"People are able to be reached with reason and information if you are persistent and persuasive about it." And nobody is better at doing just that than Glenn is.
I admire what GG is attempting. I’m just not quite so optimistic that it would work. I agree that he is an exceptionally talented and energetic writer who is fighting the good fight.
The pain that Americans are feeling under the Biden regime is strong enough reason for Joe's miserable ratings. ideology and wisdom have little to do with it. The economy is in a nosedive, and it can only get worse. The reasons to reject Biden have been there before the 2020 election. He has been a crook his whole political career.
Biden is only in office because the 2020 election was rigged.
But, but, but.... those mean tweets - I guess all the problems that you highlight about what the Biden Administration is creating pale in comparison to Trump's responses on Tweeter - at least according to the MSM and the rest of the pro-Biden supporters, right? /sarc
Well if you believe Rasmussen polls almost 50% of Democrats want the unvaccinated put into concentration camps. I’m not joking. Look it up. These people have lost all sense of morality if they ever had it.
And the kicker is they think they are being moral. It’s absolutely insane. Propaganda works.
Another case of the fake wool falling off of the wolves. These Dems are the same people who are running Austria back into being a penal colony. It's demented, it's sick, and it's among the gravest threats to freedom. I may be vaccinated and boosted, but should anyone act on such desires and try to put people in camps well...they will have announced to the world whom the prime enemy of humanity is.
Observe it isn't because of bad press making Biden blunders obvious. They helped with Afghanistan only because the visuals demanded it - spin impossible. But they ignore negatives. The people have lost faith because they see their conditions first hand.
People whom use reason need to be able to have a platform to reach out to the populous. MSNBC has effectively canceled you Greenwald, while I highly doubt that CNN or The Atlantic would have you on to give their audiences a dose of reality given their lies about the Rittenhouse case that you have chronicled. Additionally, what about the rest of us, how can we reach others when we lack a voice?
People need to look for Greenwald to find him. Will the viewership of the legacy press ever have him on? Will their 'journalists' ever look into anything he says? The only network that has him on regularly is Fox, and most of the people whom associate with the left have nothing to do with Fox.
not 33% of them. and probably not 33% on the other end of the spectrum. the truth is fighting for the 33% in the middle. probably less. 10 ro 15% dont care
I'm just an old guy who worked as a newspaper reporter and editor in the 60s and 70s.
But I can assure you that right wing and left wing reporters who did not leave their political beliefs at the door into the newsroom were soon demoted to the society or sports pages by management.
And those hard headed guys and gals who continued to expose their political views in the newsroom were often fired.
Of course, we all had heated debates at the local the local watering holes..
From my perspective he has always been a classical liberal with some progressive social positions. Now because he tells the truth he is labeled “far right” along with anyone else that dares tell the truth.
When parents who criticize local school boards are treated like the enemy, there is little wonder that free lance reporters like Glen and Matt are said to be wacky far right shills when they pen accurate reports about various important topics.
What's next? Perhaps treating more than half of the U.S. population as the greatest danger facing our "democracy."
Any of us who where awake during civics classes in grade school and high school know we live in a constitutional republic.
Those who have not studied civics are prone to saying the U.S. is a democracy.
Often, however, the misuse of the word is deliberate.
So far this is true. But the challenge of our current media and social media environment is that it is now much harder to penetrate a large group that used to follow reason a lot more readily. Today, these people don't even have know basic things that are happening in the world because they still trust their usual media and social media sources. They trust the headline written by the WaPo's AI algorithm is true without even noticing that it's not backed up by the facts in the text of the article. They are the ones who fail to realize that, to cite one of your greatest pieces, that Bush and Cheney were worse by nearly every possible measure than Trump. When you tell them that Bobulinski was incredibly credible, they look at their phone for 20 minutes and think about deeply for days. They emerge a bit wiser, but it's a fraught situation until more of them go through the process.
The test is, will enough of them have gone through it by 2024 that we won't have a revolution if Trump is elected? Will the unrest then be an Occupy Wall St moment (prolonged but ineffective venting), because enough rational people have come to grips with reality, or a Euromaidan?
C'mon Glenn; Homo sapiens is a rationalizing story believing animal, not a rational animal. Emotional hooks sell, reason seldom does. Not to many Mr. Spock's, lot's of Captain Kirk's and that only works in Hollywood.
This is why propaganda works. It’s science after all and we must trust the science. If our government actually followed their oath to the Constitution to protect the general welfare then civics, critical thinking and Cognitive Behavior Therapy would be taught in all government schools. Oh, and they would also terminate the bureaucratic state.
Your article is just another attempt by you to demonize the Democratic Party and "liberals" (always left undefined by you) while almost always completely ignoring context, perspective, and challenging facts--leaving the impression that Trump, Tucker Carlson and Fox News, and the Republican Party are really pretty good people and constant victims. Ever since The Intercept burned you, you have been like a super villain in the comic books, a mad scientist who was pushed into a vat of toxic chemicals and came out of it deranged and hell-bent on getting revenge, no matter who it hurts--like your misleading bullshit about COVID.
I read a lot of gg articles and in none of them do I come away thinking that trump, Carlson and republicans are “good people and victims”. Stop being such a drama queen as evidenced by your ridiculous supervillain comparison, which I’m sure you’ve been waiting to use for so long.
This guy is obviously a troll who can't garner a single reader of his own content so he replies to Glenn just to get the attention he craves. Ignore him.
I was a registered democrat, never voted for a republican in my life. I was also extremely active against our many wars, and too bad the democrats weren't. I was politically active on any number of issues which most would define as liberal, and I see myself that way. As far as Greenwald drawing attention to the hypocrisy and lies of the democratic party, well someone has to do it, and they so need someone to take up that challenge. They need to be called out for their lies and total hypocrisy during the Trump years, and this year too. They also need to be held accountable for the fraud they perpetrated with Russia-gate during Trumps four years in office whose intent was to oust an elected president. The mainstream press and the left helped the democrats in that regard, and in doing so lost what little journalistic integrity they had left. The so call left news outlets followed suit. Greenwald is doing them a favor because no one changes until people confront them with the truth.
They know what the truth is and refuse to change or acknowledge it. And no quarter is given to anyone who points out their obvious inconsistencies and blatant hypocrisy.
Does anyone really think Boris Johnson was worried about covid being deadly when he had big Christmas parties last year but demanded a total shutdown for everyone else?
Does anyone believe Bill Gates is really worried about co2 levels as he flies around in his private jet? Buying carbon offsets is nothing more than a bait and switch.
Does anyone believe that Fauci is anything more than a bureaucrat with a medical degree?
In terms of Johnson, Gates and Fauci, I don't trust them, but I can't substantiate that mistrust with facts. My mistrust has become profound in these last four years. Russia-gate really did a number on me, since I didn't believe it from the beginning, and not only because we've scapegoated Russia for decades, but when the hack of the DNC e-mails came to light Clinton's campaign manager, Mooky, immediately said, and with no substantiating evidence, "The Russian's did it." As far as Clinton goes I do know enough about her to justifiably not trust her.
I can help you with evidence for not trusting Fauci. He admitted to lying to our faces in early 2020 about masks. He intentionally covered up the origins of COVID because he is personally implicated and lied to congress about gain of function.
Well, I think I remember him contradicting himself about masks, and I do believe Covid came from the lab in Wuhan and I know he wasn't honest about NIH funding gain of function in China. I have no love for him, and don't really trust him, but I want to wait a bit on Fauci. I hope I don't get Covid and die, so I can see how this story ends.
Just assume whatever they say is the exact opposite of the truth and you will be closer to the actual truth than assuming they are being honest. It really works. I haven’t been stumped yet. The only variable is how much time it takes for the truth to come out.
I understand and to a large part agree with your view of the Russiagate fiasco, but why aren't you equally appalled by the same kind of behavior from Trump's Republicans, the racist scapegoating of immigrants, for one example, and spreading dangerous bullshit about COVID instead of doing something about it, and so much more? Glenn, I think, might want to say that he's applying the standard of "a pox on both their houses," but that's not what he's doing. He's almost totally one-sided, a true monomaniac with all the trimmings.
Oh, I answered your other post. Okay, well, I'm really into genealogy and have seen thousands of ship manifests, and all the information required before you could enter this country. I don't know why we never implemented something similar for our contiguous borders. I don't believe in open borders and neither did Biden, or Obama who was given the title of deporter-in-chief, exporting some two and a half million during his presidency. I pretty much follow the news, not the mainstream corporately owned news, or even those left wing sites that have lost their journalistic integrity, since much of what they had to say about Trump wasn't true, like he's a racist. What bullshit about Covid? He was funding big pharma to develop a vaccine, remember warp speed? Do you want to honestly talk about racism and more, well what about Hilary calling half of Trump's base deplorables, that is, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, sexists, etc. Does that statement not disgust you? It gave a thumbs up for others to make the same assertions about millions and millions of Americans. There was a meme floating around Facebook, and a cousin picked it up since if referenced Trump supporters as an uneducated, amoral lot. That is an extremely prejudicial perception to have, and many anti-Trumpers have adopted it. Also, Biden didn't believe in busing when they wanted to integrate schools, back in the sixties, well, you can't integrate schools without busing and he knew it. You say Greenwald views the political scene in black and white, but John that's just not true.
As I recall, as soon as Trump uttered the word “hydroxychloroquine”, the media went out all out to suppress its usage and vilify it, even getting the Lancet to publish a “study” (which they were later forced to retract). Our fearless media and medical statists then went on to suppress information on, and discredit, ivermectin, aspirin and anything else that could be helpful in recovering from Covid. The crime of the century considering the hundreds of thousands of lives that could have been saved.How much of that was pure TDS? Or a desire to prolong the pandemic and blame it on Trump? Interesting that India, which went with early ivermectin usage and virtually eliminated Covid without vaccinations, has 1/35th our Covid death rate.
I guess you've missed the information about all the criminals, potential terrorists, drug traffickers, human traffickers, and other assorted "bad people" who have crossed our borders illegally, e.g., the stats on the numbers of illegal aliens in our jails, etc. It's being reported that countries are now emptying their jails and asylums and encouraging these people to enter the USA illegally. I guess you don't live near the Southern Border and/or you haven't been impacted by illegal immigration, e.g., job competition, lower wages, overcrowded schools and other government services, crime, etc., so you can pontificate about Trump's language, but if your family and friends were impacted you might have a different opinion of illegal immigration.
There is no problem. There never was save actual pollution. The day our corrupt politicians, led by RINOS BTW, voted to make CO2 a pollutant was the day science died. Now it is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on humanity with the Covid vaccines a close runner up.
The catastrophic man-made global warming psychopaths are anti-human any way you look at it. They are literally causing the poor and elderly to freeze to death and think this is a good thing.
Bill Gates is following in his fathers footsteps as a eugenicist who wants to rid the world of all but the elites of the white race. Look at his family history:
Fran, I have no problem calling out the democrats for their hypocrisy and lies, none whatsoever, and I applaud anyone for doing so. But just as I oppose only focusing on Republican (Trumpism, etc) to the exclusion of almost all else, and lying about it at times as well, I also oppose doing the same approach with Dems and "liberals" (a term Greenwald NEVER defines and uses to paint absolutes). I'm for putting things in a more holistic perspective, not being a monomaniac like Greenwald has become.
John, trust me he's liberal, and no monomaniac, and I think he's fair and balanced. In this article he pointed out the hypocrisy of the democrat's position on the filibuster when used by republicans, but at the same time he agreed that Russia and Germany should be left to their own decisions about the pipeline and oil. The article also pointed out that while the democrats claimed Trump was Putin's puppet he tried to sabotage this pipeline which is economically extremely important to Russia, contradicting the democrat's allegation that he was doing Putin's bidding during his time in office. However that certainly doesn't mean he has nothing but good feelings for the republicans. People complain he's on FOX, real liberal of them, and to be honest during the Trump presidency I turned to FOX too, because they weren't spinning lies about Trump and Russia-gate, or his hiring prostitutes to pee on the bed Obama and his wife slept on in Russia. Those 4 years were crazy and someone has to sort it out, so to speak.
P.S. Hard to define the word liberal in today's day and age, especially when liberals have become so dogmatic in what you should and shouldn't believe.
Why does he have to define "liberals?" I don't understand that argument, I think we all know what it means. It might be a generalization in a way but so is saying "conservative, "democrat, republican, the main stream media." It's a group of people with similar ideas and values, and we all know what those ideas and values are. Obviously not all of them think exactly alike. But I don't understand why it's Glenns job to narrowly define a term that we all understand to be a description, not an absolute. I think his readers have enough brain power to understand that.
Liberal isn't one he routinely gets wrong, it's "left," and second behind that is "Progressive." For the most part when he uses those terms he doesn't mean those groups at all, but rather the Neo-Liberals who have in recent times begun to call themselves that while holding none of the beliefs.
Really? LOL Your define is pretty vague, isn't it? Please tell me what "those ideas and values are," ok? Phil Ochs explained his definition of liberal pretty well, at least for a song, but I have no idea what Glenn's or your definition means because you both use the word in such a sweeping fashion. The best I can figure is from what he says is that liberals are Democrats, because he uses the words interchangeably. But are all Dems the same? Are all liberals the same? Or are they vastly different (remember, Glenn usually speaks in absolutes). Is Rachael Maddow, one of Glenn's most justifiable targets, a liberal? She's probably a Democrat, but I sure don't consider her a liberal (ask me for my definition and I will give it to you, if you want). I don't care how he defines it, except that I need to know what he's talking about. There are, you should know, different definitions of lots of political and philosophical terms, most especially "liberal." Vague writing is bad writing.
I apologize, I was not making myself clear. I was not trying to define the word liberal, though I can see why you would assume that I was. I'm not a skilled writer. What I was trying to say is that the meanings of words change and evolve over time. My point is to say that it will have a different meaning depending on the context of the writing. I don't agree that "Glenn speaks in absolutes." That's a pretty broad statement that seems like it would be difficult to back up with evidence. I always understand the meanings of his words in terms of the context of the writing. In my opinion, it's not necessary to have a strict definition of a political/philosophical term when you have context and when you're speaking to an audience familiar with current political and societal events. It's a weak criticism.
Care to provide any substantive reasoning to your claim?
What is the context and perspective being left out?
What is the misleading BS about Covid you refer to?
Without addressing these assertions, your comment is just vapid, overly emotional, whining. Perhaps you do have point, but I suspect any retort will be more of the same - completely emotion driven with zero reason and principle underlying any of it.
I have often commented on all of those points both here and on Mr. Greenwald's twitter feed. The evidence is rampant in his writings; also, it's self-evident in the current post. Go back and read them all yourself. He knows exactly what I'm talking about. In the meantime, apply your sophist reasoning to yourself.
I asked 2 questions that invited you to support your claim. Hard to see much sophistry there.
In your defense, you were commenting directly to Glen, so I suppose it is not the commentariat you wish to persuade.
Still, if you'll indulge me, I noticed that you claim that the voting legislature in question is racist, and I submit that not only is this logically inconsistent, the very reasoning often offered to support it is *incredibly* racist - ironically.
You make no actual answer to Joshua's question Mr. Earl. And then you accuse him of the sophistry you yourself have been plying here in every comment you make.
How cute. Just like most liberals, you think we need liberal LIARS like Fraudci and Biden to tell us how to think, both of whom are HIGHLY compromised via Big pharma, Bill Gates and George Soros.
The accusations that GG must be simping for the right or that he somehow is a Trump supporter or a "Tuckems" loyalist, because he (RIGHTLY) criticizes fascist Democrats says FAR more about your pwn hypocrisy and tribalism than it does him..
As a former Democrat, I think most of his criticisms are spot on and GG has what liberal dominated MSM does not; integrity and consistency and a commitment to truth
You need not worry about those of us
who DESPISE Dem fascists being misinformed.
We are NOT and are perfectly capable of thinking for ourselves
BTW, just about everything MSM SAYS about Covid, along with your favorite beagle killer, Fraudci, IS A LIE. It should not be surprising that those of us who know that follow folks like GG and Rogan, cuz science
There is a difference between facts and emotion. One supersedes the other, yet sadly, you have people whom feel something and equate it with reality.
Regarding Greenwald's use of 'liberal', I agree, he should switch to 'hard left' to describe the CPC types whom openly champion reparations for slavery rather than lumping everyone on the political left into one group.
Still, that fault is as minor as a drop of water in a swimming pool when compared to the legacy press and technocrats. Greenwald never reported that Rittenhouse shot black people, nor did he tout the lie that the Russians altered vote tallies in the 2016 election.
Which one supersedes the other makes all the difference, all the time. Each of us is subject to either one being superior at times - though many of us here let the facts lead much more of the time.
Indeed, we can all be blinded by emotion, though we have to be vigilant to look at the facts. I say this as a life-long Republican whom has voted in every election, off year and on, and whom has always voted Republican, yet whom supports Greenwald and Gabbard because they, like me, look at logic over emotion.
Those are some harsh and extraordinary claims that you are making about Greenwald demonizing the left as if a mentally deranged, spited comic book villain.
However, as the late Carl Sagan famously said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." And you have failed to provide anything beyond a POV.
I love Carl Sagan and agree with him. But you are misapplying his philosophy here. There is nothing extraordinary about my claims. All you have to do is actually read, with a reasonably critical mind, Glenn's work post-Intercept to see that my similes (borrowed almost exactly from typical Glenn absolutist, hyperbolic tirades--e.g. "deranged") to see that I am spot on.
Good journalists should critique those in power. Though Trump is still living in the heads of most Democrats to the point he still wields power over their emotions, he is no longer living in the White House from what I can tell.
The precedent set by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Rupert Murdoch is alive and well in the Democratic Party and most corporate media. The “with us or against us” attitude of the Democrats is something out of the Iraq Invasion playbook.
So, what is your fact-based, verifiable, refutation to the points that Glenn made in this article? Wait: is that a 1965 Simon & Garfunkel hit that I hear playing faintly in the background?
Please refer to my opening comment about Greenwald's critique of Biden's remarks, wherein I defend Biden's "hypocritical" effort to end the filibuster.
Odd that you bother with his postings given his new alignment with the darkside. I suppose Gabbard is another one of Tucker's dream democrats. I ss a lot of the old democrats agreeing with GG (and Gabbard). They also know that the MSM will no longer book moderates. At least Fox provides a platform.
To be clear, I completely share Glenn's criticism of the DNC (ex: I never bought off on Russia-gate) here and suspect you do too, but refuse to speculate on his motives as you do. I'll expand on your point with a kinder tone.
1) "Filibuster hypocrisy of this sort is the norm in Washington." Honest journalism probably ought to provide an example or two of GOP's contributions to this norm.
2) "It's still the job of a journalist to highlight the dishonesty of the majority party that controls both houses of Congress and the White House." No, it's to highlight and explain dishonesty and hypocrisy by any party with enough power to influence, in this cases. national and international politics. And perhaps even explain the issues involved. In this case, the RNC is doing its damnest to maintain power despite being a party that represents a minority of the country and to roll back legislation dating to FDR's administration. That level of nuance is not to be found in Glenn's writings, which have the tone of a litigator trying to win a case.
When Glenn writes in a comment elsewhere here that the US effort to stop Russian natural gas from being exported to Germany is futile, well, maybe not. He may have underestimated the capabilities of the American Empire. Mind you, I hope he's right.
Here's one of my favorite formulations: the job of journalism is to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted. While he does a great job on the (allegedly liberal) DNC, I fail to see Glenn afflicting the GOP.
Biden's approval rating is at 33%. People are able to be reached with reason and information if you are persistent and persuasive about it.
And the optimist of the year goes to….GG.
"People are able to be reached with reason and information if you are persistent and persuasive about it." And nobody is better at doing just that than Glenn is.
And what, M Snow, would you do instead?
I admire what GG is attempting. I’m just not quite so optimistic that it would work. I agree that he is an exceptionally talented and energetic writer who is fighting the good fight.
Award me runner-up, please, M. M Snow.
So be it. You are the runner up. Congrats.
The pain that Americans are feeling under the Biden regime is strong enough reason for Joe's miserable ratings. ideology and wisdom have little to do with it. The economy is in a nosedive, and it can only get worse. The reasons to reject Biden have been there before the 2020 election. He has been a crook his whole political career.
Biden is only in office because the 2020 election was rigged.
But, but, but.... those mean tweets - I guess all the problems that you highlight about what the Biden Administration is creating pale in comparison to Trump's responses on Tweeter - at least according to the MSM and the rest of the pro-Biden supporters, right? /sarc
Never forget what they took from us. Trump’s tweets were the only thing about politics I enjoyed in the last 50 years.
That's fair.
I'm concerned that many STILL approve.
Well if you believe Rasmussen polls almost 50% of Democrats want the unvaccinated put into concentration camps. I’m not joking. Look it up. These people have lost all sense of morality if they ever had it.
And the kicker is they think they are being moral. It’s absolutely insane. Propaganda works.
Another case of the fake wool falling off of the wolves. These Dems are the same people who are running Austria back into being a penal colony. It's demented, it's sick, and it's among the gravest threats to freedom. I may be vaccinated and boosted, but should anyone act on such desires and try to put people in camps well...they will have announced to the world whom the prime enemy of humanity is.
Phisto...me too.
Observe it isn't because of bad press making Biden blunders obvious. They helped with Afghanistan only because the visuals demanded it - spin impossible. But they ignore negatives. The people have lost faith because they see their conditions first hand.
People whom use reason need to be able to have a platform to reach out to the populous. MSNBC has effectively canceled you Greenwald, while I highly doubt that CNN or The Atlantic would have you on to give their audiences a dose of reality given their lies about the Rittenhouse case that you have chronicled. Additionally, what about the rest of us, how can we reach others when we lack a voice?
Glenn has his own platform and surely serious journalists worth their salt read him. He is influencing the influencers ?
People need to look for Greenwald to find him. Will the viewership of the legacy press ever have him on? Will their 'journalists' ever look into anything he says? The only network that has him on regularly is Fox, and most of the people whom associate with the left have nothing to do with Fox.
LOL. They despise him for it which is the best endorsement he could get. Cue PJ O’Rourke comment on what journalists are.
You just did. I heard you.
All five of them? Shouldn’t be too difficult.
not 33% of them. and probably not 33% on the other end of the spectrum. the truth is fighting for the 33% in the middle. probably less. 10 ro 15% dont care
Keep it up Glenn. Wikileaks is going to add another evil adjective to their current “far-right” description of you. Giv’em hell!!
I'm just an old guy who worked as a newspaper reporter and editor in the 60s and 70s.
But I can assure you that right wing and left wing reporters who did not leave their political beliefs at the door into the newsroom were soon demoted to the society or sports pages by management.
And those hard headed guys and gals who continued to expose their political views in the newsroom were often fired.
Of course, we all had heated debates at the local the local watering holes..
From my perspective he has always been a classical liberal with some progressive social positions. Now because he tells the truth he is labeled “far right” along with anyone else that dares tell the truth.
When parents who criticize local school boards are treated like the enemy, there is little wonder that free lance reporters like Glen and Matt are said to be wacky far right shills when they pen accurate reports about various important topics.
What's next? Perhaps treating more than half of the U.S. population as the greatest danger facing our "democracy."
Any of us who where awake during civics classes in grade school and high school know we live in a constitutional republic.
Those who have not studied civics are prone to saying the U.S. is a democracy.
Often, however, the misuse of the word is deliberate.
So far this is true. But the challenge of our current media and social media environment is that it is now much harder to penetrate a large group that used to follow reason a lot more readily. Today, these people don't even have know basic things that are happening in the world because they still trust their usual media and social media sources. They trust the headline written by the WaPo's AI algorithm is true without even noticing that it's not backed up by the facts in the text of the article. They are the ones who fail to realize that, to cite one of your greatest pieces, that Bush and Cheney were worse by nearly every possible measure than Trump. When you tell them that Bobulinski was incredibly credible, they look at their phone for 20 minutes and think about deeply for days. They emerge a bit wiser, but it's a fraught situation until more of them go through the process.
The test is, will enough of them have gone through it by 2024 that we won't have a revolution if Trump is elected? Will the unrest then be an Occupy Wall St moment (prolonged but ineffective venting), because enough rational people have come to grips with reality, or a Euromaidan?
C'mon Glenn; Homo sapiens is a rationalizing story believing animal, not a rational animal. Emotional hooks sell, reason seldom does. Not to many Mr. Spock's, lot's of Captain Kirk's and that only works in Hollywood.
This is why propaganda works. It’s science after all and we must trust the science. If our government actually followed their oath to the Constitution to protect the general welfare then civics, critical thinking and Cognitive Behavior Therapy would be taught in all government schools. Oh, and they would also terminate the bureaucratic state.
Your article is just another attempt by you to demonize the Democratic Party and "liberals" (always left undefined by you) while almost always completely ignoring context, perspective, and challenging facts--leaving the impression that Trump, Tucker Carlson and Fox News, and the Republican Party are really pretty good people and constant victims. Ever since The Intercept burned you, you have been like a super villain in the comic books, a mad scientist who was pushed into a vat of toxic chemicals and came out of it deranged and hell-bent on getting revenge, no matter who it hurts--like your misleading bullshit about COVID.
I read a lot of gg articles and in none of them do I come away thinking that trump, Carlson and republicans are “good people and victims”. Stop being such a drama queen as evidenced by your ridiculous supervillain comparison, which I’m sure you’ve been waiting to use for so long.
Oh my, aren't you the little mind reader? Why don't you try not being a sycophant, go back and read the articles again with a critical mind.
Your comment requires one to be a mind reader in order to know what it is you're talking about.
It requires you to do some reading and critical reviewing on your own.
This guy is obviously a troll who can't garner a single reader of his own content so he replies to Glenn just to get the attention he craves. Ignore him.
Read and critically review this Earl:
The Black Magic of Philanthropy: Gates, Clintons, Abramovic, Gaga, WHO + more
Bill Gates, his associates, his companies and his patents.
Ok John I’ll get right on that, lol
Good to know!
You are an idiot Earl, fuck off.
I was a registered democrat, never voted for a republican in my life. I was also extremely active against our many wars, and too bad the democrats weren't. I was politically active on any number of issues which most would define as liberal, and I see myself that way. As far as Greenwald drawing attention to the hypocrisy and lies of the democratic party, well someone has to do it, and they so need someone to take up that challenge. They need to be called out for their lies and total hypocrisy during the Trump years, and this year too. They also need to be held accountable for the fraud they perpetrated with Russia-gate during Trumps four years in office whose intent was to oust an elected president. The mainstream press and the left helped the democrats in that regard, and in doing so lost what little journalistic integrity they had left. The so call left news outlets followed suit. Greenwald is doing them a favor because no one changes until people confront them with the truth.
They know what the truth is and refuse to change or acknowledge it. And no quarter is given to anyone who points out their obvious inconsistencies and blatant hypocrisy.
Does anyone really think Boris Johnson was worried about covid being deadly when he had big Christmas parties last year but demanded a total shutdown for everyone else?
Does anyone believe Bill Gates is really worried about co2 levels as he flies around in his private jet? Buying carbon offsets is nothing more than a bait and switch.
Does anyone believe that Fauci is anything more than a bureaucrat with a medical degree?
In terms of Johnson, Gates and Fauci, I don't trust them, but I can't substantiate that mistrust with facts. My mistrust has become profound in these last four years. Russia-gate really did a number on me, since I didn't believe it from the beginning, and not only because we've scapegoated Russia for decades, but when the hack of the DNC e-mails came to light Clinton's campaign manager, Mooky, immediately said, and with no substantiating evidence, "The Russian's did it." As far as Clinton goes I do know enough about her to justifiably not trust her.
I can help you with evidence for not trusting Fauci. He admitted to lying to our faces in early 2020 about masks. He intentionally covered up the origins of COVID because he is personally implicated and lied to congress about gain of function.
Once you read JFK, Jr book your mind will explode over Fauci. Fauci will never be held to account.
Well, I think I remember him contradicting himself about masks, and I do believe Covid came from the lab in Wuhan and I know he wasn't honest about NIH funding gain of function in China. I have no love for him, and don't really trust him, but I want to wait a bit on Fauci. I hope I don't get Covid and die, so I can see how this story ends.
The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier
Just assume whatever they say is the exact opposite of the truth and you will be closer to the actual truth than assuming they are being honest. It really works. I haven’t been stumped yet. The only variable is how much time it takes for the truth to come out.
I understand and to a large part agree with your view of the Russiagate fiasco, but why aren't you equally appalled by the same kind of behavior from Trump's Republicans, the racist scapegoating of immigrants, for one example, and spreading dangerous bullshit about COVID instead of doing something about it, and so much more? Glenn, I think, might want to say that he's applying the standard of "a pox on both their houses," but that's not what he's doing. He's almost totally one-sided, a true monomaniac with all the trimmings.
Oh, I answered your other post. Okay, well, I'm really into genealogy and have seen thousands of ship manifests, and all the information required before you could enter this country. I don't know why we never implemented something similar for our contiguous borders. I don't believe in open borders and neither did Biden, or Obama who was given the title of deporter-in-chief, exporting some two and a half million during his presidency. I pretty much follow the news, not the mainstream corporately owned news, or even those left wing sites that have lost their journalistic integrity, since much of what they had to say about Trump wasn't true, like he's a racist. What bullshit about Covid? He was funding big pharma to develop a vaccine, remember warp speed? Do you want to honestly talk about racism and more, well what about Hilary calling half of Trump's base deplorables, that is, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, sexists, etc. Does that statement not disgust you? It gave a thumbs up for others to make the same assertions about millions and millions of Americans. There was a meme floating around Facebook, and a cousin picked it up since if referenced Trump supporters as an uneducated, amoral lot. That is an extremely prejudicial perception to have, and many anti-Trumpers have adopted it. Also, Biden didn't believe in busing when they wanted to integrate schools, back in the sixties, well, you can't integrate schools without busing and he knew it. You say Greenwald views the political scene in black and white, but John that's just not true.
As I recall, as soon as Trump uttered the word “hydroxychloroquine”, the media went out all out to suppress its usage and vilify it, even getting the Lancet to publish a “study” (which they were later forced to retract). Our fearless media and medical statists then went on to suppress information on, and discredit, ivermectin, aspirin and anything else that could be helpful in recovering from Covid. The crime of the century considering the hundreds of thousands of lives that could have been saved.How much of that was pure TDS? Or a desire to prolong the pandemic and blame it on Trump? Interesting that India, which went with early ivermectin usage and virtually eliminated Covid without vaccinations, has 1/35th our Covid death rate.
I guess you've missed the information about all the criminals, potential terrorists, drug traffickers, human traffickers, and other assorted "bad people" who have crossed our borders illegally, e.g., the stats on the numbers of illegal aliens in our jails, etc. It's being reported that countries are now emptying their jails and asylums and encouraging these people to enter the USA illegally. I guess you don't live near the Southern Border and/or you haven't been impacted by illegal immigration, e.g., job competition, lower wages, overcrowded schools and other government services, crime, etc., so you can pontificate about Trump's language, but if your family and friends were impacted you might have a different opinion of illegal immigration.
John Earl obviously is a stranger in our house.
He needs to move on to somewhere he is welcome.
Nearly all who were advising Trump are still there advising Biden. Trump was unable to affect facts on the ground.
You missed the most glaring evidence of their insincerity - going nuclear eliminates the Co2 crisis in one fell swoop.
No, it doesn't.
“Co2 crisis” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
It trades one problem for another. And, at this point, it's WAY too little WAY too late.
There is no problem. There never was save actual pollution. The day our corrupt politicians, led by RINOS BTW, voted to make CO2 a pollutant was the day science died. Now it is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on humanity with the Covid vaccines a close runner up.
The catastrophic man-made global warming psychopaths are anti-human any way you look at it. They are literally causing the poor and elderly to freeze to death and think this is a good thing.
"Does anyone believe Bill Gates is really worried about co2 levels as he flies around in his private jet?"
As one of the wealthiest people and high-profile, he would be a juicy target. He's not stupid.
Bill Gates is following in his fathers footsteps as a eugenicist who wants to rid the world of all but the elites of the white race. Look at his family history:
And to make things sweeter, looks like he will be able to fly to EU on his private jet and navigate his Yacht around lovely Adriatic islands free of green fuel tax - https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/yachts-be-exempt-eus-carbon-pricing-plan
No, he is not stupid. But he's very well protected and wealthy enough to not care about my opinion of him or yours or anyone else's.
Most white collar criminals like Gates are highly intelligent.
Gates is less harmful than Bezos...
Agreed; his only real error was in calling these people "left." He should just use either "Democrat" or "neo-liberal."
I agree! (Second time in history, If I am not mistaken.)
Fran, I have no problem calling out the democrats for their hypocrisy and lies, none whatsoever, and I applaud anyone for doing so. But just as I oppose only focusing on Republican (Trumpism, etc) to the exclusion of almost all else, and lying about it at times as well, I also oppose doing the same approach with Dems and "liberals" (a term Greenwald NEVER defines and uses to paint absolutes). I'm for putting things in a more holistic perspective, not being a monomaniac like Greenwald has become.
John, trust me he's liberal, and no monomaniac, and I think he's fair and balanced. In this article he pointed out the hypocrisy of the democrat's position on the filibuster when used by republicans, but at the same time he agreed that Russia and Germany should be left to their own decisions about the pipeline and oil. The article also pointed out that while the democrats claimed Trump was Putin's puppet he tried to sabotage this pipeline which is economically extremely important to Russia, contradicting the democrat's allegation that he was doing Putin's bidding during his time in office. However that certainly doesn't mean he has nothing but good feelings for the republicans. People complain he's on FOX, real liberal of them, and to be honest during the Trump presidency I turned to FOX too, because they weren't spinning lies about Trump and Russia-gate, or his hiring prostitutes to pee on the bed Obama and his wife slept on in Russia. Those 4 years were crazy and someone has to sort it out, so to speak.
P.S. Hard to define the word liberal in today's day and age, especially when liberals have become so dogmatic in what you should and shouldn't believe.
Agreed, but regarding your P.S., that's a group - the dogmatic, authoritarian ones, who we call Neo-Liberals to distinguish them.
Whom, not who. (tee hee.)
Neo-liberalism like Obama pushing TPP and Trump was against it.?
Why does he have to define "liberals?" I don't understand that argument, I think we all know what it means. It might be a generalization in a way but so is saying "conservative, "democrat, republican, the main stream media." It's a group of people with similar ideas and values, and we all know what those ideas and values are. Obviously not all of them think exactly alike. But I don't understand why it's Glenns job to narrowly define a term that we all understand to be a description, not an absolute. I think his readers have enough brain power to understand that.
Liberal isn't one he routinely gets wrong, it's "left," and second behind that is "Progressive." For the most part when he uses those terms he doesn't mean those groups at all, but rather the Neo-Liberals who have in recent times begun to call themselves that while holding none of the beliefs.
Yes, he does use "left" a lot, too. I think he should clarify what he means, not leave it up to the reader.
Really? LOL Your define is pretty vague, isn't it? Please tell me what "those ideas and values are," ok? Phil Ochs explained his definition of liberal pretty well, at least for a song, but I have no idea what Glenn's or your definition means because you both use the word in such a sweeping fashion. The best I can figure is from what he says is that liberals are Democrats, because he uses the words interchangeably. But are all Dems the same? Are all liberals the same? Or are they vastly different (remember, Glenn usually speaks in absolutes). Is Rachael Maddow, one of Glenn's most justifiable targets, a liberal? She's probably a Democrat, but I sure don't consider her a liberal (ask me for my definition and I will give it to you, if you want). I don't care how he defines it, except that I need to know what he's talking about. There are, you should know, different definitions of lots of political and philosophical terms, most especially "liberal." Vague writing is bad writing.
Let's distinguish between collectivists and individualist.
Individualists support the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.
Collectivists are socialist and Communists and fascists (corporatists) and Nazis.
I apologize, I was not making myself clear. I was not trying to define the word liberal, though I can see why you would assume that I was. I'm not a skilled writer. What I was trying to say is that the meanings of words change and evolve over time. My point is to say that it will have a different meaning depending on the context of the writing. I don't agree that "Glenn speaks in absolutes." That's a pretty broad statement that seems like it would be difficult to back up with evidence. I always understand the meanings of his words in terms of the context of the writing. In my opinion, it's not necessary to have a strict definition of a political/philosophical term when you have context and when you're speaking to an audience familiar with current political and societal events. It's a weak criticism.
Here, the historical meanings are provided, and it includes a walk through to modern times as well:
Care to provide any substantive reasoning to your claim?
What is the context and perspective being left out?
What is the misleading BS about Covid you refer to?
Without addressing these assertions, your comment is just vapid, overly emotional, whining. Perhaps you do have point, but I suspect any retort will be more of the same - completely emotion driven with zero reason and principle underlying any of it.
I have often commented on all of those points both here and on Mr. Greenwald's twitter feed. The evidence is rampant in his writings; also, it's self-evident in the current post. Go back and read them all yourself. He knows exactly what I'm talking about. In the meantime, apply your sophist reasoning to yourself.
Sophist? lol
I asked 2 questions that invited you to support your claim. Hard to see much sophistry there.
In your defense, you were commenting directly to Glen, so I suppose it is not the commentariat you wish to persuade.
Still, if you'll indulge me, I noticed that you claim that the voting legislature in question is racist, and I submit that not only is this logically inconsistent, the very reasoning often offered to support it is *incredibly* racist - ironically.
If it’s so self evident, you shouldn’t have much trouble spelling it out then would you?
You make no actual answer to Joshua's question Mr. Earl. And then you accuse him of the sophistry you yourself have been plying here in every comment you make.
You are a disinformant and a shill.
How cute. Just like most liberals, you think we need liberal LIARS like Fraudci and Biden to tell us how to think, both of whom are HIGHLY compromised via Big pharma, Bill Gates and George Soros.
The accusations that GG must be simping for the right or that he somehow is a Trump supporter or a "Tuckems" loyalist, because he (RIGHTLY) criticizes fascist Democrats says FAR more about your pwn hypocrisy and tribalism than it does him..
As a former Democrat, I think most of his criticisms are spot on and GG has what liberal dominated MSM does not; integrity and consistency and a commitment to truth
You need not worry about those of us
who DESPISE Dem fascists being misinformed.
We are NOT and are perfectly capable of thinking for ourselves
BTW, just about everything MSM SAYS about Covid, along with your favorite beagle killer, Fraudci, IS A LIE. It should not be surprising that those of us who know that follow folks like GG and Rogan, cuz science
You are wasting your time trying to frame Greenwald as a villain Mr. Earl.
save your shit for your toilet.
I counted 114 facts in Glenn's article and zero facts in your tirade. Who is ignoring context and perspective?
There is a difference between facts and emotion. One supersedes the other, yet sadly, you have people whom feel something and equate it with reality.
Regarding Greenwald's use of 'liberal', I agree, he should switch to 'hard left' to describe the CPC types whom openly champion reparations for slavery rather than lumping everyone on the political left into one group.
Still, that fault is as minor as a drop of water in a swimming pool when compared to the legacy press and technocrats. Greenwald never reported that Rittenhouse shot black people, nor did he tout the lie that the Russians altered vote tallies in the 2016 election.
Edit: Greenwald lists the facts, Earl does not.
Which one supersedes the other makes all the difference, all the time. Each of us is subject to either one being superior at times - though many of us here let the facts lead much more of the time.
Indeed, we can all be blinded by emotion, though we have to be vigilant to look at the facts. I say this as a life-long Republican whom has voted in every election, off year and on, and whom has always voted Republican, yet whom supports Greenwald and Gabbard because they, like me, look at logic over emotion.
"Uhg! It's in the subtext! Can't you feel, err, see it?!"
-John Earl
I realize it hurts your partisan heart, but it's possible for BOTH major parties to be utterly corrupt.
That's exactly what I said.
Yet here you are. Paying him even!
Those are some harsh and extraordinary claims that you are making about Greenwald demonizing the left as if a mentally deranged, spited comic book villain.
However, as the late Carl Sagan famously said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." And you have failed to provide anything beyond a POV.
I love Carl Sagan and agree with him. But you are misapplying his philosophy here. There is nothing extraordinary about my claims. All you have to do is actually read, with a reasonably critical mind, Glenn's work post-Intercept to see that my similes (borrowed almost exactly from typical Glenn absolutist, hyperbolic tirades--e.g. "deranged") to see that I am spot on.
Fuck me, you're full of shit.
Good journalists should critique those in power. Though Trump is still living in the heads of most Democrats to the point he still wields power over their emotions, he is no longer living in the White House from what I can tell.
The precedent set by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Rupert Murdoch is alive and well in the Democratic Party and most corporate media. The “with us or against us” attitude of the Democrats is something out of the Iraq Invasion playbook.
So, what is your fact-based, verifiable, refutation to the points that Glenn made in this article? Wait: is that a 1965 Simon & Garfunkel hit that I hear playing faintly in the background?
What context, perception, and challenging facts is Greenwald missing in this particular instance?
Please refer to my opening comment about Greenwald's critique of Biden's remarks, wherein I defend Biden's "hypocritical" effort to end the filibuster.
John Earl is obviously a flaming Bidenista and a shill.
Best I can tell, you mean this one?
Odd that you bother with his postings given his new alignment with the darkside. I suppose Gabbard is another one of Tucker's dream democrats. I ss a lot of the old democrats agreeing with GG (and Gabbard). They also know that the MSM will no longer book moderates. At least Fox provides a platform.
To be clear, I completely share Glenn's criticism of the DNC (ex: I never bought off on Russia-gate) here and suspect you do too, but refuse to speculate on his motives as you do. I'll expand on your point with a kinder tone.
1) "Filibuster hypocrisy of this sort is the norm in Washington." Honest journalism probably ought to provide an example or two of GOP's contributions to this norm.
2) "It's still the job of a journalist to highlight the dishonesty of the majority party that controls both houses of Congress and the White House." No, it's to highlight and explain dishonesty and hypocrisy by any party with enough power to influence, in this cases. national and international politics. And perhaps even explain the issues involved. In this case, the RNC is doing its damnest to maintain power despite being a party that represents a minority of the country and to roll back legislation dating to FDR's administration. That level of nuance is not to be found in Glenn's writings, which have the tone of a litigator trying to win a case.
When Glenn writes in a comment elsewhere here that the US effort to stop Russian natural gas from being exported to Germany is futile, well, maybe not. He may have underestimated the capabilities of the American Empire. Mind you, I hope he's right.
Here's one of my favorite formulations: the job of journalism is to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted. While he does a great job on the (allegedly liberal) DNC, I fail to see Glenn afflicting the GOP.
or Liz