snopes or the NYT as authorities blows your argument up…like a right winger who uses Fox News as an authority.

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No zip ties were brought on Jan. 6, either. They were found inside the People's chambers.

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Every so often, the Tree of Liberty needs refreshed by tying a tyrant to it.

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The Tree Of Liberty is watered with the blood of tyrants. Zip ties are forever optional.

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Are zip ties the new smoking gun, M. Randall?

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Oct 18, 2021
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Uh-huh -- the evil aim of tying tyranny into the Tree of Liberty is exactly what would be achieved if some people succeeded in using forcible means (zip ties or whatever) to change the official determination of who won the election.

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Randall fucking Rose is very mixed up and had best not make any further comments. He is making an utter fool of himself.


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