Having been born in communist country, and living there for some time, and finally escaping, I’ve always had a healthy distrust of the press and a great dislike and distrust of intelligence and national police agencies. Even after having wound up in theUS I was never able to shake that utter distrust and fear of government disseminated information. Under communism, the press is fed information by the government on conjunction the police powers to control the population. Except there, if you speak out against it you don’t cancelled on Twitter or face book, you got cancelled permanently. Hold on to your hats . It’s coming here.

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The difference between Americans and Russians is that the Russians know their media is propaganda.

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Americans are coming around. Not a moment too soon.

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The only difference is that the the West relies less on repression by overt force.

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You'll notice that their Orwellian partners Facebook and Twitter haven't banned any of these posts or their authors' accounts.

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They're too busy tagging everyone I know who posts about their post-vaccine symptoms with a "correction" indicating that "vaccines are safe!" They've no time to flag anything else.

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So the NY Post gets booted from Twitter for publishing the truth about Hunter Biden's laptop, but proven lies are allowed to remain when offered by the WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, and NY Times minions? Speaks volumes about the stench of Big Tech.

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Instead of raiding Hunter Biden's house for so much stuff - lying on federal gun background checks, throwing an illegally obtained gun in the dumpster, smoking crack cocaine while driving and crashing and so much more, we get raids of the person who exposed it and destruction of the business who gave the laptop to the FBI.

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That's how it works these days: John McCain the warmonger and jihadist enabler get a funeral in National Cathedral, and Julian Assange exposing war crimes gets solitary confinement.

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I felt a slap to my face when trump didn’t pardon Assange Snowden Ross etc.

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Would really like to know why they were not.

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Do I really have to explain?

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True. They are all serving the same interests.

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All I can say is: Amazing, diligent work, Mr. Greenwald, making me very proud to be a subscriber. You deserve hundreds of thousands more.

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As always, thanks Glenn.

Thought the following might be valuable for the other truth seekers in the group:

Here are five basic rules of propaganda, courtesy of Norman Davies in his extraordinary book "Europe: A History":

#1 - The rule of simplification: reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

#2 - The rule of disfiguration: discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

#3 - The rule of transfusion: manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

#4 - The rule of unanimity: presenting one's viewpoint as if it were the unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure, and by 'psychological contagion'.

#5 - The rule of orchestration: endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

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In 1984, Russian defector Yuri Bezmenov explained the four stages of ideological subversion:

#1 Demoralize the people through propaganda and education

#2 Destabilize traditional institutions (economic, judicial, defense)

#3 Exploit a crisis

#4 Normalization

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American innovation: run steps 2, 3, 4 in parallel!

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Ha! That's good. And then Constant change can be called "Normal," like it's 1984.

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Directed Dialectic.

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Appreciate this dude.

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Corporate journalists behaving as state propagandists? A tale as old as time. And as a liberal I get to watch plenty who claim left wing bonafidas side with the same people the left abhorred a decade ago. They have become the new right. FBI, NSA, CIA, warmongers, big-government types. Instead of wallstreet its the benevolent diety that is beg-tech they defend. Why? Because woke appeasement of 'we care so much about your identity issues'. Its all so fake.

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If you’ve been reading Glenn’s twits and his articles these past months, it’s obvious he has been gradually letting folks know that they've been lied to and mislead by the fake news and others for years. My guess is he’ll start exposing the election fraud soon. He’s a very clever journalist and one of the few truth tellers we have. Things should get very interesting in the coming months. Enjoy.

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You're smokin' good stuff if you think Greenwald will touch election fraud or BLM fraud.

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He’ll have no choice. He’ll have to report on the crime of the century.

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He's been asked why he doesn't touch it, and responded that he lacks the insight and expertise to adjudicate. Which is actually a fair excuse - we'd all be better off if the people that opined on stuff actually knew what they were talking about.

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Max Parry did an awesome early investigation on BLM and how it connects (sometimes quite openly) to deep state actors. A must read: https://www.unz.com/article/beware-the-hijacking-of-u-s-protests-into-a-color-revolution/?highlight=BLM+funding

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True and true. But it IS the crime of the century, and the truth will come out, and I'll bet GG, and his team, will help.

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Wouldn't leaking a deadly virus (which also happened to swing the election) be an even bigger crime?

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You know, as soon as I wrote "the...," i was already thinking of possible exceptions!!

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Like I said, he is a very clever investigative journalist.

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I think this is a fair point as he's not located in the US. It's a bit hard to see the full truth (without real audits, signature matching etc) when you are far away.

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I understand where you’re coming from but it’s very easy to see what’s going on and I’m not an investigative journalist.

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Fair point. I think Glenn, as a constitutional lawyer can surely look at the unconstitutional law changes which were done in places like PA and GA (SCOTUS didn't have the balls to take up the cases). He can also talk about Gavin Newsom's recall signature rejection is 20% while for the election votes, it was in the 0. something range. Or how all 6 states magically stopped counting the night of elections and then magically got votes at 4 in the morning to put Biden ahead of Trump.

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On the other hand, sometimes it is easier to see the "big picture" from afar. Don't forget that Glenn exposed the lies and corruption of the Obama administration and that British newspapers have published excerpts, emails, and photos from Hunter Biden's laptop. American "news" is highly censored and has become the New Pravda. I am sure that Mr. Greenwald has plenty of contacts in the USA and that some are busily submitting FOIA requests to expose the rampant corruption and THE GREAT LEAP FORWARD that Biden is attempting to destroy our nation with.

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Didn't you just read above the fact that Greenwald *opposes lying by journalists ?

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I was first amazed by Glenn in January 2017 when he called out how the bureaucracy was coming out against Flynn and Trump before Trump was even inaugurated.

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Being so close to Snowden and Assange, I believe Glenn has know what’s really going on for quite some time.

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Yeah, proving "Election Fraud" *AND the Loch Ness Monster !

That "Election Fraud" crap was presented to Judges in ALL of the "Trump States", and every ONE of the so-called "cases" was tossed

out on its ear by Judges who included those appointed BY Trump. *Those Judges did NOT assume, as did Trump, that their appointments implied *any kind of a quid pro quo !

So, The Cause has *already "been there, done that", and *Lost by a LANDSLIDE ! Are we tired of so much "winning" yet ?

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Few comments ago you were agreeing about the uniparty and agree that the establishment wanted Trump out. Now you are claiming the same establishment "tossed" out his lawsuits on "no standing", "moot" etc and therefore establishment must be right. C'mon.

If you honestly believe that Biden got 12 million more votes than Obama - and that too in the very few select cities to put him over Trump at 4am, while losing house seats, getting single hand audience, barely getting any views on his YouTube and even the SOTU, YouTube actively removing dislikes from his videos (which get ratioed), then you gotta believe in Santa Claus.

With that said, these Q people are crazy and did more harm than good. But they are a very small minority as confirmed even by "left" USAToday:

> Among the conservative voters only ~4% have positive thoughts about Qanon. 31.4 percent found the movement “unfavorable,” 43.3 percent said they had “never heard” of QAnon, and 21.3 percent were undecided:


You making snark remarks about the "quid pro quo" shows you aren't arguing in good faith and believe the propaganda while claiming to be anti-establishment.

And please stop with the stupid asterisk in your comments.

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I imagine Bill Gates' book is excellent; but if/when Glenn ever writes a book about political corruption, Russiagate, and how the FBI is currently raiding the homes of innocent people because they are not Biden supporters, that will be the political book of the decade.

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I doubt it. Glenn's lane is challenging the national security sector (or the Deep State, if you will) and much of the media's fraudulent coverage of those issues. It was - and still is - possible to challenge Russiagate for this reason. With the 2020 election (whatever your opinion of the outcome) there was no elaborate story spun by the IC and propagated by the usual suspects in the media for Glenn to analyze and pick apart - only a simple claim that everything was on the up and up.

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Of course, most things are now hidden from the proles. I just bought Van Morrison's new album & discovered the his protest song STAND & DELIVER is not on the album and is not for sale in any format besides MP3. If we want to learn what is going on in the USA, we must read Great Britain's Daily Mail.

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On the topic of disappearing/mangled products - I can't stop kicking myself for giving away a lot of CDs previously as I can't find many of them anymore. Sometimes not even in mp3. Should have gotten the clue when they cut the second verse of "Money for nothing" from radioplay way back.

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You mean they've got to Mr. Van Morrison? @#$%^&*.

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It's a huge disappointment. I'd always heard that Van Morrison had complete editorial control of his releases. I read that Eric Clapton received lots of complaints when the song was first released last year. I wonder if there's any significance to the fact that the 3-LP set was released on the EXILE/BMG label.

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How could I have missed this excellent analysis the first two times through?

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May 4, 2021
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Lots more reporting to do. In case you don’t know, there is a forensic audit going on now which will overturn AZ and other states will follow.

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Nothing is getting overturned. That's nonsense. There is an audit going on yes and hopefully it exposes some stuff - though they aren't even doing signature matching so who knows. But nothing is gonna get overturned.

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It is kinda cool to see the Right Wing up against even *kookier Magical Thinking ! Frustrating, I know.

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I think the vast majority of "the Right Wing" totally understand that no 2020 race is going to be over-turned. We are realists, and are looking to the future, desparate to stop this entrenched Democrat fraud and cheating in 100s of ways.

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@ Timothy Andrew Staples :

I think that if your party contained any *courageous realists, you would want to *avoid, at ALL costs, even looking like the *dumbest* aggregation of bumbling Capitol Insurrectionists, and Election/Democracy destroying denialists this side of the Federal Prisons and the State mental wards.

You know that old saw we heard from our grandmothers regarding the value of avoiding not only public impropriety, but the *appearance of Public Impropriety ?

Your party is even now losing voters in droves after 1-6. Could the organizers of 1-6 have thought it would be any different?

They were *so convinced that their

*pathetic little tantrum was *GOING to hand them the reins to the ENTIRE United States of America, that they HAD NO contingency plan for the possibility [likelihood] that the plan would NOT work. I am grateful for the fact that Trump *was "the general" on THAT one !

After *that organizing fiasco, there were thousands of previous Trump Fans who were definitely *not "down for" violently overthrowing the legally elected Government of the United States !

Now that the insurrectionists HAVE committed their crimes, they sound like children who were caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Their only weak-kneed excuse for an attempted Government Coup, is, so far, "Well, the President TOLD us to do it." Yes he *did, the entire Nation watched him do so on International TV. However, even the U.S. Military is legally enjoined *against obeying UNLAWFUL orders from a POTUS, much less a rabble of U.S. Citizens advocating murder IN, and destruction OF, *OUR Capitol building.

When your group bends over backwards to LOOK like the Party of Foamin'-at-the-Mouth, Outta-Control-*CRAZY, you really need to hire a platoon of PR Gurus to bring you back from *that little "ooopsie". Optics. Very important in attracting voters beyond the hard-core base.

Voters need problem solvers - not thugs with "pokey sticks", obeying a man who desperately needs nothing more in this world than *immediate psychiatric help.

The best your Party is doing SO far, is to DENY all the footage OF Trump inciting insurrection, and all the OTHER footage proving EVERYTHING that the con man is accused of !

Let's eliminate from this conversation ALL print media on *both sides (I have never been one to need media to TELL ME what was going on in front of my very eyes on live cam footage.)

There is no viewer in the WORLD who did not *see and *hear Trump inciting insurrection except Trump fans citing the mantra of intentional ignorance. Even THEY don't believe that, but, again, like a child caught copping a cookie, they have to tell the world (and themselves) *SOMETHING in the hope of avoiding the worst of the *consequences of attempting to illegally overthrow the LARGEST democracy on the planet.

Now they are wanting to ask the voters to "trust them" *again with the largest nuclear arsenal on the Planet ? After *demonstrating their willingness to commit egregious and senseless violence in the streets of the Capitol City, Portland, OR, Seattle, etc ?

Sending in mercenary troops with NO markings ?

Your party, not Trump, is going to suffer the *most egregious "fallout" from the insane choices of a madman POTUS.

"Vote for me, and I'll set you free." That mentally deficient Trump, in his narcissistic brain fog *TRULY thinks that all humans are even *dumber than he is. Turns out, he may not be *completely wrong !

There is only ONE direction that your party CAN go from here. Full out oligarchy, which Trump tried SO hard to accomplish.

When it comes time to pull the lever in 2024, the Republican Fan Base will now be reduced in HUGE numbers by the defection of people who were once caught up in the Trump Con, but who are NOT willing to aid and abet a Criminal Administration like Trump's. Violent Insurrection against the United States of America by "patriots" is going to be one *tough sell among all but the HARD CORE militia types, and the most *virulent of racists in the U.S.

I understand, and even sympathize with the inequity that is taking place against your party right now. But, not to be insensitive to your plight, Repubs have been *pushing for some "blowback" since Reagan took office in 1980.

Republicans in physical number are a *huge minority party. That is why so many of them *desperately cheat, and "justify that" by feeling like "victims" of numbers.

Given that *fact, Choosing more violence is *really the equivalent of "suicide by cop". While Republicans *do control many Police Departments, 1-6 proved that they do NOT control the U.S. Military, as Trump falsely believed. Trump *delayed getting the National Guard on scene, Trump had a *lot of complicity among the Capitol Police, but having once shown his hand, people who once believed that "this kind of thing could *never happen in America" are now forewarned, and mounting their permanent defenses.

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No there is not

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@ USALover

Magical Thinking is the new "IT" Girl.

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I was not aware of this. Can you please link to relevant information?

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@azgop twit gives updates through the day and posts articles. You can search Maricopa audit for articles. War Room Pandemic 10-12 and 5-6EST gives daily updates. If you want to watch it...azaudit.org has 9 cameras.

Also audit in NH. GA will most likely be next.

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Can't wait for GA!

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Here in Georgia 74% of black people want IDs for voting. I'm in a very Democrat mostly black city (Savannah). I think the far left has read the black citizens wrong. They are left/middle and treasure the hard won rights they have.

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May 4, 2021
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Also...it’s going to get much worse before the turnaround begins.

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"The SKY is falling ......"

~ Chicken Little

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I know it seems very dire right now but please don’t give up hope. There is so much going on and I am absolutely sure biden and co. will be gone in the coming months. May I suggest you check out gab? 💪

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Good lord. Please stop with this Q nonsense. This makes us right wingers look fucking stupid (unless that's the goal???).

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@ CNNisFakeNews

If the shoe fits ....... ;-D

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May 4, 2021
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This really opened my eyes https://www.bitchute.com/video/a61imbMknMUV/

Also The Fall of the Cabal and The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal series. Both on bitchute.

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1. First, once again, kudos to the great Glenn Greenwald.

2. Second, again, a must read and may God Bless Glenn Greenwald.

3. Third, again, are Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald the only honest, patriotic journalists left? If so, I truly fear the future.

4. Fourth, again, that the intelligence agencies are such an instrumental part of this on-going web of lies not only makes me sad, it makes me ashamed to say that I was a US Army Intelligence officer for nearly three decades.

5. Fifth, since I have BS credence as a Former US Army Intelligence Officer, I literally think I could call up Wolfe Blitzer, Jake Tapper, and the CNN crew, and tell them I had "proof" that Donald Trump was a Vampire, and they would put me on. LOL

6. Sixth, not withstanding still being an admitted partisan Republican, let me say that I find the Establishment Republican Party just as much a loathsome partner in this AWFUL conspiracy of deception as any other of the conspirators; and, for now at least, the key Point "Man" for the Establishment GOP is (of course) the truly despicable Liz Cheney. Is it surprising that she is now being DEIFIED by the (corporate) media for (1) attacking Trump and (2) cheer-leading for us to REMAIN fighting forever in Afghanistan?

7. Seventh, forgive me but I am going to RE-PRINT my last RANT (from Mr. Greenwald's Natasha Bertrand article); because (1) I was really proud of it and (2) I wanted Glenn Greenwald to read it!

I sent Mr. Greenwald's article to most of my buddies, who are (mostly) center-right. I wrote this rambling, (but heart-felt) preamble rant when I sent forwarded the article. I hope you all (and especially Mr. Greenwald) read it...

A must read article, and forgive my preamble rant...

The United States is in a very bad place. We are on a clear -- and perhaps inexorable -- path downward as the dominant world power, while the Peoples' Republic of China is clearly on the ascendency.

And one of clear problems is that we do not have a (corporate) media that tells the truth. Instead, they tell lies; lie after lie, after lie, after lie. What's most disheartening is that when their lies are exposed as lies, they (indeed, no one) is ever held accountable for lying.

No one in (corporate) journalism epitomizes this more than Jeffrey Goldberg, a truly malevolent, evil human being. Indeed, it is fitting that Goldberg began his ascendency in (corporate) journalism by promoting one of the greatest lies of the 21st Century; the lie that there was collusion between Saddam Hussain and Al Qaeda over 9/11.

On the polar opposite of Goldberg is a true hero; Glenn Greenwald. Mr. Greenwald, a committed liberal in the finest tradition, below writes yet another must read article on one Goldberg's minions, Natasha Bertrand, who has just been hired as the nation security correspondent for -- you guessed it -- CNN.

A side note. People wonder why I so strongly supported Donald Trump, despite his faults. One reason is that it was shocking (even to me) just how many lies have told about him. And it must be said that the greatest lie was that the lie of Russia Collusion. Let me say that again. A. Total. Lie. In truth there was (and is) zero -- ZERO -- proof of ANY coordination between the Russians and any American (let alone Trump or any of his allies.)

And in this article, Glenn Greenwald summarizes every single lie that Natasha Bertrand has told about Trump or his supporters, especially the Russia collision story. He also points out that she spearheaded the LIES that (1) there were Russian bounties on US troops in Afghanistan and (2) that Hunter Biden was the victim of a Russian disinformation campaign. Another side note; Greenwald also points out that there is no "honor among thieves" as also summarizes the fact that Bertrand has been caught stealing stories from other, more junior reporters.

The collision between (1) the national intelligence agencies; (2) the corporate media; and (3) the Democrat Party (again, brilliantly summarized below) is, to put mildly, not only disheartening; but it could well signal the doom of the Untied States as a world power. Especially considering how these insidious forces within our nation are so willing to also collude with the Chinese. Are Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald the only honest, patriotic journalists left? If so, I truly fear the future.

PS: that the intelligence agencies are such an instrumental part of this on-going web of lies not only makes me sad, it makes me ashamed to say that I was a US Army Intelligence officer for nearly three decades.

PPS: Again, a must read and may God Bless Glenn Greenwald.

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A fantastic statement, and encouraging because if someone with your background can say that, there must be thousands more. You say 'People wonder why I so strongly supported Donald Trump, despite his faults. One reason is that it was shocking (even to me) just how many lies have told about him.' I have had the same experience. And, of course, the MSM must have already reported and confirmed that Trump is a vampire . . .

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I guess I am not the only Hugh here. We are Hugh. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

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May 3, 2021
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Once upon a time, not so long ago, any development that the establishment of the day didn't like could be automatically blamed on Jews.

No evidence necessary. Because Jews.

Today's establishment is far more enlightened. They do not automatically blame Jews. They automatically blame Russia.

No evidence needed. Because Russia.

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I am a Jew. My family is from Russia (okay, actually from Ukraine, but why let facts get in the way of a good meme). Does that make me a suspect?

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A Jew from Russia (forget the Ukraine, that wouldn't work as well).

You're a suspect squared!

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I am not now, nor have I ever been a Russian, but I get accused of being a secret Russian troll all the time.

Pro-tip: Russian doesn't have indefinite articles, so Russian speakers almost never consistently use them correctly when writing in English.

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And I am a bot. Russian bot.

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Well, not in my book, but then I read you were trying to organize the "Hugh"s, and I got a little worried. Before you assimilate me, may I change my name?

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GG and Matt Taibbi are not the only honest journalists out there. There is also Caity Johnstone, among others.

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@ Feral Finster

Good to know ...... Thanks !

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Someone -- HECK MAYBE ME! -- has to start an online-log where these things can be tracked and cited by those of us who want to... MY problem is not enough time to devote to this, but I DO run the servers this would require, have an automated email receiving system that could handle the input from many other people who could be authorized to submit materials, AND a web server to publish this material.

What do you say, Glenn? Help me get this going? YOUR ask to help me form up a team would then give you a place where all the deceit of the past of this kind - fake "confirms" - can be simply and easily cited to debunk their shit...

I'm willing if I can get some help!

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I'm in. What are you thinking of?

Obviously not just links to his articles here on Substack. And even if he doesn't respond the links he uses probably could be lifted, categorized, excerpts created sufficiently informative should the links go dead and then just publish the list. For starters. Improvements can be done later.

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Use https://archive.is

Don't use archive.org as they have removed articles previously.

And store local copies as PDF too in case.

Sharyl Attkisson has a list of media "mistakes" too:


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What I'm thinking of is having a small army of contributors, each authorized to make entries, some to make overall edits, etc, using an automated processing tool-set that's already in existence, just with different templates to suit this particular focus. This system is already in place helping several organizations, and the one I'm most familiar with has published directions on how the basics of it work. Find that here:


AND, importantly, details are found under the "Contributing" tab (which also, if not selecting a sub-tab, gets you to the page just cited).

...You can also email me at that site - I'm one of the authors. Just put my username here in front of the at sign and that domain name, and you can write me. ...Use proton mail for anonymity, if you wish...

Heck, TheTroyPress can probably be convinced to create a portion of their site devoted just to this, so there's no new domain name needed, etc, though surely that's not too hard if anyone wants to cough up the dough for a domain name, etc.

...I see YOUR post has five up-votes, and mine got eighteen, so maybe we can get a team together to help do this?... I can do the basic setup and get the automation engine running for us, but I _cannot_ do the whole job, it's just way beyond the time I have available for it. But as the old saying goes, "Many hands makes light work."

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Hopefully somebody contacted you through the mechanism you described. It looks like you have technical side covered and actually look for content submitters according to an already well-defined procedure.

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Yes, that's a proper assessment. ... Do you think it's a viable mechanism? And, if not something like this, then what?

BTW, nobody has contacted me, unfortunately. It seems like most every other topic; people are very enthusiastic that someone else takes care of the things they care about and overwhelmingly offer exactly no effort of their own - effort other than the most brief suggestion of support. This, in my estimation, is perhaps the greatest failing of humanity; rivaled only by avarice is enthusiastic support for vital topics actually treated with apathy coupled with hypocrisy when it comes to actually doing anything. -heavy-sigh-

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Your last paragraph - total agreement and applies to larger things as well. Like hearing about stuff govt or its agencies do and getting all worked up only to quickly go back to their everyday lives concerned with their next dinner date.

As to the procedure - I actually thought it'd be something more basic as I described originally, something to the effect of just to make sure records are being kept in a short compact form which could just be obtained from links and surrounding context, easily retrievable to refer to by people when needed. What you offer sounds like more work, for a submitter to be an author of some kind. That might scare away folks and some may feel inadequate or ill-equipped for that sort of activity, as I certainly am.

At any rate, I think it's a great idea overall, but maybe it's not time yet. And when it is it might be too late. As in "first they came for ... and I was silent, then ...".

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As to "the procedure", I have a "next dinner date" to worry about, too, so all I'm trying to do is spread around the work of recording these incidents. It's primarily, as I see it, documenting an "executive summary" for each, then collecting up and citing pertinent links, then publishing. The automation engine simply looks at the submission, lets someone do an editorial pass, then "publish" by doing all the formatting to put it on a web page. Oh, and lets not forget updates, such as new, late-braking events to an existing entry or the possibly necessary retraction.

If that scares people away, then their thinking is not very mature about what something like this actually takes; it's not rocket science, it's just a bit of basic "journalism," and not even very much of it, at that!

As for great ideas whose time "isn't yet" and then "too late", check out this one: https://TodaysMarch.org/ The domain name was registered on May 15, 2016... Think we could have used such a thing regarding Standing Rock? George Floyd? Sandra Bland? Hell, even The Insurrection?! (Wouldn't the right-wingers have been gratified to prove their event wasn't what the media said it was?) The list of recent events that cry out for this kind of thing are, unfortunately, innumerable.

Yet, crickets.

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Use https://archive.is

Don't use archive.org as they have removed articles previously.

And store local copies as PDF too in case.

Sharyl Attkisson has a list of media "mistakes" too:


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I love that you left the Intercept and we now have an astute journalist on full time Operation Mockingbird watch. This is the way.

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It’s not simply that those false tweets are still up, it’s how many likes and retweets they have. Who are the accounts doing all of this engagement? They are bots, part of a botnet. All you have to do is click into the likes and see the profile pages to instantly realize no real person would use Twitter this way.

Everyone has heard twitter is flooded by fake accounts, and that politicians buy fake followers. Almost no one understands how much of an impact those botnets have on all social media sites, and how this use of automated bot activity completely drowns out the voices of real people.

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While there surely are bots, don't under-estimate the constituents who are willing to buy any lie - as long as it confirms their narrative.

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I once saw a bird that seemed to be wounded because it was lying on its side and struggling to right itself. As I got closer I realized the movement was caused by maggots feeding on the bird. Journalists in the corporate media are like those maggots animating a corpse. Get close, you can't miss it.

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"Get close...."

After that description you want me to get close?!

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The most disturbing aspect of what Glenn is reporting here is that the security state is using these corporate so-called journalists, who actually are mouthpieces for the security agencies, to INFLUENCE OUR ELECTIONS. One reason they cannot recant these false stories is that it would reflect back on the activities and credibility of the security agencies themselves. Not only would this be bad for business, but any reporter who did this could be pretty sure that they wouldn't be getting any more "scoops" anytime soon.

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In 2004, the Guardian (a UK newspaper) openly organized a campaign for Europeans to call registered voters in Clark County, Ohio to urge them to vote for Kerry.


For some baffling reason, nobody of influence and authority went around screaming that this was an attempt to meddle in Our Precious Democracy and demanded sanctions on the United Kingdom.

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Yeah, I think there are a few other cases like this that have struck me over the last few years. Why is pro-Democrat-Party sentiment, if not action, originating from foreign sources, media and otherwise, not as suspect as the Republican type?

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Weird. Real weird.

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It's all so tiring. It's like I am watching a shitty comedy skit where I am the only one laughing because I can see through the comical obvious lies while everyone is asleep.

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I wish I was still in the comical phase,, since the Pandemic & Vaccine push, emergency powers basically given to Fema who answers to the UN or the WHO, in many civilized countries, central bank digital currency push, I'm not seeing any humor in it at all. Red or Blue is a total distraction and illusion, I'm discouraged more people haven't noticed it yet. The media is propaganda, yes, but who is really pushing it? For a country that rose up against a Kingdom to fall into an Oligarchy turns my stomach. I feel we are being enslaved by technology misused in dangerous hands, not empowered by it. At the end of the day, people are too exhausted by day to day life to muster up much of a fight.

Perseverance and Hope truly are two of the Cardinal Virtues Americans need more than ever right now. I'm not laughing at the sleeping people, I'm desperate for the hundredth monkey.

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If you want some more sad news: Biden Seeks to Circumvent the 4th Amendment by Privatizing Spying on US Citizens:


CNN Archive: https://archive.ph/7vHeV

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Me, too!! We must be segregated.

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Glenn, I see that you’ve graduated from “punching down” to helpless little girls like Taylor Lorenz, etc. and are now mercilessly attacking helpless little clowns like Geoff Bennett, Michael Weiss, Glenn Kessler, etc... of course I jest, but I’ll bet you’ll be accused of something along these lines. BTW how much of a giant P****Y is Geoff Bennett? Hilarious.

Geoff Bennett to himself: “Glenn Greenwald, how dare you call me out for being a liar when I lie! That’s your white supremacy! BLOCK!”

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Great article Glenn, but I think you left the RNC out of this sentence:

But they are not driven out and will not be because the reality is that their job is to spread disinformation as long as it is in servitude to the right factions (the CIA, FBI and DNC) and against those who are ideologically disfavored.

If you intended to leave the RNC out, I would love to see an article on why.

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I don't think CNN, MSNBC, the NYT and the WPost are in servitude to the RNC.

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This whole thing is part of the Five Eyes intelligence establishment. I think it's important to point out that this goes even much beyond American intelligence agencies, it's a global web, which is known as the Five Eyes. It is like the modern version of Venice's global intelligence and ideological warfare apparatus.

Matthew Ehret has done some brilliant case studies on this, especially for Strategic Culture. We can find Canadian Intelligence (CSIS), Britain MI6 and CGHQ, the FBI, CIA, all working together around the same program of subversion of not only the US, but all sovereign nations.


I think it's important to point out that this is not even a left/right, democrat vs. republican issue. The intelligence apparatus which underlies these campaigns has at different times used different parties and people to advance its unchanging goals on behalf of the City of London and Wall Street. For example, what did the second Iraq war and Russiagate have in common? Both were operations which got their start from British Intelligence, MI6 ''dossiers''. The WMD dodgy dossier and the dirty dossier by MI6 ''retired'' agent Christopher Steele were both the products of British intelligence, a key member of the Five Eyes, which was directly intervening into major US foreign policy and diplomacy.

This is how Venice ran its empire. We're just seeing the modern version of this.

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If you look all of this is documented in the Citizen's Commision leaks as well. Even Snowden talked about this.

The same group of countries that share all their shit including lies.

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Glenn, please cover Biden Seeks to Circumvent the 4th Amendment by Privatizing Spying on US Citizens:


CNN Archive: https://archive.ph/7vHeV

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So this Canadian wokester NWO'er has deep family ties to the Nazi party. Can't make this stuff up. Projection being the key piece of artillery in the Infowar, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. I guess I'll crack a beer and light a spliff.

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And the only reason right wing news is spreading the story(which I believe, by the way) is that Freeland is a Liberal.

I’ve asked several conservatives whose “families fled the communist yoke” what side their families were on in WW2. Crickets.

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Here, here! That's my frequent attitude.

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Interesting observation. Thanks.

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And now Five Eyes has been complemented by Four Corners (USA, OZ, India, Japan)

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Sure it's in the past?

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Those outlets are in servitude of whichever political party is currently the vehicle for the CIA/FBI to advance their causes. Right now, the DNC is the vehicle the intelligence state drives. It's been the RNC in the past. It probably will be again someday.

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Disagree. At least for the past decade and especially in the last 5 Trump years, it's been DNC.

97% of the media is Democrats.



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Ever heard of the 80s? How about the 70s? Yeah, that was the RNC's time to be captured. Clinton was when the shift began.

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How about the 2000s when CNN was helping Bush push through the Patriot act? How about in the early 90s when CNN helped Daddy Bush invade Iraq?

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Firstly, both you and Glenn's article are using "are". 40 and 50 years ago is not "are".

Secondly, I very clearly pointed out in another comment that:

> While I agree that there's a faction of the media which is pro-neo-cons, those Neo-cons are all anti-trumpers like Liz Cheney, Bush, Bill Kristol etc. These Neo-cons even endorsed Biden/Hillary.

> Other than Tucker (calls out Trump too), Hannity (overtly pro-Trump, can't stand him), Laura Ingraham (pro trump but has called him out occasionally), there's very very few people in establishment media who are real populists and not Neo cons supporting Biden/Hillary.

"Daddy Bush" endorsed Biden. Same did Bill Kristol and other neocons.

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2000 was 40 years ago, dude!!! Get your numbers straight😅

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The 80s was 40 years ago.

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Well, 40 years ago it was the 80’s, but it was also the 80’s 31.5 years ago

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yeah, *I* have. That's like, so 40 years ago.

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Bush wasn’t no 40 years ago, though. Iraq “started” with Bush. They lied about all of that and he did too and they lied for him and to help him. I’m pretty sure they all did, not just Fox. I don’t remember any outlets saying “the Iraq war is a lie. There were no WMDs” or “we have no proof Assad gassed his own People and investigators aren’t allowed.”

Nowadays I agree that it is the “left” “liberal” media that is BY FAR the bigger liars. I mean, did you see what they do to anyone who doesn’t immediately bow to the DNC altar?! I do also feel like it does goes back and forth-all inclusive really. And I tell you what’s REALLY sick! When Trump dropped some big bombs what did the left media say? “FINALLY Trump is behaving like an American President👏🏼👏🏼“

I feel like our entire MSM is FUBAR!

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Hence my comment, "it's been the RNC in the past." Which is why my statement is accurate and you are wrong. Thanks for playing kiddo.

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That's ancient history. And very different times. I am old enough to remember when the media was relentless in harassing the Clintons in the 90's with one borderline "scandal" after another. Back then they all wanted to be Woodward and Bernstein and collect political scalps by breaking scandals. Now they just compete for insider brownie points to see who can be most subservient to the Democrat Party Line.

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97% of federal employees are democrats too. THe other 3% don't want to say they are democrats.

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Well even if the 3% are staunch Republicans, they would keep their mouths shut, now, wouldn't they?

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I believe the gentleman believed “corporate media” is in service to RNC But doesn't get that there is temporary/tactical split (between RNC & the 3 media outlets plus DNC ) .because of Risks of a loose cannon like Trump....Of course all are servants of the establishment (moneyed powers) but they turned against Trump once they got their windfall (tax cuts ...wealth transfers to Rich) ..And now the RNC has to discard Trump as his usefulness has morphed into a much graver risk

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Perhaps a simpler way to distill it: the donor class (Trump) shall never again enter the hollowed-out husk of the ruling class.

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Never under-estimate the power of propaganda.

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The same way the propaganda was used to install Hitler and, systematically put millions of Jews to their death . The DNC has installed the village idiot and, is systematically annihilating Trump supporters.

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Which of course is its selling point (supply-side speaking, don't you know). It seems that propaganda is in demand today, also, so no wonder the world is awash in it (again, supply-and-demand speaking).

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No shit sherlock.

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Hi Glenn, thanks for responding. But I assumed you were making a point more generally, about the media having fealty to power structures. Not just about one part of the corporate owned news associated with the DNC and its allies in government. Obviously, this is something that is happening on Fox and MSNBC. They all have their talking heads that used to be in the military or spy agencies. They all have their anonymous sources, don't they? Maybe you were specifically trying to be more specific than that, which is why I asked. I fully understand that the NYT, CNN and MSNBC has aligned itself with the DNC, but there is a whole other media universe out there, even if you don't watch it. I don't, but I still pay attention to it, and include it in my analyses.


Thanks again for responding.

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May 4, 2021
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"The Republicans bear some responsiblity"

- For what? The DNC and their media minions lying like its their jobs? The "monopoly media" you talk about occurred due to 1996 legislation. Stop being part of the problem and pushing disinformation/misinformation because it paints those you agree with politically poorly.


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May 4, 2021
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Did you just link the New York times to refute a factual link for actual legislation I linked from 7 years earlier?

The New York Times? The same lying group Glenn is exposing in this article?

What about the same NYT who had Walter Duranty or Jayson Blair?

Go away astroturfer, or open your eyes.

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Yeah, the stupidity of trusting Democrats.

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You just read a huge article with 50 different examples of the media lying in conjunction with the DNC and you first response is to ask why the author didn't put the RNC in the same story?

I mean this in all sincerity, open your fucking eyes.

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when was the last time you saw the corporate media/security state axis on the side of the RNC? MSNBC/CNN/CIA/FBI/DNC there are almost indistinguishable, most notably MSNBC, the bee hive of former spooks and deep state disinfo campaigns.

Glenn explicitly mentioned the false story from the post that and how Glenn Kessler, the alleged fact checker who would rather be concerned with how bad it really was for the some black people during jim crow in the south than reporting facts.

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You can’t discuss the abject failure of corporate journalism without bringing in both political sides, regardless of which power structures they owe fealty to. Journalism that has been captured by oligarchs and government power structures will always fail to inform, because the job is to misinform. Now if you are only talking about the DNC and their powerful puppet masters and the news outlets affiliated with them, then you are ignoring the part of the corporate media that actually pulls in more views. Fox, OANN, and the other right-wing outlets have a vast ocean of oligarchs supporting them and are as linked to the RNC as the NYT and MSNBC are linked to the DNC.

You can’t have honest journalism that holds power to account if they are wholly owned corporate entities. Whether they are associated with the DNC or the RNC seems far less relevant to me than the fact that they are all capitalist propagandists. The two sides just cater to different groups of corporations and oligarchs. But focusing only on the DNC and their corporate friends ignores a significant part of the problem. At least admit that the problem is bigger than the DNC and their corporate/government masters.

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Give us a recent example of right-wing outlets "confirming" each other's bullshit, which is the topic of Glenn's article. If you're going to invoke "both political sides", put up or shut up.

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97% of the media is Democrats.



While I agree that there's a faction of the media which is pro-neo-cons, those Neo-cons are all anti-trumpers like Liz Cheney, Bush, Bill Kristol etc. These Neo-cons even endorsed Biden/Hillary.

Other than Tucker (calls out Trump too), Hannity (overtly pro-Trump, can't stand him), Laura Ingraham (pro trump but has called him out occasionally), there's very very few people in establishment media who are real populists and not Neo cons supporting Biden/Hillary.

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No way, it's got to be more than that.

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Great comment John, thank you for this important work telling Glenn what to write about. Pretty soon if you post enough comments like this, we can get the article we so badly need from Glenn that will drive the final nail in the coffin of the RNC

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Yes, then we will have a true single-party State. (shivers.)

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Well, the RNC is a political organization, not "credentialed journalists"

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Excellent article on: Asking the Wrong Question About Liz Cheney: Don’t ask why we need to oust her. Ask why she was ever in leadership in the first place.


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