Cute article but we all know that the left doesn't care about rules or tradition or playing fair. They will do anything they can to get the power they crave. If that means being hypocrites and doing the opposite of what they said yesterday, no problem.

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It's still the job of a journalist to highlight the dishonesty of the majority party that controls both houses of Congress and the White House. The fact that you know this already doesn't mean everyone already does.

When accusations of racism are being recklessly hurled, it becomes particularly important to subject them to critical scrutiny.

Also, the Russian angle is the part that is of particular interest to me. That Democrats can go to bat this aggressively in defense of Russia interests, while continuing to have their media allies insist that it's Trump who is the Putin pawn, is very significant. This is not only an article about Senate Democrats but also the conduct of the conspiracists in corporate media.

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I agree with all that, but the problem is obvious and staring us in the face. The question is -- what are we going to do about it? From where I'm sitting, it's clear the politicians and media will gaslight us right into the ground and then claim domain over the ashes.

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Biden's approval rating is at 33%. People are able to be reached with reason and information if you are persistent and persuasive about it.

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"Biden's approval rating is at 33%. "

The other 67% must be white supremacists. Something must wrong with democracy. Dick Cheney will fix it.

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or Liz

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And the optimist of the year goes to….GG.

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It's the Elite liberals who should be pessimistic and they are. They think democracy is "coming to an end" but it's their monopoly over information and unchecked power that is coming to an end. They will try to shutdown free expression on the internet but it's impossible. For every Parler they shut down, two more will replace it. Democracy will continue with or without the elites.

Optimists get more done because they are motivated to try harder, and liberals have no reason to be optimistic. They were already on the slippery slope soon it will be a free fall.

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Award me runner-up, please, M. M Snow.

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So be it. You are the runner up. Congrats.

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"People are able to be reached with reason and information if you are persistent and persuasive about it." And nobody is better at doing just that than Glenn is.

And what, M Snow, would you do instead?

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I admire what GG is attempting. I’m just not quite so optimistic that it would work. I agree that he is an exceptionally talented and energetic writer who is fighting the good fight.

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The pain that Americans are feeling under the Biden regime is strong enough reason for Joe's miserable ratings. ideology and wisdom have little to do with it. The economy is in a nosedive, and it can only get worse. The reasons to reject Biden have been there before the 2020 election. He has been a crook his whole political career.

Biden is only in office because the 2020 election was rigged.


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But, but, but.... those mean tweets - I guess all the problems that you highlight about what the Biden Administration is creating pale in comparison to Trump's responses on Tweeter - at least according to the MSM and the rest of the pro-Biden supporters, right? /sarc

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Never forget what they took from us. Trump’s tweets were the only thing about politics I enjoyed in the last 50 years.

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That's fair.

I'm concerned that many STILL approve.

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Well if you believe Rasmussen polls almost 50% of Democrats want the unvaccinated put into concentration camps. I’m not joking. Look it up. These people have lost all sense of morality if they ever had it.

And the kicker is they think they are being moral. It’s absolutely insane. Propaganda works.

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Another case of the fake wool falling off of the wolves. These Dems are the same people who are running Austria back into being a penal colony. It's demented, it's sick, and it's among the gravest threats to freedom. I may be vaccinated and boosted, but should anyone act on such desires and try to put people in camps well...they will have announced to the world whom the prime enemy of humanity is.

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Phisto...me too.

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Observe it isn't because of bad press making Biden blunders obvious. They helped with Afghanistan only because the visuals demanded it - spin impossible. But they ignore negatives. The people have lost faith because they see their conditions first hand.

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People whom use reason need to be able to have a platform to reach out to the populous. MSNBC has effectively canceled you Greenwald, while I highly doubt that CNN or The Atlantic would have you on to give their audiences a dose of reality given their lies about the Rittenhouse case that you have chronicled. Additionally, what about the rest of us, how can we reach others when we lack a voice?

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Glenn has his own platform and surely serious journalists worth their salt read him. He is influencing the influencers ?

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He exposes the facts to the people directly unlike most influencers who obscure them.

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People need to look for Greenwald to find him. Will the viewership of the legacy press ever have him on? Will their 'journalists' ever look into anything he says? The only network that has him on regularly is Fox, and most of the people whom associate with the left have nothing to do with Fox.

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LOL. They despise him for it which is the best endorsement he could get. Cue PJ O’Rourke comment on what journalists are.

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MSNBC and CNN are going down the drain so fast better for good journalists to stay away and avoid the vortex. The Atlantic has no reach except to other neocons.

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All five of them? Shouldn’t be too difficult.

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You just did. I heard you.

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not 33% of them. and probably not 33% on the other end of the spectrum. the truth is fighting for the 33% in the middle. probably less. 10 ro 15% dont care

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Keep it up Glenn. Wikileaks is going to add another evil adjective to their current “far-right” description of you. Giv’em hell!!

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I'm just an old guy who worked as a newspaper reporter and editor in the 60s and 70s.

But I can assure you that right wing and left wing reporters who did not leave their political beliefs at the door into the newsroom were soon demoted to the society or sports pages by management.

And those hard headed guys and gals who continued to expose their political views in the newsroom were often fired.

Of course, we all had heated debates at the local the local watering holes..

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I thought he was far-left. It doesn't matter what they say, it is the establishment who pushes for the most extreme, most divisive policies.

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From my perspective he has always been a classical liberal with some progressive social positions. Now because he tells the truth he is labeled “far right” along with anyone else that dares tell the truth.

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So far this is true. But the challenge of our current media and social media environment is that it is now much harder to penetrate a large group that used to follow reason a lot more readily. Today, these people don't even have know basic things that are happening in the world because they still trust their usual media and social media sources. They trust the headline written by the WaPo's AI algorithm is true without even noticing that it's not backed up by the facts in the text of the article. They are the ones who fail to realize that, to cite one of your greatest pieces, that Bush and Cheney were worse by nearly every possible measure than Trump. When you tell them that Bobulinski was incredibly credible, they look at their phone for 20 minutes and think about deeply for days. They emerge a bit wiser, but it's a fraught situation until more of them go through the process.

The test is, will enough of them have gone through it by 2024 that we won't have a revolution if Trump is elected? Will the unrest then be an Occupy Wall St moment (prolonged but ineffective venting), because enough rational people have come to grips with reality, or a Euromaidan?

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C'mon Glenn; Homo sapiens is a rationalizing story believing animal, not a rational animal. Emotional hooks sell, reason seldom does. Not to many Mr. Spock's, lot's of Captain Kirk's and that only works in Hollywood.

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This is why propaganda works. It’s science after all and we must trust the science. If our government actually followed their oath to the Constitution to protect the general welfare then civics, critical thinking and Cognitive Behavior Therapy would be taught in all government schools. Oh, and they would also terminate the bureaucratic state.

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Your article is just another attempt by you to demonize the Democratic Party and "liberals" (always left undefined by you) while almost always completely ignoring context, perspective, and challenging facts--leaving the impression that Trump, Tucker Carlson and Fox News, and the Republican Party are really pretty good people and constant victims. Ever since The Intercept burned you, you have been like a super villain in the comic books, a mad scientist who was pushed into a vat of toxic chemicals and came out of it deranged and hell-bent on getting revenge, no matter who it hurts--like your misleading bullshit about COVID.

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I read a lot of gg articles and in none of them do I come away thinking that trump, Carlson and republicans are “good people and victims”. Stop being such a drama queen as evidenced by your ridiculous supervillain comparison, which I’m sure you’ve been waiting to use for so long.

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Oh my, aren't you the little mind reader? Why don't you try not being a sycophant, go back and read the articles again with a critical mind.

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I was a registered democrat, never voted for a republican in my life. I was also extremely active against our many wars, and too bad the democrats weren't. I was politically active on any number of issues which most would define as liberal, and I see myself that way. As far as Greenwald drawing attention to the hypocrisy and lies of the democratic party, well someone has to do it, and they so need someone to take up that challenge. They need to be called out for their lies and total hypocrisy during the Trump years, and this year too. They also need to be held accountable for the fraud they perpetrated with Russia-gate during Trumps four years in office whose intent was to oust an elected president. The mainstream press and the left helped the democrats in that regard, and in doing so lost what little journalistic integrity they had left. The so call left news outlets followed suit. Greenwald is doing them a favor because no one changes until people confront them with the truth.

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They know what the truth is and refuse to change or acknowledge it. And no quarter is given to anyone who points out their obvious inconsistencies and blatant hypocrisy.

Does anyone really think Boris Johnson was worried about covid being deadly when he had big Christmas parties last year but demanded a total shutdown for everyone else?

Does anyone believe Bill Gates is really worried about co2 levels as he flies around in his private jet? Buying carbon offsets is nothing more than a bait and switch.

Does anyone believe that Fauci is anything more than a bureaucrat with a medical degree?

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Agreed; his only real error was in calling these people "left." He should just use either "Democrat" or "neo-liberal."

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Fran, I have no problem calling out the democrats for their hypocrisy and lies, none whatsoever, and I applaud anyone for doing so. But just as I oppose only focusing on Republican (Trumpism, etc) to the exclusion of almost all else, and lying about it at times as well, I also oppose doing the same approach with Dems and "liberals" (a term Greenwald NEVER defines and uses to paint absolutes). I'm for putting things in a more holistic perspective, not being a monomaniac like Greenwald has become.

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Care to provide any substantive reasoning to your claim?

What is the context and perspective being left out?

What is the misleading BS about Covid you refer to?

Without addressing these assertions, your comment is just vapid, overly emotional, whining. Perhaps you do have point, but I suspect any retort will be more of the same - completely emotion driven with zero reason and principle underlying any of it.

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I have often commented on all of those points both here and on Mr. Greenwald's twitter feed. The evidence is rampant in his writings; also, it's self-evident in the current post. Go back and read them all yourself. He knows exactly what I'm talking about. In the meantime, apply your sophist reasoning to yourself.

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How cute. Just like most liberals, you think we need liberal LIARS like Fraudci and Biden to tell us how to think, both of whom are HIGHLY compromised via Big pharma, Bill Gates and George Soros.

The accusations that GG must be simping for the right or that he somehow is a Trump supporter or a "Tuckems" loyalist, because he (RIGHTLY) criticizes fascist Democrats says FAR more about your pwn hypocrisy and tribalism than it does him..

As a former Democrat, I think most of his criticisms are spot on and GG has what liberal dominated MSM does not; integrity and consistency and a commitment to truth

You need not worry about those of us

who DESPISE Dem fascists being misinformed.

We are NOT and are perfectly capable of thinking for ourselves

BTW, just about everything MSM SAYS about Covid, along with your favorite beagle killer, Fraudci, IS A LIE. It should not be surprising that those of us who know that follow folks like GG and Rogan, cuz science

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You are wasting your time trying to frame Greenwald as a villain Mr. Earl.

save your shit for your toilet.


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I counted 114 facts in Glenn's article and zero facts in your tirade. Who is ignoring context and perspective?

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There is a difference between facts and emotion. One supersedes the other, yet sadly, you have people whom feel something and equate it with reality.

Regarding Greenwald's use of 'liberal', I agree, he should switch to 'hard left' to describe the CPC types whom openly champion reparations for slavery rather than lumping everyone on the political left into one group.

Still, that fault is as minor as a drop of water in a swimming pool when compared to the legacy press and technocrats. Greenwald never reported that Rittenhouse shot black people, nor did he tout the lie that the Russians altered vote tallies in the 2016 election.

Edit: Greenwald lists the facts, Earl does not.

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"Uhg! It's in the subtext! Can't you feel, err, see it?!"

-John Earl

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I realize it hurts your partisan heart, but it's possible for BOTH major parties to be utterly corrupt.

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That's exactly what I said.

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Yet here you are. Paying him even!

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Those are some harsh and extraordinary claims that you are making about Greenwald demonizing the left as if a mentally deranged, spited comic book villain.

However, as the late Carl Sagan famously said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." And you have failed to provide anything beyond a POV.

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I love Carl Sagan and agree with him. But you are misapplying his philosophy here. There is nothing extraordinary about my claims. All you have to do is actually read, with a reasonably critical mind, Glenn's work post-Intercept to see that my similes (borrowed almost exactly from typical Glenn absolutist, hyperbolic tirades--e.g. "deranged") to see that I am spot on.

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Good journalists should critique those in power. Though Trump is still living in the heads of most Democrats to the point he still wields power over their emotions, he is no longer living in the White House from what I can tell.

The precedent set by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Rupert Murdoch is alive and well in the Democratic Party and most corporate media. The “with us or against us” attitude of the Democrats is something out of the Iraq Invasion playbook.

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So, what is your fact-based, verifiable, refutation to the points that Glenn made in this article? Wait: is that a 1965 Simon & Garfunkel hit that I hear playing faintly in the background?

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What context, perception, and challenging facts is Greenwald missing in this particular instance?

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Please refer to my opening comment about Greenwald's critique of Biden's remarks, wherein I defend Biden's "hypocritical" effort to end the filibuster.

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Odd that you bother with his postings given his new alignment with the darkside. I suppose Gabbard is another one of Tucker's dream democrats. I ss a lot of the old democrats agreeing with GG (and Gabbard). They also know that the MSM will no longer book moderates. At least Fox provides a platform.

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To be clear, I completely share Glenn's criticism of the DNC (ex: I never bought off on Russia-gate) here and suspect you do too, but refuse to speculate on his motives as you do. I'll expand on your point with a kinder tone.

1) "Filibuster hypocrisy of this sort is the norm in Washington." Honest journalism probably ought to provide an example or two of GOP's contributions to this norm.

2) "It's still the job of a journalist to highlight the dishonesty of the majority party that controls both houses of Congress and the White House." No, it's to highlight and explain dishonesty and hypocrisy by any party with enough power to influence, in this cases. national and international politics. And perhaps even explain the issues involved. In this case, the RNC is doing its damnest to maintain power despite being a party that represents a minority of the country and to roll back legislation dating to FDR's administration. That level of nuance is not to be found in Glenn's writings, which have the tone of a litigator trying to win a case.

When Glenn writes in a comment elsewhere here that the US effort to stop Russian natural gas from being exported to Germany is futile, well, maybe not. He may have underestimated the capabilities of the American Empire. Mind you, I hope he's right.

Here's one of my favorite formulations: the job of journalism is to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted. While he does a great job on the (allegedly liberal) DNC, I fail to see Glenn afflicting the GOP.

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Right and if we protest, the DNC says we are doing an "insurrection".

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Ironic after 4 years of #Resist

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The irony is, even without any feds involved (which I doubt more and more with each passing day), Jan 6th was the result of the legitimizing of rioting, arson and looting for the previous 9 months. After watching people get away with looting, being encouraged to commit arson and loot, being able to declare a 'zone' which refused to acknowledge municipal, county, state and federal authority--all while being cheered on by the bulk of the press--why wouldn't people end up thinking it was alright to breach the capitol?

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All you gotta do is watch the extensive leftist-supplied videos of Epps to know he was a ringleader, if not the ringleader, of the Capitol incursion. The fact that the Jan 6 kangaroo court is now saying “he wasn’t arrested because he did nothing wrong” tells me everything I need to know.

If he did nothing wrong, why was he at the top of the FBI’s Jan 6 most wanted webpage, before they clumsily tried to memory-hole him? Thank God for the WAYBACKMACHINE.

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Maybe, but I think the reality is only a handful of people in that huge crowd had anything more on their minds other than hearing Trump, taking a leisurely walk to and through the Capitol and it's grounds. The bad guys there to stir the pot knew what they had to do to appear to be "insurrecting" and pose for the cameras. Like the guy taking the video outside of the Senate chamber that was heard saying "We did it!" as he sold his video to CNN. The crew with the matching bullhorns, Epps, etc. The people walking through the rountunda contained by the velvet ropes is the reality. Those that vandalized should be dealt with appropriately including the provocateurs, Feds or otherwise.

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I find a sick peace in knowing the truth is exactly the opposite of what they say. At least this way I can know what is really going on.

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I didn't know, for example, that Obama was a white supremacist according to Biden. This was news to me.

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He built more more border wall than anyone else, not because he values border security but because he hates Mexicans. He bombed Libya because he hates Africans. to Obama those people were on the wrong side of history..../s Or maybe he's just an empty suit, a smooth talking but otherwise useless mouthpiece for hire by liberal and corporate elites.

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I'm not in his head and don't pretend to know his motivations for those things, but on Libya, that was a Hillary thing, "we came, we saw, he died! HA!" ...I saw a video clip where Obama commented on it - after he was out of office - that he didn't approve of what she did there. I think he put it something like, "I should have been more hands-on on that one."

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He gave the bankers a get of jail free card too.

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Not so fast, Biden and the Democrats finally have a win.

They have successfully beat down the last vestiges of optimism.

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The democrats are selling out to foreign billionaires to promote "racial harmony" Anyone who opposes selling out is a white supremacist.

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The liberals are dividing the country to promote "racial harmony". Anyone who ppposes is a white supremacist.

They covered up the truth about the covid origin to promote "international harmony". Anyone who opposes is a white supremacists.

Anyone who opposes the neoliberal agenda and endless wars is a white supremacist.

Anyone who opposes woke corporate bootlickers is a white supremacist. Anyone can see the ranks of white supremacists are growing that's why corporate censorship is necessary, to promote "harmony". Anyone who opposes censorship is a white supremacist.

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Aka Emmanuel Goldstein.

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1984 is the training manual.

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Mr. Greenwald, the truth is self evident. I don't need a journalist to tell me the truth. What I do need is Fake News that flatters my self esteem and depicts my enemies as a bunch of wilfully ignorant cretins.

Given that there isn't a single mainstream news media organization whose business model is based on telling the truth, I don't think I am alone in my predilections.

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Agreed. The truth, being in such self-evident OVER-supply, is certainly (and even PUBLICALLY evidently) NOT in demand these days. I, for one, just love my sheepskin blanket much more than boring, cheap, overbearing, and mere truth.

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As I linked above, it's easy to see why they support Russian interests, because they are directly taking money from Gazprom's lobbyists. The links I posted above are irrefutable evidence of this.

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Biden, like Carter, is also an appeaser. He doesn't care what happens so long as 'everyone is happy.' Money is just the icing on the cake.

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You have a very naïve view of Biden.

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It's hard to have a view on Biden that isn't contradictory as the guy seems to wear a different mask every day. He is in bed with the CCP and several Russian and Ukrainian companies, he doles out influence through his mediocre son's selling of paintings, he plagiarizes speeches because he lacks the ability to create them on his own. He has no original ideas and like other political lifers, seeks ever increasing power. Yet internationally, he doesn't want to ruffle feathers because he both lacks a spine and has everyone giving him money.

Regarding the comparison to Carter, I believe you are aware that he conversed with the Mullahs in the late 70s and agreed to abandon the Shah, something revealed as fact in 2018. It wasn't a case of him being incompetent, it was of selling out, and all of the blood from the Iran-Iraq war and the Gulf War is thus on his hands.

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IF you want to discuss the Iran situation and "blood on hands" it might behoove you to go back a bit further in time; to 1953, GB/BP, and the US CIA... That incompetent boob Carter may well have blood on his hands, but if so, it is arguably second-hand blood...

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See here you paint a much more complete picture of Biden, but you also have to factor in his extremely malevolent spirit, hidden behind the folksy fondant, but often poking through. Biden doesn't care about 'everyone is happy'--he cares about how portraying that persona can allow him and his cronies to loot the world and gain as much power as possible, while destroying the good for being the good and thus salving their own sense of their fundamental moral inferiority. If all good is destroyed then their sense of their own evil, stamped on them by malevolent adults at an early age, or possibly through mental deficiencies, becomes a non-issue. If there is no good, they can't be evil. This is why corrupting good people is more important to them than anything.

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What are the true interests of the corporate elite one may ask and their water carriers ?

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I honestly think making themselves feel less guilty about their elitism by forcing the population at large to suffer in a sort of perverted sadomasochism. They can pat themselves on the back then for having 'bettered humanity' while everyone else pays.

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More profit, more power.

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World domination ala Klaus Schwab/WEF's Great Reset? Or something different? It would seem clear "they" want to control the game, not just play it and take their chances. One of the reasons you see them fielding political candidates and seeding all for profit and nonprofit entities with their acolytes. Your question is a good one that deserves further thought and discussion.

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The older I get I think they just want unbridled ego gratification. I think thats the ultimate goal of the cocksucking profit-first lunatics.

I think at least.

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Unfortunately, Trump’s loutish behavior and ego has caused many actually loyal citizens to lose their ability to think critically. Anything bad about Trump or any other action regardless of how illegal, anti-constitutional or dishonest, if couched as against Trump, is accepted. Let us hope will all our energy that there is an historic rebuke coming. And when it comes, God willing, we clean out the bureaucracy once and for all. Take no quarter.

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Clean out the lobbyists and those who take their money.

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Hear hear!

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C'mon Glenn, it's all about the Benjamins. Oh and their "power" etc. etc.

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You mean the McKinleys. Inflation makes the $500 bill worth what the $100 was worth 100 years ago (however,the $500 no longer circulates).

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I stand corrected!!

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Actually the Salmon P. Chase's. He's in the $10,000 bill. No longer in circulation, but the largest ever printed.

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Thanks for the update! It pales compared to Germany's 1922-23 inflation. The German mark went from around 300 to the dollar to 4 trillion to the dollar. My father lived through this.

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About strange nude man attack on Pelosi: Paul Pelosi was most likely attacked by a male prostitute

An unavoidable conclusion about Paul Pelosi

1. Assailant in his underpants

2. Paul Pelosi knows his name and tells police he’s a “friend.”

3. Assailant asks “where’s Nancy?” to make sure she’s not home.

4. Pelosi takes bathroom break from spat and makes 911 call

Conclusion: This guy was a sex partner or male prostitute!

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Even if he was a male prostitute, how much does it really matter? Even if true it’s between him and his wife and no matter what no one deserves to be attacked with a hammer.

Perhaps you’re saying it was not a political attack - is that the point you’re making? I request to not go down the road of homophobia, don’t insult the author of this substack.

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I guess I'm just not cynical enough because you'r scenarios make perfect sense. We know he's an alcoholic and he's rich so WHY not a dirty old queen? I gotta get more cynical. At their base, most of what goes on in the world are banality and conspiracy. Shakespeare and the Bible lay it out and the human condition don't change, only the technology does. Paleo emotions, medieval institutions and god like technology, Harari is right and it's not a good recipe. I would only add, in the same way there are a small number of genius and a small number of Olympic athletes and homosexuals, there are a number of psychopaths/sociopaths and they basically run the world and always have. Good luck to us.

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At the outset of the pandemic, Dr. Fauci used wildly inaccurate modeling that overestimated US deaths by 525 percent.21,22 Scammer and pandemic fabricator Neal Ferguson of Imperial College London was their author, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) of $148.8 million.23 Dr. Fauci used this model as justification for his lockdowns.

Kennedy Jr., Robert F. . The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) (pp. 57-58). Skyhorse. Kindle Edition.


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One area you and I agree 100% is that Tony Fauci is a 100% hack.

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Fauci may have once been a scientist, however he let his ego and power go to his head...before Covid. Now he isn't even a politician, he's one of the unelected bureaucrats whom is on TV, he is Agent Smith in the spotlight as opposed to the shadows. I probably will end up sick when we ultimatly find out what kind of 'research' he has been engaging in all of these years, assuming that comes out before I turn 90 in 2075.

And Fauch is a Nazi doctor when it comes to Beagles. There is a clear link between cruelty to animals and serial killers...and these 'experiments' are of the same shit as what the Nazis did to humans.

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The beagle thing I already made an infuriated rant on, about, and people threw a fit that I cared more about animals than people.

Well fuck that, I agree with you:


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The Democrats would do anything in their power to undermine Russia (two wings of the corporate partly have a neat "divide of labor" - Democrats are Russophobes, Republicans are Sinophobes, MIC rakes in profits either way) but there are number of other reasons why this is not advisable now:

- trying to kill NS2 at this point would possibly blow up newborn and already shaky post-Merkel coalition, and political disarray in Germany would undermine the NATO/EU "tough" posture in the ongoing clash over Ukraine.

- killing NS2 is best left to rabidly Russophobe "Greens" in the new German ruling coalition at some later point so it can look as internal German affair and not US slapping its vassal. The "Greens" were groomed over a decade to become "government worthy" exactly on condition of becoming most NATO cheerleading political party in Germany, one that would not veto admission of Ukraine into NATO for example.

- in case of any clash on Ukrainian / Russian border, adding NS2 to the list of sanctions would be even "bang for buck" - and in addition could be an excuse to never pay the contract cancellation penalty.

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The German's of today couldn't hold a candle to the German's who rebuilt the country in record time. They have bought the neo liberal agenda although not to the extent of the Anglo 5. Chancellor Merkel; literally a scientist with a brilliant mind that was against mass immigration sees one dead kid of hundreds of thousands laying on a beach and next thing takes a million refugee's. She sees Fukashima and shuts down the German nukes to burn the worst Lignite coals. The best and brightest want to be parasitic financial engineers instead of real engineers. The country missed the boat on digital and is playing catch up and it may be too late for that. Such a great past, such potential, squandered. The President of the country admitted that they were in Afghanistan because "Germany is a trading nation"; Merkel fired him tout suite. Schable and Merkel screwed Greece for the empire and the whole of Europe is basically a giant vassal state of the empire. I think they picked the wrong empire.

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The Germans of today would be kicked into submission by Bismarck. Then again, had he lived, Hitler would have been shot by Bismarck. In any event, I never thought I'd say it, but it seems as though the French are smarter than the Germans.

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Hmm some good points and alarming that Germany has followed Deutche Bank into murky waters. I don’t think any nation at this point can be said to ‘have a great past’ but I think it’s unfair to characterize Merkle as more emotionally motivated than GBush2 who literally believed expatriots from Iraq with an agenda that, as heinous as it was, using gas on their ppl turned into false WMD’s and war. So throwing the first stone and unintended consequences is a bitter lesson.

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Bite your tongue; I didn't compare Chancellor Merkel to that fool dubya. She at least took the refugee's from the empires war's. I just believe her rationale was emotional but of course, I have no way of knowing. There seems to be a move afoot to rehab the war criminals, dubya and Cheney and watching the democratic party sidle up to Cheney makes me puke.

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Since you bring them up, the greatest societal event in world history that would be a gift to all future generations would be to have GWBJr and Cheney tried for treason and war crimes BEFORE they're dead of natural causes - and NOT acquitted, of course. ...It's very close to certain it will never happen, but a boy can dream!

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And you do it well, kudos! As James Carvill once said but using a different word.."it's the system stupid". The corporate duopoly is always in power; you are not allowed a choice, only the pretence of a choice. As Chompsky said; it's "manufactured consent" and you have to be wilfully blind not to see it. Much cheaper and more effective than a police state could even be.

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I agree wiht all that except this: "you have to be wilfully blind not to see it."

...Propaganda is AMAZINGLY powerful!

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I stand corrected. In the last few years the effects of propaganda writ large has been tested on fMRI machines. What happens is that the pre frontal cortex actually shuts down leaving you open to suggestion/propaganda/stories. This explains why homo sapiens is the story believing primate which allows us to build large societies based on commonly believed stories. It also explains why we're so easy to control by a small cottier of elites.

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NordStream2 is a European - most specifically - German interest. If the US and its poodles succeed in strangling that commercial project, Russian gas will flow through the Power of Siberia pipeline to China instead.

Why are you buying into this iteration of Russiagate idiocy?

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No, as he clearly states in the article. You might try reading ALL of it.

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I have read the entire article. Of course the Dems are hypocritical regarding the filibuster. That was not my point. I am objecting to this paragraph:

"What makes the Democrats’ conduct here even more notable is the substance of Cruz's bill that they blocked with the filibuster. Cruz sought to impose sanctions on the Russian pipeline company Nord Stream 2, which is constructing the pipeline that will allow Moscow to sell large amounts of cheap natural gas to Germany and to Europe more broadly. There are few more pressing priorities for the Kremlin, if there are any, than construction of this pipeline. So by blocking Cruz's bill, Democrats not only used a racist filibuster, but they did so in order to protect Vladimir Putin and a vital Russian company from sanctions."

The idea that Nord Stream 2 is the most pressing priority of the Kremlin is false. The idea that the Dems did so "in order to protect Vladimir Putin and a vital Russian company from sanctions" just buys into red-baiting idiocy, of the kind we had more than enough of during Russiagate. In that iteration, the Dems screamed that Trump and the GOP were doing the bidding of "Putin" and "the Russians." Now, Glenn is framing hypocrisy on the filibuster in terms of the Dems doing the bidding of "the Russians." In both cases, we're to believe that the evil Russians are controlling domestic US politics. The message drilled into the minds of US citizens, from both parties, is that we must "take on" Russia. Make all the arguments for and against the filibuster; point out all the hypocrisy and criminality of both the Dems and the Republicans; but for the sake us all, ditch the Red Scare bullshit that has scarred our political life for more than a century!

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Spot on. NS2 - and its reliable and direct flow of natural gas at cheap and predictable prices - is critical for competitiveness of German industry. In 40+ years since Soviet, and then Russian gas flows to Europe it was always reliable supply regardless of how geopolitics changed, and there were many upheavals. Gas can flow to Germany also through Ukraine and Turkey, but both of these are prone to blackmail. Turkey is already doing that successfully (refugee deal from 2016) and Ukraine can - if they receive a permission from Washington - extort extra price, esp. given industrial collapse its main income is gas transit fees (and leasing / selling agricultural land). https://www.ips-journal.eu/topics/democracy-and-society/europe-cannot-allow-itself-to-be-blackmailed-forever-5082/

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Democrats are not "the left." This should be obvious by now to anyone who knows the first thing about "the left." We have two right wing parties in this clusterfuck of a country. It's just that the Dems are more hypocritical about where their politics actually apply.

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Yes, yes, we've heard it a million times here. You can hold onto your own personal definition if you want, but the rest of us mean the term how it's consistently used -- even by those it defines.

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Thanks. I get so tired of going over this ground again and again.

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Well, you're using it exactly the way all corporate media use it. I don't have a "personal definition" of "the left." I try to stick to the historical definition, but if you insist that popular, uninformed, usage is superior, that Democrats are "the left", then I'm sure the obfuscating pundits at MSNBC and Fox alike will appreciate your contribution.

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Sounds like you should complain to them instead of spending your time bitching at me.

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I'm bitching at you because, like so many who do the same thing repeatedly, equating Democrats with the left is just another way of utterly erasing the left from the whole sordid picture of what this country's become. It's a rightwing tactic of eliminating any actual opposition to capitalism from the entire debate, a system the Democrats defend as fiercely and relentlessly as Republicans.

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So your definition of Left is anti capitalist?

If so I’ve known that for years. What’s so new there?

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YOU GOT IT, buddy!

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Yep! Again, I've been telling 'em that for a while now. Dense!

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Yet the people you're talking about call themselves the left. Soooooooooooooo.............................

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YOU apparently - demonstrably - go by what people call themselves, and have no objective definition. And this is why you're coming to the wrong conclusions. ...Hitler called himself both a Christian and a Socialist and was so far from either one, yet you'd have believed him!

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Look on the bright side. If we need a cheap laugh, we've got BOTH VF and Art.

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And 'the left' is not one thing. Anything+Totalitarianism=bad. I mean, which left are we talking about, Ira Glasser or Mao Zedong?

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Thanks VF, I've been telling him that for years - this whole group - yet they never seem to get it, too brain-washed by propaganda methinks. -shrug-

BTW, I wrote this to try and help - I'd like to know what you think of it; you can write me at that domain, just put my username here in front of the domain name! To wit:


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I run into this all the time anymore as well. It's become a "meme," and a completely misguided one. I'll look at your site. Thanks.

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There are only two 'right wing' parties if one is a marxist...in which one has about as much credibility, logic or grasp on reality as Mussolini did.

I hate to break it to you, but Marx's work, much like racial supremacist thoughts, consists of calls for violence, dictatorship, justifications for removing certain 'others' and a falsification of history. Marx's predictions about communist revolutions ended up being completely wrong, and his 'ideas' are so removed from contemporary society as to be irrelevant, even if they did hold accurate predictions.

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This is so misguided, it's silly:

"There are only two 'right wing' parties if one is a marxist."

You think that way because you're a propaganda victim.

Several of us here are trying to inform you about this; please listen to us and at least CONSIDER that you just MIGHT be wrong.

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Listen to us and consider that after all these years maybe you're just NOT persuasive.

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Starting at age 15, I looked into the 'twin sides of the coin of totalitarianism and evil'--Nazism and Communism--in order to see why people did what they did. I also looked at their underlying 'creeds' of racial supremacy and state-run everything, and found both to be equally disgusting and full of holes, albeit the Nazis committed an act of such evil, of extermination genocide which can only be compared to the Armenian massacre.

Regarding the underlying ideas, Marxism explicitly calls for violent revolution against the 'nobility' and middle class and denounces any compromise on issues such as entitlement programs, government programs to protect the safety of employees and so forth. As with racial supremacy ideas, Marxism judges people not on the content of their character but on superficial issues--skin color or in the case of Marxism, class.

Marxism also distorts history, praising Spartacus, even though there is zero evidence he championed abolishing slavery. It states that Ivaylo of Bulgaria was the result of class warfare, yet when looking at all of the contributing factors, his rise, where it was concentrated and why, was the result of the kingdom of Bulgaria being unwilling to defend its borders from Mongol raids. The people were fed up with the hapless nobility for failing to protect them, so they revolted in the regions which were raided (though not elsewhere)...and when this lead to constant war, abandoned the cause as they sought peace.

Marxism also is it's own religion as, much like racial hierarchy, the divine is denounced in order to remove an obstacle to their power. The idea and its champions become divinities of sorts, creating cults which exist to this day in North Korea.

Far from being 'propagandized', I looked into the ideas and made up my mind for myself, not basing it on people saying 'marxism is bad.'

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I see "simulation" - you are still stuck in "left" versus "right" brainwashed view... Pls., get life -- we are in 1% vs. 99% of population world.

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The battle has always been libertarians against authoritarians.

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One dimensional takes on politics are always wrong.

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Actually, that analysis is correct. It is a battle between classical liberals (such as Freedman, Hayek, Sowell, Ron Paul, Greenwald, Gabbard and the people the government works for) and statists (Cheney's, FDRs, Kasich, Ms Clinton and the government bureaucracy).

It has also, correctly, been one between those whom value freedom and those whom value statist concepts, whether central planning, big government, surveillance and the political religions of Nazism and Communism with their underlying violent dogma of 'racial heirichy' and 'class.'

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"that [single-axis continuum] analysis is correct"

No, it isn't. Here's an article that gets deep in the weeds about what's wrong with that kind of thinking and discusses several alternatives:


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"Though the "new Right", i.e. Fascism (reemerging today as Neo-Conservatism / Neo-Liberalism), drew its base of support from the middle-class and was viewed as a middle-class movement, due to its extreme involvement in industry and its strong opposition to Communism, which was perceived as a very real threat to private wealth, Fascism quickly drew the support of many of the world's wealthy elite as well, especially during the time of its rise, which was during a global economic depression - known in the USA, of course as The Great Depression."

That's all I need to read to know the link is garbage.

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With Trump's political earthquake, it has become a battle between those whom believe in our form our form of government and those whom seek a centralized state. Love or hate Trump, or be somewhere between, his election created a political shift, where those whom seek freedom have moved to the right and those whom seek authority move to the left. By no means is this realignment complete, but it has become too large to stop.

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Certainly correct -- both Trump and Bernie were unauthorized candidates. The "blob" cheated Bernie but it couldn't Trump.

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I don't know which I fear more, Bernie or the Blob. I agree with Bernie on only a couple issues such as breaking up big tech and his former stance on immigration, and, while agreeing to increase the minimum wage, find his ideas to be insane in their level.

The rest of his ideas I vehemently oppose. He seeks to spend money we do not have on programs which we have no hope to pay for even if our fiscal house was in order, all while providing horrid solutions to smaller problems. His solution to healthcare costs of slashing physician pay by 30% was beyond moronic, as was the $15.00 minimum wage given both the shock of such an increase and the obvious fact it goes beyond the cutoff of 50% of the median household income, after which increases in the minimum wage cause unemployment.

He also seeks to have the government run everything. Monopolies are inefficient because they have no incentive to be efficient, and the government is the ultimate monopoly, being run by the blob which, to take a quote from LOTR "believes in nothing and answers to no one."

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This is right-wing mythology on at least two points:

"He seeks to spend money we do not have on programs which we have no hope to pay for even if our fiscal house was in order"


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Somebody doesn't understand that the federal government *creates* money (a constitutional power of Congress) and therefore cannot run out, except as a political decision.

It CAN get into trouble with inflation if resources are overcommitted (as they've been for years) ,as it just did, but it can always pay its bills - if it will.

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Perhaps but remember -- socialism is a future for humanity.

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The right does all that, too, hypocrite.

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This is the type of post that proves, yet again, you are a massive shitlord. Instead of responding to yet another fact-based article, you want to yell "The other guy does too" while offering 0 evidence to support your shitlord position.

Fuck you, and your whole team, you are one of the biggest jokes on this board. You toe the DNC party line like its your job then post "The DNC isnt the left" the minute you get called on the carpet.

You are a fat stupid lazy hippie liberal and you have literally set progressivism back decades with your inability to call out your own "side".

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Please grow up "iconoclast" -- both DNC and GOP are equally repulsive and utterly corrupt right-wing parties. Anything "left" has left DNC oligarchs long ago.

Please urgently see a doctor -- to pull your head out of your ass.

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This is an article, once more, documenting the DNC doing it. That is what we are discussing.

Feel free to invite RNC discussion on one of those articles. We agree they are out there, this just isn't it.

It would be cool if you 3 gatekeepers of the left would stay on topic, and stop trying to change the subject to "the other team being assholes".

You are welcome to promote such discussion on your own sites, but this one here is discussing the DNC bullshit. You are angrier at Glenn for posting it than you are at the DNC for doing it.

Whats it like at the shallow end of the gene pool?

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It's trivial to find the hypocrisy on these points regarding either party. So you can stuff your false claims about me out your pie hole.

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Art, you are a fucking hack.

I've said it since Day 1 on this board where you repeatedly ignore the DNC's behavior while yelling about conservatives 24/7.

You are whats wrong with politics. You and people like you who believe your "side" is always right and the other "side" is always wrong.

The DNC co-opted you and all it cost was a few TV shows.

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You are so stupid that you don't even realize that you come the same way. The point you made below "You are whats wrong with politics. You and people like you who believe your "side" is always right and the other "side" is always wrong" You come out exactly the same way. How many right winger cunts came up and accepted that Bush and Cheney fucked us badly? How many accepted that Trump was nothing but talk and didn't even try to "drain the swap". You even asking for examples shows what a retard you are. Look at the last 12 years the party of corporations was in charge and you can find plenty of examples.

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I complained about Trump tons. Ask Bill Whitten who calls me a Bidenista over my criticism of Trump's Kwame Kilpatrick pardon.

But this is an article about Democrat hypocrisy. The time to yell about the right is when that is the subject. Stop deflecting.

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"...stuff your false claims about me out your pie hole."

Which do you want M. Icon to regurgitate, his dinner or his "false" claims?

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Can you link where the right used McCarthyism to spy on an active Presidential candidate in the last 40 years, before Nixon, who I mentioned? The D's did this in 2016.

Can you link where the right used a filibuster the day after an R president said it was racist and Jim Crow? The D's did this yesterday.

Can you link a single fucking thing supporting ANY of your arguments? Probably fucking not.

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How about any republican using the IRS to go after citizen groups they don’t like? Obama definitely did that.

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The IRS only investigated "conservative" non-profits for FEC violations. Groups like SMP don't have to show ANY non-political activity, despite hundreds of millions in unchecked political contributions. This is what happens when politics pollutes the entirety of government.


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That's why I very very very rarely vote for them.

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Hypocrite -- so why are you farting about "left"?

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Because they have the power to ruin your life at the moment. When the right inevitably takes over, I'll bitch about THEM having the power to ruin my life!

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So, you only care about complaining about who is in power, not about what they do? Here you have the hypocrisy of a massive power grab exposed as such by Greenwald, and you would still vote just to bitch about the party in power? People with that attitude are the reason for the mess we are in!

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WTF, we ARE complaining about what they do. How have you missed this?

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OK, that makes some sense. They will in about a year, so we...shall,,,see.

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I predict that in about a year M. SimulationCommander will open M. Oregoncharles's eyes.

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The article is about the left and their documented hypocrisy, did you even read it before vomiting your blind pro-leftist PR drivel?

Or are you just here to try and deflect from the facts Glenn cited in his article?

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Sadly, some people apparently just care about pointing out the shortcomings of who is in power, rather than think about what is actually going on. Even worse, that benefits those whom abuse power.

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But 'what is actually going on' is, imo, 100% Democrat malfeasance/hypocrisy.

Can you provide (recent) Republican examples?

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You are missing the point that the Republicans play the same game (as an actual leftist, I oppose both conservative wings of the Uniparty.)

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What "left" is that? The U.S. buzzard has two right wings.

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Wonderful -- I will use it !! ;-))

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LOL the one that wants to continue shoveling money and power to the government instead of the people.

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Right, they have no shame, literally. They are bunch of narcissistic sociopath. It sounds a little funny that I read this now.. Glenn says, "I personally regard efforts to stop Nord Stream 2 and punish the companies involved as absurd and irrational. Aside from the obvious futility of it ", yeah, If Germany did what Trump advised, they are not in such a dire straits. They are facing the life or death situation this coming winter. A country should not rely on a adversary for things as vital as energy. And after this sabotage of Nord Stream, I don't see a way out. :(

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Neither do the republicans as they gave every excuse in the book to not seat Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, but they performed a 180 and got rid of the filibuster so they could seat three justices. Talk about hypocrites.

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They had the votes to not seat Obama's Supreme Court nominee, just like the Ds would have if they had the votes.

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Only because they changed the rules and did the nuclear option to get rid of the required 60 votes.

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LOL who did that again?


Back in 2013, frustrated by Senate Republicans' blockade of then-President Barack Obama's judicial nominees, Reid changed the filibuster rules to not apply to federal judgeships below the Supreme Court level.

In the near term, the change allowed him (and Obama) to get a bunch of judges confirmed.

But, after Republicans took over the Senate, new leader Mitch McConnell announced he was getting rid of the filibuster on judges at the Supreme Court level too.

Which, in turn, led to President Donald Trump nominating -- and the Republican-led Senate confirming -- three new Supreme Court justices over the past four years, judges who almost certainly would not have been able to make the previous 60-vote hurdle.

Reid, in short, opened Pandora's box when it came to the filibuster. In an interview with CNN's Dana Bash two years ago, Reid expressed no remorse for the impact of his 2013 decision.


And this is exactly what everybody said would happen when Reid did it.

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Cute? WTF are you talking about?!?!


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i'm sorry but what is 'cute' about the article? Is that some sort of snipe?

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It's cute that Glenn thinks these people give a shit.

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I give a shit and I learn plenty from Glenn. Why don’t you stop telling us what Glenn ‘thinks’. Are you a human fMRI machine ffs?

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Are you controlling the media and congress? Have a giant corporation? These are the people I'm talking about. Follow along.

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The only way they will change their behavior is if enough ppl stop buying or using their product jerk

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Wait you're still buying their products? WTF are you doing?

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How likely is that?

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I am against escalating with anyone else. Let’s worry about the US. It’s currently a shit show, headed to a 70s Brezhnev style economy. And the hypocrisy and obsession with the election which they claim was fair and had zero shenanigans….why the sudden obsession with fixing it, to make it even less secure, with zero identification needed? Seems they are scared about the midterms and are trying to do some fortification, come hell or high water.

And equating the filibuster with Jim Crow? Biden, I mean his handlers who spoon feed him, are really desperate.

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Jim Eagle > Jim Crow, never forget

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That corporate media outlets will instead continue to propagate both of these DNC-sponsored fairy tales — Trump was an asset of Putin and the filibuster is only used by white nationalists for racist ends — tells you all you need to know about them and their Democratic allies. As is true for all conspiracy theorists and fanatics, there are no facts or contradicting events that can undermine their devotion to their worldview.


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It would be very short sighted for the Democrats to pass such a bill. They must be assuming that Republicans will never again have a majority in the Senate. That indicates that they assume that the new "voting Rights" bill will achieve that goal. Scary.

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Nah, they'll get their lobby money from gazprom and enjoy it while it lasts -maybe even get some board appointments for their ne'er do well kids in the process

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I agree that the voting "rights" bills seem to be short-sighted. But another factor in their favor is "history": once a Federal program/policy/agency gets enacted, the Republicans have not been very successful in eliminating it when they happen to be in the majority. And it would likely be a better descriptor (per National Review) to label these voting "procedures" bills, rather than the scarier voting "rights" bills.

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This is when Glen is at his best, and why I subscribe. Not only does he give me great “discussion points” (read ammunition) on the hypocrisy found in so many political activities, his writings are normal a fun read.

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Yes this is Glen at his best. I'm wondering how we can use the Derangement Syndrome analogy but apply it to Congress in general.

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Congress seems to be like Sodom, a handful of righteous people amongst a city of depravity...or in this case, a handful of people seeking to better the country amongst an environment of power-hungry narcissists whom are, overwhelmingly, less intelligent and possess less critical thinking than the population they represent.

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couldn't agree more.

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Easy answer.


Gazprom is actually using Roberti Global for their US lobbying.

Vincent Roberti is the head of this firm, he is a HUGE DNC donor.


Look at who he donates to. While the DNC is yelling that Trump is a Russian, Russia is actually using a DNC lobbying group, whose founder gives directly to Pelosi, Schumer, Swallwell and others.

The facts speak for themselves, as I have linked.

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Thanks this is informative and explains a lot.

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Honest question: is $42k (or so) spread over 10 politicians considered to be "HUGE?"

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If you are looking at raw numbers, no, $42k isn't HUGE. However, if you notice that those are all the MAXIMUM personal allowable donations then it is HUGE.

For some reason the IRS and the FEC think its OK to give unlimited sums of money as long as its through a "PAC" even while the maximum personal contribution is $2800 and that is what Vincent is giving (or $5600 max for him AND his wife).

Does that answer your question?

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I appreciate the answer. I know those are the personal maximums, but I gotta wonder how much influence that buys a donor. It's a drop in the bucket for a high profile campaign, so does it really but votes in favor of Gazprom or are they just already inclined to vote this direction for other reasons?

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For example none of these will show up under personal and so aren't part of the HUGE.

During the 2018 midterm election cycle, Roberti, who started lobbying for Nord Stream 2 in July 2017, donated $72,300 to the DCCC, and $17,475 to their Senatorial counterpart, the DSCC. Roberti also donated the then-maximum $5,400 to Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Rep. Eric Swalwell. In the run up to the 2020 election, Roberti stepped his game up: he donated $171,000 to the DCCC, $71,000 to the DSCC, and $46,100 to Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “Victory Fund”.

As you can see there is hundreds of thousands to PACs.

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According to FEC records, Vincent Roberti —one of D.C.’s most powerful lobbyists, and owner of his own firm, Roberti Global — has donated nearly $545,000 to Democratic Party institutions and candidates since 2017, while also bundling nearly $250,000 more. During that same timeframe, Roberti has been paid over $7,700,000 by Nord Stream 2 AG — a Swiss-based company that is 100% owned by Gazprom, the Russian state-owned oil giant in charge of the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline project (which the Biden administration will reportedly waive sanctions on).


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If you give someone the maximum donation, you will be noticed, I can assure you.

When you give all the leadership all maximums, and then bundle donations for other people, they take personal photos with you and listen.


Thats Vinnie with Nancy from years ago. Just google Vincent Roberti Nancy Pelosi.

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If Germany voluntarily chooses to make itself dependent on Russian energy, and to spend just 1% of its GDP on its impotent little woke army, then it obviously doesn't feel militarily threatened by its neighbor Russia. So remind me again, why are we spending ourselves into debt and going hysterical over the existential Russian threat to Europe?

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Because the left always needs a boogeyman to keep us hiding under our beds. QED

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They have never had a boogeyman more effective than racism.

The irony that they are the party who was built on racism is not lost to anyone. They have always pushed identity politics, they just changed which identities they blindly back.

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Some of them seem to be doing so as a result of their own success against the KKK. Without that enemy to unite them, the hard left now has to invent boogeymen such as espoused in CRT, which has the same 'monovalent entity' seeking to 'disparage all whom it dislikes' as every other conspiracy theory in the books, from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to QAnon. Their own success lead them to invent racism where it does not exist, and to push a conspiracy theory through Academia, something not accomplished since the Nazi era.

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Unfortunately you have NO IDEA who "the hard left" even is. And the people you're referring to aren't them. Those folks are Neo-Liberals.

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Who is Oceania at war with today?

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Germany knows that Russia has no interest in attacking them.

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Possibly NATO if US gets too invested in Ukraine

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Glenn, save your breath! Hypocrisy is the coin of the realm in DC…..

The exact same people who are openly advocating for the denial of all healthcare for “unvaccinated” people are the exact same people who lampooned Sarah Palin for saying that Obamacare would lead to healthcare rationing and the denial of services. And here we are…

And, these people don’t see any inconsistency….

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You mean to tell me that Biden is giving Russia a pipeline even after they clearly stole our election from old what's her name. What's next, a pardon for Assange (🤞🏾).

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I strongly suspect Dr. King would be sorely tempted to slap the ever-loving shit out of Biden.

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Would that be before or after slapping the ever-loving shit out of Harris and the obamas?

His disgust with the "left" would be doubtless be legion.

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Compromise! Slapping them WITH Biden.

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Thanks for this piece. I appreciate you mentioning, almost in passing, that you personally oppose the penalization of market competitors. This little aside underscores that you are reporting on the hypocritically inconsistent words and deeds of the political class and their media lapdogs, not just penning an op-ed hit piece for one team or the other. Facts > feelings

Just as the Dems choose to invoke cries of "racism" when it suits them, R's trumpet values of "freedom" and "liberty" -- unless we're talking about the freedom and liberty of competing economies. I get that it's in America's interests to rig the game, but that doesn't make trade fair or "free."

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Great reporting.

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"As is true for all conspiracy theorists and fanatics, there are no facts or contradicting events that can undermine their devotion to their worldview."

I once thought, naively, that as the real facts about "Russian Collusion" became clear and as the Mueller Investigation came up with zero, people would come to see that they had been duped by our hideous Media/Tech/Gov Industrial Hydra Complex. But there is no amount of evidence that will convert a fanatic.

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Glenn is not aiming to persuade fanatics, but rather the persuadable.

What do the pessimists (I don't mean you, Parkito) offer as an alternative? Marching proudly into the gas chambers?

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I disagree with Glenn Greenwald about sanctions. It is NOT. in my view, in US interests to promote German and European dependence on Russian Federation energy. Nevertheless, Mr. Greenwald is intellectually honest and makes valid points about the pipeline which is why I subscribed. The "inconsistency" of the Democrats and the dishonest Media's narrative is the reason the Media and "journalism" has discredited themselves. Mr. Greenwald is doing first class in raising standards of US journalism.

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Hi Robert -- Glenn just did, what he has been ALWAYS doing, he highlighted the utter dishonesty -- regardless of anyone's favorite or hated topic.

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Glenn didn't say that he believes it's "in US interests to promote German and European dependence on Russian Federation energy." He said that the US doesn't have the right to prevent cooperation between Germany and Russia, and it would be futile to try to prevent it. He also said "There is nothing wrong with attempting to persuade the Germans that it is in their interest to buy it from U.S. companies.", but that the use of coercion or force would be unjustified.

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I support Cruz bill to impose sanctions because it is in in US interests to opposed Russian expansionist policies. The US can only impose sanctions whether or not it prevents German Russian cooperation. Glenn Greenwald would NOT vote for Cruz sanctions. I do think that Glenn Greenwald is a patriot.

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You're welcome to your opinion on this issue. My reply simply pointed out that you mischaracterized what Glenn wrote.

For the record, I agree with Glenn that the U.S. has no right to interfere in commercial agreements between Russia and Germany. But that wasn't the point of my reply.

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Jan 14, 2022Edited
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What evidence do you have that Ted Cruz (and the 54 other Senators who support this bill) will financially benefit from sale of LNG to Europe? In my view, it is to US interst and to benefit of allies that they buy LNG from US rather than be dependent on Russian Federation for energy

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If allies want to appease an aggressor, it is NOT in US interest to support that policy.

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I love that Dems used the Filibuster hundreds of times during the Trump years but only now is it a relic of Jim Crow. They want to nuke the filibuster so they can jam through votings laws that will make sure they’re permanently in power and making it a one party state.

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The Mueller Report says in four distinct places that it found no evidence that any one in the Trump Campaign had any improper contact with any Russians. But that doesn’t stop the Ted Lieu-type fanatics.

I wonder what will happen after Russia invades Ukraine this weekend.

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My guess: Russia and our single (two-headed) party are in lockstep. Manufactured conflict generates useful political drama for each. Russian oligarchy can consolidate power in their puppet Putin and the US can divert and distract over "RUSSIA!" while boosting military spending and fear. Everyone wins, but, of course, the people of both nations.

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When the Biden administration pulled out of Afghanistan so quickly, at first i thought it odd because his henchpeople (Blinken, Sullivan, etc) were so revolving door with military contractors. I assumed there was going to have to be some sort of new foreign intervention to justify directing more money to feed those kitties.

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Tend to agree. They are reaching the end of Covid paranoia and need a new cause to dump our tax dollars in. War will work and given an excuse to not fix the problems...we'll all have to do our duty. Whow knows if the war will even be real - could be all staged so that we remain under lockdown fear, and give our power to authority. War is the ultimate excuse to negate freedoms. We the people need to let our nation know that we do NOT support any of these wars.

The WEF has all sides covered...they want all like China for their 4th Industrial Revolution. When they don't get what they want, they always resort to war to get it....look at history. The actual elites win no matter who "loses" and they especially make more money when they get to build it all back. War is a racket...worth a read.

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Certainly history endorsed this view

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