This is a great show with Glenn and Darren Beattie - Don't miss it folks:

New Evidence of FBI Involvement in the 1/6 Protest -- With Darren Beattie, Who Broke the Story



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Thanks Todd, I read it. In fact I reproduced it on my blog...but the original is best.


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Tucker is releasing a ducu series on 1/6 on Fox Nation, soon.

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Thank you for that!

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You are most welcome Terri, my pleasure.


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Thanks for the link.

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This subscription is quite a bargain, I appreciate Glenn's passionate means of dispassionately collectedly facts and sharing them with the public. Thank you.

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You didn't need to add any new features for me to renew my subscription, but do appreciate the additions. I already got notice from you and Taibbi that the one year is coming up. Hopefully the renewal is automatic? Keep on giving the man shit!

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I believe renewal is automatic unless you turn it off in account settings.

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Glad to see my Glenn Subscriber Bucks are deflating at time when everything else is inflating

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Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources

By Mark Hosenball and Sarah N. Lynch


Glen mentions this article in his interview on Rumble Published September 30, 2021 with Darren Beattie

This article by Mark Hosenball is a classic 'Modified Limited Hangout' (in spook lingo) which is supposed inside information used to distract from a deeper truth that the intelligence agency involved is attempting to hide and cover up. In this case FBI involvement in the planning and execution of the event of Jan 6.


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Thank you Glenn !!! I hope you have an ever larger team to assist you.

How you have been doing all of it is a mystery to me — you are an institution. Don’t take too much load on yourself alone please.

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Glenn! I don’t think you can use “Q”, even in Q-and-A, anymore… 😊

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I'm sure this scandal is already circulating on Twitter.

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Glenn IS Q!

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When we go 1, you go ALL!

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?? Which scandal ??

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It was a joke. Darren humorously claimed that we can't say Q-and-A because Q now refers to QAnon. Greenwald then developed that into a joke about himself. He parodied his knee-jerk Twitter critics by pretending to think that they'll interpret his term "Q-and-A" as referring to QAnon, and create a scandal about Greenwald allegedly backing QAnon.

In turn, that reminded me of the recent event where Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker was successfully pressured into cancelling a fundraiser because Democrats and others objected to how the fundraiser's organizer had a social media profile pic with vaccine syringes in the shape of a swastika. There was nothing wrong with the swastika image, which was meant to protest vaccine mandates by comparing them with Nazism, but some claimed that Walker's campaign needed to cancel the fundraiser and declare the swastika offensive, and eventually the campaign did that.

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"Cancel culture" only works if we accept it.

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Hmmmmmmm, did Greenwald do something like arranging booster-shot needles in the shape of the letter Q? Very problematic.

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Ha. But actually, reclaiming the letter is a good idea.

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The Japanese call it "Kaizen"; translated roughly into continuous improvement. That's what I'm seeing (and reading.. hooray) here. Always time well spent. The MSM gives incomplete and misleading truth's along with outright lies and indoctrination and, of course, "man bites dog" stories and fluff, lot's of fluff. Thanks for the good stuff; I'm especially glad that you're a big success. Hopefully others will learn from your example that you you don't have to do fluff and comprise your integrity to make a great living performing a useful needed badly service. Nullius in verba is my motto and no doubt yours.

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This is a very exciting development! Audio visual. Plus Transcripts, and now audio of your written articles coming!!! Fantastic.


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Glenn I have followed you since you became a journalist. You present fact based articles as opposed to government narrative based articles which are so prevalent today. You’re a national treasure.

While it’s wonderful that you’re offering added value to our subscriptions I would read your articles “as is” any day of the week. Thank you for what you do.

I look forward to the Q and A tonight.

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October 27, 2021

John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

“You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they’re people just like you. You’re wrong. Dead wrong.” — They Live

We are living in an age of mayhem, madness and monsters.

Monsters with human faces walk among us. Many of them work for the U.S. government.

What we are dealing with today is an authoritarian beast that has outgrown its chains and will not be restrained.

Through its acts of power grabs, brutality, meanness, inhumanity, immorality, greed, corruption, debauchery and tyranny, the government has become almost indistinguishable from the evil it claims to be fighting, whether that evil takes the form of terrorism, torture, disease, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, murder, violence, theft, pornography, scientific experimentations or some other diabolical means of inflicting pain, suffering and servitude on humanity.

We have let the government’s evil-doing and abuses go on for too long.

We have bought into the illusion and refused to grasp the truth.

We’re being fed a series of carefully contrived fictions that bear no resemblance to reality.

We’re living in two worlds: the world we see (or are made to see) and the one we sense (and occasionally catch a glimpse of), the latter of which is a far cry from the propaganda-driven reality manufactured by the government and its corporate sponsors, including the media.

Indeed, what most Americans perceive as life in America—privileged, progressive and free—is a far cry from reality, where economic inequality is growing; pandemic lockdowns (both mental and physical), real agendas and real power are buried beneath layers of Orwellian doublespeak and corporate obfuscation; and “freedom,” such that it is, is meted out in small, legalistic doses by militarized police armed to the teeth.

The powers-that-be want us to feel threatened by forces beyond our control (terrorists, shooters, bombers, disease, etc.).

They want us afraid and dependent on the government and its militarized armies for our safety and well-being.

They want us distrustful of each other, divided by our prejudices, and at each other’s throats.

Most of all, they want us to continue to march in lockstep with their dictates.

Tune out the government’s attempts to distract, divert and befuddle us and tune into what’s really going on in this country, and you’ll run headlong into an unmistakable, unpalatable truth: the moneyed elite who rule us view us as expendable resources to be used, abused and discarded.

In fact, a study conducted by Princeton and Northwestern University concluded that the U.S. government does not represent the majority of American citizens. Instead, the study found that the government is ruled by the rich and powerful, or the so-called “economic elite.” Moreover, the researchers concluded that policies enacted by this governmental elite nearly always favor special interests and lobbying groups.

In other words, we are being ruled by an oligarchy disguised as a democracy, and arguably on our way towards fascism—a form of government where private corporate interests rule, money calls the shots, and the people are seen as mere subjects to be controlled.

Not only do you have to be rich—or beholden to the rich—to get elected these days, but getting elected is also a surefire way to get rich. As CBS News reports, “Once in office, members of Congress enjoy access to connections and information they can use to increase their wealth, in ways that are unparalleled in the private sector. And once politicians leave office, their connections allow them to profit even further.”

In denouncing this blatant corruption of America’s political system, former president Jimmy Carter blasted the process of getting elected—to the White House, governor’s mansion, Congress or state legislatures—as “unlimited political bribery… a subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect, and sometimes get, favors for themselves after the election is over.”

Rest assured that when and if fascism finally takes hold in America, the basic forms of government will remain: Fascism will appear to be friendly. The legislators will be in session. There will be elections, and the news media will continue to cover the entertainment and political trivia. Consent of the governed, however, will no longer apply. Actual control will have finally passed to the oligarchic elite controlling the government behind the scenes.

Sound familiar?

Clearly, we are now ruled by an oligarchic elite of governmental and corporate interests.

Read entire article:



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"But why would a people agree to such an oppressive regime?

The answer is the same in every age: fear.

Fear makes people stupid."--John Whitehead



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Fear is a powerful, NEGATIVE, short term motivator. Just like its ugly cousin, hate.

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Glenn thanks for including transcripts - I literally can’t watch videos - they’re so slow. I can’t think of any other outlet that supplies transcripts that I frequent. Nothing worse than trying to source audio / video, as I’m sure you have to do all the time. Good looking out man!

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Hey Granite, you can click the upper right hand corner and speed up the play speed.

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Yes, but anything over 150% is so fast it's unintelligible. It turns into a blabathon.


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Most of it is blabathon isn't it? Even that we're being forced to try to make sense of the blabathon and someone like Glenn is taking time to explain blabathon is ultimately talking blabathon - just sayin

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"someone like Glenn is taking time to explain blabathon is ultimately talking blabathon"--Matt VW

No, that is a really stupid conclusion to come to.


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Well I disagree. Just because crazy people are making us take on topics that are ridiculous doesn't make the topics any less ridiculous. I love how he breaks this out, but realizing that cancelling a viewpoint is not a good idea doesn't need Glenn's efforts, however I'm glad that he does.

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What the fuck are you talking about VW? are you trying to claim you did not say:

"Glenn is taking time to explain blabathon is ultimately talking blabathon," when it is in the post just before the one you are answering now!?!?

Go take you nest shit in your toilet, not here.


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Thanks, not a bad idea.

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The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing

By Dr. Joost A. M. Meerloo

4/5 (2 ratings)

422 pages

7 hours


“SINCE 1933, when a completely drugged and trial-conditioned human wreck confessed to having started the Reichstag fire in Berlin, Dr. Joost A. M. Meerloo has studied the methods by which systematic mental pressure brings people to abject submission, and by which totalitarians imprint their subjective “truth” on their victims’ minds. The first two and one-half years of WWII, Dr. Meerloo spent under the pressure of Nazi-occupied Holland, witnessing at first-hand the Nazi methods of mental torture on more than one occasion...Then, after personal experiences with enforced interrogation, he escaped from a Nazi prison and certain death to England, where he was able, as Chief of the Psychological Department of the Netherlands Forces, to observe and study coercive methods officially....

After the war, he came to the United States...As more and more cases of thought control, brainwashing, and mental coercion were disclosed - Cardinal Mindszenty, Colonel Schwable, Robert Vogeler, and others - his interest grew. It was Dr. Meerloo who coined the word menticide, the killing of the spirit, for this peculiar crime...

It is Dr. Meerloo’s position that through pressure on the weak points in men’s makeup, totalitarian methods can turn anyone into a “traitor.” And in The Rape of the Mind he goes far beyond the direct military implications of mental torture to describing how our own culture unobtrusively shows symptoms of pressurizing people’s minds. He presents a systematic analysis of the methods of brainwashing and mental torture and coercion, and shows how totalitarian strategy, with its use of mass psychology, leads to systematized “rape of the mind.” He describes the new age of cold war with its mental terror, verbocracy, and semantic fog, the use of fear as a tool of mass submission and the problem of treason and loyalty, so loaded with dangerous confusion. The Rape of the Mind is written for the interested layman, not only for experts and scientists.”-Print ed.


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Bravo Glenn and congrats again on your success.

Regarding expansion of the site: in light of your experience at the Intercept, it would be wise to strongly weigh the benefits of expanding the site versus keeping it focused and under your control. You wouldn’t want to create a runaway train that gets out of control as happened before!

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For Q & A's, i strongly suggest you take a look at Crowdcast, especially their features for attendees to a) post questions in a separate section from general chat, b) post questions in advance of the stream start, if enabled by the streamer, & c) UPVOTE/DOWNVOTE others' questions akin to Reddit, to help curate the topics.

Also, when you begin answering a question on crowdcast, if you hit the right button then the recording of the stream / the VOD will have a timestamp in it associated with the question, so your asynchronous audience viewing after the fact can jump around easily.

Just my 2¢

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Q is fine. Only dotards think otherwise.

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...according to the guy who's too dumb to correctly post his reply to Darren's comment.

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Hey, Randall fucking Rose, Watch this and learn something critical that might save your useless life:



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Vaccine denial is about the best way to put your life at risk. Anyone with the slightest bit of medical background, tertiary education, or familiarity with statistics will tell you the same (assuming they aren’t trying to make a buck off those who have fallen prey to the natural coping mechanism of conspiracy theorizing). But I’m glad you bring it up, as it is an important topic that deserves unbiased and reasoned discussion.

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So Granit,

Did you actually watch the video conference?

it is a fact that mRNA is not a 'vaccine' in the usual way the term has been used for a hundred years or so.

I suggest that you read something other that the mainstream propaganda on these so-called 'vaccines':






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No I didn’t watch a video today, nor at any time in the last 5 plus years. I’ll let you know if I do though.

Lemme guess, you’ve got a horn of plenty different reasons that patch together coincidences to fabricate an end of the world scenario that we’ve all just got to take more seriously right?

Here’s the deal W - no one’s life is all that important. We don’t need to worry about these things because we are helpless to effect change anyway. Unless you want to go pro activist or something. I personally have better ways to spend my short ass life - no need for me to unravel the mysteries of human corruption just so no one will do anything about it.

You need to let go. Find a new identity.

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At one point WW got so incensed with the ways of the world that he threatened to take matters into his own hands. It's been a while and nothing changed much so not sure what happened to them. Or his hands.

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Nah. I just posted that way to smoke out a-holes. Looks like you qualify!

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A mediocre rationalization after the fact, but nice try.

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After the facts? Your comment was after the fact. So I guess you are a …. Dotard!

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