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To anyone with a brain, the constant white supremacy labeling is complete and utter bull shit. What needs to be discussed is *why* this is happening. Why is the DNC and the core of the so called “progressives” actively seeking to destroy the country, to redefine half the English language, use a virus to end free society permanently…just to get started.

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I think for some they just aren't that bright and have entered an alternate reality. My brother and sister and laws are hyper progressive, elite college educated former corporate lawyers gone to non-profit work. They live in Burlington VT. When Biden won the election my sister in law posted on social media the following: "Thank God for Biden. Our lives are saved. Yet, so distressing that half the country voted for Trump. To think I am surrounded by those who would commit genocide, a country half populated by white supremecists fills me with dread. Such mixed emotions..." This is a person supposedly in possession of an IQ quite higher than your average American.

Do I think she's in it for power or greed? No. She's sincere. Being manipulative? No. She's not as smart as she thinks she is and she's being manipulated. She's currently at the same level as "the dinosaur bones were put in the ground by Satan" people and she can't see it because she's in too deep. She's in a bubble. If you talk to her about other things, like their house remodel, her garden, or her favorite recipe she's normal. Swerve into anything politicized by the elite - race, education, the environment, etc and she swerves immediately into panic and consipiracy theories. She truly believes white supremecists are everywhere.

I'm not sure how to get her and the people like her out of it. Back to where we can disagree on solutions but agree on basic reality. I once watched this facinating documentary on the cult that thought the world would end on October 31, 2007. "The Cult at the End of the World". This cult was quite small, but watch how the cult members got sucked in and it's what mainstream liberal media has done to people like my sister-in-law, on a grand scale.

When October 31, 2007 came and went, most members simply doubled down and chose a new date. They were too invested to back out, ever.

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Great comment! I have often wondered about this, how the so-called intelligent and educated can honestly believe that their friends and neighbors are actually advocating for *fascism* because they advocate for immigration laws to be merely enforced. It’s like a mental illness.


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I just finished a book written a century ago, "The behavior of the herd in peace and war". I was surprised how much psychology understood that long ago. Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda called it "The logic proof compartment of the mind". Joseph Goebbels learned a lot from him as did the hucksters. My favorite though is Yuval Noah Harari and his quote " you could never convince a monkey to give you her banana today for a promise of infinite banana's in monkey heaven after she died; monkeys aren't that dumb, people are. His book Sapiens and sequels have sold millions of copies. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend. Free will is an illusion, a fraud; between genetics and cultural indoctrination and our needing the social bond's being hard wired in, we truly are not programmed for rationality, more for rationalizing what we believe. This forum seems to be attracting some crude, rude dudes lately, I hope it doesn't get worse. You are obviously not one of them, very thoughtful.

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She’s been indoctrinated and is beyond hope.

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If Biden is God's handiwork, then Nietzsche was right.

As far as what to do, I recommend mockery. It won't change their mind right away, but you might plant some seeds to reap later.

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Oh, Nietzsche was definitely right and so was Lewis Carroll; the brain's of so many definitely went down the rabbit hole, never to return.

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Nietzsche is hard to understand and complex. Without question, he challenges both Christianity and democracy; but much of what he wrote is logical and important.

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Education equals indoctrination, more education equals more indoctrination. Homo sapiens are the story believing animals and can believe anything, I repeat anything. What does it take to have someone "believe" against all reason and evidence that there's an invisible man in the sky pulling all the strings? Indoctrination and social conformity to group think. Personally I believe that the indoctrination in absurdities is a part of the ruling classes plan to control the lumpenproletariat, it certainly works that way. Don't try and reason someone out of something that they weren't reasoned into.

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See: Seventh Day Adventists

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I'm curious what you know about Adventists that no one else knows. Seriously. Except for the fact that they accept the Saturday as Sabbath and that they don't believe a "loving spiritual father" would torture them for eternity, they behave and believe pretty much like every other Christian.

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One doesn't need to dig too deeply into google searches to find the history of 'The Great disappointment' for early Adventists who believed Jesus would return on October 22, 1844, as was discerned through biblical prophecy. As it turns out, Jesus did not return that night and the Adventist movement remains intact 177 years later.


Though I am non-religious, I do agree that Christians (followers of Jesus) should continue to observe the Sabbath on Saturdays as Jesus did.

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Thanks, Dan. I forgot about that little hiccup by the early Adventists.

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See also: Scientology

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You could try starting with something simple and verifiable, like the Charlottesville hoax. Show them the video of what Trump actually said, where he utterly condemned the actual white supremacists. It's likely they've never seen it, and only know what they think he said through the filter of the media. It's demonstrable proof that the media narrative about that event is a lie. If they're still speaking to you after that, you can mention Opportunity Zones and funding for HBCUs, and wonder what kind of white racist would endorse those policies. Then wonder why Trump's support among PoCs increased so much from 2016 to 2020 (why would all those people vote for someone who hates them and thinks they're inherently inferior).

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Once you get over the illusion of Homo sapiens being intelligent rational animals it makes it so much easier to accept that we're the story believing animals. This allows us to build large societies of hundreds of millions which is our strength. The weakness is that the belief in stories, regardless of how absurd allows a small ruling class to control and exploit the masses. We even know how it works now. Thanks to fMRI technology we can see the pre frontal cortex shuts down when the person is exposed to the narrative of whoever. Could be the hucksters, the politician, the priest etc. my motto is "Nullius in verba"! You have no free will and the more you believe that you have, the easier it is to manipulate you.

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Great suggestion but we are past that, hence my dinosaur bones reference. Anything that counteracts the narrative isn't real at this point, including observable reality.

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If you look behind what is happening, it's usually about money or power. Sometimes it's both.

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Because a large section of society finds Western culture repulsive and worthy of destruction. And they have a valid argument. One struggles to find a more dangerous or violent culture in history. When the right finally begins to take their stance on abortion seriously, the West will have lost the last of its advocates. Then it will die at last. The only question is whether or not it will annihilate all of Earth's life in its final throes.

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More than half of the ~120 million people killed by the various forms of socialism were killed by the Chinese Communists. Two-thirds if you include the USSR, which for its most violent part was run by Stalin, who was from Georgia, which is far from the scope of "Western culture".

Genghis Khan and his Mongol empire would come in second in violence, with estimates as high as 40 to 60 million killed according to Wikipedia.

Western culture is not remotely competitive with these two for violence and danger.

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The islamic conquest of india and persia also killed countless millions.

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Oh really; you ever hear of the genocide of the first inhabitants of the Americas? Since WW II, no one is even close to the killing and destruction by the USA and of course, it's vassals. Of course, the starvation of people so they will rise up and overthrow the non Western conforming government. The USA train's the death squads in the Americas and literally train's and arms the jihadies in Afghanistan and Syria to name a couple of many and then sanctions anyone trying to help them rebuild. MLK was never more right than when he said that the USA was the greatest force for evil in the world today. Putin brought tens of millions of Russians out of poverty. China has done it for hundreds of millions. The USA has impoverished tens of millions of it's own people in the same time period.

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You are a real moron. Not a fake moron, or a trans-moron, a real, dyed-in-the-wool moron. The "genocide" of the first inhabitants of the Americas? Who exactly? The Lenape? The Algonquin? The Aztec? The Inca? The Chichoutoumi? The Passyunk? The Inuit?

Who exactly are the "first inhabitants of the Americas?" That you would use the derivative of Amerigo Vespucci's name to describe the continent means that you really don't have any fucking clue about history and how tribal peoples confronted each other throughout time. There's a reason why even the woke refer to "indigenous peoples" using two words derived from WESTERN CIVILIZATION (Latin, to be precise - indigena and populus) to put down "western civilization" and its treatment of "others."

Note that there would not be enough time or space in the world to refer to the "original" inhabitants of "America" by their proper names, there were so many tribes...

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Also that awkward fact where it’s the Indians who killed the first inhabitants of the Americas. Actually they killed the second people, who killed the first people….maybe there’s some more waves in there…before Indians started killing each other.

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Strange. The U.S. really killed 75 million people since World War II? That would have to be the case to have killed more than Mao, who did all his killing after World War II.

Starving people? Equally strange. The USA sends huge amounts of aid to people in poverty in other countries. Perhaps you haven't heard of World Vision or Samaritan's Purse, or the dozens of other aid groups?

Death squads in the Americas? Cuba has been the top organizer of them, and none of its money came from the U.S.

Putin has brought some people out of poverty but not tens of millions. He has only been in office in this century, and Russia was already doing well after the fall of the USSR. China still has hundreds of millions in poverty, and has millions in concentration camps or under house arrest. On the other hand poverty in the USA has DECREASED steadily since 1940. Black unemployment reached its lowest level on record in 2019.

These are facts. You should read some of Thomas Sowell's books, such as Migrations and Cultures. Sowell is America's leading living intellectual and he knows the facts about history, sociology, political science, psychology and economics. You will learn from those books!

Arming jihadies? Well, President Obama did, releasing more than $50 billion to Iran, all of which was used for its Islamic terror groups.

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Naah, I prefer Noam Chomsky if I want to read an American intellectual. They've both long in the tooth. For a modern intellectual, I'd suggest Yuval Noah Harari; he might open your mind to how closed it is.

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LOL. Even Howard Zinn admits that 90% of native were the unintended consequence of infectious disease. The remaining ten percent were the result of warfare and violence. But there were massacres on both sides. Indeed, there were countless massacres before evil white even got here. Google the Crow Creek Massacre for starters for a little sample of what the peace-loving natives were up to pre-Columbus. I’m afraid to even tell you about the aztecs and mayans.

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You would be well advised to learn some things about American history.

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You may want to read this book.....

The Black Book of Communism

Crimes, Terror, Repression


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I Don't have to; I was married to a woman considerably older who was a little girl living in the Ukraine during Stalin's time. I have a pretty good idea of the atrocities commited by the Soviet Union. That ended in 1990. Under Yeltsin and Clinton the horror's came back again as the "shock therapy by capitalism" had another ~ 6 Millions dying in the same way, starving, sickness etc. Clinton killed 500,000 children in Iraq with amerikas weapon du jour, sanctions. His SS Madalyn Albright stated that it was "worth it" live on TV. I could suggest a lot of books to you but I think your mind is closed, at least on this subject. If the propaganda over the 17 year old kid and Russia gate don't convince you that you have been and continue to be subject to mind manipulation, I certainly couldn't.

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Really, this level of histrionics can only end in leap from the garrets. Will you livestream?

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Hilarious.....I too thought the same thing. Will be ever so cautious in the future about book recommendations!

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I am curious to learn about the "17-year-old kid" you mentioned. While I hesitate to support anything you say (following your absurd November 27 post), I think you are remiss in not mentioning the Clinton/NATO destruction of Yugoslavia and the HRC/NATO destruction of Libya and the murder of Gaddafi. America, while not the most evil nation in history, has its share of political criminals in both the Republican Party and in the Democratic Party. The Clinton family and the disgusting cow Albright are standouts - along with Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci.

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@RH, why do you live here, if it sucks so much? You could live anywhere in the world. No one is forced to live in the United States

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It's not a stretch to say that Communism is an outgrowth of Western culture in the same way Protestantism is an outgrowth of Catholicism. Even so, you're glossing over a pair of World Wars, India under the Raj, the Congo under Belgian rule, etc. But it proves my point that you have to summon the spector of Genghis Khan to find the right company for the Western devestation.

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Before you condemn the British Empire, learn to spell in English.

Now, to bed, child.

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What, did he forget a “u” somewhere?

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I also deplore western devestation—waistcoats can be so pretty! but I’m not sure that’s what he meant.

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No, but he doesn't even watch James Bond movies.

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"One struggles to find a more dangerous or violent culture in history" - Perhaps a history class or two missing in that statement In modern times, Mao alone killed millions - for an idea. Worse many went along with it. Remarkably, despite the ability to actually destroy most of mankind with nuclear weapons we are entering 100 years of standoff.

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Most of The left - the same people actively destroying concepts like presumed innocence, free speech, security in one’s own person - for examples, are the same people controlling the security state, perpetuating war. They’re not being destroyed but strengthened. Your statement makes absolutely no sense.

Those examples, basic human liberties, that’s what this current movement is seeking to destroy. *That* is what this movement finds repulsive.

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You don't get any credit for inventing nuclear weapons, which could destroy us all, and not using them.

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But you get credit for being too stupid and backward to discover nuclear physics? Nah.

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Obviously I don’t mean that.

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So let's use them, strategically. It worked the first time.

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Let's not and say we did.

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They haven't destroyed us yet, but they have been used.

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Yes, I know. You don’t get credit for not using them anymore, then.

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Might as well go ahead and drop some then.

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Political Science (Remastered) - YouTube


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80 million dead is the most recent estimate.

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Well, Mao wasn't alone. And even if you ignore that Communism is a Western philosophy, there's at least as much atrocity on the the West's hands. Or maybe you're the one missing some history.

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You’re literally 17, aren’t you. Come back after your first very special encounter…that doesn’t involve a credit card.

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What an intellectual train wreck you are. But at least you admit that the demented evil is all about lusting for the creation of an all out collectivist slave state and the destruction of the sovereignty of individuals.

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I'm not arguing in favor of cultural communism, if that helps. Just noting that they have a valid critique that has not been adequately addressed. But sure. Let them eat cake. That usually goes well.

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Why did you use the adjective "cultural" with communism? To imply that you advocate only economic communism?

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I don't advocate any kind of Communism.

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Really? I can think of dozens without really trying. You really should try to get out more...

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Go ahead. I'll wait.

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JFC, you are poorly informed. I suggest your "struggle" is simply a weak-assed form of gullibility combined with a strong dose of guilt. Tuning into NPR is not a struggle to find anything except to confirm your biases.

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Sounds like you don't really know much about non-western cultures. All of which would have had a much worse record than the west if give the same tools.

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Yeah it’s a foolish comment from and ignoramus.

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This is not the ketamine you are looking for.

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Bit of an overstatement imo

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