I once worked as an assistant county prosecuting attorney. I was walking with the boss and I asked him about the tactic used by Deval Patrick when he was Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. Patrick's office would file a civil complaint against a company, offer a settlement, and tell the company that if it did not agree to the settlement, the DOJ would file a criminal complaint against the company.

My boss misunderstood my question. He thought I was asking him if I could use this tactic. He stopped walking, spun on his heels, and yelled at me that if I ever tried to do such a thing he would have me charged with extortion.

He definitely answered my question. Deval Patrick's strategy was immoral, unethical, and illegal. But I guess it was perfectly OK for a Democrat to do that.

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The “insurrection” also feeds the “domestic terrorist” agenda, a cornerstone for the build back better/great reset nobility.

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The subpoenas should be ignored, not challenged. There's no probable cause supporting what is a general warrant. The 4th Amendment can't be ignored by a Congressional Committee even if Congress granted it "subpoena powers." And the members of the committee should be removed from office over this abuse of power.

Oh, and 1/6 was staged by the FBI.

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Reading this as a South African what I find strangest is the idea of people spending months in prison for trespassing during a protest. In South Africa protests are so ingrained in our culture (sometimes annoyingly so), that the thought of such disproportionate punishment sounds insane.

I know people will probably point out in what a bad state South Africa is, but for most of us the memories of a police state are still visceral and haunts our collective memory, so much so that we are willing to make that trade-off.

The alternative is so much worse.

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When you are in a democracy and your ideas suck, the only way to implement them is by stacking the courts and/or outright authoritarian force. Even their seemingly overwhelming propaganda infrastructure can't make their $h!t shine. So we get authoritarianism, censorship, and gulags.

Imagine being a democrat voter and believing you are the solution to anyone's problems, besides the corrupt rich and a sociopathic ruling class. Disgusting. Sad and pathetic.

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This was a FALSE flag to stop the effort at stopping the certification and the presenting of evidence, of Dem party election fraud.

And RINO's were in on it too. The "insurrection" WAS THE THEFT of the election and subsequent "Reichstag fire" by Democrats

I saw Rep. Massie's video you posted to Twitter. That dude who was telling folks to head to the Capitol was OBVIOUS. Turns out he was an FBI agent out of Phoenix. Funny how he wasn't charged and is at home while innocents sit in jail and are abused.

There are a few Dems that belong in JAIL themselves with all of this.

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The reason for the 1/6 committee is to justify an explicitly domestic version of the so-called "Patriot Act".

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Hopefully, these subpoenas will be challenged in court based on the lack of legislative purpose for the underlying committee. Congress can't investigate crimes. The Justice Department does that. There are several Supreme Court cases where Congressional subpoenas have been invalidated because the investigation had no legislative purpose. Interviewing private citizens to prove their involvement with an "insurrection" isn't a valid legislative purpose.

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I like the way Glenn points out the drama, the wished-for dénouement, thé catharsis at the end of the tunnel that are part of both the Russia hoax and the 1/6 attempts at punishment.

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"What's the point of having a majority in Congress if you can't drag your enemies before a committee and interrogate them?" - Josh Lyman

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They are manufacturing consent for the abuses they intend to perpetrate on those with the will to resist.

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Thanks again for being a voice of reason amid absolute insanity. I keep trying to tell people what they think happened didn't happen but there is no talking sense to people that whipped up by fear and rage.

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“Nancy Pelosi's sacred desk“. I thought it was her Secretary’s desk. It would be interesting to hear about how the protesters could not wield the “Podium of Power”.

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Feeding the Trump Monkey Apostles: Be Careful What You Wish For .. . and carry a big banana.

Again, the official stated purpose of the Jan. 6 Select Committee is to 'investigate the attack on the capital'. And I think they damn-well should, Glenn. .. for a lot of reasons.

Imo, the 'Stop the Steal' attack on the capital during the mundane election certification process makes it legitimate congressional business. .. subject to criminal referral (e.g. what do you think about Bannon?)

Beyond feeding the Liberal Flock, if the "Biden DOJ has not charged one 1/6 defendant with insurrection" or sedition (so far!), it's hard to understand how the 1/6 Select Committees investigation of that attack is a cynical exploitation of those "hapless and impoverished souls"?

Indeed, Trump was impeached over 1/6 (for the second time) and acquitted (for the second time). I agree with the first outcome, not the second.

[Fwiw, I thought the first impeachment, the Ukraine affair, was grossly misplaced at best, considering VP Joe Biden had threatened the Ukraine PM by withholding a few billion in aid if he didn't fire the Chief Prosecutor/Attorney General who was investigating the Ukrainian company (Burisma) paying Hunter Biden $70K per month (retainer.).]

True, 1/6 wasn't much of a coup, but 'that Jan. 6 was an *attempted* coup is not in question.' (h/t Chomsky) A pitiful, almost comical, 'stop the steal' attempted coup, not unlike how Trump somehow managed to bankrupt the Taj casino, twice. Nevertheless, it was an attempted coup .. . a well-advertised in-your-face attempt by Trump et el officials to overturn an elected government. That's a [attempted] coup.

That the attempted coup was unsuccessful does not diminish the malevolent intent, lessen the constitutional 'separation of powers' issues involved nor abrogate the legitimate congressional obligation to investigate it. It was a direct threat to congress' constitutional authority .. . such as it is nowadays.

I draw a distinction between those (non-official) 'hapless and impoverished souls' who participated in the attack and the cynical exploitation of them by Trump et el. officials. #freetheQnon-Shamam

I understand your abject disgust with the hypocritical Liberal Flock toadys who have besmirched you at every turn Glenn - from naming you Putin's henchman to Trump's butler - .. . but this smacks of partisan rage.

*short of civil war, one must always choose the lesser of two weevils https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=440l8poSQiA

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"Underlying so much of the anger and resentment surrounding 1/6 is the complete dissonance between the narrative fed to the citizenry by Democrats and their media allies on the one hand, and the legal realities on the other. "

Which is identical to "Russiagate". Create a media circus at taxpayer expense that does little but allow your PR outlets to use it as fodder to attack your political enemies. Expect this to be the norm from now on. There is no downside to this for them (CNN is a loss leader at this point, and they have seen the worst negatives) and there is non-stop upside.

The higher engagement on bullshit political stories energizes the "Politics as religion" craze sweeping social media. CRT is an example of this on the right. It energizes their base, who comment and click and share the story. Anti-vaxxination is an example of this on the right. They attack anyone who says publicly they dont want the vaccine, and present them as a crazed probable "Trumper". Meanwhile, the actual stats show minorities specifically african-americans, asians, and hispanics are the groups most lacking it. Most likely because all of those groups have been fucked at the hands of the government and are therefore leery of them.


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Is it "Liberal" anger? It's more like "Establishment" anger.

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