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I don't believe the election was stolen because I like Trump.

I believe it was stolen because I saw how easily the primary was taken from Bernie, both in phony vote totals in Iowa and establishment conspiracy after South Carolina.

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Let me first off admit I cannot stand Bernie Sanders. That said, the guy won the first three primaries of the DNC. When he didn't win the fourth, suddenly every single DNC candidate fell in line and backed Biden. It was the exact same as in 2016. Its clear the DNC primaries are a fucking joke and the party decides who its candidate is irrespective of primaries.

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This is why I love Glenn's comment section. I'm not a Trump fan, you're not a Bernie fan, yet we can both recognize who's f*cking us.

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"...yet we can both recognize..."

Yep. I am a fan of neither, have never voted for either, having noted at times good and bad about both. But it is pretty clear that neither were treated fairly, that our system as whole "has issues", and that somewhere we seem to have misplaced the Haynes manual.

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Power-mongers, fucking red-blooded citizens since time began.

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Since time immemorial, the fucking Statists at heart, non-thinking bastards.

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The thing to be said about or broken system - the once late great Democrat Party has consistently abandoned our republican form of representative democracy -(small D) - particularly federalism.

Consistently Anti-Democratic and globalist - and - corruption top to middle (with the lower tier eagerly tying to claw up the ladder.)

Besides Glenn and Matt Taibbi on the left - Peter Schweizer and Lee Smith - on the right have done a fantastic job revealing the depraved money train Washington has represented since Bush the First years.


McConnell and Pelosi - besides the Clintons and the Obama/Biden's - have engorged themselves via sweetheart contracting and insider trading. All while the Bush's family corruption literally dates back a century....

I am sympathetic to Bernie supporters - and think I understand part of his appeal - like em' (or like us suspect him) HE HAS BEEN CONSISTENT since his mayoral days - and despite the conservative attempts to portray him and his wife as just grifters - it's not true.

So he owns more than 1 house and his wife can shop at Sprouts comfortably. He passes the smell test because - frankly - he's never really been about the moola. His lifestyle more befits an IRS middle manager - rather than this era of conspicuous political consumption.

What befuddles me is how after such blatant deception and humiliation - he still wants to be 'secretary of labor' - as close to a dog catcher pensioner cabinet position as any that exists (just look at Tom Perez - from Sec of Labor - with nothing of merit to show - to DNC chair squeaking out a victory over - drum roll - KEITH ELLISON - mr personality disorder himself)

And his supporters don't seem to be even mildly butt hurt. Wow.

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Yeah his supporters are very hurt and some like Jimmy Dore are really angry. I know many on Twitter who see him as weak but I think heтАЩs too much a part of the system to reject the Dems and still weirdly believes that he can work some magic on the inside. HeтАЩs also old and itтАЩs hard to keep pushing up against so much acrimony in liberals who treated him like total shite.

I donтАЩt begrudge a 78 year old who has been a fighter for underdogs his whole political career. The hysteria over Bernie Bros and other insane gaslighting about his white male privilege and sexist gestures toward HRC in 2016 by the blue wave faux intelligentsia on The View, MSM, NYT, Chris Matthews etc. really hobbled him and made him a weaker candidate in 2020 even though he was a front runner at the beginning.

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Bernis Sanders is a socialist. Socialism has never worked any time it has been attempted, it is a failed system of government which must be rejected by patriotic Americans at any cost.

Now we have this maniacal New-Marxist Biden regime in power. they are in favor of the Great Reset agenda of the Davos Gang. The illegitimate Biden regime is buslily terring the USA to shreds with its insane policies sure to cripple the US to the point that there will be no "choice" but to meld with the global neofeudal goreancs of the technocrats of Davos.

All Americans must wake up to the crisis and resist it, even to the point of rebellion as a last resort.

John Kerry reveals Biden's devotion to radical 'Great Reset' movement



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Now this is my kind of rant! Thank you, M. rick laney.

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Yep. Bernie got the "Ron Paul" treatment during the primaries, and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it since the primaries are a "private event" and not an actual election. The "leaders" can change the rules anytime they want with no (legal) repercussions.

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And since it works so well in the primaries, it only makes sense to apply the same principle to the general election. Legal is what they say it is. All the "leaders" agree.

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Thats democracy how?

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Because it's right there in their name, silly. "Democrats!" For the Little Guy... unless, you know, he's white. And a guy. That's problematic. And "Republicans." SO Platonic. SO disciplined and idealistic from a practical CoC perspective.

They wouldn't lie... Would they?

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Dude, you out-bitter me! Well said and I am here to commiserate.

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The United States was established aa s Republic, not a democracy. Remember your history people!


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The primaries aren't democracy, that's just the lie the party told you over and over until you thought it was true.

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Yes, but they do a good job of exposing the establishment to the, ahem, power base, if the "informed' voter IS paying attention. (i.e. NOT just watching the joke of an MicroSoftNationalBitchingCorporation)

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I already believed it was stolen based on what I saw with my own eyes election night, the statistical evidence, the testimony presented in the hearings of the various state legislatures, and the behavior of Democrats and the Pravda media.

And then the Time article came out, which confirmed it beyond any doubt. Anyone who hasn't read it yet should do so immediately:


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Perfect summary of the essential events.

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I should clarify, "Perfect summary by M. James B, perfect chutzpah (sp, my jewish friends?) by Time, Inc." Do they think they are actually going to get away with it?

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They did get away with it Timothy.

The conspirators got their meat-puppet, senile old Joe Biden in the White House and are manipulating every moce made by the new illegitimate Biden regime.

It is called 'impunity' -- look it up.


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Indeed James B,

I have reprodused that article with additional proofs on my ownblog at this link:



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If you do really have the courage to read/listen to Peter Navarro's 3 part WRITTEN account of the evidence presented to the various legislatures contesting the election.

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Oh, boy, do I second this motion, chairman. EVERYBODY needs to read that in its entirety.

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I too concur that Navorro's account is critical knowledge to be had by all patriotic Americans! It is available on PDF for free on the web.


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The following link is absolute proof that a cabal of corporatist oligarchs conspired to rig the 2020 Presidential election to put their own meat-puppet in the White House:



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