The irony is, even without any feds involved (which I doubt more and more with each passing day), Jan 6th was the result of the legitimizing of rioting, arson and looting for the previous 9 months. After watching people get away with looting, being encouraged to commit arson and loot, being able to declare a 'zone' which refused to acknowledge municipal, county, state and federal authority--all while being cheered on by the bulk of the press--why wouldn't people end up thinking it was alright to breach the capitol?
All you gotta do is watch the extensive leftist-supplied videos of Epps to know he was a ringleader, if not the ringleader, of the Capitol incursion. The fact that the Jan 6 kangaroo court is now saying “he wasn’t arrested because he did nothing wrong” tells me everything I need to know.
If he did nothing wrong, why was he at the top of the FBI’s Jan 6 most wanted webpage, before they clumsily tried to memory-hole him? Thank God for the WAYBACKMACHINE.
As I said I'm doubting it more every day. However, after briefly following the conspiricy theory that the world's governments are hiding crashed UFOs and dead aliens, I am wary of jumping to conclusions.
There could still be (although doubtfully) an explanation--like Epps named names and got a sweetheart deal to send a message that working with the feds pays off, all while the people he named are punished beyond any justifiable measure to send a message not to cross the FBI.
I'll let the case in Michigan decide 1/6 for me. If charges are dismissed there due to agents and informants driving the plot, I'll be fully behind the same people doing the same thing on 1/6.
Maybe, but I think the reality is only a handful of people in that huge crowd had anything more on their minds other than hearing Trump, taking a leisurely walk to and through the Capitol and it's grounds. The bad guys there to stir the pot knew what they had to do to appear to be "insurrecting" and pose for the cameras. Like the guy taking the video outside of the Senate chamber that was heard saying "We did it!" as he sold his video to CNN. The crew with the matching bullhorns, Epps, etc. The people walking through the rountunda contained by the velvet ropes is the reality. Those that vandalized should be dealt with appropriately including the provocateurs, Feds or otherwise.
Ironic after 4 years of #Resist
The irony is, even without any feds involved (which I doubt more and more with each passing day), Jan 6th was the result of the legitimizing of rioting, arson and looting for the previous 9 months. After watching people get away with looting, being encouraged to commit arson and loot, being able to declare a 'zone' which refused to acknowledge municipal, county, state and federal authority--all while being cheered on by the bulk of the press--why wouldn't people end up thinking it was alright to breach the capitol?
All you gotta do is watch the extensive leftist-supplied videos of Epps to know he was a ringleader, if not the ringleader, of the Capitol incursion. The fact that the Jan 6 kangaroo court is now saying “he wasn’t arrested because he did nothing wrong” tells me everything I need to know.
If he did nothing wrong, why was he at the top of the FBI’s Jan 6 most wanted webpage, before they clumsily tried to memory-hole him? Thank God for the WAYBACKMACHINE.
As I said I'm doubting it more every day. However, after briefly following the conspiricy theory that the world's governments are hiding crashed UFOs and dead aliens, I am wary of jumping to conclusions.
There could still be (although doubtfully) an explanation--like Epps named names and got a sweetheart deal to send a message that working with the feds pays off, all while the people he named are punished beyond any justifiable measure to send a message not to cross the FBI.
I'll let the case in Michigan decide 1/6 for me. If charges are dismissed there due to agents and informants driving the plot, I'll be fully behind the same people doing the same thing on 1/6.
Yes, Ditto.
Maybe, but I think the reality is only a handful of people in that huge crowd had anything more on their minds other than hearing Trump, taking a leisurely walk to and through the Capitol and it's grounds. The bad guys there to stir the pot knew what they had to do to appear to be "insurrecting" and pose for the cameras. Like the guy taking the video outside of the Senate chamber that was heard saying "We did it!" as he sold his video to CNN. The crew with the matching bullhorns, Epps, etc. The people walking through the rountunda contained by the velvet ropes is the reality. Those that vandalized should be dealt with appropriately including the provocateurs, Feds or otherwise.