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They know what the truth is and refuse to change or acknowledge it. And no quarter is given to anyone who points out their obvious inconsistencies and blatant hypocrisy.

Does anyone really think Boris Johnson was worried about covid being deadly when he had big Christmas parties last year but demanded a total shutdown for everyone else?

Does anyone believe Bill Gates is really worried about co2 levels as he flies around in his private jet? Buying carbon offsets is nothing more than a bait and switch.

Does anyone believe that Fauci is anything more than a bureaucrat with a medical degree?

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In terms of Johnson, Gates and Fauci, I don't trust them, but I can't substantiate that mistrust with facts. My mistrust has become profound in these last four years. Russia-gate really did a number on me, since I didn't believe it from the beginning, and not only because we've scapegoated Russia for decades, but when the hack of the DNC e-mails came to light Clinton's campaign manager, Mooky, immediately said, and with no substantiating evidence, "The Russian's did it." As far as Clinton goes I do know enough about her to justifiably not trust her.

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I can help you with evidence for not trusting Fauci. He admitted to lying to our faces in early 2020 about masks. He intentionally covered up the origins of COVID because he is personally implicated and lied to congress about gain of function.

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Once you read JFK, Jr book your mind will explode over Fauci. Fauci will never be held to account.

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Couldn’t agree more! Just a copy edit, though: It is RFK’s book—Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The book is titled, "The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health". IMHO, it is not only the singular best book on the pandemic, but it is, perhaps more importantly, one of the best books ever on the nature of evil.

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Does everyone here know that Dr. Death is the highest paid person in our government and is set to receive a pension of $350,000 a year, the highest pension in the history of the United States? This is the fruit of intentionally murdering tens of thousands of Americans.

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Well, I think I remember him contradicting himself about masks, and I do believe Covid came from the lab in Wuhan and I know he wasn't honest about NIH funding gain of function in China. I have no love for him, and don't really trust him, but I want to wait a bit on Fauci. I hope I don't get Covid and die, so I can see how this story ends.

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M. Fran, thank you for your patience with the State apparatchik otherwise known as Anthony Fauci.

He is nothing more and nothing less than the typical Statist, the enemy of free people the world over.

I hope my opinion helps you decide.

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As long as you don’t have multiple comorbitities your risk of dying from the current strain is about the same as dying in a car accident on the way to the grocery store. That is, unless you got the jab. Then you should be extra vigilant. I wish you the best of health, mental and physical.

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Just assume whatever they say is the exact opposite of the truth and you will be closer to the actual truth than assuming they are being honest. It really works. I haven’t been stumped yet. The only variable is how much time it takes for the truth to come out.

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I understand and to a large part agree with your view of the Russiagate fiasco, but why aren't you equally appalled by the same kind of behavior from Trump's Republicans, the racist scapegoating of immigrants, for one example, and spreading dangerous bullshit about COVID instead of doing something about it, and so much more? Glenn, I think, might want to say that he's applying the standard of "a pox on both their houses," but that's not what he's doing. He's almost totally one-sided, a true monomaniac with all the trimmings.

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Oh, I answered your other post. Okay, well, I'm really into genealogy and have seen thousands of ship manifests, and all the information required before you could enter this country. I don't know why we never implemented something similar for our contiguous borders. I don't believe in open borders and neither did Biden, or Obama who was given the title of deporter-in-chief, exporting some two and a half million during his presidency. I pretty much follow the news, not the mainstream corporately owned news, or even those left wing sites that have lost their journalistic integrity, since much of what they had to say about Trump wasn't true, like he's a racist. What bullshit about Covid? He was funding big pharma to develop a vaccine, remember warp speed? Do you want to honestly talk about racism and more, well what about Hilary calling half of Trump's base deplorables, that is, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, sexists, etc. Does that statement not disgust you? It gave a thumbs up for others to make the same assertions about millions and millions of Americans. There was a meme floating around Facebook, and a cousin picked it up since if referenced Trump supporters as an uneducated, amoral lot. That is an extremely prejudicial perception to have, and many anti-Trumpers have adopted it. Also, Biden didn't believe in busing when they wanted to integrate schools, back in the sixties, well, you can't integrate schools without busing and he knew it. You say Greenwald views the political scene in black and white, but John that's just not true.

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Fran, I don't think I ever said what he thinks. Who knows? I'm talking about what he presents, and those could be wildly different things. I said he is a monomaniac, and yes, he presents things in black and white most of the time: liberals bad, Trump and allies, victims of liberal news media and liberals in general. The only evil that he dwells on in the vast majority his articles and tweets is "liberals."

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Perhaps GG has come to believe that modern "liberals" ARE the only evil.

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That’s what the science shows. Trust the science.

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As I recall, as soon as Trump uttered the word “hydroxychloroquine”, the media went out all out to suppress its usage and vilify it, even getting the Lancet to publish a “study” (which they were later forced to retract). Our fearless media and medical statists then went on to suppress information on, and discredit, ivermectin, aspirin and anything else that could be helpful in recovering from Covid. The crime of the century considering the hundreds of thousands of lives that could have been saved.How much of that was pure TDS? Or a desire to prolong the pandemic and blame it on Trump? Interesting that India, which went with early ivermectin usage and virtually eliminated Covid without vaccinations, has 1/35th our Covid death rate.

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John Earl has been brainwashed by mainstream media, thus his constant oinking here.


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Healthfeedback is dishonest. I ran a test: they published a claim that there was "no evidence" (sound familiar?) that hydroxychloroquine worked. I happened I had just read a fulsome endorsement from a highly-qualified doctor in a high position at a teaching hospital in Boston. That's evidence. So I sent it to them. They didn't respond, and they didn't change their false claim.

They're Big Pharma propagandists - regardless of how good HCQ really is.

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Not that it will matter to your smooth brain but the continent of Africa has an infection rate of about 6% although very few are vaccinated(15% is the number I saw in a recent study).

Guess what Africans have in common.

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I guess you've missed the information about all the criminals, potential terrorists, drug traffickers, human traffickers, and other assorted "bad people" who have crossed our borders illegally, e.g., the stats on the numbers of illegal aliens in our jails, etc. It's being reported that countries are now emptying their jails and asylums and encouraging these people to enter the USA illegally. I guess you don't live near the Southern Border and/or you haven't been impacted by illegal immigration, e.g., job competition, lower wages, overcrowded schools and other government services, crime, etc., so you can pontificate about Trump's language, but if your family and friends were impacted you might have a different opinion of illegal immigration.

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John Earl obviously is a stranger in our house.

He needs to move on to somewhere he is welcome.


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Nearly all who were advising Trump are still there advising Biden. Trump was unable to affect facts on the ground.

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DJT remained un-captured by the State (and therefore became the enemy of the Party establishments), helped awake millions, and changed the course of U.S. history.

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In regards to the CDC cabal Hardeho is correct. Trump should have fired Fauci and Scarf Lady on day one but they would have impeached him for it.

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I was replying to his second sentence.

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You missed the most glaring evidence of their insincerity - going nuclear eliminates the Co2 crisis in one fell swoop.

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No, it doesn't.

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“Co2 crisis” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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It trades one problem for another. And, at this point, it's WAY too little WAY too late.

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There is no problem. There never was save actual pollution. The day our corrupt politicians, led by RINOS BTW, voted to make CO2 a pollutant was the day science died. Now it is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on humanity with the Covid vaccines a close runner up.

The catastrophic man-made global warming psychopaths are anti-human any way you look at it. They are literally causing the poor and elderly to freeze to death and think this is a good thing.

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That's a pathetic comment; nobody VOTED and made anything a pollutant.

ANYTHING in either too much quantity or too much can be a problem; it all depends on when and where.

Open a fucking book and learn something.

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oPeN a FuCkInG bOoK🤣🤣

How do you think certain chemical compounds get put on the evil list? What body voted to give authority to the EPA to decide whatever chemicals are pollutants simply because they are part, no matter how minuscule, of the run away green house gas theory? Congress you fool.

What’s hilarious is you think grid scale batteries won’t eventually get the same treatment as natural gas. Most unbrainwashed people already know how dirty the battery lifecycle actually is and that will be what they use when it is time to come for it. That WILL happen. It is only a matter of time.

First the corrupt scammers call it a clean fuel. Then they call it a transition fuel. Then they call it evil and destroy it leaving hundreds of billions spent on infrastructure rotting away while they duplicate that infrastructure for whatever new source they are getting filthy rich off of. That is what they are currently doing for wind, solar and battery all throughout New England. Maine voted down gigawatts of clean hydro because a 100 yard wide corridor of 55 miles of forest literally in the middle of the wilderness no one ever goes or sees would be cleared for transmission wires. Now MA and ME can’t meet their emission goals🤣.

But guess what they are also doing at the same time? That’s right. Clear cutting tens of thousands of acres in populated and prime farming land for solar farms as far as the eye can see. Dead trees. Dead grass. Lower property values. Duplicative infrastructure. Negative impact on wild life. Yet they see no contradiction in any of this. It is clown world made up of clowns that beg to have their wealth forced from them while the poor freeze to death because they can’t heat their homes when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine.

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"Does anyone believe Bill Gates is really worried about co2 levels as he flies around in his private jet?"


As one of the wealthiest people and high-profile, he would be a juicy target. He's not stupid.

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Bill Gates is following in his fathers footsteps as a eugenicist who wants to rid the world of all but the elites of the white race. Look at his family history:



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And to make things sweeter, looks like he will be able to fly to EU on his private jet and navigate his Yacht around lovely Adriatic islands free of green fuel tax - https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/yachts-be-exempt-eus-carbon-pricing-plan

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No, he is not stupid. But he's very well protected and wealthy enough to not care about my opinion of him or yours or anyone else's.

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Most white collar criminals like Gates are highly intelligent.

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Gates is less harmful than Bezos...

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