What I really want to see is a large group of true journalists who will make more money and have a larger following doing this than working for WAPO, NYT, LATimes, etc. Just to see those dishonest, woke posers squirm would give me great satisfaction.

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By seizing power in the old institutions, the wokealitarians have only created opportunity for new, hopefully better, platforms to arise. Personally, despite the present weirdness, I think the long term future is bright indeed

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That would require the masses seeing the lies and waking up and right now they are too busy being told they are being 'woke' by the very people lying to them, to actually be.

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Just subbed Bari Weiss. The way to get your idea to work is to pay them for their efforts.

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Me too. We already have the first part "a large group of true journalists". Whatever the number, no matter how small, it exceeds the number in the Lamestream (thanks to Sarah Palin for that apt term). As to the second part - who makes the most money - I don't know who makes what but Glenn says a good journalist can do well financially on his/her own. The biggest hurdle is the third part - getting the larger following. So many subscribe to and presumably are influenced by what they see on censored platforms. The fact that censorship is so rampant, that it is the new normal, means that it's ok with most people. To even speak against it denotes one an "extremist". Just consider the Hunter Biden laptop episode that should have been a story but wasn't. Because no one cared. Big tech censored it successfully.

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Hannity makes around $40m a year they say. I know Rush and Beck made a ton as well.

There is big money in pushing an established party's agenda in an astroturf'ed way that appears grassroots.

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The corporate funding aka advertising, that underwrites the MSM across all platforms simply doesn't exists for the majority of non-MSM channels, with Fox perhaps being the primary -- and only -- exception, as you note w/r/t salaries.

Cancel culture has very successfully put the pins to any corporate entity that doesn't overtly and enthusiastically support SJW / BLM and other cancer-causing agents. With this in mind, I sadly believe that the alternatives -- Rumble, Substack, Gab -- are fated to be little tiny outposts that function well for those of us who seek them out, but mean little to the staggering hordes of people who would rather believe what they see on MSNBC or read on WaPo.

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I hate always responding this way, but please post these video's on a medium other than YouTube especially when you are speaking about free speech. At least crosspost them to Rumble.

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That's exactly the project I'm working on - stay tuned.

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Odysee seems to be gaining traction.

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Odysee is my fav alt tech site, more than Rumble. Odysee has a lot of non political content and have a better designed UI too imo.

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Until then, odysee is a better option: https://odysee.com/

It's not censored, decentralized and most important, not Google.

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Another fuckin weird site that I’m gonna have to sign up for. No thanks

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Aug 6, 2021
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Being socialist doesn't mean that you refuse to do any paid labor. The classic socialist position is to recognize that people nowadays are obliged to do paid labor and to try to change things with common ownership so that the obligation to do paid labor will disappear in future. I'm not a socialist but I understand where they're coming from.

Since our society does require most adults to do paid labor, it's ridiculous to act as if being a socialist means you have to refuse paid work. Just as you can't discredit a socialist simply because they decided to marry rich, you can't discredit a socialist for being paid for their work in a capitalist society.

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The argument for socialism goes against history and every attempt to make it work.

The argument for socialism goes against reason by appeals to emotion.

The argument for socialism goes against human nature and the quest for liberty and self responsibility.

The argument for socialism contains an inherent need for a powerful state apparatus acting as the nanny.

The argument for socialism demands conformity, uniformity, and regimentation. For needs to be fulfilled efficiently, needs must be homogenized and leveled.

The opposite of socialism is not capitalism, it is the free market model sans capitalization. It is unregulated trade.

Unregulated trade does not equate to unregulated products; safety, honest business practice, etc.

Unregulated trade in the free market need not necessarily lead to private ownership of utilities, and infrastructure. Local government has a place in such industries as; fire departments, police, water district, electricity, mass transport systems [bus or rail].

Unregulated trade need not embrace corporatism, the use of a fictitious entity can be regulated by statute, and charters limited.

The rise in corporatism in the US was a judicial slight of hand and unconstitutional, when corporations were granted “personhood” [Santa Clara v Southern Pacific]

Unregulated trade does not mean putting up with usury and the counterfeit “money” syndicate. It is the responsibility of Congress to regulate weights and measures of precious metals.

The government has no mandate to generate wealth under the Constitution, only the responsibility to create a level playing field free of criminal activity {malum in se}.

Central planning cannot be exacting to the needs for production. A national economy is overwhelmingly complex.

Profit is incentive, one that withers in a socialist regime.

Competition encourages innovation and ingenuity. Under socialism the only outlet for ingenuity is political intrigue.

In closing, Monopoly Capitalism is not a “free market”, the use of this term in a monopoly capitalist market is simply Newspeak. What has not been attempted since the end of the republic is actual free trade. Socialism has been tried countless times, in fact the present system in America today is a synthesis of corporatist monopoly socialism and communitarianism.

And this, is a police state.

A government given the responsibility to care for a peoples every vital need—MUST be given the power to carry such a task out, which means the power to rule your every vital action. This is the very definition of TYRANNY.


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Socialism is the future for humanity !!

That is why the imperial US imposes genocidal sanctions and endless regime change wars against populations of Cuba, Venezuela, Syria and literally countless other countries -- including the infamous "Jakarta Method" terror and massacres.

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The reason the US imposes santions on Cuba, Venezuela, Syria and literally countless other countries, is because they are totalitarian hell holes, and socilism made them that way.


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Aug 6, 2021
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Is that like people who move to lily-white neighborhoods "for the schools" and put out Black Lives Matter lawn signs?

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And you've never seen them in the hood in your entire life, be 100% certain of that.

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idk what kind of nonsense your talking about clearly someone has implanted a lot of ideas in your head, the school system is so shitty because of capitalists, and public schools are profitable, i love how your trying to tell people what they are after you say being a socialist is whatever you want it to be like cherry picking religions dude. Sounds like you have heard people(big business who have a financial interest in trashing socialism/socialists)spreading some crazy ideas about what socialism is, most of what you said in this post is bullshit, im not even going to cherry pick thru it or explain to you what socialism is.

Distributing other peoples money? sounds like your confusing socialism with communism, which arent the same thing. Where does big business get their money? so much money? they got it after buying elections and changing the laws that govern capital.... soo those laws can be changed... instead of jeff bezos paying his employees so little they need tax payers to pick up the bill on their healthcare, the profits from a business, which are created by workers can be more fairly distributed, like in Europe, CEO pay is a multiple of the lowest paid worker, so they pay workers more, they can get paid more themselves instead of here were CEOs are incentivized to cut workers pay, lay them off, cut costs on safety etc.

idk what ur talking about public housing or uber lyft drivers, those are conservatives and liberals, who are both right wingers

AOC and Sanders dont speak of all socialists, first they are democratic socialists, who are controlled opposition, controlled by the democrats and the establishment, both are pro war pro wall st right wingers

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It is such a drag to get entangled with an arrogant prick like C-V, who wants to continue a tit for tat squabble by disagreeing with anything his opponent says just for the sake of arguing. He doesn't mean half of what he is saying and doesn't even understand the other half of what he says.

The only option with a cunt like this guy is to just tell him he is full of shit and leave it at that.

I now leave it at that.



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Good god man...don't you know ehan to stop?


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Schools are shit because you presume the right to educate people.

No one has that right.

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Aug 6, 2021
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Why not 3rd Party?

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Because any “Progressive” party like the new People’s Party being hawked by Jimmy Dore will be swallowed whole by the corrupt Democrats.

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If it is worth it's salt - it won't be swallowed, but it will be beaten up a lot, as are the Greens - how well it does depends on us ...

The biggest problem, IMO, for prog parties is that there are too many - they need to consolidate and speak as one ...

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Aug 8, 2021
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I think he just wants to gather people who are committed to challenging the establishment so we can hear the best arguments on both sides, and then let us make up our own minds (you can always ignore the lefties if your mind is made up).

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It exists it's called Heterodoxy

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Aug 6, 2021
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How does Trump fit in to that "voting for Leftists"?

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Aug 6, 2021
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Nancy pelosi doesnt twist anyone herself she does it on behalf of her donors, all these politicians work only on behalf of their donors, including AOC who handed out tens of thousands of grassroots raised cash to Democrats who oppose the policies she claimed to fight for. None of that means anything about the rest of socialists.

The Democratic Socialists and Communists are enemys, and Stalin sides with Hitlers Nazis over the Democratic Socialists, so did German Commies... so idk what your trying to say, do you know the difference between communism and socialism? Did you know that Franco, Hitler and Mussolini came to power because they fear mongered corporate powers in Europe that if they weren't in power the left would be, so big business bank rolled the fascists.

A. Fidel Castro claimed to be a communist, so did Stalin, they were dictators and they werent the only dictators that were fucked up, I love how people point to socialist countries in central n south america like socialism is suppose to make the country wealthy. Norwegian countries are a better comparrison because they have had similar economic growth then us since WWII yet their citizens have a way higher quality of life, longer life spans, better pay and healthcare and less political corruption then we do, but fall for the propaganda instead of reading a book or something. big business pays for that propaganda because socialism means they dont make as much money or have as much control over stuff.

Being a communist is more then saying you are one. Do you think North Korea, IE. The peoples democratic republic of korea is a democracy? just because its in the name? and idk where you trying to read socialist opinions but there are def plenty of people you could find that dont charge $5/$10 to read their precious opinions. I guess you have a problem with the free market if you have a problem with someone charging whatever they want for their work.... sounds a little hypocritical

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Aug 6, 2021
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yeah im in the process of moving to northern europe, my family is from and lives in europe, i never said that Norwegian countries ARE SOCIALIST... could you explain to me what the real difference is between democratic socialism social democracy and how they are any different then what the democratic socialists in the USA are campaigning for? unless i missed a press release i dont think they are campaigning to take peoples personal property or deny public housing like you said, nor did they block uber drivers from becoming full time workers, that was liberals and conservatives....

what the fuck does immigration have to do with their economies??? what does preserving cultures have to do with economies? you sound like a xenophobe. Do you realize our economy relies on immigrants, the USA like China are facing an issue of aging populations, and without immigrants to not only work, but to care for our elderly, idk there wont be enough people. I think that United States has managed to keep her culture A okay with generations and generations of immigrants, but again idk what any of this has to do with a conversation about immigration.

a little history lesson for you, hitler came up in a socialist party, which was the german workers party before it was the national socialist party, and both were far right wing parties, just like i said before the democratic republic of korea (north korea) isnt a democracy just because its in the name, and just like a lot of bernie supporters voted for trump.

anti establishment is anti establishment, or so they thought, but his regime was not socialist, democratic socialism includes democracy, it was a play like right wingers did in the USA after him to increase votes when the major parties switched ideologies

idk what ur talking about becoming like denmark by admiring castro, get the idea that because sanders said one thing about castro that anyone that believes in some kind of socialism admires him too... thats almost as dumb as thinking democratic socialism and stalinsm are anything a like, a economic system won't create wealth from thin air, nor will it un oppress a population living under a crazy tyrant like lenin or stalin

so because these ideologies gave birth to each other over time they are all the same? did not capitalism give birth to all of them? yes yes it def did. and just because people have tried to change things and make shit better doesn't mean its all the same, so idk what ur f*ckn point is.... but its not the same shit

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I just looked at the larger picture of you on your profile page.

You even look like a creepy young punk.


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"could you explain to me what the real difference is between"

... I think the right answer, to put it in her terminology, "that'd be a hard no."

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Aug 6, 2021
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I cannot help but agree with you Amy. Denmark, Norway etc. They're NOT Socialist countries. They are FREE-MARKET-CAPITALIST-ECONOMIES with strong Social-Safety-Net programs.

I have read commentary from citizens of those nations as well and they say just what you have. Highly taxed free market economies with a lot of social spending for their tax money That is no Socialism.


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omfg i didnt say they were socialist countries, i said they were democratic socialist countries, clearly you dont understand what democratic socialism is, this is literally now the second post im starting by clarify this simple issue i never said they were socialist. not once. i dont think that there is any democratic socialists in the USA that arguing for anything other then a capitalist economies with strong social safety nets and social spending... I dont remember Bernie or AOC ever advocating for or mentioning once to start seizing private property, which is communism, not socialism. Never heard them advocate for or mentioning for the public to seize the means of production... so what the fuck are either for you talking about? you dont know, thats why i stopped responding to her, because shes playing word games and bringing up a bunch of unrelated shit just like you are, and a bunch of random shit that is incorrect, out of context, or has nothing to do with what we were talking about. so for the 10723656124056124 time i never said the norwegian countries were socialist. nor do i care about some people complaining about their country, you can find people in every country on the face of the earth who think their ideas are better then the governments... that doesn't change the fact they are happier, have a higher quality of life, live longer and have more representation in their government then we do

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other then the jews, the marxists, socialists, and communists were who hitler hated and blamed for everything since day one, its the reason corporate powers backed him, to protect their wealth

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Don't you have a caps key on your qwerty?


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Wall Street backed all contenders. War is the second most profitable enterprise after 'reconstruction' after wars..


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Your points are spot on, thanks. I don't bother trying to help Amy clear the fog from her glasses any longer, but maybe you'll have some success.

Meanwhile, "Other _than_ the jews..." Small tip on how to correctly choose between then and than: "Then means when." Than is a comparison as in, "nothing is better than sex."

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Aug 6, 2021
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I wish there was a high-five sometimes instead of like because this post would get one from me.

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Amy, how did you vote for Trump if you live on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan as you told me?


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Aug 7, 2021
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After what we have been through for the past five years I won’t ever trust another politician as long as I live. Already 71 and I am finished with ALL these corrupt liars. Big Pharma, corporations, politicians. All corrupt liars.

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Aug 6, 2021
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I certainly agree with that sentiment, but I prefer reading attacks on the left these days because if you want to read attacks on the right you have the entire US national news media for that.

The biggest problem we have with Democrats in charge in Washington and places like California (a true single-party state now) is they have no opposition. This is of course partially the fault of the inept and useless Republicans, but also down to the lockstep "reporting" of the credulous stenographers of the national media.

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I agree, and I think the reason for me is that so many things that happened during Trump's years in office have not been resolved .They never legitimately addressed the lie of Russia-gate, or held anyone to account. In fact Schiff continues to push the lie. Also, was the FBI, the CIA and the democrats complicit in making 1/6 happen, so they could impeach Trump making it impossible for him to return to office? Did 1/6 happen to discourage any legitimate investigation into a stolen election?

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"Did 1/6 happen to discourage any legitimate investigation into a stolen election?"--Fran

The more that is revealed about that event to more that seems a great probability.

The immediate result was to stop the consitutional dissent against the Electoral College result to have a moritorium of a week to ten days to look into the allegations of election fraud in a timely manner when evidence was fresh.

Now with the struggle going on in Maricopa County it is obvious that Dominion and Maricopa county election officials are doing everything possible to make that investigation stall. They have even faliled to obey lawfull subpoenas from the court to provide the needed materials.

That they would ignore subpoenas and risk contime of curt charges must mean that what they are hiding is smoking gun evidence of election fraud.



The 2020 Presidential Election was rigged by a cabal of corporate oligarchs to install their own meat-puppet into the White House as a titular figure so they could rule behind the curtain of Oz


It has become increasingly obvious after several months of dealing with the repercussions of the TIMES Magazine article by Molly Ball that some preliminary remarks are in order to understand the meaning of this article.

First and foremost is Ms. Ball’s use of language. The language she uses is what George Orwell referred to as, “Political Language”, wherein the terminology takes on rather deceitful nuances to portray a message that although true, is couched in coded terms. So that when Ms. Ball is describing what is clearly a conspiracy to manipulate the 2020 Presidential election, she chose the term “to save” it.

This key phrase has allowed for a disingenuous interpretation of the message Ms. Ball is giving the readers. This tactic allows for mollification of those who will automatically recoil from the real message that the article conveys, that the 2020 presidential election was ‘rigged’ ie; stolen by the cabal of corporatist oligarchs who conspired to place the candidate of their choice in the White House.

Another thing is obvious from the article, and that is that Ms. Ball was obviously taken into confidence by the leadership of this conspiracy and given first hand detailed information. They wanted this story to be revealed to the public. They knew because of their powerful positions that they are impervious to any legal consequences for their plainly illegal activities, as they have the impunity of wealth and political power. These people can brag about this outrage and get away with it.

There are quite a few things that have been revealed since the 2020 Presidential Election that prove the election was rigged.The most important of these are those revealed in the TIME Magazine article by Molly Ball on Feb. 4, 2021 that describe in great detail a conspiracy to rig the 2020 Presidential Election. I shall herein transcribe that in its complete form:



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Even to the remotely intellectually aware, if all the groups involved in the campaign "to protect democracy" agreed that Trump was the danger to it somehow then obviously it was not about the "rule of law" as purported by the players by about insuring a certain outcome.

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If it walks like a coup and looks like a coup and quacks like a coup??

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Thanks for the link. I'll certainly read that.

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”In a way, Trump was right.

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans.The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day."--Molly Ball



Business groups urge U.S. election candidates, all Americans to be patient until votes counted

By Reuters Staff

WASHINGTON, Nov 4 (Reuters) - Business groups across the United States on Wednesday urged Republican President Donald Trump, his Democratic challenger Joe Biden, the media and all Americans to allow time to count all valid ballots cast in the close 2020 election.

Trump declared victory early Wednesday, made unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud, and called for the counting of ballots to be halted, shocking even some fellow Republicans and sending a chill through the U.S. business community.

Biden is leading the electoral college tally based on ballots counted as of Wednesday afternoon but the picture is unclear in Michigan, Pennsylvania and some other states.

The Trump campaign sued Michigan to stop its count and said it would seek a recount in another battleground state, Wisconsin, that was won by Biden.

The leaders of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the AFL-CIO, the largest U.S. labor federation, the National Association of Evangelicals and the National African-American Clery Network said in a joint statement that violence, intimidation and other tactics would weaken the country.

“A free and fair election is one in which everyone eligible to cast a ballot can, all ballots are counted consistent with the law, and the American people, through their votes, determine the outcome,” the statement said.



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When it comes to rebuttals of the defamations slung at Trump and his supporters, it is like these rebuttals never happened, an the rats of the DNC and the mainstream press just keep the slander alive..

RussiaGate is a prime example Schumer is again pushing that nonsense, even though it was firmly rebutted four years ago.

Now bitch Pelosi is retryig the incitement charges against Trump, as if he wasn't aquitted in their first sham trial in the Senate.

Others here shoud ask themselves; if Trump was not an effective adversarry to the deep state, why so much effort through the years to destroy the man? These witch hunts have been going on since Trump first announced his candidacy for the presidency.

Trumps opponents are frantic to destrooy him completely. It is utterly pathological.


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Some people are very dismissive of what happened during Trump's years in office, but I remain extremely uncomfortable with what the democrats did and see them as very autocratic. Not to mention their open border policy, and their handling of Covid, as well as his tripping, and slurring and Harris's responses and dismissive laughter when questioned. I hope and feel in 2022 republicans will make a significant comeback and put into question everything the democrats have done and attempted to do.

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For sure. I liked that Trump "questioned the pieties" (as GG says) of the Security State. But he did not follow through. He'd harass them on Twitter, but the next day he'd call them heroes and try to be their buddy. He failed to take control on Day 1 and thus lost the war. For all of his bravado - I have to admit that GG is right - Trump was lazy. And unfocused.

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"I have to admit that GG is right - Trump was lazy. And unfocused."--Gary

Show me where Greenwald said this and what context he said it in.


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Still waiting for John Durham to ride in with his report.

What’s he waiting for, Christmas??

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he will release just after the 2024 elections are over

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Durham Report

Nunes sees 'challenge' in Garland attempting to 'bury' Durham report

A top House Republican doubts the Justice Department will allow the release of any report from special counsel John Durham.

Rep. Devin Nunes, the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee, said Attorney General Merrick Garland "seems to be kind of a puppet for the Left." The "challenge," he added, is whether Garland will "bury the report."

The California Republican made the observation during an interview with Newsmax that aired less than two weeks after a Justice Department official said the agency "agrees" with an order by former Attorney General William Barr regarding transparency for the inquiry into the origins and conduct of the Russia investigation.

Attorney General Merrick Garland. (Kevin Dietsch/AP)

“In addition to the confidential report" Durham was required to submit to Justice Department, "the Special Counsel, to the maximum extent possible and consistent with the law and policies and practices of the Department of Justice, shall submit to the Attorney General a final report, and such interim reports as he deems appropriate, in a form that will permit public dissemination," Barr's October order read.


The statement last month by Deputy Assistant Attorney General Joe Gaeta came in response to a letter from Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who raised concerns about former National Security Agency attorney and CNN commentator Susan Hennessey’s role in the Justice Department’s National Security Division, highlighting her “bias” shown in comments criticizing Durham’s investigation.

“Durham has made abundantly clear that in a year and a half, he hasn't come up with anything. I guess this kind of partisan silliness has become characteristic of Barr's legacy, but unclear to me why Durham would want to go along with it," Hennessey said in one tweet highlighted by the senators.



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I don't think John Durham's report will ever see the light of day.

From what I have heard it finds Tump innocent of all the allegations made against him, and instead finds fault with his detractors. who coincidentalll include those now running the show, the Biden regime.

I have the feeling that not only will the Durham Report be ignored, but it will be destroyed, all copies, and references to it. Just like Hillary Clinton's emails. -- DOWN THE MEMORY HOLE.

My intuition on such things have turned out to be very accurate.


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It is the major issues of our times, the ones that drive policies, that must be scrutinized most closely, for these critical issues are what have historically been found to be mostly PR and propaganda.

The ‘Official Narrative’ is almost always a myth

One such myth is that CIA is an institution formed to protect US interests. The fact is that the CIA is a sworn enemy of the United States. CIA has sworn allegiece to another entity entirely, that is the ‘Brotherhood of Skull & Bones”, a Prussian secret society with a global agenda. This agenda coincidentally allies with the same agenda promoted by the Davos cabal of the World Economic Forum led by technocrats like Klause Schwab (a member of the Nzi ‘Hitler Yourh in his teens).

Suggested reading:



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“Conspiracy Theory”: Foundations of a Weaponized Term

Subtle and Deceptive Tactics to Discredit Truth in Media and Research

By James F. Tracy

Global Research, March 24, 2017

Conspiracy theory’s acutely negative connotations may be traced to liberal historian Richard Hofstadter’s well-known fusillades against the “New Right.” Yet it was the Central Intelligence Agency that likely played the greatest role in effectively “weaponizing” the term. In the groundswell of public skepticism toward the Warren Commission’s findings on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the CIA sent a detailed directive to all of its bureaus. Titled “Countering Criticism of the Warren Commission Report,” the dispatch played a definitive role in making the “conspiracy theory” term a weapon to be wielded against almost any individual or group calling the government’s increasingly clandestine programs and activities into question.

This important memorandum and its broad implications for American politics and public discourse are detailed in a forthcoming book by Florida State University political scientist Lance de-Haven-Smith, Conspiracy Theory in America. Dr. de-Haven-Smith devised the state crimes against democracy concept to interpret and explain potential government complicity in events such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the major political assassinations of the 1960s, and 9/11.

Weaponizing the Term “Conspiracy Theory”: Disinformation Agents and the CIA

“CIA Document 1035-960” was released in response to a 1976 FOIA request by the New York Times. The directive is especially significant because it outlines the CIA’s concern regarding “the whole reputation of the American government” vis-à-vis the Warren Commission Report. The agency was especially interested in maintaining its own image and role as it “contributed information to the [Warren] investigation.”

The memorandum lays out a detailed series of actions and techniques for “countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries.” For example, approaching “friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors)” to remind them of the Warren Commission’s integrity and soundness should be prioritized. “[T]he charges of the critics are without serious foundation,” the document reads, and “further speculative discussion only plays in to the hands of the [Communist] opposition.”

The agency also directed its members “[t]o employ propaganda assets to [negate] and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose.”

1035-960 further delineates specific techniques for countering “conspiratorial” arguments centering on the Warren Commission’s findings. Such responses and their coupling with the pejorative label have been routinely wheeled out in various guises by corporate media outlets, commentators and political leaders to this day against those demanding truth and accountability about momentous public events.

No significant new evidence has emerged which the [Warren] Commission did not consider.

Critics usually overvalue particular items and ignore others.

Conspiracy on the large scale often suggested would be impossible to conceal in the United States.

Critics have often been enticed by a form of intellectual pride: they light on some theory and fall in love with it.

Oswald would not have been any sensible person’s choice for a co-conspirator.

Such vague accusations as that “more than ten people have died mysteriously” [during the Warren Commission’s inquiry] can always be explained in some natural way e.g.: the individuals concerned have for the most part died of natural causes.

Today more so than ever news media personalities and commentators occupy powerful positions for initiating propaganda activities closely resembling those set out in 1035-960 against anyone who might question state-sanctioned narratives of controversial and poorly understood occurrences. Indeed, as the motives and methods encompassed in the document have become fully internalized by intellectual workers and operationalized through such media, the almost uniform public acceptance of official accounts concerning unresolved events such as the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building bombing, 9/11, and most recently the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, is largely guaranteed.

The effect on academic and journalistic inquiry into ambiguous and unexplained events that may in turn mobilize public inquiry, debate and action has been dramatic and far-reaching. One need only look to the rising police state and evisceration of civil liberties and constitutional protections as evidence of how this set of subtle and deceptive intimidation tactics has profoundly encumbered the potential for future independent self-determination and civic empowerment.



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While it is true that there is incredible bias in media of all types and as a result, I understand your perspective, I would want nothing less than true, independent journalism that holds no sacred cows. We don't need to agree with what we hear/read/see, we just need to be willing to be open to perspectives and trust there aren't hidden agendas at play.

Sometimes my mind changes, sometimes it doesn't. I just want honest discourse and to know that if we walk away with differing views, we can still walk together.

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Of course I can only agree. It's simply that, for the moment, one side is far more irritation (and dangerous) than the other.

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I agree with the point you are making about 95% of the media being left leaning and easy to read them bashing the right. However, I would point out that a lot of the "right bashing" is on stupid stuff instead of the more important stuff. That was my biggest problem with the media and democrats in the past 5 years - instead of focusing on the important stuff like how orange man got duped but the CIA gas attack in syria hoax and then bombed them, or why he wasn't pardoning Assange, Snowden, Ross etc, or why he banned bump stocks, the media was too busy going off about stupid made up nonsense like russiagate, Ukraine impeachment, russian bounty hoax after hoax.

I want to see the real genuine criticism of the right, not made up bullshit. It seems like when it comes to bombing people, protecting the deep state secrets, taking away 2A rights, the media and democrats and republicans are a uniparty. They are actively covering up the Syrian gas attack OPCW whistleblowers.

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And just to be clear, it was just as bad when the conservatives had total control. We see now both parties are just as willing to silence their dissidents in other parties.

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Just wait for Warden Newsom’s recall. His trouncing could be the shot heard round the world.

And to think he wants to bring Carmelita here to campaign?!

Do it!! Please!

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Lovely sentiments, but to do it the GOP needs to grow a spine and open its eyes. The answer is in front of them and his name is Larry Elder. Don't hold your breath. Caitlyn, if you want to "win" that's how.

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......."both parties, Left and Right." - Is actually part of the problem. As long as the L-R split keeps being put forward uncritically as some polar opposition, and Dems & Reps are the vessels, there's nothing to talk about. There are actually people in the U. S. who refer to liberals and "moderate, centrist, Third Way" Dem. Party people as Left, which they certainly are not nor have ever been.

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Prior to 9/11: US Covert Support to Al Qaeda in Macedonia, “Financing Both Sides”

Michel Chossudovsky, August 9, 2021

US Finances Ethnic Warfare in the Balkans

by Michel Chossudovsky

Antiwar.com, April 2001,

Global Research, September 2001


While Washington supports the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, it is at the same time – behind the scenes – funneling money and military hardware to the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) now engaged in a border war with the Macedonian Security Forces. In a cruel irony, Washington is arming and advising both the KLA attackers and the Macedonian defenders under military and intelligence authorization acts approved by the US Congress. Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI), a mercenary outfit on contract to the Pentagon, is helping Macedonia – as part of a US military aid package – “to deter armed aggression and defend Macedonian territory.” But MPRI is also advising and equipping the KLA, which is responsible for the terrorist assaults. In this war, the American military-intelligence apparatus is pulling strings “on both sides of the fence.” What is the hidden agenda?

“[The] United States of America and the Kosovo Liberation Army stand for the same human values and principles … Fighting for the KLA is fighting for human rights and American values.”(Senator Joseph Lieberman, quoted in the Washington Post, 28 April 1999)


The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) – transformed in September 1999 into the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) under UN auspices – is behind the terrorist attacks in the Tetovo region of Macedonia as well as in Southern Serbia. In Macedonia, these assaults are waged by the KLA’s proxy: the Ushtira Clirimtare Komtare (UCK) or National Liberation Army (NLA). The terrorists operate from KLA bases inside Kosovo under KFOR protection.

Supported by the US, the KLA and its various proxies are well equipped. According to Carl Bildt (special UN coordinator for the Balkans), the Macedonian Security Forces “are no match” for the rebels: “the guerrillas are a competent military organization… They have a core of very experienced fighters. They are well fortified, evidently well prepared, and in all probability they control substantial parts of the hinterland.”

But where did they get the money? The Western media conveys the impression that the National Liberation Army (NLA) developed into a modern rebel force overnight, spontaneously “out of thin air” and that NATO leaders have no contacts with the KLA.


According to the (London) Sunday Times,

“American intelligence agents have admitted they helped to train the Kosovo Liberation Army before NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia.”1

A review of US Congressional documents would suggest that CIA support was not discontinued after the war.2 Moreover, while the KLA maintains its links both to the CIA and criminal syndicates involved in the Balkans narcotics trade, the paramilitary organisation -renamed the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) has been elevated to UN status, implying the granting of legitimate sources of funding through UN as well as through bilateral channels.

Procurement of military supplies, training of the KLA and military advisers has been entrusted to Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI), a US based mercenary outfit linked to the Pentagon. The pattern is similar to that followed in Croatia and in the Bosnian Muslim-Croatian Federation where so-called “equip and train” programmes were put together by the Pentagon.


But there is something else even more terrifying which has not been revealed to public opinion. The guerilla war in the Tetovo region of Macedonia is being financed and therefore controlled by Washington “on both sides” of the border. While Washington pumps money into the KLA, the FYR of Macedonia – which has been an obedient client state – is also the recipient of US military aid and training. Macedonia is a member of NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PfP) and aspires to acquire full NATO membership.

The same group of US military advisers on contract with the KLA is also “helping” the Macedonian Armed Forces. The MPRI – while assisting the KLA in its terrorist assaults – is also present behind enemy lines in Macedonia under a so-called “Stability and Deterrence Program.” The later is intent upon “assisting the Macedonian Armed Forces … to deter armed aggression and, should deterrence fail, defend Macedonian territory….”14 What is happening is that the US mercenary company with a mandate “to defend the border” is also advising the KLA on how best “to attack the border.”

Is this not crystal clear: The military-intelligence ploy is to finance both sides of the conflict, provide military aid to one side and finance the other side. And then “make them fight.” It’s a sinister military-intelligence game, an “insider operation” with US military advisers on both sides from the same mercenary outfit (the MPRI). Macedonia’s “Stability and Deterrence Program” is in fact largely supported by US foreign military sales (FMS), namely MPRI is in charge of delivering (i.e. dumping) to the Macedonian Armed Forces obsolete weapons and hardware which the US Department of Defense wants to get rid of.

Moreover, with its various sources of financing (drugs, Islamic organisations, US military aid, contributions from the US-Albanian community), the KLA and its Macedonian proxy the Ushtira Clirimtare Komtare have the upper edge. The money channeled from various sources including the drug trade far exceeds the meager FMS allocations granted in the form of surplus military equipment to the Macedonian Ministry of Defence.15

The friendly and cordial meetings held in Skopje (July 2000) between General Henry H. Shelton, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff and his Macedonian counterpart, General Jovan Andrevski, constitute an obvious smoke screen. While America’s top brass pays lip service to its PfP partner and ally, the KLA – with the support of the Albanian American community – is actively recruiting US citizens to fight as volunteers against the Macedonian Security Forces.16 Bear in mind that this pattern of “financing both sides” is not limited to the Balkans: since the end of the Cold War, Washington has been involved in channeling covert financing and triggering civil conflicts in different parts of the World including Central Africa, the Caucasus and Central Asia. By financing both sides of the conflict, the US controls the outcome of the war.

Read entire article:



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Amen. I loved how hard the media was on Trump. The problem was they were only hard on the party they dont like.

If the media was as hard on all politicians as they were on Trump, America would be a lot better off.

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I couldn't agree more and I've commented on it in the past here. To be sure, journalists like Greenwald, Aaron Mate', Max Blumenthal and others have done a great service countering, criticizing and revealing corruption by the corporate-controlled, neo-liberal faction of the Democratic Party and they should be commended for doing so. It takes courage to challenge such a powerful status quo.

But this challenging of the left has happened at the expense of letting the right off the hook for their own extensive corruption. All of these journalists - and even pot-smoking, self-described jag-off comedian, Jimmy Dore - (all of whom I admire) have focused virtually exclusively on the left, to the detriment of getting at the whole truth.

The American people are in dire need of sober, cogent, well-articulated criticism of both the left and the right from journalists who are capable of delivering such criticism. Where are they? Where are the journalists I mentioned above when it comes to the Republican Party? Is there nothing on the right to evaluate, critique or challenge in a legitimate way? I could understand the reluctance to give equal analysis to the right if the field of critics was crowded, but that's not the case. All there is in the way of challenging the right comes in the form of unhinged, self-serving sensationalism, fear-mongering and conspiracy theories by the corporate media--CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, etc. These corporate entities are journalistic caricatures selling what mainstream Democratic voters are willing to buy, not genuine sources of real news or journalism.

That reality lets the right off scot free, immune from smart, valid criticism that real journalists like Glenn Greenwald can deliver. Why isn't it happening? Yeah, every now and then, in an article exposing some hypocrisy or malfeasance by the Democrats, one of these writers throws in an off-hand negative comment about some aspect of the right or Republican Party. But good, full articles starring corrupt or compromised Republicans are few and far between. Why?

I haven't read every article by these journalists so maybe I've missed something. But I've read enough to know that they look away from the right. Their nearly exclusive focus on the left has become a broken record. The right doesn't have the integrity to criticize itself, and the MSM is a profiteering joke incapable of real journalism, so who are we to rely on for the whole story?

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Or, "Where the f^^k is Izzy Stone when we need him?" 😎 aw

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Aug 11, 2021
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Muddling along. Thanks for asking! "Brimstone" by Preston & Childs, LOL

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Ditto Cole re cross-posting with links to Rumble AND...

Please, when and where feasible, provide transcripts for video posts.

When daily following multiple news sources, there just are not enough 10-minute, 20-minute, half-hour slots in a day to listen to what otherwise could be read in half the time or less.

With videos, unable to copy-and-paste, whole or partial text to allies, friends and others who need to be exposed to your reportage; while reluctant to send video links to and tax them with the same time consumption.

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If you click the 3 dots next to the "save" button, and then select "transcript" you can copy & paste what he's saying from there.

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Thx Naty! Did not know that, as I'm not a frequenter of YouTube.

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Also, just in case you hadn't noticed previously, if you right-click on a YT video, one of the choices is "Copy Video URL at Current Time." Then it will be cued up to start running at the exact spot you want someone to see when they open it.

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Thx Alex for that tip, too.

Clicking on the 3-dot transciiption option, I found it unfortunately has to run in real-time to generate a "transcript" which looks like this:

that's why


i over time became not just a user of


sub stack but a defender of it because


that's what we need our platforms that


can make an impact


and be heard and develop a real audience


that will protect not just my right


and the right of people who see things


the way i see things but the right of


everybody to freely express themselves


so that the discourse is free

To copy-and-paste, then to edit out time stamps and close line breaks, in order to send it a relatively readable form, requires nearly as much time as listening to the whole video. In the above form, it is not readily scannable (speed-readible).

Were there an actual transcript posted below the video, one could quickly scan and determine whether or not it was worthwhile to read or to listen to closely. In this instance, not.

As it turned out, this “quick update” video consisted of lengthy run-on sentences within which there was buried maybe 2-minutes worth of the "few more details” Glenn wished to provide, which details could have been nicely summarized in an additional 2 paragraphs. After all, he’s a writer, not a video journalist.

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Here's another tip. Enter the video URL on:


Then press download. Select the "TXT" format. You can open it in a text editor to read the entire thing. If needed, you can do a "Replace all" function in the text editor to remove the multiple new lines.

This is what I got:

hey everyone this is glenn greenwald and i wanted to give you a quick update on what's happening at the our sub stack platform and also the announcement that i alluded to in the last video i i did and in part because i know i haven't written much or done much reporting over the last seven to ten days and so just wanted to fill you in on what's happening part of what has happened is just the fact that i'm extremely poor at scheduling or taking vacations and occasionally my brain imposes one on me by just refusing to do much writing but in this particular i think that's part of what's going on but in this particular case as well i've been working very hard over the last two weeks on putting together this new project that i referenced in the last video uh that i am genuinely extremely excited about in terms of the potential and impact i think it can have uh our current schedule is to announce everything and explain everything and debut everything and unveil everything on monday this coming monday it may change by a day or two depending on whether we're able to get all our ducks in in a row and in time for monday but that's the current plan and so i just wanted to let you know that that's a major reason why um i've been a little quiet on this platform but also to give you a few more details on why i'm so excited about it i can't yet announce the specifics of it but in essence and this is essentially for my subscribers only so i can share some details we've been able to put together a very ample funding package that will enable not just me but numerous other voices in journalism and politics and culture that i regard as some of the most interesting and independent-minded and important voices people who are doing real independent work in journalism and commentary and analysis to have a bigger impact in terms of the work that they and i do um as i had mentioned part of this includes expanding significantly the journalism and content we're able to produce to not just a video but to a highly professionalized form of video that i think will enable us to do a lot of really interesting and important journalism and reach a lot of people who currently we can't read simply by publishing text or doing kind of more amateurish youtube type videos of the kind that i'm doing right this minute and i think the more important cause is the fact that as all of you know given that you subscribe to the work that i do i've done a lot of reporting over the last year over the last several years but the last year in particular as it's gotten much worse about the increasing levels of repression and censorship on the part of big tech monopolies in conjunction with really the liberal sector of the corporate media and the establishment willing of the democratic party increasingly to control and limit and constrict our political discourse and as i've come to do that work what i've realized is that simply revealing it describing it reporting on it denouncing it is insufficient there needs to be some effort especially on the part of people who do have platforms to work against that and i've given a lot of thought to how that can be done and one of the experiences i had that most informed that thinking is my move to sub stack which happened in as you may recall late october of 2020 and at the time that i moved to sub stack i really didn't know all that much about sub stack because i made the decision to quit the intercept very precipitously in a very short period of time without much planning once i realized that they were not going to publish the article i believe should have been published about the hunter biden documents and what it revealed about the ethical questions surrounding then presidential front-running candidate joe biden i knew i couldn't stay there even for one second knowing that i was part of a news outlet that was going to censor reporting in order to manipulate the outcome of the election and so when i quit very suddenly i just needed a place to go right they need to go write about what happened to explain to my readership why i was leaving and also to continue to do reporting and sub stack was an obvious choice because i knew other writers who had been at sub stack including matt taibi and andrew sullivan both of whom have built a large audience and were having an impact and felt positive about the platform but i didn't know much about it i didn't come to sub stack as a cause i came simply because they needed a platform and then once i got here at sub stack i began speaking a lot more to the founders of substack to the people who are running substack who are planning its future and came to understand that their commitment to creating a free speech zone on the internet where journalists can come and other content creators can come and be free of the repression and censorship that big tech monopolies are increasingly imposing is not just a branding exercise it's not a superficial commitment that's going to crumble i don't believe at the slightest sign of pressure from outside it's something embedded into the dna of what sub stack is and into the belief system of those who are who those who founded it those who are running it those who are funding it it's a project that's designed to give a platform to journalists but also to take a stand in defense of free speech and that's why i over time became not just a user of sub stack but a defender of it because that's what we need our platforms that can make an impact and be heard and develop a real audience that will protect not just my right and the right of people who see things the way i see things but the right of everybody to freely express themselves so that the discourse is free and it's the audience and the public that decides what they're going to believe after hearing conflicting opinions and perspectives and reporting as opposed to having it imposed from on high by tech executives who are trying to appease the politically powerful faction or avoid scorn doled out by corporate media outlets and so subsec has become an important platform for me not just because it enables me to do my work but also because i believe in what it stands for and there are other platforms like it thankfully that are increasing in their prominence and so as somebody who has the ability to bring attention to those kind of platforms not just by talking about them by working with them i've been thinking about the necessity to to do that to start to use the platforms that are actually devoted to free speech and free discourse and move away from the platforms that don't and so there's a video platform in particular um that i believe is similar to substance in its mission and its cause it's becoming increasingly uh influential and and increasing its ability to enable people there to be heard and i'm excited by it and so i've spent several months putting together a project that will enable numerous people who aren't currently there to go there with the intention of enabling people to earn a living who are doing genuinely heterodox critically minded independent reporting and analysis who don't have to fear the scorn and wrath of corporate media don't have to be captive to their pieties and orthodoxies it's so important to empower that in spaces where people can be truly free and independent it's not as i said going to in any way replace what i already do at sub stack all it's going to do is is supplement and expand it the funding will enable me to do more to work with more people to produce more content to produce different kind of content as i already said everyone who subscribes to my sub stack already will have full and free access to everything else that i'm able to do there um but it's a really exciting project because it will just further empower people who want to liberate themselves from the constraints of big tech of liberal corporate media and of the necessity to constrain and censor and repress themselves in order to make a living so that's the real reason in addition to the fact that i think my brain just needed a little vacation that i refused to give it why i haven't done much writing over the last seven to ten days starting a monday we're going to announce it everything's going to return to return to normal i'm incredibly excited to get back to to work especially given this new project that's going to uh i think really synthesize and strengthen everything we've been able to do for the last nine months here at the substance so that's the update um just stay tuned for a few more days um i definitely have a lot of work to do between now and the time that we unveil it um but we're very close to it it's completion and you'll hear about it very shortly thanks so much for your for your patience and as always thanks so much for subscribing here it it really um is not just important to my being able to do the work i do but also very gratifying so thanks as always and i will be speaking to you very shortly

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Oh when you're in that transcript box, click on the 3 dots next to the "x" button, and it gives you an option called "toggle timestamps". Selecting that should remove all the timestamps.

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One of the issues with YT is that they decided awhile ago to heavily incentivizing longer videos. (Apparently, it keeps people on the platform longer and thus watching more adds). That's why everything now seems to be 10 minutes long, with 7 minutes of padding and 3 minutes of information.

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Or if you want to alter a YT link to start at a particular time, you can just add it manually to the URL. The following techniques don't work for youtu.be links, but do work for a youtube.com link that has the word "watch" in it.

Original link:


Modifying the link so that it starts at 2:03:


Modifying the link to make a clip that starts at 2:03 and ends at 4:12:


Instead of 2m3, you can also say 123, or 0h2m3 (since 2 minutes and 3 seconds is the same as 123 seconds, which is the same as 0 hours and 2 minutes and 3 seconds)

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ANOTHER great tip, thanks. ... I knew this was possible but had never taken the time to figure it out. ... Much appreciated.

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Great tip, thanks!

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Wow -- I didn't know this...

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Here's another tip. Enter the video URL on:


Then press download. Select the "TXT" format. You can open it in a text editor to read the entire thing. If needed, you can do a "Replace all" function in the text editor to remove the multiple new lines.

I posted the output here:


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Ok, took longer than I wanted it to, but here's one for this video (he's Mr. Run-on-sentence & I'm Ms. High-school-diploma-some-college, so pls forgive punctuation mistakes =P

Hey everyone, this is Glenn Greenwald, and I wanted to give you a quick update on what's happening at our Substack platform, and also the announcement that I alluded to in the last video I did, and in part because I know I haven't written much or done much reporting over the last seven to ten days, and so just wanted to fill you in on what's happening.

Part of what has happened is just the fact that I’m extremely poor at scheduling or taking vacations, and occasionally my brain imposes one on me by just refusing to do much writing. I think that's part of what's going on, but in this particular case as well, I’ve been working very hard over the last two weeks on putting together this new project that I referenced in the last video that I am genuinely extremely excited about, in terms of the potential and impact I think it can have.

Our current schedule is to announce everything, explain everything, debut everything, and unveil everything this coming Monday. It may change by a day or two, depending on whether we're able to get all our ducks in a row in time for Monday, but that's the current plan. And so I just wanted to let you know that that's a major reason why I’ve been a little quiet on this platform, but also to give you a few more details on why I’m so excited about it.

I can't yet announce the specifics of it, but in essence - and this is essentially for my subscribers only, so I can share some details - we've been able to put together a very ample funding package that will enable not just me, but numerous other voices in journalism, politics, and culture - that I regard as some of the most interesting, independent-minded, and important voices of people who are doing real independent work in journalism, commentary, and analysis - to have a bigger impact in terms of the work that they and I do.

As I had mentioned, part of this includes expanding significantly the journalism and content we're able to produce, to not just video, but to a highly professionalized form of video, that I think will enable us to do a lot of really interesting and important journalism, and reach a lot of people who currently we can't reach simply by publishing text, or doing kind of more amateurish, YouTube type videos, of the kind that I’m doing right this minute. And I think the more important cause is the fact that - as all of you know, given that you subscribe to the work that I do - I’ve done a lot of reporting over the last several years, but the last year in particular as it's gotten much worse, about the increasing levels of repression and censorship on the part of big tech monopolies, in conjunction with really the liberal sector of the corporate media and the establishment wing of the democratic party, increasingly to control, and limit, and constrict our political discourse.

And as I’ve come to do that work, what I’ve realized is that simply revealing it, describing it, reporting on it, denouncing it, is insufficient. There needs to be some effort, especially on the part of people who do have platforms, to work against that, and I’ve given a lot of thought to how that can be done. And one of the experiences I had that most informed that thinking is my move to Substack, which happened in, as you may recall, late October of 2020. And at the time that I moved to Substack, I really didn't know all that much about Substack because I made the decision to quit The Intercept very precipitously - in a very short period of time, without much planning - once I realized that they were not going to publish the article I believe should have been published about the Hunter Biden documents, and what it revealed about the ethical questions surrounding then presidential front-running candidate, Joe Biden. I knew I couldn't stay there, even for one second, knowing that I was part of a news outlet that was going to censor reporting in order to manipulate the outcome of the election.

And so, when I quit very suddenly, I just needed a place to go write - I needed to go write about what happened to explain to my readership why I was leaving, and also to continue to do reporting - and Substack was an obvious choice, because I knew other writers who had been at Substack - including Matt Taibi and Andrew Sullivan, both of whom have built a large audience and were having an impact, and felt positive about the platform - but I didn't know much about it. I didn't come to Substack as a cause, I came simply because I needed a platform.

And then once I got here at Substack, I began speaking a lot more to the founders of Substack - to the people who are running Substack, who are planning its future - and came to understand that their commitment to creating a free speech zone on the internet - where journalists can come, and other content creators can come, and be free of the repression and censorship that big tech monopolies are increasingly imposing - is not just a branding exercise, it's not a superficial commitment that's going to crumble, I don't believe, at the slightest sign of pressure from outside. It's something embedded into the DNA of what Substack is, and into the belief system of those who founded it, those who are running it, those who are funding it; it's a project that's designed to give a platform to journalists, but also to take a stand in defense of free speech. And that's why I, over time, became not just a user of Substack but a defender of it.

Because that's what we need, are platforms that can make an impact, and be heard, and develop a real audience that will protect not just my right, and the right of people who see things the way I see things, but the right of everybody to freely express themselves so that the discourse is free, and it's the audience and the public that decides what they're going to believe after hearing conflicting opinions, and perspectives, and reporting, as opposed to having it imposed from on high by tech executives who are trying to appease the politically powerful faction, or avoid scorn doled out by corporate media outlets. And so Substack has become an important platform for me, not just because it enables me to do my work, but also because I believe in what it stands for.

And there are other platforms like it, thankfully, that are increasing in their prominence. And so as somebody who has the ability to bring attention to those kind of platforms, not just by talking about them but by working with them, I've been thinking about the necessity to do that - to start to use the platforms that are actually devoted to free speech and free discourse, and move away from the platforms that don't.

And so there's a video platform in particular that I believe is similar to Substack in its mission and in its cause. It's becoming increasingly influential, and increasing its ability to enable people there to be heard, and I’m excited by it. And so I’ve spent several months putting together a project that will enable numerous people who aren't currently there, to go there, with the intention of enabling people to earn a living, who are doing genuinely heterodox, critically minded, independent reporting and analysis, who don't have to fear the scorn and wrath of corporate media, [and] don't have to be captive to their pieties and orthodoxies. It's so important to empower [independent] spaces where people can be truly free and independent.

It's not, as I said, going to in any way replace what I already do at Substack. All it's going to do is supplement and expand it. The funding will enable me to do more, to work with more people, to produce more content, to produce different kind of content. As I already said, everyone who subscribes to my Substack already will have full and free access to everything else that I’m able to do there. But it's a really exciting project because it will just further empower people who want to liberate themselves from the constraints of big tech, of liberal corporate media, and of the necessity to constrain and censor and repress themselves in order to make a living.

So that's the real reason - in addition to the fact that I think my brain just needed a little vacation that I refused to give it - why I haven't done much writing over the last seven to ten days. Starting on Monday we're going to announce it. Everything's going to return to normal. I’m incredibly excited to get back to work, especially given this new project that's going to I think really synthesize and strengthen everything we've been able to do for the last nine months here at the Substack.

So that's the update; just stay tuned for a few more days. I definitely have a lot of work to do between now and the time that we unveil it. But we're very close to its completion and you'll hear about it very shortly. Thanks so much for your patience, and as always thanks so much for subscribing here. It really is not just important to my being able to do the work I do, but also very gratifying. So thanks as always, and I will be speaking to you very shortly.

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Thanks, but this should have been / should be a top-level comment! ... That is, a new comment, not a reply.

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Thanks for this.

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Hey! Maybe Glenn could hire you to do the transcripts! :D

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I don't think I'm qualified, but it would be fun! :)

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Well, looks like you did a pretty good job here :D, and in record time! Good for your portfolio ...:D

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I am with you on that thought, don’t feed the beast.

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Hear Hear

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So, the first thing I see when looking at Rumble is somebody’s little fluffy cat. I I wanted that, I’d go to Facebook.

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Very timely project. I just posted a piece titled Steven Beschloss Banned Me from Commenting. Boo-Hoo! https://riclexel.substack.com/p/steven-beschloss-banned-me-from-commenting

My sin? linking to the troublesome trio: Tracey, Taibbi, and Greenwald.

Here is the post that got me banned for "attacking others"

Ric Leczel (Banned)Writes Red Neck, White Skin, Blue Coll… Aug 2

User was banned for this comment. Show

Wow, that's a lot of Kool-Aid, man, this early in the morning. I wish you cared at least the same about the FBI or other security apparatus abusing their power. Maybe you should try Greenwald, Tracey or Taibbi. Or even read a post or two of mine to maybe start to understand the group of people you label as a monolith. riclexel.substack.com At least I read what you write. I may not agree with it, but I am interested in differing points of view.

I am excited to see your new project. And hoping to be a part of it somehow.



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Yeah, I think Greenwald only banned one commenter on this Substack. I don't know specifically why, so I'm not saying that's a bad thing.

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Aug 6, 2021
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I noticed e.pierce was banned, though I don't know why.

William Whitten is not banned; he has flaws as a commenter though at times he'll say something reasonable. I don't know Jorah at all.

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e.pierce was thoroughly vile and disgusting, evoking graphic and inappropriate visions and insulting just about everybody with undeserved vitriol; good riddance to vile rubbish.

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Totally agree. As troll as they get.

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He was banned? So he's going back to running the charm school full time?

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Lmao - that’s really funny to hear. Good riddance, for sure.

Though he’s posting over at Taibbi’s now. Needless to say, this fact is a bullet in my gun now.

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I'm fairly certain he has been there for a while, even before here. In my estimation, somewhat moderated since GG's banning, but similar nonsense and name calling.

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How do you find out who has been cancelled?

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I was recently looking through the comment section in an article Greenwald posted here months ago, and I saw that the writer's name on some comments came up as "e.pierce (Banned)". I guess when someone is banned, it doesn't necessarily make their comments disappear, but it does make the word "Banned" appear next to everything they wrote.

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My "flaws" as a commenter seem to be posting a "diary" of current events having to do with the issues we are all concerned with. Those who find these comments relevant often comment on them and upvote them. Those who don't like the grip about it...like XpatZ who is especially unnerved by my "excess commentary".

All I can say is DEAL WITH IT.


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Aug 6, 2021
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"He also likes talking about 🍕 QAnon pizza recipes."--Amy

I have never once referenced QAnon in any of my commentary. The only time I read the word "QAnon" is when someone is attempting to dis me, and somthing I have said. I have never followed the group, nor to I care what their trip is.

I have wodndered if Q is an intellegence agent running a PSYOP. But the stuff they "believe" is so stupid I don't pay any attention to it. It is all second hand info provided by Bidenistas of foreigners like Amy.

The Pizza reference is because of my research into sexual abuse of children, and my findings that the Clinton's, both Bill and Hillary have been involved in such disgusting activities. It is no laughing matter.


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Sorry Amy, you're outta luck - your nemisis is still here. Hahahahaha!!!!!


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Aug 6, 2021
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Always so cute Amy.

I guess the CIA hasn't caprtured you yet. Good luck!


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Aug 6, 2021
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Of all the journalists I can think of who should spearhead such a project, I'm glad it's you. Looking forward to the project taking off.

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1. From “Seven habits of highly effective people”: Sharpen the saw

2. Honest INVESTIGATORY journalism is critical. I want rocks turned over. We have a hyper abundance of duplicitousness and corruption in DC

3. Good foreign reporting.


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Yes and does it really matter to know all their perfidities. We get rid of one and two take their place. It is a many hydra headed beast.

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Dr. Carrie Madej: c0vid vaccines use exotic nanotech for tracking and bio-control, once injected with patented synthetic gene you are owned by Pharma

Dr. Carrie Madej and Mike Adams talk about VACCINE TRUTH censorships and the EVIL AGENDA behind vaccination campaigns

Interviewed by Mike Adams, Dr. Carrie Madej talked about the continued censorship being experienced by people like her who speak the vaccine truth and oppose the use of experimental coronavirus vaccines in people.

She said it’s like there’s a coup happening, and we’re not being told about it.

While it’s a challenge to fight censorship, Madej said they will keep going on. She shared that they’re doing a 90-day tour around the United States that started May 15. The tour features different speakers in different cities talking about medical freedoms, freedom of speech,

constitutional rights and human rights.

Madej proceeded to talk about the bigger agenda behind the vaccination campaigns around the world. According to her, a corporation can technically own you overnight if a patented synthetic gene injected into you got inserted into your genetic code – which is possible according to

science. If that happens, Adams said, you will need to get permission from the corporation that owns the patent before deciding to reproduce.

Madej also noted the increasing number of miscarriages that happen following vaccinations.




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Very credible

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Dr Piers Robinson – C0vid is a Global Propaganda Operation


Never before has the world witnessed such a coordinated propaganda effort, featuring near perfect streamlining of messaging and policy, as well as an Establishment launching attacks against any dissenters by deploying “fact-checkers” and using social media firms to deplatform any voices who offer an opinion which differs from the official narrative. It is nothing short of a completely global, corporatised war effort.

Asia Pacific Today talks with Dr. Piers Robinson, an expert on the subject of propaganda, as he explains how governments, mainstream media and the pharmaceutical industry have combined forces to push forward an unprecedented global propaganda onslaught since the onset of the Covid crisis

Dr Piers Robinson is an expert on communication, media and world politics, focusing on conflict and war and especially the role of propaganda. He is presently Co-Director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies, Convenor of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media and Associated Researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 ‘War on Terror’. From 2016 – 2019, he was Professor and Chair in Politics, Society and Political Journalism at the University of Sheffield. He has also served on the boards of several academic journals. He has lectured at the NATO Defense College in Rome and briefed senior UK military commanders and diplomats, and his research interests focus on Organised Persuasive Communication and Contemporary Propaganda and his current projects include Propaganda and the Syrian conflict; Propaganda and the 9/11 Global War on Terror and Covid19.




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I’ve said this before I’ll say it again;I don’t care who gets hoisted on their petard or ‘exposed’ right left or center, I just care that they all get the same treatment and exposure, so I’m looking forward to this and your collaboration very much.

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Sounds absolutely terrific if you can find enough independent non-partisan journalists (for once, I'm not using that word as a slur) to fill your roster. I'm extremely skeptical about that as I can count the journalists that I trust to report honestly on one hand (you're Chief among them).

Nevertheless, I sincerely hope that your new platform is exceedingly successful because your profession is officially dead. It's not buried yet, but it's dead. Journalists have no credibility whatsoever. I hope that your platform will provide a place where people can read or hear the honesty that they desperately want and deserve.

Kudos to you.

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Greenwald has said in the past that independent non-partisan journalists don’t really exist. We ALL have our biases and beliefs…I don’t mind that, as long as one is honest and out front about it.

Corporate media is packed with dishonest concern trolls.

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I agree with that as well, and I'm totally fine with them having their own personal beliefs that usually differ with mine, but I expect "journalists" to deliver non-partisan information because that is the entirety of their job description.

Report honestly. Report fairly. Leave the activism for the activists and the advocating for the advocates.

Seems simple enough.

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When they used to do their best they were hard boiled, smoking and often drinking men of their time. Poorly paid too. I suggest SAMIZDAT for all and any of us. I post on strips then copy them, tear them and leaflet with them. Example: "Election to office is a service, not a career. One term only for ALL ELECTED OFFICES would take care of the money buying problem." Scatter everywhere. The wind will blow it into good hands.

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I agree with the "SAMIZDOT" idea - that's how we used to do it - leaflets and footwork - can't be "hacked" or spied upon as anything on the Internet can be. But these days, because "on-line" is so much "easier", folks don't want to do that work ...

However I do not agree with the term limits concept - we already have them, they're called "elections" - with term limits, if we get a good Rep - they are hard to find, and get elected - and want to keep him/her, we couldn't, otoh if we get a creep and (s)he's out, we most often just get another creep - they are being groomed all the time by the polit. machines.

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You will never see a honest fair election again if the US doesn't ban the use of voting machines. Dominion and Smartmatic machines are designed to rig elections.

Paper ballots and ball point pens...simple easy no hassle. Watch the count....the laws need strengthening for poll moniter access to the ballot counts.

Watch surveilance video from State Farm Arena polling station:



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I agree with hand counted paper ballots - that's how we did it for, what, the first 200 years of our existence ... how "primitive", eh?

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And voting. Should be paper, and paper ONLY. Zero, zilch, nada digital. Zero electronic gateway/tunnel/choke-point.

Stacks of paper in boxes guarded by guns in the hands of individuals.

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blockchains are transparent to the public, auditable, and have zero choke points, no central group or individual with the power to make changes etc, changes/updates are made by people voting, and anyone can check votes like we can check transactions on bitcoin now, encryption that would take hundreds if not thousands of years of non stop computer processing to break

and paper ballots are not 100% secure either. Im pretty sure that countries that use paper ballots have had numerous questionable elections, like Stalin winning 98%+, they are also susceptible to fires, water damage, theft, being switched out etc

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Not so sure about the need for guns ...

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Zero trust until that happens.

The State can ALWAYS hire the expertise to hack and cheat. Always.

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I think they all- good or bad - need to be OUT after one term. The way they did it originally. They went to their farms to plant in the spring, harvest in the fall. Why cant we.

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Well, "they" now go to work with big corp firms, or as lobbyists, etc.

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because politicians cant be bought out this way right? im mean if we are going through politicians the way you suggest it would be impossible for a corporation to go around every however many years picking up randos off the street, to buy and put up for election while spinning public support in favor of em,

idk what one term would do, id rather have someone with experience, someone who knows his opposition, what their goals are and their tactics, since its not very hard to change the laws to take big money out of politics, make it illegal for elected officials to profit, trade stocks etc

change the primary process so the party establishments cant freeze candidates they dont like out of the process

change the 2 party system into multiple parties, since thats just another tool of the establishment to control who is on the ticket

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"non-partisan information" == facts? Would that be simply "documents"? Which in turn would be compiled by some people and/or obtained by someone and not necessarily be comprehensive?

In my interpretation what we're looking for is investigators, not journalists. As the latter are bound to interpret things. I personally don't care about interpretations. I'd like to see facts presented honestly as far as their completeness and reliability of the sources.

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See my above. SAMIZDAT works under totalitarian rule

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No information source is entirely reliable, all the time, on every subject. Every source has limitations, both in integrity and in competence. Competent consumers learn to sift through the amazing deluge of information available to us, pick out what they need, and validate that info as thoroughly as the risk indicates. Ignoring any outlet, because it seems less reliable than others, risks missing the occasional valuable insight. The more important challenge for all of us is overcoming our own bias, lest we decide the preferred outlets are gospel. They're not. The path to success is being critical of everything you see. Most is useless, much is misleading, some is news we can use. Be critical. Nothing is settled.

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I agree with Mr. Watson here. I read the NY TIMES, Vanity Fair, Associated Press. get them delivered to my email box daily. There is a lot of infuriating disinformation in the content of all of those venues, but the phrase, "Know thine ememies" is important to remember as a researcher. I read Snopes' bullshit for the same reason.

Untwining the Doublespeak is not so hard when you have been in this biz for 50 years, as I have. a background in history can always lend a good perspective on the present.


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We are drowning in information

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Dr Piers Robinson - C0vid is a Global Propaganda Operation



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It is.

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We're swimming in information. We only drown if we stop swimming.

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Then I think most people have stopped swimming out of complete fatigue

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Swimming is too much fun to quit.

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Swim against the current a long way. For your life. Not fun anymore.

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Glenn, you are truly a blessing to all of us - even the ones who don't know you or haven't read you yet. After the 2020 election it seemed as tho we were in the grip of big media & big tech & were not gonna pull out of that downward spiral.

But just as Jeff Goldblum's character (Dr. Ian Malcolm) in 'Jurassic Park' says - "Life finds a way" - and so you and your colleagues have. Thank you.

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Very grateful for you, Glen, and other FREE voices on Substack. Isn't it a pity, in the USA, once a beacon of free speech, voices like yours are now driven "underground."

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IMO I am glad. Underground indicates it is dangerous to the status quo. Makes it secretive and you must hunt for it to find it. Makes you treasure it more. If everyone reads it it becomes "information" and we are already drowning in information "which is not knowledge (Foucault)n and knowledge is not knowing. (Foucault again). So we have info at our fingertips and still NO KNOWING.

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Take a well deserved break.

We love you Glenn.

Nothing's going to change that.

More importantly, we need you at your best.

No one out there can fill the niche that you occupy.

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Thank you Glenn for your invaluable efforts -- most importantly - stay healthy, safe and full of life and joy.

Please include as much as possible the incredible Grayzone team -- Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal, Ben Norton, Kevin Gosztola, Jimmy Dore, Oliver Stone, many, many other.

My recommendation to all:

1 Trump and GOP are truly HORRIBLE.

2 DNC oligarchs (Biden, Pelosi, Schumer) are even WORSE (censorship, concocted Russia-gate hoax, torture of Julian Assange, Daniel Hale’s persecution for Obama’s drone crimes, $16B Haiti-corruption under Hillary/Obama – Biden-family corruption pales in comparison)

The ONLY solution – vote THIRD party – now and forever. ALWAYS vote – but VOTE for a Third (or fourth, fifth..) party – at ALL levels, especially at LOCAL levels (vote OUT each and every incumbent).

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The system makes it virtually impossible for any "third party" to gain any real traction. Combine this with the sloth, cowardice and mendacity of the average American, and you have our current state of affairs.

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"Virtually", but not entirely, not yet anyway - both "major" parties know the power "we the people" have if we chose to use it. That is why they are increasingly making it difficult for them to gain any traction - keeping them out of debates, mounting efforts to kick them off ballots, making it increasingly difficult to even get on them - the "wonderful" voting rights bill that we are all told to push for has some "poison pills" in it for 3rd parties - with regard to ballot access requirements and qualifications for public funding. I do wish Glenn would cover that ...

And then, of course, there are the "common sense" memes put out there, especially since '00 - "3rd parties can't win" - BS, good thing folks didn't "know" that in 1860 - they are "spoilers" - for whom - that "lesser evil"? Hmmm, seriously? I should be worried about "spoiling" it for a party that has helped to spoil so much of the rest of our lives? Fact is - until we "spoil" it for them in greater and greater numbers - they will continue "spoiling it" for us -

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Yes see how they like it

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Toynbee: "All empires fail from one universal. The deterioration and lack of integrity in its people." The inability of an empire to meet its repeated challenges with overcoming, and instead failing to meet them.

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Lesser of two evils, M. Boris. If #2 is true, then hold your nose and vote for #1. When #1 replaces #2, vote for the alternative at THAT time.

There is no substitute for this reality. Ask libertarians.

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“If you always vote for the lesser of two evils, you will always have evil, and you will always have less.” [Ralph Nader]

The ONLY solution – vote THIRD party – now and forever.

ALWAYS vote – but VOTE for a Third (or fourth, fifth..) party – at ALL levels, especially at LOCAL levels (vote OUT each and every incumbent).

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iow, stop throwing the Parties together as one evil, and start using them as intended: to clobber each, one after the other, back into their Statist cages.

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totally agree but there arent enough third party candidates to change anything.electoral politics wont change anything because its designed to protect capital and the wealth of the oligarchs, not to help or protect the people

i think we need a new govt, run on a blockchain like Dubai does, every district state and the fed can run validation pools, instead of staking a coin stake is determined by the amount of peoplein that pool, the dollar would have a fighting chance to remain the world reserve and against chinas digital currency. It would make administation of the state and federal govt way faster, more efficient and transparent, and way way cheaper to run

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Good grief! Just what we need, more "techno-fixes" ...

Well, maybe if more folks voted for the 3rd party candidates we do have, maybe we could get some more ... :)

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we use to be an innovative and technological power house, best in the world, now corruption is holding the country back,


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Greed is what is holding us back ....

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right greed which lead to the corruption of the govt, the buying of elections and thru them, laws passed or blocked, including updating regulations, crypto is not the only space that regulations are being used to the benefit of the oligarchy

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it is what we need. the lack of them is the reason the country is falling behind as a world power, corrupt bankers more concerned with maintaining their corrupt banking businesses are more concerned with profit then what the country needs, so they block shit with regulations

China already has a digital currency, and once another country, thats not an authoritarain super power develops one, any country that keeps the US dollar as the reserve is an idiot why pay more money, for a dollar that looses value every month as money prints, that you have to wait days to settle when you can settle instantly for cheaper digitally, if our regulators weren't bought out we would have one already, we developed digital and crypto currencies into what they are

the EU is already creating Digital IDs for every EU citizen to use on blockchains, after Africa did it, soon all our school, medical and work records will be encrypted on a blockchain, encryption that would take hundreds if not thousands of years of constant computing to crack.

it makes our data more secure, so it makes the 1% less powerful, take away all their banking profits, they make using our deposited money, to invest, to buy politicians, the data they use from us online to create personality profiles, used to control us and what do they have left

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You really do believe this stuff, don't you? Oh, dear ...

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Reads to me that C-V is on board for the Transhuman frieght train to New Auschwitz.

Looks like all he needs to do is take the jab of the mRNA snake soup with the carbonite magnetic ingredient.


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C-V already got the injections....poor boy...brain hemoraging is a nasty way to go.



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That coment is like saying, "Did you forget your meds today?"

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do you even know what the fuck you are talking about? wtf does blockchain have to do with whatever trash your talking about?

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It's a matter of knowing einough to make connections, to forecase consequences something govt is very poor at doing. Did the Clintons ever think that student loans would manufacture a generation or two or three of indentured servants?

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Well yeah, I think maybe they did ...

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Do you want even more examples of consequences the Clintons didn't see coming down the pike after them? It was a time of standing the DEM ideology on its head and inverting it. It still wears the MASK of the old DEM ideology but the SPECTACLE conceals the REAL to quote #GuyDeBord. The MASK is still in place too for many many pop educated people.

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Wonder more about how that works.

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blockchain when you boil it down is just a super secure network, unlike most businesses networks, or public services like Amazon even who use a centralized data center, blockchains is distributed so it has no single point to fail.

Think about how long it takes to get things approved, just to get signatures, papers passed around etc, on the blockchain everyone would have an encrypted ID, if some paper is waiting for you to sign you pull out your device and hit a button. You will be able to buy a house soon with the click of a button. the EU is already designing digital IDs for their citizens like this.

Imagine the people who deal with street repairs, say street lights that go out. The process can be streamlined by putting all requests thru the blockchain to the repair men, anything that the public should be able to see, would be auditable on the blockchain also.

elections work in the same way. honestly we could as a population vote on new laws instead of congress. congressmen could become reps and draft laws that the people vote on. 100% auditable and secure

the encryption on these networks would take hundreds if not thousands of years of processing power currently to break, Cardano has Catalyst, which is a voting platform, were anyone who holds Cardanos coin, ADA, can vote on any changes to the network, that could be brought out to vote for politicians, policys, laws, etc

Bitcoin miners, just validate legal transactions, make sure the network is secure, but eats a lot of power, Cardano uses Proof of Stake, were every coin you have is a vote, you place your vote to a stake pool that validates transactions and you and the stake pool make a %, instead the Federal Govt State, District, County, City etc could all run a stake pool, instead of individual coin = 1 vote, every person could have one vote, delegated to the stake pool in the jurisdiction were they live, so the State local govt etc would all receive revenue from the validation. On top of the money that would be saved from cutting down time, personal, and resources.

Dubai said they expected to increase efficiency 30-40% they said it was increased by almost 100%, look it up if you want more info about it its something im still learning about there is a good video on youtube its about an hour long into Dubais Blockchain City

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And nuclear power will be clean, safe, and too cheap to meter ....

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yes because nuclear power couldnt scale safely that means every technological break thru is doomed to the same fate, do you hear yourself, you dont have to like what im talking about, but it is inevitable, the smarter course of action would be to go educate yourself about what im talking about, because its coming with or with me, or you, or anyone else

the stuff im talking about up there is already a reality, energy friendly, ten times more transaction per second then the current financial guardrails, cheaper, more secure, more private, its already happening in places were the bankers arent lobbying to stop it, out of fear they will loose power money and control

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The point is that just as with nuclear we are told crypto is "super secure" ... but anything on a computer can, or eventually will be, hacked - what was the deal with ?Mt.Groc? - a whole lot of folks got their crypto stolen ...

Which brings me to another issue - is it a medium of exchange or an asset - it has a market value which is rather crazy and has fluctuated a considerable amount - I always wonder about the folks pushing it - how much do they own of it, how much do they stand to make if the value rises, just as with other stocks ....

And how does it come into being - it is created, or "mined" as they say - but where are the "mines", who owns them, can they be "mined" ad nauseum - is there an "official crypto", or, like other "money" - can it be counterfeited

So, an intangible asset, made by computers, bought and sold on the market, regulated by nobody (isn't that the point?) is to be our future ... yikes! Sounds like the Emperor's New Clothes to me - and your telling me that I just don't get it and should "study up" sounds like the "adults" in the crowd of his subjects telling the little kid to shut up for pointing out he is naked ...

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this is the future there is no hiding from it,imagine being able to buy a house at the click of a button, no waiting weeks or months n paying 10s of thousands of dollars to lawyers n closing fees, bank loans, instead of using an antique credit system we use that goes off a couple data points, these new ones use thousands, and dont require people to be intermediaries

the bankers make over $1.7 Trillion a year just in fees to move our money around, they use that to buy elections etc, blockchains do it not in days like the banks but instantly, and need no 3rd party banker getting rich to do it

supply chains already use blockchains, cut down on missed n lost shipments by over 70%, which will drop prices some

it will prevent purchases from companies using forced labor, prevent thefts and bootleggers selling stolen and fake stuff, everything will be done on these soon

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Don't require people - oh goody - another technology that makes us superfluous -

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Wow what a perfect PR for capitalism! Incredible.

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i didnt create capitalism, nor is that PR for capitalism idk what you were reading. this technology with democratize the economy, taking power out of the hands of capitalists and bankers, it will save regular people tons of money from capitalist who charge crazy amounts of fees to the working class n the poor for nothing

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Read Virilio and start to get really educated. So far you are a dillattante (sp?).

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Yeah yeah and and and and.......................Keep drinking the koolaid

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Now it is time for you to read Virilio. SPEED is WWIII. That's what you are worshipping here. The MASK the camouflage is taking away the profits of those big capitalistic pigs. That is the PR selling point for you to demand losing your freedom. It works well eh. You are an excellent example of how well it works. I would have bought it if I weren't so dadblasted cursed with being overeducated.

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im an excellent example of how it works, you dont know shit about me or what i know or about the code behind these networks, funny libertarians were the first to popularize bitcoin too

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Then many will use an underground economy based on a lot of bartering. Unlike a money transaction in $$$$$$ the State is now enabled to follow the entire money trail and will that ever be great for taxing EVERYTHING they feel like taxing. They cannot do that with dollars. Just think how happy the State will be! All of them. Unvaccinated? Bam! You ID blockchain is frozen until you provide the proof yu have been. Nice eh.

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yes im sure corporations will revert to a barter system with the billions of dollars in assets and funds they move around.... sounds perfectly logical

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REad more carefully. Corporations will not be underground economies. That is what saved the USSR when it splintered. It was strong and people knew how to deal with it already. By the time of which we speak corporations which are "fragile" in Nassim Taleb's way of speaking will be not so powerful at all.

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thats unconstitutional, most of what your talking about is, you do realize if they want to they can freeze your bank accounts right now, freeze all your assets, so these concerns your raising are already a threat, that dont happen for not getting vaccinated.

now NOBODY can freeze my crypto wallet, idk what the fuck you think this is, but your clearly mistaken, every coin can be programmed differently your right, but if you take a look at what the current system can do as far as oppressing you would realize we would have more control and power with a digital currency. if the USA govt gets oppressive then people will start using Bitcoin, or Cardano, or another countrys digital currency or create a new blockchain......

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Unless all the others are banned or criminalized. Eh?

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here i found that link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6fadL-0VRw

pretty sure this is the one i saw about dubai

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Exert pressure -- otherwise you are taken for granted... by evil politicians a la Biden, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Sinema, etc.

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"Trump and GOP are truly HORRIBLE."--Petrov

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one."--old saw

Empty subjective opionions asserted as though they are objective empirical facts are easy to discern. Petrov is full of them.


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Why don't you just ask him why he has these "opinions"?

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Because I have read Petrov's opinions on several of Glenns article forums and I already know what they are.

Anyone to the right of Mao Zedong is a fascist in his book.


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That's pretty true though. Going to the tiniest bit of right of MAO leads to metastasizing into full blown cancer cells taking over.

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And of course Deng went really far right and now that's what we have.

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Just tell him to read Zizek's little book on MAO. Zizek also likes MAO. But he finds that devil in the details of what MAO accomplished and then lost. That one tiny error of thinking by not being as much of a Hegel Scholar as Lenin and Stalin he had everything in his hands and threw it away. Now the world is going to pay the price of that tiny error in thinking. Notice I never mentioned action. The negation of the negation from Hegel.

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No dont vote, COUNT THE VOTES

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Third parties can work in parliamentary government. The US is binary, so third parties will never work except to undermine the majors. You will never find a perfect (to you) candidate from any party, so it's futile to try. Our task is to support the least bad candidate available, who can win. A vote for third parties is a vote against the best of the two candidates with any chance of winning. Don't waste your vote on naive idealism.

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“If you always vote for the lesser of two evils, you will always have evil, and you will always have less.”

[Ralph Nader]

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This is a wonderfully said !! Thank you Phil.

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If you're looking for your safe space,, there are none. We don't get to avoid evil very often, just make the best of reality. The universe wants to kill us and recycle our parts. Eventually it will. Governments are one of many instruments for that.

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So, because we "don't get to avoid evil very often", we shouldn't try, eh?

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Sure you can try. Shouldn't be surprised when you fail in low percentage bets. There are much better ways to get what you want.

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Haven't seen any better ones so far ...

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Pure BS !!

That is the "vote for less evil" idiocy -- permanently losing to evil politicians a la Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Maxine Waters, Hillary, etc., therefore

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That's the way it works. Voting for fringe candidates guarantees you lose. Might be fun to vote for a fringer if your primary guy is far enough ahead in the polls to win in spite of your throwaway vote. But voting emotionally raises the odds that the one you like least will win. That's worse than counterproductive. It's masochistic. If you want to defeat evil, support evil's opponent. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. If that opponent doesn't suit you, help him improve. But one of the two is going to win. This ain't burger King-- you can't have it your way. Even the third party candidate probably sucks.

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"If you want to defeat evil, support evil's opponent."

Precisely - that's why I vote 3rd party :D

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"Voting for fringe candidates guarantees you lose"

According to decades of empirical evidence, so does voting for Republicrats.

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Yeah, government sucks. But some sucks worse than others. Wasted votes usually help the worse candidate. That's irrational.

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Except in single party states like Cuba or the USSR, there's no such thing as a wasted vote. It's this crazy idea about "wasted votes" that has so entrenched two national parties that don't give a shit about the people who elect them.

But go on doing whatever you can to keep them in office, they surely appreciate it. They are especially proud of your enthusiastic evangelism of the "wasted vote" notion, that they made up themselves.

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"If you want to defeat evil, support evil's opponent."

So before with you it was about supporting the "least bad candidate". Now it's about defeating "evil"?

Get help.

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That's why I'm here.

Evil is relative.

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Glad you're here to get help - we are trying! :D

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Pressure works -- you need to learn about that ;-))

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"Our task is to support the least bad candidate available, who can win."

Never. I refuse to vote for assholes or idiots.

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Sometimes we vote by checking a box, sometimes by not voting. Withholding a vote for the least bad candidate gives that vote to the worse candidate. You're not getting married, just picking an employee. Anybody who wants to rule us is probably an asshole. Normal people don't do that. Our job is to pick the best asshole.

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"Withholding a vote for the least bad candidate gives that vote to the worse candidate."

It's official: You're an idiot.

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Phil sounds well qualified on idiots.

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David Watson, please explain how me not voting for candidate A is the same as me voting for candidate B...or when I didn't vote for candidate A or B.

Please, take your time. I'll wait.

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Pressure works -- you need to learn about that ;-))

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Sad, is this what we have come to - satisfaction with a "least bad candidate? ...

The ole LOTE argument - that has worked sooo well ... it's OK to vote for an "evil" as long as it a "lesser" one. Tired of that - I want to vote for a good one, not a "perfect" one, but a good one, and I haven't seen one of those in either "major" party in decades ...

So, in the name of countering "disinformation", the fact is any candidate on a ballot can win if enough folks vote for 'em. They have whatever chance we give them. It's time to vote for what we do want instead of just against what we don't -

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The US is a 2 party system, one of the majors wins every time. Wishing one of them is more like you is hubris. Actually, the best candidates are never on the ballot. We have two practical choices -- vote for the least bad major, or don't vote. The impractical choice of voting for a candidate with no chance dooms you to frustration. Pick the one that sucks less, join the team. Maybe you can clean him up.

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If everybody thought like you we'd still have slavery, and women and non-white males could not vote or own property.

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If everyone thought like me we never would have had slavery, and no one would care about race or gender. But they don't. So I deal with things the way they are instead of wishing they were as "smart" as me.

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Ah yes - "that's the way it is", God has decreed it to be so! so that is the way it will always be, and we cannot change it ... Heard that over and over and ... but even if you buy that, what I call nonsense, who says those 2 parties have to be D/Rs? And i suppose you know that neither of those 2 "major" parties has anywhere near a majority of the registered voters - each one is, in fact, a "minority" party ...

I don't "wish one of them were more like me", if I have "hubris", it lies elsewhere. And I don't agree that the "best candidates are never on the ballot" - they are, just not on the D/R lines - in fact often the best D/R candidates are not on the D/R lines ...

Wow! "vote for the least bad major, or don't vote" - there's a great slogan for a democratic country! Should be displayed at every polling station, doncha think? "Pick the one that sucks less!" - that's even better

I suggest that trying to "clean up" either "major" party has proven "impractical" and has doomed many to frustration - doing the same thing over and over and over and ... and expecting different results is not only the definition of insanity, but, I suggest, a perfect example of "hubris"

I don't know what your political affiliation is, if you have any, or for whom you voted, if you did - but your argument dovetails with the arguments of the "2 party" establishment who wish to cement their exclusive hold on the power sharing agreement they have made - and are intent on keeping any "newcomers" out - their efforts in that endeavor, from keeping them out of debates, kicking them off ballots, to making it increasingly difficult for them to even get on a ballot or access public funding - are tantamount to labeling them "illegal immigrants" to the political system. And, intentional or not, you are carrying water for them - but check your bucket, the contents are increasingly polluted ...

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Didn't say they're best. Actually said best candidate isn' running. But we have exactly two viable parties. Wishing won't change that. My affiliation is for the viable candidate that sucks less. Occasionally we get a good choice. Usually we get a bad choice and a worse choice. Abstaining usually favors the worse choice.

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"Viable" - love that term - So what makes a party "viable"?

You are correct - "wishing" doesn't change anything - doing the "work", investing time, effort, and energy, does ...

The biggest "danger" to 3rd parties is accepting the lie that "3rd parties can't win" - why is that the biggest danger - because if a person becomes convinced something "can't be done" (s)he won't invest the time, money, energy it takes to do it ... and without that it won't be done, not because it can't be, but because folks just don't do it ...

Anybody on a ballot can win if enough folks vote for 'em - and the D/Rs know this, that is why they keep 3rd parties out of debates, get them kicked off ballots, and now, with the "poison pills" in this vaunted new voting act, make it even harder to even get on a ballot, just in case folks don't buy this "can't win" bit ...

You really don't want much, do you, if you are willing to accept so little ....

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Pressure works -- you need to learn about that ;-))

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Individuals have micropressure. That won't work. Teams have pressure. That works, sometimes. Pick a team or be irrelevant.

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"A vote for third parties is a vote against the best of the two candidates with any chance of winning."

Complete and total poppycock. You perfectly exemplify my point about the average American's sloth, cowardice and mendacity.

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Phil exemplifies the reasons America is failing.

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Lincoln was elected when four parties were on the ballot. I too believe in the two-party system but for just one or two election cycles a strong third party is needed. Eventually, I believe we would return to two parties but maybe with different names. A Classic-Liberal/Conservatarian party I believe would be the most destructive to the current two parties. The closeness of the current two parties to their captured media outlets and police agencies is leading to totalitarianism. Can you imagine the press struggling to figure out who are the good and bad guys with a change of players? Their confusion would be the stuff of my dreams. GO GG

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Who is most reviled by the mainstream statist media?

Trump. Why? Because he is and always has been the greatest danger to the Deep State Apparatchiks.

They are after him again in this sham Jan 6 Committe investigation/burlesque.

Why is this OBVIOUS situation so hard for some people to see and grasp?

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Naw - he isn't the "greatest danger" to the Deep State - but he, as well as the Ds, are a danger to a lot of other things we hold, or should hold, dear - the greatest danger to either of the duopoly are independent representatives who owe "the Deep State" and "Big Corps" nothing ....

Why is this "obvious situation" so hard to see and grasp?

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The obvious situation is that the entire status quo and mainstream system is trying to bring Trump down. and have been at it since he first announced is candidacy for the presidency in 2016.

That is it in a nutshell.

Trump is a patriot to the principles established in the Declaration of Independence. I recognize that becaus I too am an American Patriot on those very same terms.


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So wait - the argument is that the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

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The advantage we have today is ubiquitous communication allows us to raise an army quickly. The disadvantage we have is those comms are mostly propagandists for the party in power. Yes, it would be great to develop a strong alternative, but that's extremely unlikely to work. It divides the most closely affiliated party, guaranteeing dominance by the worse party. That's probably not what you want. Better to help the least bad party improve. Yes, it can be done. No, you'll never have it your way.

The real problem is government has grown too big. That attracts corruption. And government this big isn't really controlled by any politicians, but by deep state actors. Most dems don't like that either. We need to develop grass roots support in both parties to reduce government.

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"Our task is to support the least bad candidate available,"

Susie Madrak, is that you?

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You need to rethink a bit. The point is -- to exert pressure.

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Pressure works. We need more pressure than any individual can apply. Teamwork. Biggest team wins.

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Aug 6, 2021
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Too late. Two party system is entrenched. And George had good reason to dislike division and instability. But cooler heads prevailed and here we are. Maybe with smaller government we could simplify administration. But that's unlikely, too. Both parties need overhaul. Both parties realize it. Change will accelerate on both sides.

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Well it might work on a small scale - the problem is on a larger scale, one need some sort of an organization - a "party" to support a candidate - do the footwork, and you need more than 2 feet ...

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Aug 6, 2021
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Hmm - well I think that that "rumor" is another one designed to discourage the attempt ...

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Thanks for the update. Your upcoming project sounds like the next-level shit that I am here to support. Keep up the great work.

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Thank you. Keep it up.

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Praying for you, Glenn Greenwald. Your bravery and integrity are valued and appreciated.

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No, sir.

Stop wasting your time with updates. Stop worrying about me, and whether I have heard from you and your team in a few days, or a few years. If you decide today to retire, and not even notify your children, I would not lose an ounce of my love for you, your team, and your unbelievable work in the defense and revival of Classical Liberalism.

You, sir, owe me nothing. I owe you.

And thank you, Substack.

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I see your point but if Greenwald disappears for too long, I would start wondering if he got "Epsteined/Clintoned". He's got a lot of enemies at very deep places.

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Lol - real talk.

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This all sounds very cool, and I'm glad to learn more about the attitudes of the people at Substack as well. I'm sure, though, that there are limits to what they can afford to tolerate in terms of potential legal exposure (imagine if Julian Assange had been a Substack writer when the US government filed their espionage charges against him -- likely they would also have tried to pressure Substack into disassociating themselves from his work and ceasing to provide him with a platform -- and the same thing could happen to you, right?). And even if they have principles and spines, other companies they depend on for hosting may be easier to pressure. Regardless of what one thinks of Parler, there is a lesson to be drawn from the way it was effectively removed from the internet by Apple and Google removing its app and Amazon shutting down their hosting.

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The attitudes of people at Substack don't matter because they will change when enough money is thown at the problem. New owners will eventually change things.

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Yes. Why in the USSR SAMIZDAT was the mouthpiece of choice. Even Solzhenitsyn first did hand and hand copied manuscripts for The Gulag.

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