With d-list 'instructors' like DavidH - can one even call it 'attacks' - considering the instructive reporting sites like National Pulse have uncovered just concerning Harvard the Confucius Institute. The magnitude of intertwined corruption and self-dealing is astounding. It is everywhere in the Democrat Academic Wing of the Prog Fasc…
With d-list 'instructors' like DavidH - can one even call it 'attacks' - considering the instructive reporting sites like National Pulse have uncovered just concerning Harvard the Confucius Institute. The magnitude of intertwined corruption and self-dealing is astounding. It is everywhere in the Democrat Academic Wing of the Prog Fascist party.
I have a perfect tit-for-tat conservative response - CONFISCATE THEIR ENDOWMENTS - and let the Roberts Supremes opine on it - a al - Kelo.
YES. And then, sever the arts/humanities/social sciences schools from the STEM schools, and let them stand on their on merits, based upon the actual value they provide to society.
that was Harvard AND the Confucius Institute... Absolutely. We need to kick the spineless Uniparty Republicans out - and devote the restoration of American First to the kind of lasting projects that will better the lives and opportunities of the next generation - a generational 'contract with America - just like in '94 - only but we need 10 New Deal like in scope - and kicking out the slumming Cheaters (not Teachers) Union along with such funding as you mention....
My #1 - a constitutional amendment TO BOOT CALIFORNIA FROM THE UNION (with a provisional option for Oregon & Washington to leave voluntarily should there citizens choose - given geographical and historical connection)
.... what about the libertarians and conservatives in CA? CA has the highest number of Republican voters out of any state and some of us (like myself) are trying to spread awareness of libertarianism.
With d-list 'instructors' like DavidH - can one even call it 'attacks' - considering the instructive reporting sites like National Pulse have uncovered just concerning Harvard the Confucius Institute. The magnitude of intertwined corruption and self-dealing is astounding. It is everywhere in the Democrat Academic Wing of the Prog Fascist party.
I have a perfect tit-for-tat conservative response - CONFISCATE THEIR ENDOWMENTS - and let the Roberts Supremes opine on it - a al - Kelo.
YES. And then, sever the arts/humanities/social sciences schools from the STEM schools, and let them stand on their on merits, based upon the actual value they provide to society.
that was Harvard AND the Confucius Institute... Absolutely. We need to kick the spineless Uniparty Republicans out - and devote the restoration of American First to the kind of lasting projects that will better the lives and opportunities of the next generation - a generational 'contract with America - just like in '94 - only but we need 10 New Deal like in scope - and kicking out the slumming Cheaters (not Teachers) Union along with such funding as you mention....
My #1 - a constitutional amendment TO BOOT CALIFORNIA FROM THE UNION (with a provisional option for Oregon & Washington to leave voluntarily should there citizens choose - given geographical and historical connection)
.... what about the libertarians and conservatives in CA? CA has the highest number of Republican voters out of any state and some of us (like myself) are trying to spread awareness of libertarianism.
[their...sorry...for all the dweeb lefty obsessives with 'correct' grammar...