Gen. Mark Milley Compared Trump Supporters To Nazis: ‘These Are The Same People We Fought In World War II’
General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, compared supporters of former President Donald Trump to Nazis, according to a new book.
Milley, who has been widely criticized for being “woke,” claimed that Trump was pr…
Gen. Mark Milley Compared Trump Supporters To Nazis: ‘These Are The Same People We Fought In World War II’
General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, compared supporters of former President Donald Trump to Nazis, according to a new book.
Milley, who has been widely criticized for being “woke,” claimed that Trump was preaching “the gospel of the Führer” when he contested the results of the 2020 election and claimed that Trump had led the U.S. to the brink of its own “Reichstag moment,” a reference to an incident in 1933 that Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler used to consolidate political power in Germany.
New York Magazine reported:
… the general’s worries grew rapidly as the president plunged the nation into chaos following Election Day. Seven days later, Milley got a call from “an old friend” with an explicit warning that Trump and his allies were trying to “overturn the government.” Milley was confident that any attempts by Trump to hold on to power would be thwarted, because the military wouldn’t go along. “They may try, but they’re not going to fucking succeed,” he told aides. “You can’t do this without the military. You can’t do this without the CIA and the FBI. We’re the guys with guns.”
The book says that Milley responded to the January 6 riot by saying, “These guys are Nazis, they’re boogaloo boys, they’re Proud Boys. These are the same people we fought in World War II.”
The report concludes by saying that Milley told Michelle Obama on Biden’s inauguration day that “no one has a bigger smile today than I do. You can’t see it under my mask but I do.”
A separate book documented a separate incident that happened with Milley when Trump was in office in which Milley snapped at Senior White House Adviser Stephen Miller after Miller warned Trump that far-left riots were destroying America last summer.
The allegations are made in a new book by a Wall Street Journal reporter who released excerpts to CNN, which reported:
During one Oval Office debate, senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller chimed in, equating the scenes unfolding on his television to those in a third-world country and claiming major American cities had been turned into war zones.
“These cities are burning,” Miller warned, according to the excerpts.
The comment infuriated Milley, who viewed Miller as not only wrong but out of his lane, Bender writes, noting the Army general who had commanded troops in Iraq and Afghanistan spun around in his seat and pointed a finger directly at Miller.
“Shut the f–k up, Stephen,” Milley snapped, according to the excerpts.
Milley stirred controversy during a recent hearing in front of Congress in which he said he wanted to understand “white rage” and that he found it “offensive” that he was being accused of turning the military “woke” because “we’re studying some theories that are out there.”
Related: WATCH: ‘I’ve Read Mao Tse-Tung. I’ve Read Karl Marx. I’ve Read Lenin. That Doesn’t Make Me A Communist’: Top-Ranking U.S. Military Official Defends Teaching Critical Race Theory
"thats just proof the right and the left are the same group of elite shitholes"--Iconoclast
How utterly fucking absurd that comment is.
If I said, 'the man in the moon shows up much better on a clear night with a full moon, than on a foggy night with a crescent moon.' Iconaclast would say: "thats just proof the right and the left are the same group of elite shitholes."
My pooint being that Milley was clearly threatening Trump supporters. Thus **the LEFT are the dangerous elite shitholes** --And the right are being threatened by said "shitholes" as per Iconoclast's colorful language.
Again, I am amazed and amused by Icono's bizarre and twisted thinking.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by repetitive, unwanted, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and irrational, excessive urges to do certain actions (compulsions). Although people with OCD may know, they cannot help but express these bizzare thoughts.
Icono may have stated the point inartfully, but is essentially correct. Tyrants use politics as a means to an end -- for power to control society. Left or right is irrelevant, just a calculation of the mood of their audience. Miley is probably not a Marxist, but is every bit as evil. Focus on the actions, not the politics.
"Tyrants use politics as a means to an end -- for power to control society. Left or right is irrelevant,"--David Watson
Speaking to history in a general manner this is certainly so.
However analyzing the current situation properly has nothing to do with the general truth of the Hegelian Dialectic.
We are in a specific time and place circa: the year 2021...
Right fucking now!!
The Biden regime is threatening a major assault on the Trump suppoters - NOW.
The political divide is not Left v Right, it is the traitorous Biden regime verses the Trump patriots to the Constitution.
You say, "Focus on the actions, not the politics."
I am with eyes wide open. Actions are also preceded by words, and warnings. The actions we have seen so far were telegraphed by the Biden regime all along.
The forced vaccination project that the Bidenistas have begun is likely to create a backlash. It is the PROVOCATION that could bring massive protests, leading to a massive crackdown.
That crackdown will actually be directed at the Trump supporters. We are THE TARGET, not some generic "rightwing"
Do not confuse Neo-Marxist with classical Marxism. These are distinct ideologies. Wake the fuck up and face the facts of the Woo Woke right in front of your face.
I ignore labels. Not helpful. Apparently half the country is unimpressed with the vax edicts. All civil wars begin with innocuous provocations. Never can tell what will start the next one.
Yeah, labels are useful for food, not for people. Actually I try to stick to natural foods that don't have labels. Stuff with labels always includes scary stuff.
Good film. Thanks. But that's over. Now the question is what will we do about it. Clear that most people don't like it, but nobody is doing much. Our society will continue to degrade until we do. Several generations of "tolerance" indoctrination makes it easy for us to tolerate corruption. Maybe well become intolerant of violations of our principles, or maybe we've lost our principles. Those of us who still profess principles need to decide.
As a patriot who holds those priciples close to my heart, I have been doing everything in my power to aggitate other to join in the counter propaganda against this illegitimate statist oligarchy.
Some people accuse me of "worshiping Trump",...of "worshiping the Republic Party..."worshiping the Declaration of Independence"...etc.
It is such hyperbole that is meant to frame me as some sort of fanatic...the same bullshit the Bidenistas call the "Trump Cult", and the Biden regime now considers "Domestic Terroists"
All of this scattered incoherence amongst those who want to preserve freedom in America is just static.
The claims that I am the one who is being divisive in my bullheaded insistance on promoting these principles is the most baffling thing for me.
Those who seriously consider me "indoctrinated" for standing firm on my patriotic principles, always have the oportunity to show me something better. To try to prove there is something superior to personal liberty.
But I have never heard or read a reasonable argument agaisnt the principles of liberty set out in the Declaration of Independence.
They don't work well for cans, either, unless you're a biochemist. Labels for people are generalizations that ignore or hide important details. Nobody these days is a nazi or wants to be one. Some people act badly, but they should be marked for their actions, not the actions of others a century ago. Labels are lazy thinking, for people or cans.
Well I’m sure if pogroms are necessary they’ll go there, but not with the army and police they have now.
Which does not mean it’s impossible.
As for Milley he doesn’t believe in anything but Milley. He is an American General, he got there by being a windsock. Also do note - money.
It is a common place in our military that our Generals never do anything except for money. If you have a good idea or improvement and “it doesn’t cost (read ‘make’) money then no General Officer will talk to you.”
In fact that’s a quote from a CENTCOM LTC to me. It wasn’t necessary for him to be quite so crass, but its the truth.
This is known widely.
So we don’t quite have Hitler here, we have sort of Mussolini. Probably not harmful unless challenged.
Gen. Mark Milley Compared Trump Supporters To Nazis: ‘These Are The Same People We Fought In World War II’
General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, compared supporters of former President Donald Trump to Nazis, according to a new book.
Milley, who has been widely criticized for being “woke,” claimed that Trump was preaching “the gospel of the Führer” when he contested the results of the 2020 election and claimed that Trump had led the U.S. to the brink of its own “Reichstag moment,” a reference to an incident in 1933 that Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler used to consolidate political power in Germany.
New York Magazine reported:
… the general’s worries grew rapidly as the president plunged the nation into chaos following Election Day. Seven days later, Milley got a call from “an old friend” with an explicit warning that Trump and his allies were trying to “overturn the government.” Milley was confident that any attempts by Trump to hold on to power would be thwarted, because the military wouldn’t go along. “They may try, but they’re not going to fucking succeed,” he told aides. “You can’t do this without the military. You can’t do this without the CIA and the FBI. We’re the guys with guns.”
The book says that Milley responded to the January 6 riot by saying, “These guys are Nazis, they’re boogaloo boys, they’re Proud Boys. These are the same people we fought in World War II.”
The report concludes by saying that Milley told Michelle Obama on Biden’s inauguration day that “no one has a bigger smile today than I do. You can’t see it under my mask but I do.”
A separate book documented a separate incident that happened with Milley when Trump was in office in which Milley snapped at Senior White House Adviser Stephen Miller after Miller warned Trump that far-left riots were destroying America last summer.
The allegations are made in a new book by a Wall Street Journal reporter who released excerpts to CNN, which reported:
During one Oval Office debate, senior Trump adviser Stephen Miller chimed in, equating the scenes unfolding on his television to those in a third-world country and claiming major American cities had been turned into war zones.
“These cities are burning,” Miller warned, according to the excerpts.
The comment infuriated Milley, who viewed Miller as not only wrong but out of his lane, Bender writes, noting the Army general who had commanded troops in Iraq and Afghanistan spun around in his seat and pointed a finger directly at Miller.
“Shut the f–k up, Stephen,” Milley snapped, according to the excerpts.
Milley stirred controversy during a recent hearing in front of Congress in which he said he wanted to understand “white rage” and that he found it “offensive” that he was being accused of turning the military “woke” because “we’re studying some theories that are out there.”
Related: WATCH: ‘I’ve Read Mao Tse-Tung. I’ve Read Karl Marx. I’ve Read Lenin. That Doesn’t Make Me A Communist’: Top-Ranking U.S. Military Official Defends Teaching Critical Race Theory
It is obvious that the Biden regime is cueing up for pogroms agains Trump suppoters. Stay alert, this is getting serious very quickly!
Yeah I read that article too.
"a Wall Street Journal reporter who released excerpts to CNN"
thats just proof the right and the left are the same group of elite shitholes
"thats just proof the right and the left are the same group of elite shitholes"--Iconoclast
How utterly fucking absurd that comment is.
If I said, 'the man in the moon shows up much better on a clear night with a full moon, than on a foggy night with a crescent moon.' Iconaclast would say: "thats just proof the right and the left are the same group of elite shitholes."
My pooint being that Milley was clearly threatening Trump supporters. Thus **the LEFT are the dangerous elite shitholes** --And the right are being threatened by said "shitholes" as per Iconoclast's colorful language.
Again, I am amazed and amused by Icono's bizarre and twisted thinking.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by repetitive, unwanted, intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and irrational, excessive urges to do certain actions (compulsions). Although people with OCD may know, they cannot help but express these bizzare thoughts.
Icono may have stated the point inartfully, but is essentially correct. Tyrants use politics as a means to an end -- for power to control society. Left or right is irrelevant, just a calculation of the mood of their audience. Miley is probably not a Marxist, but is every bit as evil. Focus on the actions, not the politics.
"Tyrants use politics as a means to an end -- for power to control society. Left or right is irrelevant,"--David Watson
Speaking to history in a general manner this is certainly so.
However analyzing the current situation properly has nothing to do with the general truth of the Hegelian Dialectic.
We are in a specific time and place circa: the year 2021...
Right fucking now!!
The Biden regime is threatening a major assault on the Trump suppoters - NOW.
The political divide is not Left v Right, it is the traitorous Biden regime verses the Trump patriots to the Constitution.
You say, "Focus on the actions, not the politics."
I am with eyes wide open. Actions are also preceded by words, and warnings. The actions we have seen so far were telegraphed by the Biden regime all along.
The forced vaccination project that the Bidenistas have begun is likely to create a backlash. It is the PROVOCATION that could bring massive protests, leading to a massive crackdown.
That crackdown will actually be directed at the Trump supporters. We are THE TARGET, not some generic "rightwing"
Do not confuse Neo-Marxist with classical Marxism. These are distinct ideologies. Wake the fuck up and face the facts of the Woo Woke right in front of your face.
I ignore labels. Not helpful. Apparently half the country is unimpressed with the vax edicts. All civil wars begin with innocuous provocations. Never can tell what will start the next one.
I read lables. I want to know what's in the can before I buy it.
Look, I have to hit the sack it's 4 in the morning here....
More later, thanks.
Yeah, labels are useful for food, not for people. Actually I try to stick to natural foods that don't have labels. Stuff with labels always includes scary stuff.
Have you watched this movie?
Good film. Thanks. But that's over. Now the question is what will we do about it. Clear that most people don't like it, but nobody is doing much. Our society will continue to degrade until we do. Several generations of "tolerance" indoctrination makes it easy for us to tolerate corruption. Maybe well become intolerant of violations of our principles, or maybe we've lost our principles. Those of us who still profess principles need to decide.
Thanks for your reply David.
As a patriot who holds those priciples close to my heart, I have been doing everything in my power to aggitate other to join in the counter propaganda against this illegitimate statist oligarchy.
Some people accuse me of "worshiping Trump",...of "worshiping the Republic Party..."worshiping the Declaration of Independence"...etc.
It is such hyperbole that is meant to frame me as some sort of fanatic...the same bullshit the Bidenistas call the "Trump Cult", and the Biden regime now considers "Domestic Terroists"
All of this scattered incoherence amongst those who want to preserve freedom in America is just static.
The claims that I am the one who is being divisive in my bullheaded insistance on promoting these principles is the most baffling thing for me.
Those who seriously consider me "indoctrinated" for standing firm on my patriotic principles, always have the oportunity to show me something better. To try to prove there is something superior to personal liberty.
But I have never heard or read a reasonable argument agaisnt the principles of liberty set out in the Declaration of Independence.
My position is firm:
"Stuff with labels always includes scary stuff."
Same with labels for people.
Take the Label "Nazi"
Understanding the actual definition of an actual Nazi can help one discern if that label actually fits a particular person or group.
Labels work for people as much as for cans.
They don't work well for cans, either, unless you're a biochemist. Labels for people are generalizations that ignore or hide important details. Nobody these days is a nazi or wants to be one. Some people act badly, but they should be marked for their actions, not the actions of others a century ago. Labels are lazy thinking, for people or cans.
William Whitten
Milley may not have said that.
And if the wind changes I guarantee Milley will deny it. 😆
Listen none of these clowns are Himmler or Beria. Its the death of Stalin without Beria, Khrushchev or Zhukov.
"Milley may not have said that."--Warred
Nonsense! He is on video saying it. This clown has the power of the national security state in his hands while the Biden regime is in the White House.
THAT is all one needs to become a Himmler. Beria or Zhukov.
Do you guys think we are playing a board game here?!?
This is real life here and now...
Beria and his scheming were one of my first real deep dives into history of Russia when I was younger.
I don't think the people in America know much about him to be honest. Like the Russian Hoover crossed with GWB.
So what Iconoclast? WTF does that have to do with the gist of this conversation?
Who gives a shit if you know more about Beria than the avarage American?
Well I’m sure if pogroms are necessary they’ll go there, but not with the army and police they have now.
Which does not mean it’s impossible.
As for Milley he doesn’t believe in anything but Milley. He is an American General, he got there by being a windsock. Also do note - money.
It is a common place in our military that our Generals never do anything except for money. If you have a good idea or improvement and “it doesn’t cost (read ‘make’) money then no General Officer will talk to you.”
In fact that’s a quote from a CENTCOM LTC to me. It wasn’t necessary for him to be quite so crass, but its the truth.
This is known widely.
So we don’t quite have Hitler here, we have sort of Mussolini. Probably not harmful unless challenged.