Insisting on factual accuracy does not make one an apologist for the protesters. False reporting is never justified, especially to inflate threat and fear levels.
The bigger issue at hand is the wildly differing ways in which the media covered Jan 6th vs. the "protesting" all summer long. For months, protest was healthy and American and should be encouraged. Now it's deadly insurrection that threatens America herself.
Those of us with brains in our heads see exactly what's happening.
More to your point, the obvious conclusion is that it is perfectly legitimate to burn down minority neighborhoods, low-income housing, police stations, police vehicles, and to shoot police officers, attempt for months to seize a Federal courthouse in Portland, deface and destroy historic statues and monuments, and engage in looting free-for-alls so long as a claim of "social justice" can be laughably uttered. Nothing says "Justice for George" like a little smash and grab, right? Even better, a LOT of smash and grab.
But when Fancy Nancy's podium is taken and the sacred inner sanctum of our so-called democracy is occupied by a handful of those governed, well that's insurrection and heads must roll.
Watching liberals cackle with glee at the death of an unarmed protestor in the Capitol while defending violence and arson all summer was a red pill, for sure.
No, because Portland has job sprawl. The press likes to write about how land use planning reined in housing sprawl, but there is little written about how the agricultural land around Portland is now growing industrial parks. The movement of businesses out of the urban core has been going on for several decades now, the riots have just been the final blow. Portland is not the green and transit oriented city the press likes to write about.
There is also the issue that wealthy people are still moving here. They tear down the modest older homes and replace them with McMansions. So Portland has more in common with San Francisco than Detroit. Many of our new residents are from California.
Its not those of us with brains they care about. When 4 states were won with under 100000 votes combined, they are playing a numbers game. They are running 40+ funnels to bring people into their voting group. One of them is Anti-trump funnel, one of them is the Lincoln Project funnel, every single one of these little things was an ad campaign designed to do one thing. Funnel voters into the DNC on election day. The quality of that voter is irrelevant when you need so few votes to swing the election. You can throw money at UA even if the returns are horrible.
I don't believe the election was stolen because I like Trump.
I believe it was stolen because I saw how easily the primary was taken from Bernie, both in phony vote totals in Iowa and establishment conspiracy after South Carolina.
Let me first off admit I cannot stand Bernie Sanders. That said, the guy won the first three primaries of the DNC. When he didn't win the fourth, suddenly every single DNC candidate fell in line and backed Biden. It was the exact same as in 2016. Its clear the DNC primaries are a fucking joke and the party decides who its candidate is irrespective of primaries.
Yep. I am a fan of neither, have never voted for either, having noted at times good and bad about both. But it is pretty clear that neither were treated fairly, that our system as whole "has issues", and that somewhere we seem to have misplaced the Haynes manual.
The thing to be said about or broken system - the once late great Democrat Party has consistently abandoned our republican form of representative democracy -(small D) - particularly federalism.
Consistently Anti-Democratic and globalist - and - corruption top to middle (with the lower tier eagerly tying to claw up the ladder.)
Besides Glenn and Matt Taibbi on the left - Peter Schweizer and Lee Smith - on the right have done a fantastic job revealing the depraved money train Washington has represented since Bush the First years.
McConnell and Pelosi - besides the Clintons and the Obama/Biden's - have engorged themselves via sweetheart contracting and insider trading. All while the Bush's family corruption literally dates back a century....
I am sympathetic to Bernie supporters - and think I understand part of his appeal - like em' (or like us suspect him) HE HAS BEEN CONSISTENT since his mayoral days - and despite the conservative attempts to portray him and his wife as just grifters - it's not true.
So he owns more than 1 house and his wife can shop at Sprouts comfortably. He passes the smell test because - frankly - he's never really been about the moola. His lifestyle more befits an IRS middle manager - rather than this era of conspicuous political consumption.
What befuddles me is how after such blatant deception and humiliation - he still wants to be 'secretary of labor' - as close to a dog catcher pensioner cabinet position as any that exists (just look at Tom Perez - from Sec of Labor - with nothing of merit to show - to DNC chair squeaking out a victory over - drum roll - KEITH ELLISON - mr personality disorder himself)
And his supporters don't seem to be even mildly butt hurt. Wow.
Yeah his supporters are very hurt and some like Jimmy Dore are really angry. I know many on Twitter who see him as weak but I think he’s too much a part of the system to reject the Dems and still weirdly believes that he can work some magic on the inside. He’s also old and it’s hard to keep pushing up against so much acrimony in liberals who treated him like total shite.
I don’t begrudge a 78 year old who has been a fighter for underdogs his whole political career. The hysteria over Bernie Bros and other insane gaslighting about his white male privilege and sexist gestures toward HRC in 2016 by the blue wave faux intelligentsia on The View, MSM, NYT, Chris Matthews etc. really hobbled him and made him a weaker candidate in 2020 even though he was a front runner at the beginning.
Bernis Sanders is a socialist. Socialism has never worked any time it has been attempted, it is a failed system of government which must be rejected by patriotic Americans at any cost.
Now we have this maniacal New-Marxist Biden regime in power. they are in favor of the Great Reset agenda of the Davos Gang. The illegitimate Biden regime is buslily terring the USA to shreds with its insane policies sure to cripple the US to the point that there will be no "choice" but to meld with the global neofeudal goreancs of the technocrats of Davos.
All Americans must wake up to the crisis and resist it, even to the point of rebellion as a last resort.
John Kerry reveals Biden's devotion to radical 'Great Reset' movement
Yep. Bernie got the "Ron Paul" treatment during the primaries, and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it since the primaries are a "private event" and not an actual election. The "leaders" can change the rules anytime they want with no (legal) repercussions.
And since it works so well in the primaries, it only makes sense to apply the same principle to the general election. Legal is what they say it is. All the "leaders" agree.
Because it's right there in their name, silly. "Democrats!" For the Little Guy... unless, you know, he's white. And a guy. That's problematic. And "Republicans." SO Platonic. SO disciplined and idealistic from a practical CoC perspective.
Yes, but they do a good job of exposing the establishment to the, ahem, power base, if the "informed' voter IS paying attention. (i.e. NOT just watching the joke of an MicroSoftNationalBitchingCorporation)
I already believed it was stolen based on what I saw with my own eyes election night, the statistical evidence, the testimony presented in the hearings of the various state legislatures, and the behavior of Democrats and the Pravda media.
And then the Time article came out, which confirmed it beyond any doubt. Anyone who hasn't read it yet should do so immediately:
I should clarify, "Perfect summary by M. James B, perfect chutzpah (sp, my jewish friends?) by Time, Inc." Do they think they are actually going to get away with it?
The conspirators got their meat-puppet, senile old Joe Biden in the White House and are manipulating every moce made by the new illegitimate Biden regime.
If you do really have the courage to read/listen to Peter Navarro's 3 part WRITTEN account of the evidence presented to the various legislatures contesting the election.
The following link is absolute proof that a cabal of corporatist oligarchs conspired to rig the 2020 Presidential election to put their own meat-puppet in the White House:
My SO is pretty hardcore liberal, and she and I went to bed on election night agreeing that by tomorrow morning the DNC would "find" enough votes to overtake Trump's lead. The same thing happened exactly in the GA senate races as well. Same as it ever was'd.
Same as it ever will be unless someone does something.
And just the way the night played out was suspect. They wouldn't call obvious Trump wins until it was impossible for Biden to win, but called states for Biden immediately.
Then when Trump only needs a couple more states he's well ahead in, THEY ALL JUST STOP FOR THE NIGHT. But somehow even though they stopped for the night, in the morning the totals were different. It's incredibly clumsy, and it's no wonder the DNC needs to cancel anybody who brings it up.
If one reads the Time piece, look at recent history, what one comes to see is that the operatives in the parties see pretty much any tactic, no matter how manipulative and dishonest- as just part of the game. It’s how “big boys” play. As long as they get away with any scam, fake leak, propaganda story, they actually regard it with a level of admiration. There is *no* honor among thieves. Honor is for suckers to these people.
Most Americans are naive to what state actors and their media lackeys are capable of. We have been spoiled by far less every day corruption than other parts of the world, and because we have generally trusted the government, we are being taken to the cleaners by it. They are laughing at us, they have contempt for us. The idea that they would somehow voluntarily clean up their act is a joke.
“ Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them”
Here is a video compulation from the State Farm Arena surveillance cameras , showing Shay Moss, and her mother Ruby Freeman sending the poll monitors and the media to leave because counting was done for the night. Then after everybody else left they continued counting an pulled out hidden ballot containers to count...
It was totally foreshadowed in the media that the election would be fixed - firstly the obvious fix for Biden in the Democratic primary (Black people are mad about Biden "he was Obama's Vice President"), the Biden will get more postal votes and that he will of course get late votes idea framed in advance, the idea that the stakes are so high that whatever it takes 'must be done to save democracy', the idea framed that Trump will dispute the outcome of the election "because he is a dictator".
It is a complex organizational problem that if expanded to down ticket elections would be too complex to achieve in the time they had. As it is they were dealing with hundreds of thousand ot ballots that had to be adjudicated in those Dominion and Smartmatic machines.
I've been watching election night results since 1956; I skipped 2020 because the outcome was known well in advance, as Time Magazine documented proudly. I'm surprised that Biden didn't win with more than 100% of the vote.
Once again, the real story will be buried and a false narrative created and cemented. Journalists are simply abandoning their obligation to historians to report first and foremost facts. I'm astounded that historians are not holding mock trials and burning Rachel Maddow in effigy.
They aren’t journalists. They serve the government establishment and their actual job is to prop up the state and eliminate threats to the state’s power
But yeah, it was only Trump filling your head with conspiracy theories.
It's not as if anyone would have noticed it if he hadn't drawn attention to it, right? And no one would have noticed that 18 of the 19 bellwether counties picked the loser, which is unprecedented in like 50 years. It's not like counties joined at the hip voted completely differently from each other.
And it's not as if the counties where election irregularities were alleged did everything in their power to avoid a full, independent forensic audit, including violating court orders...
Anyone here notice the difference between PA 2016 and PA 2020? In 2016, when Hillary had litigation pending (yes, she contested the results), PA waited until Dec 12 before certifying. That's 4 days after the supposedly hard deadline of Safe Harbor Day.
In 2020 (when everyone knew it would take longer, because of all the mail in ballots, which require more processing) PA certified on Nov 24.
Then the state argued in court that rescinding their certification was just too big an ask. I mean, we've certified. It's written in stone now.
The judge agreed, and said that since he couldn't (wouldn't) grant the plaintiff their requested remedy, there was just no point in hearing any of the arguments or evidence. It's moot, case dismissed.
And now we have 20k National Guard troops in DC to protect the most popular president in US history.
Exactly. And the most important loss is perfectly illustrated by the halting of one wall, and the erecting of another (you know, the one topped with concertina wire, lest the people actually own their State).
I dont necessarily disagree but how is that any different than any other election? Why do we all of a sudden care this election? Same shit happened with Truman's racist ass exactly.
Hmm... I did not vote for Trump, and as a libertarian-leaning limited-government Republican activist, I have definitely seen dirty politics... been on the receiving end often enough. But, yes, this election +was+ worse even than usual, and although there are certainly parallels-- including that we are unlikely to ever know much of the truth-- on a greater level than Nixon's loss (I surmise).
One lesson I think we should pay attention to with Nixon, however, is I think Nixon was too quick to let it go, just as Trump's over-the-top allegations went too far the other direction. Nixon dropped many of his election complaints seemingly in part out of a don't-get-mad-get-even strategy. In an appearance of conciliation, the issue merely festered. I believe that did a great deal of long-term harm.
It would be nice to find a middle road: no matter one's political affiliation or who one voted for, I believe we should be concerned about the very deep problems in this election (as well as what was done against Bernie or Ron Paul, etc) because it affects us all if we ever intend to have a different opinion from the one +issued to us+ by the establishment. We ought not let it go. We ought not simply let it fester. Not attempting real fixes and another faction (however the factions realign in the next four years) simply getting even could end our nation. Yet escalation is +very+ dangerous and would likely just end our nation differently. Wholesale giving up on fair elections would lead to yet another catastrophic failure. We need to try to pick our path boldly, unapologetically, yet PRUDENTLY across partisan lines. I see very few even trying to do that (left or right) "out there", a bit more so "in here".
I, for one, knew that protesting would do no good, and accepted that Biden won. Then I asked for investigations to determine where fraud could enter the election process. The answer is obvious, but still needs to be the result of an open and fair investigation: fraud can enter the election process wherever the audit trail is compromised. The primary obstacle to getting to investigations was Trump himself.
He insisted that he had won and made the issue all about himself, as we had come to expect. That allowed the miscreants to claim that any examination of process was sour grapes, trying to overturn the result of the election. Which meant first overcoming that lie to get to an attempt to overcome the big lie, that there was no fraud. That is my problem with Trump. He did a disservice to the country by making the issue about him rather than about election integrity. We're left with two consecutive elections in which half the country disputes the integrity of processes.
We got rid of a disliked and vile personality that actually accomplished good as president in favor of an easily-liked image of a non-existent personality, an empty suit, who is setting out to undo everything accomplished by the vile one. That cannot stand without causing America to fall.
How can you possibly complain about Trump protesting a rigged election that we all now know was actually rigged? That is absurd!
It's like those asshole virology experts that didn't speak out on the absurdity of the Wuhan bat story because they didn't want to be seen as agreeing with Trump. The thiking is Kafkaesque!
Some ATTORNEY suggested there could be a "re-vote?" Under what law?? Anyone who suggests that a "re-vote" would be constitutional, or that it could be "forced" in some way, is not someone you should listen to, for any legal advice, or whose judgment you should trust in general.
I'm sorry, but how do you not know this? I seriously don't get it.
Election re-votes have happened in the US as recently as 2019. According to Ballotpedia, there are provisions in 47 states wherein the courts can order an election in a given electoral area to be conducted again.
As for what the constitution provides for if an election is fraudulent, it is as follows:
1) electors have the right under the US constitution to be "faithless" and vote for a different candidate. (Democrats aggressively campaigned for this in 2016.)
2) congress can reject the electoral votes of states they believe held fraudulent elections. This requires an objection signed by at least one member of the House and one member of the Senate. (House Democrats tried this in the 2000, 2004 and 2016 elections, but couldn't get any Senate signatories. This is what was planned for Jan 6 2020, and there were Senators on board to object to 6 states' votes, with 2 hours of debate slated for each objection.)
3) congress can reject the election in its entirety, at which point, as in the event of a tie, the President is appointed by House delegation (1 state, 1 vote), and the Vice President by a simple majority in the Senate.
So yeah. There's laws, and constitutional provisions. You really should bone up on your legal acumen.
Also, re-votes are sometimes written into how things are done. The Georgia run-offs were a re-vote, because more than two candidates ran, and none received more than 50% of the votes.
So they had a re-do, because that's how it's automatically done there if a candidate for US Senate doesn't get at least 50.01% of the votes.
Why do I, as a Canadian, have to tell you these things?
Does anyone recall the storming of the Wisconsin Capitol back in 2011 or something? To prevent the passage of an austerity bill, thousands of left wing protesters stormed the Capitol and occupied the building for weeks. I'd say that was an attempt to "subvert the government", no?
Compare with the "storming of the Michigan Capitol" by armed, right wing, anti lockdown "terrorists". Who were legally open carrying, went through security, submitted to temperature checks, and then stood lawfully and silently in the public gallery. The only injury was to an unarmed woman Governor Whitmer ordered removed from the gallery, where she was standing alone. Whitmer simply declared from on high that now, only press were allowed in the public gallery, "to allow for social distancing".
That woman ended up in hospital, and the iconic photo of a protester "screaming in the faces of police" was actually (when you look at the photo closely) him standing between two cops and shouting at someone behind them. He said he was shouting at one of the officers who'd injured the woman.
Whitmer then went on the news and talked about how there were "swastikas" on display at the protest. The protesters were neo-nazis, the gullible audience was left to presume. Except the only swastika there's any record of at the anti-Whitmer protests was on a placard next to the words "Heil Whitmer". That puts a different spin on things, doesn't it?
The siege of the federal courthouse in Portland is the same. The media and left wing politicians described the actual, really and for true insurrectionists (attempting to subvert the government by destroying a federal courthouse) as mostly peaceful protesters, and the federal officers tasked with preventing them from burning it down as "storm troopers".
Where is the tally in the mainstream press of all the federal officers injured in those incidents? Officers permanently blinded by industrial lasers. Where were all the stories about the officer who took a commercial grade firework to the chest, where it embedded in his flak jacket and couldn't be removed before it had severely burned his torso? The officers taken to hospital with wounds from axes and hammers because they had the audacity to leave the (relative) safety of the building to put out fires?
I honestly care less about them lying about Sicknick's death than I do about how all of a sudden, after a year of anti-cop sentiment and apologism for lawless and violent anti-cop riots, this is the one occasion when they decide to do a complete 180 and act all outraged over the treatment of cops and government property by rioters with a political axe to grind.
My sister fell for the narrative of the anti-lockdown protests in MI. "They stormed the Capitol!" she told me. I was like, "by filing in an orderly fashion through security and submitting to temperature checks?" She says, "okay, by the were ARMED!" I was like, "it's perfectly legal to open carry, even in the Capitol building." "They had their guns pointing down at the politicians!" "Uh, no. They were holding their rifles the way you do when you don't intend to use them." "But there were white supremacists there! There were swastikas!" I sighed. "There was one swastika on a placard that compared the person they whose actions they were protesting to Hitler. Does that sound like someone who supports Hitler?" A long pause. "But it had to have been scary for the politicians! It was still meant to intimidate." I told her, "A government should have a healthy fear of its citizens, particularly when they've decided it's "necessary" to suspend the constitutional rights of the governed."
I'm almost positive she thinks I'm the crazy one.
I'm glad to see Greenwald sticking to principle. Glad I subscribed.
Well, I wasn't subscribed to Greenwald until today. I came here from a Real Clear Investigations link roundup and subscribed so I could comment. It sucks when you arrive late to an article, but that shouldn't be a problem now. :)
Yeah! It is highly insensitive to those of us without brains, and our views are equally valuable. Actually, more so now, since his statement victimizes us, thereby giving us moral superiority..
Sorry, should I say "those who use their brains?" or "those who question the narrative" or some other phrase that will make you feel better but probably insult somebody else?
If you can't see what's happening in front of your face, I'm not going to be shy about telling you that's your fault. You clearly have an internet connection and some time.
If you want to disagree with what I said, then do that. Don't complain about the manner in which I say it.
Hearted for truth, but M. Tom Worster is right about the phrase in question. In Logic (Philosophy), it is an example of a certain type of "logical fallacy" the name of which escapes me. Perhaps a younger, more learned poster can help me out. My feeling is it is poor writing and does no service to your argument, being utterly non-objective.
I had a conversation very similar to this with Tom Woods. I suggested that backing off the sarcasm might help win converts. He said the only converts worth having were the ones who could see through the sarcasm and grasp the underlying point.
I have yet for anybody to explain to me in rational terms why the coverage should be so different. Mostly they just call me names. (Luckily, heralding from the "I'm rubber/you're glue" days, I'm impervious)
So true. Juxtapose the media treatment of the death of the cop in the Capitol, which may not have been a homicide at all, with the murder of the retired black cop defending his friend's pawn shop last summer (in St. Louis, I think). Yes, the latter was covered, but nowhere near as extensively or intensely.
Absolutely well said, Commander ! All summer, in every city, the *names used to describe the crowds out after curfews *wildly varied.
Most Americans are aware that peaceful protests are protected by the Constitution. As is the right to peaceful assembly, as is the right to redress our Government for grievances. That said, tho, the minute someone breaks a window, lights a fire, begins looting businesses,
or commits unprovoked violence against police, that person, or persons, can no longer be *accurately described as "protestors".
Committing criminal activity transmutes said people *into *criminals guilty of looting, vandalism, rioting, assault, etc, et alii.
For literal months, especially during the coverage of Portland and Seattle, newscasters were calling ALL people not in official uniforms
"protestors", rather than distinguishing *some as obvious rioters who went so far as to *abuse actual protestors, some of whom were attempting to prevent the actions of the agents provocateur.
The long term danger here is conflating the SIGHT of people committing obvious CRIMES even *as one hears news media personnel sanguinely, and often "protectively" describing these violent actors as "protestors".
As J. Edgar Hoover did with the Anti-War movement, and with the Womens Movement of the 1970s, you can rest assured that *many of the violent "protestors" were actually agents provocateur hired to be there to ensure that the protestors looked like criminals.
This was taken to a bizarrely frightening height with the unmarked "troops" DJT sent to Portland, Ore, who then actually beat, abused, and arrested protestors with literally *no probable cause for the "police" actions. And the "police" were comfortable in having these crimes actually recorded on news cameras even as they were committed.
It takes no genius to understand that repetition of this constant cognitive discord eventually supports the subconscious of the viewer in the *entirely logical conclusion that "protest *IS criminal activity".
Since this was carried on by TV newscasters all over the U.S. with only slight regional variations, it is an almost impossible "stretch" to believe that it was *not a coordinated effort at subliminal cognitive "seed planting". Subliminal Operations in military planning are just another arrow in the propaganda quiver.
Subliminal operations are also *very tempting to use in the context of Advertizing, except that it is *illegal to use it in advertizing due to the fact that a person needs to be *trained in order to resist the effects of subliminal advertizing. Sadly, it works *THAT well.
Unfortunately pointing out double standards doesn't work. It's not persuasive. It just becomes a back and forth of "but this side did this". "Can we agree that they are all hypocrites and get to the damn issues themselves?" is the point I've reached lately.
I know I'm super late in reading this comment, but I'm old enough to remember "Armed Gays Don't Get Bashed", and my parents are old enough to remember "Armed Blacks Don't Get Lynched".
No you actually don’t see what’s happening. The capitol riot was an attempt to overthrow a legitimate election. The protests and riots last summer were an attempt to stop police from murdering unarmed black suspects but nice try trying to conflate the two very different events 💩🧠.
How many unarmed black citizens were killed in Chicago this weekend by gang bangers? How draconian are the gun laws there?
Why isn't the DNC going on TV and protesting every single day about the epidemic of black on black violence in the inner cities, which is robbing children of their fathers and mothers of their sons?
Oh right because the DNC cannot use that behavior to manipulate voters.
Black on black crime is a racist construct used to blame blacks for their own oppression. The same percentage of white murder victims are murdered by other whites and you never hear dumb asses like you talk about white on white crime. Why? Because you are racist AF!
You mean like when for four years the DNC said Trump only won because Russia 'hacked the election" even though that has been proven demonstrably false?
Every poster on this forum sees through your attempt to astroturf.
Exactly. They are talking as if DC is some scared place and HOW DARE THEY come into DC and make a mess of things!
But we remember that DC was literally on fire over the summer. They boarded up windows on election night, and it wasn't because they were afraid of Trump supporters.
So true. If BLM had the opportunity to trash the White House they would have done so. The difference is that Capitol security failed. Whose fault was that?
Mitch McConnell gave a post acquittal speech on the floor saying that Trump was morally and practically responsible for the attack on the Capitol because he should have known how his rhetoric and his spreading of "conspiracy theories" about the election would have whipped up his supporters into a state where they'd to do something drastic.
Let's say for the sake of argument that Trump should have been able to foresee what would happen. Certainly Pelosi and McConnell should have ALSO been able to predict it, no? And as leaders of the House and Senate, both with authority over security decisions, they could have ensured the Capitol was adequately prepared to deal with the (according to him) 100% predictable outcome of Trump's irresponsible speech.
So why weren't they?
Well, see, Mitch McConnell didn't want any objections or debates, either. He pressured Senate Republicans to not sign onto any objections from House Republicans.
And just to put things in perspective. Trump has always been vocal about how his supporters are predominantly decent, law abiding, hard working citizens. He's held rally after rally after rally without any riots breaking out. The Million MAGA March on Nov 14 went off without any violence (other than antifa picking off stragglers as they walked to their cars/hotels), even though most, if not all, of the rallygoers believed the election was, or was probably, stolen.
On top of that, Trump supporters lobbied hard to have their Senators join House members in the objections, because they WANTED the debates. Why would they want to do anything that would interrupt or kill that process?
Now look at how the left portrays Trump supporters. Radical, fascist, racist, white supremacist, cultists and conspiracy theorists. Bad people who are dangerous.
Which of these two people (Trump or Pelosi) was more likely to predict a violent riot at the Capitol that day? And which of them was in charge of security decisions?
McConnell is as swampy as they come. I bet he was either in on Pelosi's decisions, or knows about them and is happy to let them slide. Trump was an ally of his only when convenient (to put judges on federal courts, for instance), but that doesn't mean McConnell wanted him around for a second term. The second term is when the really daring shit gets done, because there's no reelection to worry about.
That's the last thing McConnell wanted, and Trump 2024 is the last thing he wants.
McConnell is part of the traitorous RINO faction of the Republican Party that actually voted to find Trump guilty in the burlesque in the Senate called an "impeachment". One of the worst examples of injustice in American history.
Nancy Pelosi is, in effect, the "mayor" of the Capitol building and grounds.
The FBI and NYPD warned officials that right and left wing radicals were planning to storm the Capitol on the 6th, and everyone knew there'd be tens or even hundreds of thousands of "deplorables" in DC that day.
Federal law enforcement offered security assistance in anticipation of trouble. The offer was declined. The House Sergeant at Arms asked for additional resources to protect the chamber. Request denied. And Capitol Police (2300 officers strong) only had about 500 on duty that day, none in riot gear.
Now look at who gained from what happened. Republican senators who'd planned to object to the electoral votes and force a debate on election irregularities have been lambasted. Trump supporters are being smeared as dangerous cultists and terrorists. The planned objections and 12 hours of debate were cancelled 20 minutes in. And Pelosi got another shot at impeaching Trump.
Why, it's almost as if Pelosi wanted what happened to happen, and did everything in her power to ensure it did.
The impeachment teams decided at the outset that there would be no witnesses called. Then, after defence finished presenting its case, and the senators had gone home thinking there'd be closing arguments and a vote the next morning, all of a sudden, the house managers decided they wanted a witness.
Ted Cruz went on camera and said he was fine with that. But their side would want witnesses too. They had more than a hundred witnesses they'd like to depose, but if they could only have one, it would be Nancy Pelosi. Because they were all very curious to know why there was virtually no security at the Capitol that day, and as someone with authority over those decisions, she could probably shed some light on that.
Wouldn't you know it? All of a sudden, the house managers didn't want any witnesses after all.
Capitol security didn't "fail". They were sacrificed.
What kills me is that the social media was supposed to break this gatekeeping of information by the elites. Instead it tightened its grip. I don't know why I am surprised, tbh. Power never gives itself up willingly.
Just got done re-watching 'INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS' ... now that was a time for the Folk Song Army....never was able (despite priming via the Punks of the 70's to 'tolerate' Rage against the Machine...')
One is never too old for this. Rage is not expressed in the same way but keep on plodding to support causes that you value in your own way. Like supporting Bernie.
Even this is messed up. Am I surprised the poster didn't get the title of the song correct? No...This song was penned by Stephen Stills and is titled "For What It's Worth"
The new rules of engagement are everywhere you don't want them to be, too. We need them as a society. When China attacks your ships, its war. When it attacks your servers, the Geneva Convention doesn't cover that.
With d-list 'instructors' like DavidH - can one even call it 'attacks' - considering the instructive reporting sites like National Pulse have uncovered just concerning Harvard the Confucius Institute. The magnitude of intertwined corruption and self-dealing is astounding. It is everywhere in the Democrat Academic Wing of the Prog Fascist party.
I have a perfect tit-for-tat conservative response - CONFISCATE THEIR ENDOWMENTS - and let the Roberts Supremes opine on it - a al - Kelo.
YES. And then, sever the arts/humanities/social sciences schools from the STEM schools, and let them stand on their on merits, based upon the actual value they provide to society.
that was Harvard AND the Confucius Institute... Absolutely. We need to kick the spineless Uniparty Republicans out - and devote the restoration of American First to the kind of lasting projects that will better the lives and opportunities of the next generation - a generational 'contract with America - just like in '94 - only but we need 10 New Deal like in scope - and kicking out the slumming Cheaters (not Teachers) Union along with such funding as you mention....
My #1 - a constitutional amendment TO BOOT CALIFORNIA FROM THE UNION (with a provisional option for Oregon & Washington to leave voluntarily should there citizens choose - given geographical and historical connection)
.... what about the libertarians and conservatives in CA? CA has the highest number of Republican voters out of any state and some of us (like myself) are trying to spread awareness of libertarianism.
I was thinking more along these lines: Do what you can via traditional methods, voting, boycotts, and so on, but also start considering these items copied from some random guy on Twitter : "Most of my big life decisions right now account for a belief there's a significant chance that the US ceases to be functional in the next 20 years as a federation, and ceases even in name to exist in my lifetime, and how to hedge against that. How do I distribute my time, energy, and assets to deal with different types of breakdown?
* Rule of law
* Monopoly on violence
* Travel within the continental US
* Financial systems
So given that, how do I prepare my life, my children's life, and my grandchildren's lives to succeed as much as possible with a changing order? How can I take advantage of new opportunities, maximize upsides, and minimize risks?"
Try 10 years. I like the random guy on twitters take. Mine is get transferable/professional skills, be flexible, pay attention to geo-political events-- re investments etc.,and other things. To an American I would add, don't read, watch or listen to any MSM in your country--you never get half the story, read watch etc. a variety of info from outside the US info only-- specialize in the areas you are interested in-- finance, health, food, etc.
To me minimizing risk is to learn how to sew, grow food, basic repairs etc. become more self-reliant.
Totally agree, and yet I am not able to be as "gentle" in describing so many present day people as "journalists". Where you might say "irresponsible journalism", I am more likely to go with "Liar for Hire".
People like you are a *much more pleasant contributors to a polite society ! ;-D
This is as good time as any to give the following advice to fellow Americans: never ever believe anything your government and media says about the rest of the world.
It used to be that it was more truthful about events in the US itself, thereby "earning" trust by default. And the Americans duly extended that trust when that same media and government would report on the events elsewhere. Whereas all that info was either blatant lies to begin with, or skewed in such a way as to pursue some nefarious means.
And now they're not even embarrassed to blatantly lie about stuff right next door, which is more or less easily verifiable. Are you still going to trust them?
Right on brother. Never *ever* believe anything the government, or their media says. As GG and others have pointed out, so many from government are now in the media (and the door revolves both ways).
The MSM is effectively part of the state now. They cannot be trusted even slightly. They are not your friend.
You should look at then they way they look at you: with contempt.
I couldn’t say. That is a good question. There are numerous revolving doors. Wall St with the Treasury and Fed, military/intel and defense contractors, all of government with media, big tech, and we are just getting warmed up. It is inherently corrupt. There is virtually no chance of avoiding corruption.
But as time passes we reach a point at which a vast majority of people perceive they are benefiting and many are obscenely benefiting from the “system”. And so it goes.
Yes, and the "swamp" is much, much more dangerous to humanity than rising sea levels over decades and centuries. It creeps like the famous San Francisco fog, except that its destiny is infamy, not fame.
Add "COVID " to that as well-- NOTHING should be believed that comes out of any govt hack or politician. Everything they say is to preserve the rot of the current systems.
This is as good time as any to give the following advice to fellow Americans: never ever believe anything *you can't verify yourself, no matter what the source*.
Fair enough. I agree. The first thing I do now when I read something interesting is go hunt for corroboration and if any hard evidence exists.
I just read an article on Huffington Post that was titled Tucker Carlson was espousing a “conspiracy theory” about Joe and Jill Biden. He did nothing of the sort. It was complete BS. He was poking fun as how the media was fawning all over them and their marriage and giving them effusive PR (it was truly revolting). And this was spun into a “conspiracy theory”.
New playbook:
Conspiracy theorist
White Supremacist
Climate Denier
This is how it works. Ask questions, question a narrative, call out BS, and you are one of the above. It’s all about silencing and crushing critical thinking and open inquiry.
That's an ideal which can never be achieved. Whereas I meant it more practical, as follows:
If I live in CA I can reasonably evaluate a piece of news coming from my state, neighboring states, and even as far as FL, albeit in courser detail. I can even venture an idea about Canada but I'd already be off most likely. However, I can absolutely never assume anything about any other part of the world, no matter what. Despite possibly my extensive travels - those mean nothing. Even if I "know" a few folks from there - they may be biased and unreliable.
To be in the same position as above one either has to be from the country of interest - an expat, or be like Glenn who's been living in Brasil while actively engaged in there. He certainly qualifies as an expert on both the USA and Brasil.
Absolute belief in anything is something that shouldn't be achieved. Everything is about levels of confidence. Humans are imperfect beings, we are not omniscient, we never know "all" the facts, about anything. If you accept this, then you should reject the idea of certainty in any context. When you hear a claim or assertion, you should base the degree of confidence of your belief based on how much primary source evidence you, yourself can examine and hash. Even if you can hold something in your hand and examine it, there should still be a small element of doubt in your mind. You could have been tricked, you could be mistaken, you could be hallucinating. Certainty is an abstract concept like infinity - if you view it correctly it can only be approached, never reached.
Certainly its often easier to obtain and examine primary source evidence for yourself the closer something is to you physically, but that isn't always the case. Glenn Greenwald is an excellent journalist with very high credibility who I've followed and read for many years, but if he made evidence-free assertions I would not blindly accept them. But part of what makes Glenn such a good journalist is that he doesn't make evidence-free assertions. His assertions are carefully sourced and he provides the information that he bases his assertions on.
Figuring out what is "true" and what isn't has always been a full time job - it just hasn't been in the forefront of public awareness as much as recently, because the power-that-be didn't have a vested interest in sowing doubts.
This issue is VERY important, VERY central to individual freedom.
Human beings are learning machines. Everytime the State acts, it acts to sever this human link to reality. Every individual must be allowed to judge, constantly and in all areas of thought and action.
Today, there is a "quickening." I believe Statists (in the public AND private sector) are scared to death at REAL wokeness. I like to think their "gig is up."
No way man the CIA and FBI are totally legit. People like Gary Thomas Rowe are totally made up. Ignore the fact the Proud Boys leader is an FBI plant. Ignore the fact the proud boys were 90% of the rioters in the Capitol. Those two aren't linked.
Do as your overlords order or one day they may come to have you 'reprogrammed'
Don't trust anything they ever say? No. Take what they say, judge it skeptically based on your best understanding of their bias, and then proceed accordingly. Constantly improve your understanding of the sources, the context they operate in, and the situation of your life and times.
Best way to lie after all? Distort the truth just enough.
Don't cultivate the instinct to yeet it all out the window... you'll miss too much and just become cynical. It'll be just as bad as if you swallowed it all to begin with.
The media love their "hands up don't shoot" propaganda, but they apparently hate investigative journalism. Why hasn't Sicknick's' autopsy been released? Why don't we know the name of the police officer who shot an unarmed woman? Why was there video of police allowing people into the Capitol Building. Regarding intel received prior to Jan. 6 about possible attacks, what did Nancy Pelosi know and when did she know it? Same goes for Mitch McConnell and FBI Director Christopher Wray.
How come Congress never got back to talking about election irregularities that were rather conveniently disrupted--never to be brought up again?
A cynic might see this whole thing as an orchestrated operation perpetrated by those who
know they could sucker enough Trump supporters into the Capitol to give Democrats and the media a patina of legitimacy to forever kill a nationalist movement and make clear to anyone who would dare to run on a nationalist platform going forward that they can expect the same treatment.
But the globalists would never do that--would they?
I refuse to believe that these ̶j̶o̶u̶r̶n̶a̶l̶i̶s̶t̶s̶ media hacks are good but misguided people. What Glenn describes here is without question a concerted effort by their bosses to smear and inflame for political ends, and they are very enthusiastic team players to this end. There is clearly a conspiracy to defraud and disenfranchise the American people.
Whatever they are they clearly don't care about their reputation anymore. So that's definitely a change - having no reputation is OK and not caring about it probably a condition on employment.
They do very much care about their reputation within their group. They've worked hard to gain admission. The new comrade-journos know that the truth is what they say it is. Quite the head trip and hard to give up, I would say.
This started happening really overtly when the media was patting itself on the back after Obama got elected. Since then they don't even pretend to be unbiased.
It is cleat that propaganda has replaced journalism. The narratives get codified so quickly. The term insurrection was spread so quickly on January 6th that the fact that the legislators completed their work was an after thought. I find my liberal friends totally bought in on it; just as they have never really given up on the Russian hoax. They truly believe that they are armed with facts, and it is me who is mistaken. I feel I have an honest assessment of Trump, he is a jerk, egomaniac, and selfish at a world class level. He is not Hitler, as well as all the "ists" he has been call. Amoral, sure; dictator no. Trump broke media by telling something very true amongst many half truths; the elite do not care for middle America not because they supported Trump, but because they can't imagine holding the values they hold. They supported Trump because he didn't hate them. Trump is the symbol for all those people the elite do not understand, nor care to. The crisis of domestic terror is a made up tail to scare those people silent. The "journalists" pay no price for the disinformation they project the accusation on anyone who calls them out.
What made Trump so popular (although he lost the popular vote twice) is that he’s an outsider. He didn’t want to be but the elites would never let him into their club. He got rich and they wouldn’t let him in. He got a prime time tv show and they wouldn’t let him in. He got elected president, for Christ’s sake, and they still wouldn’t let him in so he proceeded to do his best to burn the building down and cause as much chaos as he could. Curiously enough, that’s kind of like what I would like to see too. But to stay rich he couldn’t completely annihilate the establishment, he only had to convince his followers that’s what he was going to do.
What makes Trump so popular is his anti-elitism. One can grow up in an elite environment and despise elitism just as one can grow up in a racist environment and despise racism. Trump was accepted by the elite -- even chummy with the Clintons -- as long as he played their game, and he played it well, until he stopped playing it. The elite didn't reject Trump until Trump rejected the elite. Trump has always had a strong affinity for ordinary people, and has become the voice of the ordinary protesting against the elite. He became president by thumbing his nose at the elite. Of course they hate him. To say his purpose is to burn down buildings, and to cause chaos, completely misses the point of who Trump is. Trump has a serious edifice complex. His instincts are to build things up, the higher the better, not to tear them down, though sometimes the first step in construction is demolition.
Fun fact- read up history on his grand father and father. People might think trump was a moronic buffoon but it’s actually quite interesting how trump is getting the same treatment from the elites as his grandfather and father when he returned to Germany.
This is all your own fantasy, projecting nonsense on a six-time bankruptcy filer who destroyed countless lives, of "ordinary people," in the process. You don't have to go to any American news source. You can consult other sources. They exist. This guy loved only himself.
He helped countless lives of Americans who still believe in this country's magic, who still love this country as much as DJT does, and in case you still don't get it, that's saying a lot!
I think your analysis is unfair to DJT, but you are spot on about the outsider threat to the control-freak elitists in the major party establishments, the Deep State (yes, Deep State IS a perfect descriptor), and the corporatist media.
While I am very critical of trump for not pardoning Assange and Snowden, I don’t think your statement about “But to stay rich he couldn’t completely annihilate the establishment” is based on any actual fact or logic. It’s the exact opposite of what’s happened to him. Forbes reported back in 2019 how he had lost $3 billion in net worth. And he got cancelled everywhere and all Platforms have banned him.
His biggest flaw was his poor hiring choices - he didn’t realize he was hiring back stabbers.
Trump is popular because despite all his flaws, he genuinely loves his country and he doesn’t hate the voters. He hates the politicians. A politician who doesn’t hate his voter base was refreshing to his voters who have been left behind for decades (both political sides).
We all know the truth folks, Sicnick died defending AOC from a hail of heavily armed fire extinguishers sent by Ted Cruz.
In all seriousness, the capitol riot was pretty nuts, but Glenn is right, it was just that, a riot by a bunch of naïve yahoos and it should be condemned. What makes me roll my eyes even more than people calling it an insurrection are the folks that sincerely believe we were close to a fascist coup, as if Andrews Airforce Base was the next to fall. Coming from a family who has actually lived through coups that the U.S. supported no less, this is a bit rich.
Many here feel depressed and to some extent I think Covid is talking, but if you know all the horrible things America has done, not only after 9/11, but before, you kind of take this in stride, like what else is new?
The Democrats and their MSM allies (not to mention a fair number of Republicans) may not have actually set the Reichstag on fire, but they're damn sure fanning and frantically blowing on the embers.
Not just Ted. JEFF FLAKE WAS THERE - SPITTING SKITTLES THROUGH THE STRAW LEFT OVER FROM HIS LATEST STRAW MAN OP-ED PIECE! Com'on Sean McT - please 'report' the entirety of the cartoon version!
You are my type of flamethrower, M. rick laney. There was never any "conspiracy," secret or Time-boasted, to steal an election, but there was an obviously hella amount of "collusion" to do so. It doesn't come from organized subterfuge. It comes from what is in the hearts of Statists. Their cooperation with each other follows "naturally."
For why - the media because it sells. Politicians because it gets them power. What do you think the 'why' is in this particular case?
I think it is because the imagery of an attack on the Capitol is such a golden opportunity to build up the domestic security apparatus, redefine what is acceptable dissent vs not, and then wield that power against political opponents
Politics is a broken god. Remain neutral, have kids, teach them how to recognize truth. Or not. But do what you can to find happiness on this broken earth. We've lied to ourselves thinking our freedom lies in how connected we are to the latest information. That information is lies, it's bankrupt. Be connected to people you trust and love. Make a life. That's how you win this. I'm honestly at a loss to how people can't do simple math and make connections...of why things are terrible these days, why their kids are depressed and not in school, why some people have been going to work, seeing their friends sending their kids to school and they're still locked away in fear, why their cities are burning, why the wealth gap is the way it is, the psychological warfare wrought on them day after day - can't they see it? Like why purposely sabotage yourself? I woke up in the aftermath of the BLM riots. What else will it take? After all this.
some "acquaintances" of mine, went to Washington....semi-retired and true believers in old style small business, fair taxes, love-thy-brother and 2nd Amendment rights...good folks, but exasperated by their perceptions of vote fraud and disingenuous political way did they riot..Politics is broken, but they still believed in honesty, integrity...Now? I've never seen them so distrustful and withdrawn..almost clannish...connections made, math done. Regrouping and hope is, for now, still an option, I think.
they should just shut off the news and try to live life on their own terms. Happiness is a state of mind, but only if you wake up - from the forces that make you think happiness isn't in your own hands. I feel for them - but worse than the lies being peddled is the effect it has on people. better to be illiterate than to have ever gone on twitter. There's a few levels here: 1. believing the lies youre told. 2. waking up to the fact that you've been lied to and being mad enough about it for it to keep you up at night 3. knowing your truth and still deciding to have hope in your future and in the common humanity that binds us all. reaching level 3 is the goal
Yes, well stated emotions, and perfectly righteous, but.....
Don't tune out! Hear and take in all the news, even while trying to make your, and your famliy's and friends', lives as good as possible. The day will come when our lives will depend on knowing exactly when to take more urgent action.
I've become increasingly suspicious that the way they win is by making life unbearable for those opposed by gaslighting them, and through the psychological warfare of having everything sane in this world turn insane, while your sanity is still intact - meaning a sane person in an insane world thinks they're the insane one. But we know it isn't true. Our destiny and reality isn't determined by truth czars. I agree - stay in the know. But if it comes down to your mental wellbeing vs being informed - choose the former. Don't capitulate - never agree to their madness - remain a separate entity, your own being. But strive to be happy! It's possible. To mentally engage with all the corruption ongoing in this world puts that negativity and hatred in you, and it changes you into someone cynical and bitter and hypersensitive. It's a very destructive force. So I oppose that, and believe that mutual uplifting up fellow man, creating something NEW rather than just saying 'I refuse', and staying connected to good people - even if you don't agree with them on everything, at least know you trust them - is what will save us in the end and make us stronger, and at least make this brief life a little more bearable.
This is excellent advice I’ve tried to live by for a couple years, but it’s been frustrated (if not made impossible) by the aggressive use of police state powers and fear-mongering to force people to check with their mayor/governor for permission to leave their homes and associate with people outside their household, a decision based on up-to-the-minute hospital bed availability and other cutting edge data. If you don’t check to see what the Germ Terror Alert threat level is each day and react accordingly, you’re an irresponsible citizen jeopardizing everybody’s lives.
Sadly it’s been increasingly codified that you have to stay plugged in to all of the Information Age’s idiotic fits if you want to live life in this modern wonderland, and you live through the same screens that bring crippling depression because this Unprecedented Moment means you “can’t” just be with people for real. And there’s no shortage of hate coming in your direction if you resist this kind of “progress”.
I'm sorry. I have no answers, you're right in many ways, but I do believe it's possible to find happiness amongst increasing sterility and intolerance of diversity in this world. But it's hard. I'm sending good wishes and prayers towards everyone willing to take a stand for their freedom and sanity, which includes myself. Good luck my friend
Nice brave piece. Hope this sub stack gig continues to work for you. I’m afraid you will be persona non grata in the liberal establishment. Besides being inveterate liars, they are VERY unforgiving!!
My admiration for Glenn fuels and informs my hope for a better future - just look what Bolsonaro put him and his family through in his adopted Brazil - and you realize his international not just US stature...
i am still ignorant and uninformed (working to correct that!) considering Mr. Bolsonaro (sp?) of Brazil. Is he a Statist or a Capitalist? (I know "shades of grey," but let's start with the big picture.)
The bigger issue at hand is the wildly differing ways in which the media covered Jan 6th vs. the "protesting" all summer long. For months, protest was healthy and American and should be encouraged. Now it's deadly insurrection that threatens America herself.
Those of us with brains in our heads see exactly what's happening.
More to your point, the obvious conclusion is that it is perfectly legitimate to burn down minority neighborhoods, low-income housing, police stations, police vehicles, and to shoot police officers, attempt for months to seize a Federal courthouse in Portland, deface and destroy historic statues and monuments, and engage in looting free-for-alls so long as a claim of "social justice" can be laughably uttered. Nothing says "Justice for George" like a little smash and grab, right? Even better, a LOT of smash and grab.
But when Fancy Nancy's podium is taken and the sacred inner sanctum of our so-called democracy is occupied by a handful of those governed, well that's insurrection and heads must roll.
Watching liberals cackle with glee at the death of an unarmed protestor in the Capitol while defending violence and arson all summer was a red pill, for sure.
I live in Portland and our downtown has been devastated. Our main business district has been shut down.
I'd be interested to know if you think Portland will decline like Detroit did after the riots in 1968?
No, because Portland has job sprawl. The press likes to write about how land use planning reined in housing sprawl, but there is little written about how the agricultural land around Portland is now growing industrial parks. The movement of businesses out of the urban core has been going on for several decades now, the riots have just been the final blow. Portland is not the green and transit oriented city the press likes to write about.
There is also the issue that wealthy people are still moving here. They tear down the modest older homes and replace them with McMansions. So Portland has more in common with San Francisco than Detroit. Many of our new residents are from California.
Its not those of us with brains they care about. When 4 states were won with under 100000 votes combined, they are playing a numbers game. They are running 40+ funnels to bring people into their voting group. One of them is Anti-trump funnel, one of them is the Lincoln Project funnel, every single one of these little things was an ad campaign designed to do one thing. Funnel voters into the DNC on election day. The quality of that voter is irrelevant when you need so few votes to swing the election. You can throw money at UA even if the returns are horrible.
I don't believe the election was stolen because I like Trump.
I believe it was stolen because I saw how easily the primary was taken from Bernie, both in phony vote totals in Iowa and establishment conspiracy after South Carolina.
Let me first off admit I cannot stand Bernie Sanders. That said, the guy won the first three primaries of the DNC. When he didn't win the fourth, suddenly every single DNC candidate fell in line and backed Biden. It was the exact same as in 2016. Its clear the DNC primaries are a fucking joke and the party decides who its candidate is irrespective of primaries.
This is why I love Glenn's comment section. I'm not a Trump fan, you're not a Bernie fan, yet we can both recognize who's f*cking us.
"...yet we can both recognize..."
Yep. I am a fan of neither, have never voted for either, having noted at times good and bad about both. But it is pretty clear that neither were treated fairly, that our system as whole "has issues", and that somewhere we seem to have misplaced the Haynes manual.
Power-mongers, fucking red-blooded citizens since time began.
Since time immemorial, the fucking Statists at heart, non-thinking bastards.
The thing to be said about or broken system - the once late great Democrat Party has consistently abandoned our republican form of representative democracy -(small D) - particularly federalism.
Consistently Anti-Democratic and globalist - and - corruption top to middle (with the lower tier eagerly tying to claw up the ladder.)
Besides Glenn and Matt Taibbi on the left - Peter Schweizer and Lee Smith - on the right have done a fantastic job revealing the depraved money train Washington has represented since Bush the First years.
McConnell and Pelosi - besides the Clintons and the Obama/Biden's - have engorged themselves via sweetheart contracting and insider trading. All while the Bush's family corruption literally dates back a century....
I am sympathetic to Bernie supporters - and think I understand part of his appeal - like em' (or like us suspect him) HE HAS BEEN CONSISTENT since his mayoral days - and despite the conservative attempts to portray him and his wife as just grifters - it's not true.
So he owns more than 1 house and his wife can shop at Sprouts comfortably. He passes the smell test because - frankly - he's never really been about the moola. His lifestyle more befits an IRS middle manager - rather than this era of conspicuous political consumption.
What befuddles me is how after such blatant deception and humiliation - he still wants to be 'secretary of labor' - as close to a dog catcher pensioner cabinet position as any that exists (just look at Tom Perez - from Sec of Labor - with nothing of merit to show - to DNC chair squeaking out a victory over - drum roll - KEITH ELLISON - mr personality disorder himself)
And his supporters don't seem to be even mildly butt hurt. Wow.
Yeah his supporters are very hurt and some like Jimmy Dore are really angry. I know many on Twitter who see him as weak but I think he’s too much a part of the system to reject the Dems and still weirdly believes that he can work some magic on the inside. He’s also old and it’s hard to keep pushing up against so much acrimony in liberals who treated him like total shite.
I don’t begrudge a 78 year old who has been a fighter for underdogs his whole political career. The hysteria over Bernie Bros and other insane gaslighting about his white male privilege and sexist gestures toward HRC in 2016 by the blue wave faux intelligentsia on The View, MSM, NYT, Chris Matthews etc. really hobbled him and made him a weaker candidate in 2020 even though he was a front runner at the beginning.
Bernis Sanders is a socialist. Socialism has never worked any time it has been attempted, it is a failed system of government which must be rejected by patriotic Americans at any cost.
Now we have this maniacal New-Marxist Biden regime in power. they are in favor of the Great Reset agenda of the Davos Gang. The illegitimate Biden regime is buslily terring the USA to shreds with its insane policies sure to cripple the US to the point that there will be no "choice" but to meld with the global neofeudal goreancs of the technocrats of Davos.
All Americans must wake up to the crisis and resist it, even to the point of rebellion as a last resort.
John Kerry reveals Biden's devotion to radical 'Great Reset' movement
Now this is my kind of rant! Thank you, M. rick laney.
Yep. Bernie got the "Ron Paul" treatment during the primaries, and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it since the primaries are a "private event" and not an actual election. The "leaders" can change the rules anytime they want with no (legal) repercussions.
And since it works so well in the primaries, it only makes sense to apply the same principle to the general election. Legal is what they say it is. All the "leaders" agree.
Thats democracy how?
Because it's right there in their name, silly. "Democrats!" For the Little Guy... unless, you know, he's white. And a guy. That's problematic. And "Republicans." SO Platonic. SO disciplined and idealistic from a practical CoC perspective.
They wouldn't lie... Would they?
Dude, you out-bitter me! Well said and I am here to commiserate.
The United States was established aa s Republic, not a democracy. Remember your history people!
The primaries aren't democracy, that's just the lie the party told you over and over until you thought it was true.
Yes, but they do a good job of exposing the establishment to the, ahem, power base, if the "informed' voter IS paying attention. (i.e. NOT just watching the joke of an MicroSoftNationalBitchingCorporation)
I already believed it was stolen based on what I saw with my own eyes election night, the statistical evidence, the testimony presented in the hearings of the various state legislatures, and the behavior of Democrats and the Pravda media.
And then the Time article came out, which confirmed it beyond any doubt. Anyone who hasn't read it yet should do so immediately:
Perfect summary of the essential events.
I should clarify, "Perfect summary by M. James B, perfect chutzpah (sp, my jewish friends?) by Time, Inc." Do they think they are actually going to get away with it?
They did get away with it Timothy.
The conspirators got their meat-puppet, senile old Joe Biden in the White House and are manipulating every moce made by the new illegitimate Biden regime.
It is called 'impunity' -- look it up.
Indeed James B,
I have reprodused that article with additional proofs on my ownblog at this link:
If you do really have the courage to read/listen to Peter Navarro's 3 part WRITTEN account of the evidence presented to the various legislatures contesting the election.
Oh, boy, do I second this motion, chairman. EVERYBODY needs to read that in its entirety.
I too concur that Navorro's account is critical knowledge to be had by all patriotic Americans! It is available on PDF for free on the web.
The following link is absolute proof that a cabal of corporatist oligarchs conspired to rig the 2020 Presidential election to put their own meat-puppet in the White House:
Don't forget those states simply stop counting, which I can never ever remember. Election night itself smelled.
My SO is pretty hardcore liberal, and she and I went to bed on election night agreeing that by tomorrow morning the DNC would "find" enough votes to overtake Trump's lead. The same thing happened exactly in the GA senate races as well. Same as it ever was'd.
Same as it ever will be unless someone does something.
And just the way the night played out was suspect. They wouldn't call obvious Trump wins until it was impossible for Biden to win, but called states for Biden immediately.
Then when Trump only needs a couple more states he's well ahead in, THEY ALL JUST STOP FOR THE NIGHT. But somehow even though they stopped for the night, in the morning the totals were different. It's incredibly clumsy, and it's no wonder the DNC needs to cancel anybody who brings it up.
If one reads the Time piece, look at recent history, what one comes to see is that the operatives in the parties see pretty much any tactic, no matter how manipulative and dishonest- as just part of the game. It’s how “big boys” play. As long as they get away with any scam, fake leak, propaganda story, they actually regard it with a level of admiration. There is *no* honor among thieves. Honor is for suckers to these people.
Most Americans are naive to what state actors and their media lackeys are capable of. We have been spoiled by far less every day corruption than other parts of the world, and because we have generally trusted the government, we are being taken to the cleaners by it. They are laughing at us, they have contempt for us. The idea that they would somehow voluntarily clean up their act is a joke.
“ Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them”
- Frederick Douglas
LOVE the pithy Frederick Douglass quote. What a giant among men he was.
Here is a video compulation from the State Farm Arena surveillance cameras , showing Shay Moss, and her mother Ruby Freeman sending the poll monitors and the media to leave because counting was done for the night. Then after everybody else left they continued counting an pulled out hidden ballot containers to count...
The video is narrated. A must see:
It was totally foreshadowed in the media that the election would be fixed - firstly the obvious fix for Biden in the Democratic primary (Black people are mad about Biden "he was Obama's Vice President"), the Biden will get more postal votes and that he will of course get late votes idea framed in advance, the idea that the stakes are so high that whatever it takes 'must be done to save democracy', the idea framed that Trump will dispute the outcome of the election "because he is a dictator".
Foreshadowed? More like PLANNED.
I don't get it, why not steal the down ticket elections too? How could they have only falsified part of a ballot?
It is a complex organizational problem that if expanded to down ticket elections would be too complex to achieve in the time they had. As it is they were dealing with hundreds of thousand ot ballots that had to be adjudicated in those Dominion and Smartmatic machines.
See: Dominion adjudication function explained:
Plausible deniability?
How many of us have reached, "My God, what have I done?"
Looking around here, I see more and more... no matter what your beliefs are.
2am-5am, Wednesday, November 3rd
The numbers for 1 (one) race and 1 (one) race only flipped. Shhh! (Riiiiiiiight)
It was just a little fabrication of evidence!
Just a little malarkey! It's fine!
Ha! "malarkey," one of my favorite words (origin unknown, sometime in the 1920's) until its overuse by the current usurper-in-chief.
I've been watching election night results since 1956; I skipped 2020 because the outcome was known well in advance, as Time Magazine documented proudly. I'm surprised that Biden didn't win with more than 100% of the vote.
Once again, the real story will be buried and a false narrative created and cemented. Journalists are simply abandoning their obligation to historians to report first and foremost facts. I'm astounded that historians are not holding mock trials and burning Rachel Maddow in effigy.
They aren’t journalists. They serve the government establishment and their actual job is to prop up the state and eliminate threats to the state’s power
true apparatchiks
But yeah, it was only Trump filling your head with conspiracy theories.
It's not as if anyone would have noticed it if he hadn't drawn attention to it, right? And no one would have noticed that 18 of the 19 bellwether counties picked the loser, which is unprecedented in like 50 years. It's not like counties joined at the hip voted completely differently from each other.
And it's not as if the counties where election irregularities were alleged did everything in their power to avoid a full, independent forensic audit, including violating court orders...
Anyone here notice the difference between PA 2016 and PA 2020? In 2016, when Hillary had litigation pending (yes, she contested the results), PA waited until Dec 12 before certifying. That's 4 days after the supposedly hard deadline of Safe Harbor Day.
In 2020 (when everyone knew it would take longer, because of all the mail in ballots, which require more processing) PA certified on Nov 24.
Then the state argued in court that rescinding their certification was just too big an ask. I mean, we've certified. It's written in stone now.
The judge agreed, and said that since he couldn't (wouldn't) grant the plaintiff their requested remedy, there was just no point in hearing any of the arguments or evidence. It's moot, case dismissed.
And now we have 20k National Guard troops in DC to protect the most popular president in US history.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here.
The election was stolen. I will not “get over it.” I will not shut up.
Way more has been stolen than that!
Exactly. And the most important loss is perfectly illustrated by the halting of one wall, and the erecting of another (you know, the one topped with concertina wire, lest the people actually own their State).
I dont necessarily disagree but how is that any different than any other election? Why do we all of a sudden care this election? Same shit happened with Truman's racist ass exactly.
Hmm... I did not vote for Trump, and as a libertarian-leaning limited-government Republican activist, I have definitely seen dirty politics... been on the receiving end often enough. But, yes, this election +was+ worse even than usual, and although there are certainly parallels-- including that we are unlikely to ever know much of the truth-- on a greater level than Nixon's loss (I surmise).
One lesson I think we should pay attention to with Nixon, however, is I think Nixon was too quick to let it go, just as Trump's over-the-top allegations went too far the other direction. Nixon dropped many of his election complaints seemingly in part out of a don't-get-mad-get-even strategy. In an appearance of conciliation, the issue merely festered. I believe that did a great deal of long-term harm.
It would be nice to find a middle road: no matter one's political affiliation or who one voted for, I believe we should be concerned about the very deep problems in this election (as well as what was done against Bernie or Ron Paul, etc) because it affects us all if we ever intend to have a different opinion from the one +issued to us+ by the establishment. We ought not let it go. We ought not simply let it fester. Not attempting real fixes and another faction (however the factions realign in the next four years) simply getting even could end our nation. Yet escalation is +very+ dangerous and would likely just end our nation differently. Wholesale giving up on fair elections would lead to yet another catastrophic failure. We need to try to pick our path boldly, unapologetically, yet PRUDENTLY across partisan lines. I see very few even trying to do that (left or right) "out there", a bit more so "in here".
I, for one, knew that protesting would do no good, and accepted that Biden won. Then I asked for investigations to determine where fraud could enter the election process. The answer is obvious, but still needs to be the result of an open and fair investigation: fraud can enter the election process wherever the audit trail is compromised. The primary obstacle to getting to investigations was Trump himself.
He insisted that he had won and made the issue all about himself, as we had come to expect. That allowed the miscreants to claim that any examination of process was sour grapes, trying to overturn the result of the election. Which meant first overcoming that lie to get to an attempt to overcome the big lie, that there was no fraud. That is my problem with Trump. He did a disservice to the country by making the issue about him rather than about election integrity. We're left with two consecutive elections in which half the country disputes the integrity of processes.
We got rid of a disliked and vile personality that actually accomplished good as president in favor of an easily-liked image of a non-existent personality, an empty suit, who is setting out to undo everything accomplished by the vile one. That cannot stand without causing America to fall.
How can you possibly complain about Trump protesting a rigged election that we all now know was actually rigged? That is absurd!
It's like those asshole virology experts that didn't speak out on the absurdity of the Wuhan bat story because they didn't want to be seen as agreeing with Trump. The thiking is Kafkaesque!
Some ATTORNEY suggested there could be a "re-vote?" Under what law?? Anyone who suggests that a "re-vote" would be constitutional, or that it could be "forced" in some way, is not someone you should listen to, for any legal advice, or whose judgment you should trust in general.
I'm sorry, but how do you not know this? I seriously don't get it.
Election re-votes have happened in the US as recently as 2019. According to Ballotpedia, there are provisions in 47 states wherein the courts can order an election in a given electoral area to be conducted again.
As for what the constitution provides for if an election is fraudulent, it is as follows:
1) electors have the right under the US constitution to be "faithless" and vote for a different candidate. (Democrats aggressively campaigned for this in 2016.)
2) congress can reject the electoral votes of states they believe held fraudulent elections. This requires an objection signed by at least one member of the House and one member of the Senate. (House Democrats tried this in the 2000, 2004 and 2016 elections, but couldn't get any Senate signatories. This is what was planned for Jan 6 2020, and there were Senators on board to object to 6 states' votes, with 2 hours of debate slated for each objection.)
3) congress can reject the election in its entirety, at which point, as in the event of a tie, the President is appointed by House delegation (1 state, 1 vote), and the Vice President by a simple majority in the Senate.
So yeah. There's laws, and constitutional provisions. You really should bone up on your legal acumen.
You have cited no source for you spurious claims jbirdmenj.
Your empty opinions are worthless.
I think your opinions are wrong, M. jbirdmenj. And you don't fool me, 'cause
"We won't be fooled again..."
Also, re-votes are sometimes written into how things are done. The Georgia run-offs were a re-vote, because more than two candidates ran, and none received more than 50% of the votes.
So they had a re-do, because that's how it's automatically done there if a candidate for US Senate doesn't get at least 50.01% of the votes.
Why do I, as a Canadian, have to tell you these things?
"as a Canadian" - that explains why your posts read clear and crisp. Down here it's more "subtle".
Is it? I thought us Canadians were the politest people on the planet.
Attack, attack, ad hominem attack after attack.
What the hell is wrong with YOU, M. Sonja?
Does anyone recall the storming of the Wisconsin Capitol back in 2011 or something? To prevent the passage of an austerity bill, thousands of left wing protesters stormed the Capitol and occupied the building for weeks. I'd say that was an attempt to "subvert the government", no?
Compare with the "storming of the Michigan Capitol" by armed, right wing, anti lockdown "terrorists". Who were legally open carrying, went through security, submitted to temperature checks, and then stood lawfully and silently in the public gallery. The only injury was to an unarmed woman Governor Whitmer ordered removed from the gallery, where she was standing alone. Whitmer simply declared from on high that now, only press were allowed in the public gallery, "to allow for social distancing".
That woman ended up in hospital, and the iconic photo of a protester "screaming in the faces of police" was actually (when you look at the photo closely) him standing between two cops and shouting at someone behind them. He said he was shouting at one of the officers who'd injured the woman.
Whitmer then went on the news and talked about how there were "swastikas" on display at the protest. The protesters were neo-nazis, the gullible audience was left to presume. Except the only swastika there's any record of at the anti-Whitmer protests was on a placard next to the words "Heil Whitmer". That puts a different spin on things, doesn't it?
The siege of the federal courthouse in Portland is the same. The media and left wing politicians described the actual, really and for true insurrectionists (attempting to subvert the government by destroying a federal courthouse) as mostly peaceful protesters, and the federal officers tasked with preventing them from burning it down as "storm troopers".
Where is the tally in the mainstream press of all the federal officers injured in those incidents? Officers permanently blinded by industrial lasers. Where were all the stories about the officer who took a commercial grade firework to the chest, where it embedded in his flak jacket and couldn't be removed before it had severely burned his torso? The officers taken to hospital with wounds from axes and hammers because they had the audacity to leave the (relative) safety of the building to put out fires?
I honestly care less about them lying about Sicknick's death than I do about how all of a sudden, after a year of anti-cop sentiment and apologism for lawless and violent anti-cop riots, this is the one occasion when they decide to do a complete 180 and act all outraged over the treatment of cops and government property by rioters with a political axe to grind.
My sister fell for the narrative of the anti-lockdown protests in MI. "They stormed the Capitol!" she told me. I was like, "by filing in an orderly fashion through security and submitting to temperature checks?" She says, "okay, by the were ARMED!" I was like, "it's perfectly legal to open carry, even in the Capitol building." "They had their guns pointing down at the politicians!" "Uh, no. They were holding their rifles the way you do when you don't intend to use them." "But there were white supremacists there! There were swastikas!" I sighed. "There was one swastika on a placard that compared the person they whose actions they were protesting to Hitler. Does that sound like someone who supports Hitler?" A long pause. "But it had to have been scary for the politicians! It was still meant to intimidate." I told her, "A government should have a healthy fear of its citizens, particularly when they've decided it's "necessary" to suspend the constitutional rights of the governed."
I'm almost positive she thinks I'm the crazy one.
I'm glad to see Greenwald sticking to principle. Glad I subscribed.
Well said.
3 hearts in 5 hrs of a days old comment stream. Please post sooner next time, M. Karen Straughan. I want more people to hear what you have to say.
Well, I wasn't subscribed to Greenwald until today. I came here from a Real Clear Investigations link roundup and subscribed so I could comment. It sucks when you arrive late to an article, but that shouldn't be a problem now. :)
"Those of us with brains ..."
I hate that kind of sneering rhetoric.
Yeah! It is highly insensitive to those of us without brains, and our views are equally valuable. Actually, more so now, since his statement victimizes us, thereby giving us moral superiority..
herp derp brane badz
ur racist
Sorry, should I say "those who use their brains?" or "those who question the narrative" or some other phrase that will make you feel better but probably insult somebody else?
That's up to you. I'm just telling you how I feel about your condescention to whoever doesn't share the view.
If you can't see what's happening in front of your face, I'm not going to be shy about telling you that's your fault. You clearly have an internet connection and some time.
If you want to disagree with what I said, then do that. Don't complain about the manner in which I say it.
I've nothing to disagree with about what you said.
I think the manner of discourse in comments is important and a valid topic for discussion.
You had a perfectly good first paragraph and then added that extra statement. It doesn't make your point more persuasive so what's it for?
Doesn't it make it more human though? Add emotion? Nothing wrong with that, IMO.
Hearted for truth, but M. Tom Worster is right about the phrase in question. In Logic (Philosophy), it is an example of a certain type of "logical fallacy" the name of which escapes me. Perhaps a younger, more learned poster can help me out. My feeling is it is poor writing and does no service to your argument, being utterly non-objective.
I had a conversation very similar to this with Tom Woods. I suggested that backing off the sarcasm might help win converts. He said the only converts worth having were the ones who could see through the sarcasm and grasp the underlying point.
I have yet for anybody to explain to me in rational terms why the coverage should be so different. Mostly they just call me names. (Luckily, heralding from the "I'm rubber/you're glue" days, I'm impervious)
And, by granting M. Tom Worster his victory in style, you beg his question on substance: I'll bet he's got nothing on that.
Is this going to be @DavidH-lite kind of a thread?
So true. Juxtapose the media treatment of the death of the cop in the Capitol, which may not have been a homicide at all, with the murder of the retired black cop defending his friend's pawn shop last summer (in St. Louis, I think). Yes, the latter was covered, but nowhere near as extensively or intensely.
Absolutely well said, Commander ! All summer, in every city, the *names used to describe the crowds out after curfews *wildly varied.
Most Americans are aware that peaceful protests are protected by the Constitution. As is the right to peaceful assembly, as is the right to redress our Government for grievances. That said, tho, the minute someone breaks a window, lights a fire, begins looting businesses,
or commits unprovoked violence against police, that person, or persons, can no longer be *accurately described as "protestors".
Committing criminal activity transmutes said people *into *criminals guilty of looting, vandalism, rioting, assault, etc, et alii.
For literal months, especially during the coverage of Portland and Seattle, newscasters were calling ALL people not in official uniforms
"protestors", rather than distinguishing *some as obvious rioters who went so far as to *abuse actual protestors, some of whom were attempting to prevent the actions of the agents provocateur.
The long term danger here is conflating the SIGHT of people committing obvious CRIMES even *as one hears news media personnel sanguinely, and often "protectively" describing these violent actors as "protestors".
As J. Edgar Hoover did with the Anti-War movement, and with the Womens Movement of the 1970s, you can rest assured that *many of the violent "protestors" were actually agents provocateur hired to be there to ensure that the protestors looked like criminals.
This was taken to a bizarrely frightening height with the unmarked "troops" DJT sent to Portland, Ore, who then actually beat, abused, and arrested protestors with literally *no probable cause for the "police" actions. And the "police" were comfortable in having these crimes actually recorded on news cameras even as they were committed.
It takes no genius to understand that repetition of this constant cognitive discord eventually supports the subconscious of the viewer in the *entirely logical conclusion that "protest *IS criminal activity".
Since this was carried on by TV newscasters all over the U.S. with only slight regional variations, it is an almost impossible "stretch" to believe that it was *not a coordinated effort at subliminal cognitive "seed planting". Subliminal Operations in military planning are just another arrow in the propaganda quiver.
Subliminal operations are also *very tempting to use in the context of Advertizing, except that it is *illegal to use it in advertizing due to the fact that a person needs to be *trained in order to resist the effects of subliminal advertizing. Sadly, it works *THAT well.
Unfortunately pointing out double standards doesn't work. It's not persuasive. It just becomes a back and forth of "but this side did this". "Can we agree that they are all hypocrites and get to the damn issues themselves?" is the point I've reached lately.
Similar situation in California under Ronnie Raygun...when the NRA and Republicans suddenly liked the idea of gun control...
I know I'm super late in reading this comment, but I'm old enough to remember "Armed Gays Don't Get Bashed", and my parents are old enough to remember "Armed Blacks Don't Get Lynched".
Gun rights are MOST important for the disfavored.
Yep. "Armed Women Don't Get Raped."
The Great Equalizer, The third greatest invention by humankind.
No you actually don’t see what’s happening. The capitol riot was an attempt to overthrow a legitimate election. The protests and riots last summer were an attempt to stop police from murdering unarmed black suspects but nice try trying to conflate the two very different events 💩🧠.
How many unarmed black citizens were killed in Chicago this weekend by gang bangers? How draconian are the gun laws there?
Why isn't the DNC going on TV and protesting every single day about the epidemic of black on black violence in the inner cities, which is robbing children of their fathers and mothers of their sons?
Oh right because the DNC cannot use that behavior to manipulate voters.
Black on black crime is a racist construct used to blame blacks for their own oppression. The same percentage of white murder victims are murdered by other whites and you never hear dumb asses like you talk about white on white crime. Why? Because you are racist AF!
I'm black, you lily white dipshit.
You mean like when for four years the DNC said Trump only won because Russia 'hacked the election" even though that has been proven demonstrably false?
Every poster on this forum sees through your attempt to astroturf.
Yes if only the "rioters" had been able to call congress into session, they would have taken over! That's how America works!
Exactly. They are talking as if DC is some scared place and HOW DARE THEY come into DC and make a mess of things!
But we remember that DC was literally on fire over the summer. They boarded up windows on election night, and it wasn't because they were afraid of Trump supporters.
So true. If BLM had the opportunity to trash the White House they would have done so. The difference is that Capitol security failed. Whose fault was that?
During the summer Trump was forced "into the bunker." Remember what the reaction was? THEY LAUGHED AT HIM FOR BEING FORCED INTO THE BUNKER.
Mitch McConnell gave a post acquittal speech on the floor saying that Trump was morally and practically responsible for the attack on the Capitol because he should have known how his rhetoric and his spreading of "conspiracy theories" about the election would have whipped up his supporters into a state where they'd to do something drastic.
Let's say for the sake of argument that Trump should have been able to foresee what would happen. Certainly Pelosi and McConnell should have ALSO been able to predict it, no? And as leaders of the House and Senate, both with authority over security decisions, they could have ensured the Capitol was adequately prepared to deal with the (according to him) 100% predictable outcome of Trump's irresponsible speech.
So why weren't they?
Well, see, Mitch McConnell didn't want any objections or debates, either. He pressured Senate Republicans to not sign onto any objections from House Republicans.
And just to put things in perspective. Trump has always been vocal about how his supporters are predominantly decent, law abiding, hard working citizens. He's held rally after rally after rally without any riots breaking out. The Million MAGA March on Nov 14 went off without any violence (other than antifa picking off stragglers as they walked to their cars/hotels), even though most, if not all, of the rallygoers believed the election was, or was probably, stolen.
On top of that, Trump supporters lobbied hard to have their Senators join House members in the objections, because they WANTED the debates. Why would they want to do anything that would interrupt or kill that process?
Now look at how the left portrays Trump supporters. Radical, fascist, racist, white supremacist, cultists and conspiracy theorists. Bad people who are dangerous.
Which of these two people (Trump or Pelosi) was more likely to predict a violent riot at the Capitol that day? And which of them was in charge of security decisions?
McConnell is as swampy as they come. I bet he was either in on Pelosi's decisions, or knows about them and is happy to let them slide. Trump was an ally of his only when convenient (to put judges on federal courts, for instance), but that doesn't mean McConnell wanted him around for a second term. The second term is when the really daring shit gets done, because there's no reelection to worry about.
That's the last thing McConnell wanted, and Trump 2024 is the last thing he wants.
God, politics is gross.
Excellent points Ms. Straughan.
McConnell is part of the traitorous RINO faction of the Republican Party that actually voted to find Trump guilty in the burlesque in the Senate called an "impeachment". One of the worst examples of injustice in American history.
Nancy Pelosi is, in effect, the "mayor" of the Capitol building and grounds.
The FBI and NYPD warned officials that right and left wing radicals were planning to storm the Capitol on the 6th, and everyone knew there'd be tens or even hundreds of thousands of "deplorables" in DC that day.
Federal law enforcement offered security assistance in anticipation of trouble. The offer was declined. The House Sergeant at Arms asked for additional resources to protect the chamber. Request denied. And Capitol Police (2300 officers strong) only had about 500 on duty that day, none in riot gear.
Now look at who gained from what happened. Republican senators who'd planned to object to the electoral votes and force a debate on election irregularities have been lambasted. Trump supporters are being smeared as dangerous cultists and terrorists. The planned objections and 12 hours of debate were cancelled 20 minutes in. And Pelosi got another shot at impeaching Trump.
Why, it's almost as if Pelosi wanted what happened to happen, and did everything in her power to ensure it did.
The impeachment teams decided at the outset that there would be no witnesses called. Then, after defence finished presenting its case, and the senators had gone home thinking there'd be closing arguments and a vote the next morning, all of a sudden, the house managers decided they wanted a witness.
Ted Cruz went on camera and said he was fine with that. But their side would want witnesses too. They had more than a hundred witnesses they'd like to depose, but if they could only have one, it would be Nancy Pelosi. Because they were all very curious to know why there was virtually no security at the Capitol that day, and as someone with authority over those decisions, she could probably shed some light on that.
Wouldn't you know it? All of a sudden, the house managers didn't want any witnesses after all.
Capitol security didn't "fail". They were sacrificed.
BLM has demonstrated in places where murders have occurred.
You can be sure that murders occur where Black Lies Matter demonstrates.
“ If BLM had the opportunity to trash the White House they would have done so.”
Learned that in Sunday School, didyah?
What kills me is that the social media was supposed to break this gatekeeping of information by the elites. Instead it tightened its grip. I don't know why I am surprised, tbh. Power never gives itself up willingly.
AP told the reporters not to say “riot”...because in a lot of cases the POLICE were the rioters.
Great reporting, Glenn. I don't know how we survive this moment with such irresponsible journalism.
There are new rules of engagement, and the battle lines are drawn. Please believe this is happening and adjust accordingly.
There’s battle lines being drawn, nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong...
Not enough protest music these days
True. I always enjoy your comments.
Just got done re-watching 'INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS' ... now that was a time for the Folk Song Army....never was able (despite priming via the Punks of the 70's to 'tolerate' Rage against the Machine...')
Rage was fine for the time, but they (like me) are old at this point.
One is never too old for this. Rage is not expressed in the same way but keep on plodding to support causes that you value in your own way. Like supporting Bernie.
Time for a musical number:
Even this is messed up. Am I surprised the poster didn't get the title of the song correct? No...This song was penned by Stephen Stills and is titled "For What It's Worth"
1966. 55 years ago!
The "Young people speaki" their minds/A-gettin' so much resistance from behind" are us 60+ Trumpites.
Such a masterpiece.
Great song!
The new rules of engagement are everywhere you don't want them to be, too. We need them as a society. When China attacks your ships, its war. When it attacks your servers, the Geneva Convention doesn't cover that.
With d-list 'instructors' like DavidH - can one even call it 'attacks' - considering the instructive reporting sites like National Pulse have uncovered just concerning Harvard the Confucius Institute. The magnitude of intertwined corruption and self-dealing is astounding. It is everywhere in the Democrat Academic Wing of the Prog Fascist party.
I have a perfect tit-for-tat conservative response - CONFISCATE THEIR ENDOWMENTS - and let the Roberts Supremes opine on it - a al - Kelo.
YES. And then, sever the arts/humanities/social sciences schools from the STEM schools, and let them stand on their on merits, based upon the actual value they provide to society.
that was Harvard AND the Confucius Institute... Absolutely. We need to kick the spineless Uniparty Republicans out - and devote the restoration of American First to the kind of lasting projects that will better the lives and opportunities of the next generation - a generational 'contract with America - just like in '94 - only but we need 10 New Deal like in scope - and kicking out the slumming Cheaters (not Teachers) Union along with such funding as you mention....
My #1 - a constitutional amendment TO BOOT CALIFORNIA FROM THE UNION (with a provisional option for Oregon & Washington to leave voluntarily should there citizens choose - given geographical and historical connection)
.... what about the libertarians and conservatives in CA? CA has the highest number of Republican voters out of any state and some of us (like myself) are trying to spread awareness of libertarianism.
[their...sorry...for all the dweeb lefty obsessives with 'correct' grammar...
I was thinking more along these lines: Do what you can via traditional methods, voting, boycotts, and so on, but also start considering these items copied from some random guy on Twitter : "Most of my big life decisions right now account for a belief there's a significant chance that the US ceases to be functional in the next 20 years as a federation, and ceases even in name to exist in my lifetime, and how to hedge against that. How do I distribute my time, energy, and assets to deal with different types of breakdown?
* Rule of law
* Monopoly on violence
* Travel within the continental US
* Financial systems
So given that, how do I prepare my life, my children's life, and my grandchildren's lives to succeed as much as possible with a changing order? How can I take advantage of new opportunities, maximize upsides, and minimize risks?"
Try 10 years. I like the random guy on twitters take. Mine is get transferable/professional skills, be flexible, pay attention to geo-political events-- re investments etc.,and other things. To an American I would add, don't read, watch or listen to any MSM in your country--you never get half the story, read watch etc. a variety of info from outside the US info only-- specialize in the areas you are interested in-- finance, health, food, etc.
To me minimizing risk is to learn how to sew, grow food, basic repairs etc. become more self-reliant.
I've been inventive decades. "If you want it done right, do it yourself."
Totally agree, and yet I am not able to be as "gentle" in describing so many present day people as "journalists". Where you might say "irresponsible journalism", I am more likely to go with "Liar for Hire".
People like you are a *much more pleasant contributors to a polite society ! ;-D
This is as good time as any to give the following advice to fellow Americans: never ever believe anything your government and media says about the rest of the world.
It used to be that it was more truthful about events in the US itself, thereby "earning" trust by default. And the Americans duly extended that trust when that same media and government would report on the events elsewhere. Whereas all that info was either blatant lies to begin with, or skewed in such a way as to pursue some nefarious means.
And now they're not even embarrassed to blatantly lie about stuff right next door, which is more or less easily verifiable. Are you still going to trust them?
Right on brother. Never *ever* believe anything the government, or their media says. As GG and others have pointed out, so many from government are now in the media (and the door revolves both ways).
The MSM is effectively part of the state now. They cannot be trusted even slightly. They are not your friend.
You should look at then they way they look at you: with contempt.
How many ex CIA are now House Reps? One is one too many imo.
I couldn’t say. That is a good question. There are numerous revolving doors. Wall St with the Treasury and Fed, military/intel and defense contractors, all of government with media, big tech, and we are just getting warmed up. It is inherently corrupt. There is virtually no chance of avoiding corruption.
But as time passes we reach a point at which a vast majority of people perceive they are benefiting and many are obscenely benefiting from the “system”. And so it goes.
aka “the swamp”
Yes, and the "swamp" is much, much more dangerous to humanity than rising sea levels over decades and centuries. It creeps like the famous San Francisco fog, except that its destiny is infamy, not fame.
Add "COVID " to that as well-- NOTHING should be believed that comes out of any govt hack or politician. Everything they say is to preserve the rot of the current systems.
I'd amend your comment to:
This is as good time as any to give the following advice to fellow Americans: never ever believe anything *you can't verify yourself, no matter what the source*.
Fair enough. I agree. The first thing I do now when I read something interesting is go hunt for corroboration and if any hard evidence exists.
I just read an article on Huffington Post that was titled Tucker Carlson was espousing a “conspiracy theory” about Joe and Jill Biden. He did nothing of the sort. It was complete BS. He was poking fun as how the media was fawning all over them and their marriage and giving them effusive PR (it was truly revolting). And this was spun into a “conspiracy theory”.
New playbook:
Conspiracy theorist
White Supremacist
Climate Denier
This is how it works. Ask questions, question a narrative, call out BS, and you are one of the above. It’s all about silencing and crushing critical thinking and open inquiry.
I reread old comment streams, mining for jewels.
That's an ideal which can never be achieved. Whereas I meant it more practical, as follows:
If I live in CA I can reasonably evaluate a piece of news coming from my state, neighboring states, and even as far as FL, albeit in courser detail. I can even venture an idea about Canada but I'd already be off most likely. However, I can absolutely never assume anything about any other part of the world, no matter what. Despite possibly my extensive travels - those mean nothing. Even if I "know" a few folks from there - they may be biased and unreliable.
To be in the same position as above one either has to be from the country of interest - an expat, or be like Glenn who's been living in Brasil while actively engaged in there. He certainly qualifies as an expert on both the USA and Brasil.
>That's an ideal which can never be achieved.
Absolute belief in anything is something that shouldn't be achieved. Everything is about levels of confidence. Humans are imperfect beings, we are not omniscient, we never know "all" the facts, about anything. If you accept this, then you should reject the idea of certainty in any context. When you hear a claim or assertion, you should base the degree of confidence of your belief based on how much primary source evidence you, yourself can examine and hash. Even if you can hold something in your hand and examine it, there should still be a small element of doubt in your mind. You could have been tricked, you could be mistaken, you could be hallucinating. Certainty is an abstract concept like infinity - if you view it correctly it can only be approached, never reached.
Certainly its often easier to obtain and examine primary source evidence for yourself the closer something is to you physically, but that isn't always the case. Glenn Greenwald is an excellent journalist with very high credibility who I've followed and read for many years, but if he made evidence-free assertions I would not blindly accept them. But part of what makes Glenn such a good journalist is that he doesn't make evidence-free assertions. His assertions are carefully sourced and he provides the information that he bases his assertions on.
Figuring out what is "true" and what isn't has always been a full time job - it just hasn't been in the forefront of public awareness as much as recently, because the power-that-be didn't have a vested interest in sowing doubts.
This issue is VERY important, VERY central to individual freedom.
Human beings are learning machines. Everytime the State acts, it acts to sever this human link to reality. Every individual must be allowed to judge, constantly and in all areas of thought and action.
Today, there is a "quickening." I believe Statists (in the public AND private sector) are scared to death at REAL wokeness. I like to think their "gig is up."
Jig. "The JIG is up."
Actually, M. Sonja, the saying is "the gig is up." Sorry i have no link to back me up, but I am sure you can find it on Wikipedia, among other places.
No way man the CIA and FBI are totally legit. People like Gary Thomas Rowe are totally made up. Ignore the fact the Proud Boys leader is an FBI plant. Ignore the fact the proud boys were 90% of the rioters in the Capitol. Those two aren't linked.
Do as your overlords order or one day they may come to have you 'reprogrammed'
Yup and that includes what it does (and doesn't say ) about Canada.
You just don't go far enough.
Don't trust anything they ever say? No. Take what they say, judge it skeptically based on your best understanding of their bias, and then proceed accordingly. Constantly improve your understanding of the sources, the context they operate in, and the situation of your life and times.
Best way to lie after all? Distort the truth just enough.
Don't cultivate the instinct to yeet it all out the window... you'll miss too much and just become cynical. It'll be just as bad as if you swallowed it all to begin with.
The media love their "hands up don't shoot" propaganda, but they apparently hate investigative journalism. Why hasn't Sicknick's' autopsy been released? Why don't we know the name of the police officer who shot an unarmed woman? Why was there video of police allowing people into the Capitol Building. Regarding intel received prior to Jan. 6 about possible attacks, what did Nancy Pelosi know and when did she know it? Same goes for Mitch McConnell and FBI Director Christopher Wray.
How come Congress never got back to talking about election irregularities that were rather conveniently disrupted--never to be brought up again?
A cynic might see this whole thing as an orchestrated operation perpetrated by those who
know they could sucker enough Trump supporters into the Capitol to give Democrats and the media a patina of legitimacy to forever kill a nationalist movement and make clear to anyone who would dare to run on a nationalist platform going forward that they can expect the same treatment.
But the globalists would never do that--would they?
Ha! That they would? That they DO is not even a conspiracy anymore, but boldly proclaimed from State apparachiks across the communal land.
Thank you, M. ata777. I, too, will have answers to the questions you pose.
I refuse to believe that these ̶j̶o̶u̶r̶n̶a̶l̶i̶s̶t̶s̶ media hacks are good but misguided people. What Glenn describes here is without question a concerted effort by their bosses to smear and inflame for political ends, and they are very enthusiastic team players to this end. There is clearly a conspiracy to defraud and disenfranchise the American people.
Whatever they are they clearly don't care about their reputation anymore. So that's definitely a change - having no reputation is OK and not caring about it probably a condition on employment.
They do very much care about their reputation within their group. They've worked hard to gain admission. The new comrade-journos know that the truth is what they say it is. Quite the head trip and hard to give up, I would say.
This started happening really overtly when the media was patting itself on the back after Obama got elected. Since then they don't even pretend to be unbiased.
It is cleat that propaganda has replaced journalism. The narratives get codified so quickly. The term insurrection was spread so quickly on January 6th that the fact that the legislators completed their work was an after thought. I find my liberal friends totally bought in on it; just as they have never really given up on the Russian hoax. They truly believe that they are armed with facts, and it is me who is mistaken. I feel I have an honest assessment of Trump, he is a jerk, egomaniac, and selfish at a world class level. He is not Hitler, as well as all the "ists" he has been call. Amoral, sure; dictator no. Trump broke media by telling something very true amongst many half truths; the elite do not care for middle America not because they supported Trump, but because they can't imagine holding the values they hold. They supported Trump because he didn't hate them. Trump is the symbol for all those people the elite do not understand, nor care to. The crisis of domestic terror is a made up tail to scare those people silent. The "journalists" pay no price for the disinformation they project the accusation on anyone who calls them out.
What made Trump so popular (although he lost the popular vote twice) is that he’s an outsider. He didn’t want to be but the elites would never let him into their club. He got rich and they wouldn’t let him in. He got a prime time tv show and they wouldn’t let him in. He got elected president, for Christ’s sake, and they still wouldn’t let him in so he proceeded to do his best to burn the building down and cause as much chaos as he could. Curiously enough, that’s kind of like what I would like to see too. But to stay rich he couldn’t completely annihilate the establishment, he only had to convince his followers that’s what he was going to do.
What makes Trump so popular is his anti-elitism. One can grow up in an elite environment and despise elitism just as one can grow up in a racist environment and despise racism. Trump was accepted by the elite -- even chummy with the Clintons -- as long as he played their game, and he played it well, until he stopped playing it. The elite didn't reject Trump until Trump rejected the elite. Trump has always had a strong affinity for ordinary people, and has become the voice of the ordinary protesting against the elite. He became president by thumbing his nose at the elite. Of course they hate him. To say his purpose is to burn down buildings, and to cause chaos, completely misses the point of who Trump is. Trump has a serious edifice complex. His instincts are to build things up, the higher the better, not to tear them down, though sometimes the first step in construction is demolition.
Fun fact- read up history on his grand father and father. People might think trump was a moronic buffoon but it’s actually quite interesting how trump is getting the same treatment from the elites as his grandfather and father when he returned to Germany.
This is all your own fantasy, projecting nonsense on a six-time bankruptcy filer who destroyed countless lives, of "ordinary people," in the process. You don't have to go to any American news source. You can consult other sources. They exist. This guy loved only himself.
He helped countless lives of Americans who still believe in this country's magic, who still love this country as much as DJT does, and in case you still don't get it, that's saying a lot!
I love myself, too. You?
I think your analysis is unfair to DJT, but you are spot on about the outsider threat to the control-freak elitists in the major party establishments, the Deep State (yes, Deep State IS a perfect descriptor), and the corporatist media.
While I am very critical of trump for not pardoning Assange and Snowden, I don’t think your statement about “But to stay rich he couldn’t completely annihilate the establishment” is based on any actual fact or logic. It’s the exact opposite of what’s happened to him. Forbes reported back in 2019 how he had lost $3 billion in net worth. And he got cancelled everywhere and all Platforms have banned him.
His biggest flaw was his poor hiring choices - he didn’t realize he was hiring back stabbers.
Trump is popular because despite all his flaws, he genuinely loves his country and he doesn’t hate the voters. He hates the politicians. A politician who doesn’t hate his voter base was refreshing to his voters who have been left behind for decades (both political sides).
We all know the truth folks, Sicnick died defending AOC from a hail of heavily armed fire extinguishers sent by Ted Cruz.
In all seriousness, the capitol riot was pretty nuts, but Glenn is right, it was just that, a riot by a bunch of naïve yahoos and it should be condemned. What makes me roll my eyes even more than people calling it an insurrection are the folks that sincerely believe we were close to a fascist coup, as if Andrews Airforce Base was the next to fall. Coming from a family who has actually lived through coups that the U.S. supported no less, this is a bit rich.
Many here feel depressed and to some extent I think Covid is talking, but if you know all the horrible things America has done, not only after 9/11, but before, you kind of take this in stride, like what else is new?
Because all those folks that have been stockpiling arms and ammo for decades would storm the Capitol just to take selfies.
Excellent to hear our stockpiles remain.
"Walk boldly and calmly, and carry a big stick." (with apologies for changes to original)
"Walk softly and carry a big stick"--Theodore Roosevelt
The Democrats and their MSM allies (not to mention a fair number of Republicans) may not have actually set the Reichstag on fire, but they're damn sure fanning and frantically blowing on the embers.
Not just Ted. JEFF FLAKE WAS THERE - SPITTING SKITTLES THROUGH THE STRAW LEFT OVER FROM HIS LATEST STRAW MAN OP-ED PIECE! Com'on Sean McT - please 'report' the entirety of the cartoon version!
You are my type of flamethrower, M. rick laney. There was never any "conspiracy," secret or Time-boasted, to steal an election, but there was an obviously hella amount of "collusion" to do so. It doesn't come from organized subterfuge. It comes from what is in the hearts of Statists. Their cooperation with each other follows "naturally."
'have you no shame...'
Thanks for the LOL
Yeah. As if the Secret Service was ever going to let live role-players close to their charges.
I've recently been reading any and all news stories with the lens of "what are they trying to scare me about and why?"
Been doing that for a while. You can usually tell what the lie is just by reading the headline and the “news source”.
Ha, ha! Remember when they tried to scare the bejesus out of everyone with one story after the other about....bedbugs!?
For why - the media because it sells. Politicians because it gets them power. What do you think the 'why' is in this particular case?
I think it is because the imagery of an attack on the Capitol is such a golden opportunity to build up the domestic security apparatus, redefine what is acceptable dissent vs not, and then wield that power against political opponents
Make everyone afraid, get emergency powers to deal with it, manufacture permanent crises to maintain control. Chancellor Palpatine showed the way
How did I miss THIS gem? Thank you, M. KJN.
Recently? (What took you so long?)
That's not fair of me. I should say, "Welcome to the REAL woke."
Politics is a broken god. Remain neutral, have kids, teach them how to recognize truth. Or not. But do what you can to find happiness on this broken earth. We've lied to ourselves thinking our freedom lies in how connected we are to the latest information. That information is lies, it's bankrupt. Be connected to people you trust and love. Make a life. That's how you win this. I'm honestly at a loss to how people can't do simple math and make connections...of why things are terrible these days, why their kids are depressed and not in school, why some people have been going to work, seeing their friends sending their kids to school and they're still locked away in fear, why their cities are burning, why the wealth gap is the way it is, the psychological warfare wrought on them day after day - can't they see it? Like why purposely sabotage yourself? I woke up in the aftermath of the BLM riots. What else will it take? After all this.
some "acquaintances" of mine, went to Washington....semi-retired and true believers in old style small business, fair taxes, love-thy-brother and 2nd Amendment rights...good folks, but exasperated by their perceptions of vote fraud and disingenuous political way did they riot..Politics is broken, but they still believed in honesty, integrity...Now? I've never seen them so distrustful and withdrawn..almost clannish...connections made, math done. Regrouping and hope is, for now, still an option, I think.
they should just shut off the news and try to live life on their own terms. Happiness is a state of mind, but only if you wake up - from the forces that make you think happiness isn't in your own hands. I feel for them - but worse than the lies being peddled is the effect it has on people. better to be illiterate than to have ever gone on twitter. There's a few levels here: 1. believing the lies youre told. 2. waking up to the fact that you've been lied to and being mad enough about it for it to keep you up at night 3. knowing your truth and still deciding to have hope in your future and in the common humanity that binds us all. reaching level 3 is the goal
totally agreed
Beautiful comments💗. I totally agree.
Yes, well stated emotions, and perfectly righteous, but.....
Don't tune out! Hear and take in all the news, even while trying to make your, and your famliy's and friends', lives as good as possible. The day will come when our lives will depend on knowing exactly when to take more urgent action.
I've become increasingly suspicious that the way they win is by making life unbearable for those opposed by gaslighting them, and through the psychological warfare of having everything sane in this world turn insane, while your sanity is still intact - meaning a sane person in an insane world thinks they're the insane one. But we know it isn't true. Our destiny and reality isn't determined by truth czars. I agree - stay in the know. But if it comes down to your mental wellbeing vs being informed - choose the former. Don't capitulate - never agree to their madness - remain a separate entity, your own being. But strive to be happy! It's possible. To mentally engage with all the corruption ongoing in this world puts that negativity and hatred in you, and it changes you into someone cynical and bitter and hypersensitive. It's a very destructive force. So I oppose that, and believe that mutual uplifting up fellow man, creating something NEW rather than just saying 'I refuse', and staying connected to good people - even if you don't agree with them on everything, at least know you trust them - is what will save us in the end and make us stronger, and at least make this brief life a little more bearable.
So well stated-- I am going to print your comment out and look at it on my wavering days-- thank-you 🥰
Of course stay plugged in, but stay above the bs and focus on the things that matter😊
This is excellent advice I’ve tried to live by for a couple years, but it’s been frustrated (if not made impossible) by the aggressive use of police state powers and fear-mongering to force people to check with their mayor/governor for permission to leave their homes and associate with people outside their household, a decision based on up-to-the-minute hospital bed availability and other cutting edge data. If you don’t check to see what the Germ Terror Alert threat level is each day and react accordingly, you’re an irresponsible citizen jeopardizing everybody’s lives.
Sadly it’s been increasingly codified that you have to stay plugged in to all of the Information Age’s idiotic fits if you want to live life in this modern wonderland, and you live through the same screens that bring crippling depression because this Unprecedented Moment means you “can’t” just be with people for real. And there’s no shortage of hate coming in your direction if you resist this kind of “progress”.
I'm sorry. I have no answers, you're right in many ways, but I do believe it's possible to find happiness amongst increasing sterility and intolerance of diversity in this world. But it's hard. I'm sending good wishes and prayers towards everyone willing to take a stand for their freedom and sanity, which includes myself. Good luck my friend
Nice brave piece. Hope this sub stack gig continues to work for you. I’m afraid you will be persona non grata in the liberal establishment. Besides being inveterate liars, they are VERY unforgiving!!
Just jealous of Glenn-- they are total stooges for state
That's how cults brainwash you, they separate you from everyone who tells you anything contrary. It's a proven technique.
To the establishment [anything] I'd consider it a badge of honor to be persona non grata!
My admiration for Glenn fuels and informs my hope for a better future - just look what Bolsonaro put him and his family through in his adopted Brazil - and you realize his international not just US stature...
i am still ignorant and uninformed (working to correct that!) considering Mr. Bolsonaro (sp?) of Brazil. Is he a Statist or a Capitalist? (I know "shades of grey," but let's start with the big picture.)