There is a difference between facts and emotion. One supersedes the other, yet sadly, you have people whom feel something and equate it with reality.
Regarding Greenwald's use of 'liberal', I agree, he should switch to 'hard left' to describe the CPC types whom openly champion reparations for slavery rather than lumping everyone on the political left into one group.
Still, that fault is as minor as a drop of water in a swimming pool when compared to the legacy press and technocrats. Greenwald never reported that Rittenhouse shot black people, nor did he tout the lie that the Russians altered vote tallies in the 2016 election.
Which one supersedes the other makes all the difference, all the time. Each of us is subject to either one being superior at times - though many of us here let the facts lead much more of the time.
Indeed, we can all be blinded by emotion, though we have to be vigilant to look at the facts. I say this as a life-long Republican whom has voted in every election, off year and on, and whom has always voted Republican, yet whom supports Greenwald and Gabbard because they, like me, look at logic over emotion.
I counted 114 facts in Glenn's article and zero facts in your tirade. Who is ignoring context and perspective?
There is a difference between facts and emotion. One supersedes the other, yet sadly, you have people whom feel something and equate it with reality.
Regarding Greenwald's use of 'liberal', I agree, he should switch to 'hard left' to describe the CPC types whom openly champion reparations for slavery rather than lumping everyone on the political left into one group.
Still, that fault is as minor as a drop of water in a swimming pool when compared to the legacy press and technocrats. Greenwald never reported that Rittenhouse shot black people, nor did he tout the lie that the Russians altered vote tallies in the 2016 election.
Edit: Greenwald lists the facts, Earl does not.
Which one supersedes the other makes all the difference, all the time. Each of us is subject to either one being superior at times - though many of us here let the facts lead much more of the time.
Indeed, we can all be blinded by emotion, though we have to be vigilant to look at the facts. I say this as a life-long Republican whom has voted in every election, off year and on, and whom has always voted Republican, yet whom supports Greenwald and Gabbard because they, like me, look at logic over emotion.
"Uhg! It's in the subtext! Can't you feel, err, see it?!"
-John Earl