Well, I think I remember him contradicting himself about masks, and I do believe Covid came from the lab in Wuhan and I know he wasn't honest about NIH funding gain of function in China. I have no love for him, and don't really trust him, but I want to wait a bit on Fauci. I hope I don't get Covid and die, so I can see how this story ends.
Well, I think I remember him contradicting himself about masks, and I do believe Covid came from the lab in Wuhan and I know he wasn't honest about NIH funding gain of function in China. I have no love for him, and don't really trust him, but I want to wait a bit on Fauci. I hope I don't get Covid and die, so I can see how this story ends.
As long as you donтАЩt have multiple comorbitities your risk of dying from the current strain is about the same as dying in a car accident on the way to the grocery store. That is, unless you got the jab. Then you should be extra vigilant. I wish you the best of health, mental and physical.
Well, I think I remember him contradicting himself about masks, and I do believe Covid came from the lab in Wuhan and I know he wasn't honest about NIH funding gain of function in China. I have no love for him, and don't really trust him, but I want to wait a bit on Fauci. I hope I don't get Covid and die, so I can see how this story ends.
M. Fran, thank you for your patience with the State apparatchik otherwise known as Anthony Fauci.
He is nothing more and nothing less than the typical Statist, the enemy of free people the world over.
I hope my opinion helps you decide.
As long as you donтАЩt have multiple comorbitities your risk of dying from the current strain is about the same as dying in a car accident on the way to the grocery store. That is, unless you got the jab. Then you should be extra vigilant. I wish you the best of health, mental and physical.