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I'll agree that it is an incestuous relationship, but push comes to shove and DC wins, hands down, every time. Technically, we've been economically fascist since the 1930's and as time passes the State is bringing more and more of the cultural institutions under its control, but particularly the media. Everybody likes to throw the term fascism around as an insult and epithet, but the reality is we've been living in a fascist system (as defined by Mussolini) for a long time.

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I can't agree that it has always been this bad. At one time the democrats supported unions and the working class, no more. That slid away slowly over decades and Clinton really shifted that party to the right and ended it with overturning Glass-Steagall and passing NAFTA. I know that corporations have always played a big role in our government, but Citizen's United made it a lot worse. Our news is corporately owned, and I really fail to see the degree of power either party can have with such tremendous outside influence, and that influence is not coming from the people.

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Citizens United doesn't matter when the media acts as a fourth arm of government and Silicon Valley censors unpopular political speech. It wasn't the Super PACs that drove the 2020 election. It was the unrelenting lies in the press.

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It all matters, as does the passage of Citizens United which gave corporate America a bigger say in the political arena, and more control over our elected officials.

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Corporations are just groups of people, like unions, PACs, armies, churches, and such. It's a way to leverage individual preferences, operationally or politically. Eventually, the preferences of the greatest numbers of opinions prevail. The better organized consensus is usually better for society than the mob.

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You're right corporations are just groups of people, however they are groups of people with a whole lot of money, and power, and our elected officials have become quite subservient to their needs, and their interests. They push their agenda above the welfare of the American people whose needs have become quite secondary.

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The solution for that is honest journalism, to identify the manipulation. Glenn is one of the last. Maybe he'll revitalize the profession.

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See, Operation Mockingbird. The National Security State recruited the legacy media as their propaganda arm in 1948. The people of the US have been indoctrinated cradle to grave for 75 years..

"Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it"--George Snatayana


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I am aware that the CIA has done many terrible things, overturned governments, killed leaders of state, and has been responsible for millions of deaths. I know that Iran no doubt would be a democracy today if the son of Teddy Roosevelt had not wiped away Mosaddegh with lies and innuendo. I am well aware of who we are and what we have done on a world wide level while we play on and play up our virtues.

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No, that was Eisenhower and Churchill. DO try to keep up.

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Look Needham, read Stephen Kinzer's book, on this issue "All The Shah's Men", and it will explain everything you have to know as well as Kermit Roosevelt's explicit role in overthrowing Mosaddegh. I am so tired of you people who don't even bother to do your homework. I saw him in person too. Very interesting, and so many years ago, however I remember things. The end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Your only motivation here is to bash Democrats. When Kermit Roosevelt wanted to give his side, during the Carter years, of course his side was whitewashed…to cover up the fact that MI6 was involved.

Churchill is still a saint to right wingers, and he was more so then.

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'Your only motivation here is to bash Democrats."--Needhak

And that is a great motivation! The traitorous Democrats need bashing.

Fran gives citations. Where are yiours?



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Well having been on the receiving end of both of you throwing temper tantrums this ought to be good.

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There has been no real investigation of the fraud that occured in the 2020 Presidential Election. The mainstream media repeats that “It was the most secure in our nation’s history,” like a hypnotic mantra.

But there certainly has been no actual investigation other than the citizen investigations that that have been ongoing since November 4th 2020. When we all went to bed the night of the 3rd the numbers showed Trump winning by a landslide. But something mysterious happened in the dead of night. When we awoke the next morning the hallelujah press was praising the lord that China Joe Biden was the new president.



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A state lawmaker reportedly wants to investigate Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, saying there were “numerous and documented failures” related to the way the 2020 election was conducted.

Republican state Sen. Burt Jones, who serves on the Senate Government Oversight Committee, reportedly wants committee Chairman Sen. Marty Harbin to summon Raffensperger to testify under oath, according to a letter obtained by the Washington Examiner.

In the Thursday letter, Jones said the depth and breadth of allegations about the contest, and the recent revelation that nearly 200 ballots were scanned twice in Fulton County, mean the election cannot simply be consigned to the past.

“Trusted, transparent, and secure elections are the bedrock of our democracy. As the head of our elections in Georgia, the buck stops with the Secretary of State, and our citizens deserve answers to these questions and to have their faith in our electoral process restored,” he wrote.

Congress Launches New Policy For Cars Used Less Than 49 Miles/Day

“I am confident that a thorough investigation of Secretary Raffensperger’s actions will provide the accountability and clarity surrounding the 2020 election that the citizens of this great state deserve.”

Jordan Fuchs, Raffensperger’s deputy, took issue with the possible motivation of Jones, who is a potential candidate for lieutenant governor.

“There are multiple lawsuits over this topic. This will be decided by the courts, not power grasping political candidates,” Fuchs told the Examiner.

Although no determinations of fraud have been found, the fact that nearly 200 absentee votes in Fulton County were scanned twice in the initial count (although the error was later caught) has renewed concern that inaccuracies — whether by sloppiness or fraud — impacted the contest.

“It’s Fulton failing to follow proper election protocols again,” said Carter Jones, an independent monitor of Fulton’s elections, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “Fulton is so poor at managing the actual process that if they had actually tried to rig the election, they would have bungled it and we would have found out.”

Not everyone agrees.

“If we’re finding this in Fulton County, we’re probably going to find it throughout the state. The question is, why did it happen?” said David Cross, an investment manager working with Georgia residents suing over the results.

“The simple fact that it happened and we found it here means that it probably occurred elsewhere.”



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I lived in GA and went to jail there in the 90s. I have family there now.

At no point do I believe anything there is to be trusted.

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"Your only motivation here is to bash Democrats."

And your only motivation, M. Statist, is to defend Democrats in their 200+ year project of growing the State.

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Its so crazy isnt it? Churchill smartly knew his nation was nothing without oil and he was dick deep into the oil stealing from smaller less powerful nations.

I may not be a sympathizer of Iraq or Iran or even Saudi Arabia but ffs the major powers were just stealing their oil for decades. Only after SA said enough on the ARAMCO deal did the other nations start to be like "Oh shit we can tell the British fuck you? No shit...."

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Naïveté is not innocence, it is gross and moribund ignorance.


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holy shit thats an incredibly disingenuous summary of iran


you must work for the government with that devotion to bullshit

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If you have not read up on America's attempt, which succeeded in overthrowing Mosaddegh, simply because he wanted a fair amount of money from the production of oil in Iran, an arrangement Great Britain didn't like, I cannot be held accountable for your lack of knowledge. The only mistake I made was saying son, instead of grandson, Kermit Roosevelt. PS You are rude.

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Iconocrap is indeed a rude know-it-all. He wants to quibble with the details to look smart and irritate people. He's an asshole on purpose.

Your genral explanation was adequate; Mosaddegh was overthrown by CIA headed by Kermit Roosevelt.

That is all that needs saying.


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Thanks William I really appreciate your response.

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except it was MI6 pushing everything not one random person at the CIA

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I won't give you the last word, the point is they removed him, no more really needs to be said.

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Im glad to see you are now saying "They" instead of a lone CIA employee.


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Do you really think for one moment I was suggesting this was a lone operation by Kermit Roosevelt? I even heard a lecture by Stephan Kinzer on his book, "All The Shaw's Men." Came to our political group and spoke for 2 hours on the subject. You are not talking to an idiot or someone who is new to politics, and nor should you make comments using mean spirited insults which people resort to in order to feel superior, as opposed to behaving like a confident adult who wishes simply to communicate.

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Kermit Roosevelt was a pawn of the oil companies. After the 50/50 Aramco deal, everyone was terrified of that happening in Iran.

Britain was receiving more from AIOC than Iran and this is why MI6 pressured the CIA for help. Pahlavi gets installed by the foreigners who are taking out 80% of the countries natural resources, making the locals do all the work and only giving them 20% and no decision making power.

Can you blame the people for overthrowing Pahlavi? Can you blame them for kicking the resource-stealing foreigners out of their country?

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Oh I think thats a very narrow interpretation and you conveniently leave out the 5 eyes nations who were actually behind the vast push to gather oil.

Do some research on the subject and Id love to discuss it further. You are blaming one person for the actions of multiple nations (who were trying to grab resource rich but defense poor countries for their own needs).

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Iconocrap, You need lessons in civility.


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Whitten, you need to smoke a J, rub one out, and unclench.

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Lee, I totally agree that we have become economically fascist. The article is evidence that is perfectly emblematic of this truth.

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its amazing the amount of big government the dnc rammed through during the economic depression of the 30s

thats not to say none of it was good!

government isnt the answer its the problem

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Yet you will not support OUTSIDERS.

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Fascist since WWII, yes. As for "cultural institutions", you'll have to make a better case than you have on that one.

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It would be easier to come up with a list of cultural institutions that aren't beholden to the government or scared into submission. Charities, higher ed, media, the sciences, the arts, even religious organizations are all getting in line. They're either taking government money or scared of being shut down for being "non-essential."

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So right. Just look at what has happened to the Boy Scouts.

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