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The Democrats would do anything in their power to undermine Russia (two wings of the corporate partly have a neat "divide of labor" - Democrats are Russophobes, Republicans are Sinophobes, MIC rakes in profits either way) but there are number of other reasons why this is not advisable now:

- trying to kill NS2 at this point would possibly blow up newborn and already shaky post-Merkel coalition, and political disarray in Germany would undermine the NATO/EU "tough" posture in the ongoing clash over Ukraine.

- killing NS2 is best left to rabidly Russophobe "Greens" in the new German ruling coalition at some later point so it can look as internal German affair and not US slapping its vassal. The "Greens" were groomed over a decade to become "government worthy" exactly on condition of becoming most NATO cheerleading political party in Germany, one that would not veto admission of Ukraine into NATO for example.

- in case of any clash on Ukrainian / Russian border, adding NS2 to the list of sanctions would be even "bang for buck" - and in addition could be an excuse to never pay the contract cancellation penalty.

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The German's of today couldn't hold a candle to the German's who rebuilt the country in record time. They have bought the neo liberal agenda although not to the extent of the Anglo 5. Chancellor Merkel; literally a scientist with a brilliant mind that was against mass immigration sees one dead kid of hundreds of thousands laying on a beach and next thing takes a million refugee's. She sees Fukashima and shuts down the German nukes to burn the worst Lignite coals. The best and brightest want to be parasitic financial engineers instead of real engineers. The country missed the boat on digital and is playing catch up and it may be too late for that. Such a great past, such potential, squandered. The President of the country admitted that they were in Afghanistan because "Germany is a trading nation"; Merkel fired him tout suite. Schable and Merkel screwed Greece for the empire and the whole of Europe is basically a giant vassal state of the empire. I think they picked the wrong empire.

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The Germans of today would be kicked into submission by Bismarck. Then again, had he lived, Hitler would have been shot by Bismarck. In any event, I never thought I'd say it, but it seems as though the French are smarter than the Germans.

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Hmm some good points and alarming that Germany has followed Deutche Bank into murky waters. I don’t think any nation at this point can be said to ‘have a great past’ but I think it’s unfair to characterize Merkle as more emotionally motivated than GBush2 who literally believed expatriots from Iraq with an agenda that, as heinous as it was, using gas on their ppl turned into false WMD’s and war. So throwing the first stone and unintended consequences is a bitter lesson.

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Bite your tongue; I didn't compare Chancellor Merkel to that fool dubya. She at least took the refugee's from the empires war's. I just believe her rationale was emotional but of course, I have no way of knowing. There seems to be a move afoot to rehab the war criminals, dubya and Cheney and watching the democratic party sidle up to Cheney makes me puke.

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Since you bring them up, the greatest societal event in world history that would be a gift to all future generations would be to have GWBJr and Cheney tried for treason and war crimes BEFORE they're dead of natural causes - and NOT acquitted, of course. ...It's very close to certain it will never happen, but a boy can dream!

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